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Bad Beat/Moaning/Venting - pray for Lazare

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    TOH: Daithi only one that can hit the button or tell clerk to hit the button. But if it gets to the point that majority of members are pushing him for it he may have to. You have to ensure that it doesn't get to that point. If I were you I'd avoid entirely having a direct go at the alliance and dup in the committee in your opening statement. That will make it much harder for them to put pressure on the chair. Have a go at them when it gets to q and a and when the damage is already done!

    A wee suggetion for your closing paragraph. When talking about Robinson refer to him as 'Person A'. So say all you have to say about him referring to him as Person A. Then in your final line say: Person A is Peter Robinson MLA.

    Means that the committee cannot interrupt you and means that you don't have to say robbos name until the very last second.

    So then it's job done! (3.43pm)
    A nice slice of realpoli-thick. You have to admire the fiendishness.

    Read the messages exchanged between Jamie Bryson, Thomas O'Hara and Jamie Bryson in advance of the loyalist's appearance in front of the Stormont finance committee's Nama hearing.
    Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


      Originally posted by Elshambles View Post

      I fear I will have fuck all else to report back, aside from the amount of builders uniforms
      Just home, didn't find Cheam, just rows and rows of identikit houses calling themselves Cheam

      Had a kip under a tree in a park, nobody came near me, even in deepest posh south Landan it's probably rare to find a bumb listening to Vivaldi on £100 headphones


        Originally posted by 5starpool View Post
        I only started paying into a pension again earlier this year after not doing so for about 4.5 years. I think my previous pension (a DB one) is about 7500 a year from 63 if RBS/UB still exists then and pays out, and I'm paying 1k a month from my ltd company into an executive pension thing, which I hope to be able to keep going for a while, but depends on future earnings and job types of course.

        Pension types, that seem reasonable cover? I'm not getting any younger.
        must really get the finger out and do the same.
        I'm nearly 99% sure I had a pension in an old job with the Indo but I'm also pretty sure I have zero idea what was in it. Must be over a decade ago. (maybe around 2 years of pension)
        People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
        Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!!G10D21


          Originally posted by Silver-Tiger View Post
          En route to Dingle. Anywhere I must eat?
          Murphy's. Get the chowder. Thank me later.


            The hotel pub next door is good too. I think its called Paidis. But Murphy's is definitely number one.


              Originally posted by V for Vendetta View Post
              Most people cost themselves money by actively managing their monies. Taking on an appropriate level of risk for your age and letting it ride as cheaply as possible is the long run average winner. Anyone arguing anything else is selling something. But if you run good in life and in particular with investing I wish you good luck. You want to aim for 2-3% net above inflation in my view.

              Anything more is probably too much risk for the long run likely reward but pockets of interesting stuff do arise and if you can get a basket of those with low correlations to one another you can do better but most people with modest pots can't manage that.

              What's a good amount? 15% of your income starting from age 20 and rising to 20-25% if you leave starting until your 30s and very big chunks if you leave it later than that. So if you are earning 50k at age 30 a decent amount would be 80k+ with an ongoing 15% pa commitment. Scale for your own circumstances and I'm assuming no other state benefits applying. If you have a modest salary and some state benefits expected (ala mdoug) than less is required and hope future promises are met.
              This is assuming no contributions from employer is it? So the 20% would be your 10% matched or 20% + whatever matching they do? I only started recent enough 29yo@10% matched but a big part of my income is a 20-30% bonus that would not be part of that matching - it feels like maybe I should be putting in more even though 10 is the limit for matching.
              Originally posted by RichieM View Post
              Do people usually start planning early retirement this early or do you mean have the pot ready in case it is the only option. Sounds terrible to me to retire early but I strangely quite like work plus I haven't even had kids yet so will have to pay for them down the line I guess.
              Fairly common in my line of work in the US, not so much here. Wouldn't be unusual to be retired at 40 there since they are paid better and pay less tax. Wouldn't think it;'s common here at all, or possible for most.


                On pensions.....
                I'm being hounded by someone from Acorn Life and have had contact with the same person who does our insurance in Irish Life.

                Any personal recommendations?
                A cursory glance at google seems to suggest acorn's fees are quite high
                People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                  Originally posted by 5starpool View Post
                  Early retirement with comfortable finances is the absolute dream. I have done nothing towards the dream unfortunately, but anyone who wouldn't like this is odd beyond understanding.
                  Quite like work myself, I dont get why people persist with a job they hate, dont get me wrong I have dull days and days I just couldn't give a fuck same as anyone else but I dont go to bed dreading the next day (The DT's Fear withstanding).

                  I dont see myself in the same exact role for the long term and am working towards a shift at the moment but that is more due to progression rather than wanting to leave my sector behind. Filling roles is becoming a smaller and smaller part of my job now.

                  Maybe I am just lucky to have gotten into something I like but I think that I need something to be aiming towards to keep me going. When I was unemployed for 2 months I found it really hard to get anything done - going to the shop to get stuff for dinner seemed like a nearly insurmountable challenge let alone doing anything productive. I think that retirement would do the same to me.

                  I am one of those weird people that if I won the Euro millions I wouldn't want to spend all my time on a yacht anchored off my private island but would want to start investing it in start ups and setting up businesses for myself. Not to say I wouldn't take time and travel the world for a year or 2. Well so I say I may well be happy never to do anything again if I found myself in the situation.


                    ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ voted best British sitcom of 21st century - I hope that we can leave Brendan O'Carroll with them when Brexit closes the borders.


                      Originally posted by V for Vendetta View Post
                      No bother. If you die before the benefit commences payment the actuarial value of what you have paid for added years will be payable to your estate. [b]If you die once payment commences you get the 5 year guaranteed payment and after that the payment ceases on your death[b] unless you have paid for an attaching spouses pension and have a spouse who survives you.

                      You generally cant transfer out your DB benefit on a DC basis but you may be able to transfer to another state DB scheme using the public service transfer network.

                      By the way added pension benefits could be cut in the future as was done during the recent crisis. The promise is only as good as the entity standing behind it.
                      The bit in bold... I can't die twice? Does that mean if my surviving partner dies or just that 5 years worth of payments is paid to my estate and the state washes their hands of it? At which point surviving partner also starts to collect widows pension? If that hasnt been done away with I suppose.

                      At the moment Im not allowed into the DB scheme and havent set up a PRSA of my own. It seems likely that the DB is coming.. Im just not sure if I can afford it and am generally wary of it.

                      I am aware of the potential to having benefits cut which is a big part of my general wariness towards pensions. A long term gamble disguised as a long term savings scheme!
                      May you live in interesting times!


                        "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                          Originally posted by RichieM View Post
                          ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ voted best British sitcom of 21st century - I hope that we can leave Brendan O'Carroll with them when Brexit closes the borders.
                          I have seen one episode of the show and it did as much for me as the list of jokes Hitch put up, a ghost of a smile once. I really don't get it and don't find it that funny at all. My sister and dad love it as does Tony's folks.

                          Each to their own I guess


                            Couldn't think of anything worse than getting up in the morning with nothing to do other than arse around.


                              Originally posted by mcnugget View Post
                              Couldn't think of anything worse than getting up in the morning with nothing to do other than arse around.
                              nice for a treat but waking up knowing that every morning you will just arse around wouldn't be great imo.

                              I do like the idea of being financially secure enough to do so tho, you never know what might force you into retirement.


                                Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                Has anyone ever had an operation for sinusitis\receurring sinus infections?

                                (not a request for DIY advice )

                                I've been having pretty much recurrent sinusitis for the last 2\3 years. Tried Doxycycline in the last couple of weeks to no avail (that stuff is used for malaria and cholera so very powerful antiobiotic) and apparently the next step is surgery. Just wondering if anyone has had experience of this and how efficient is it. tyvm
                                Just catching up on the weekend now and saw no other response to this. Had an operation 3 years ago to clear my sinuses and remove polyps from my nose. All went well and been much much better since. It was overnight in the Hermitage and there was lots of blood involved but pain was fine. Not sure if that's the same as your getting mind. GL.


                                  Originally posted by RichieM View Post
                                  Do people usually start planning early retirement this early or do you mean have the pot ready in case it is the only option. Sounds terrible to me to retire early but I strangely quite like work plus I haven't even had kids yet so will have to pay for them down the line I guess.
                                  I don't dislike my job in the least but the requirement to keep it leads to a lot of shackles, e.g. have to live in one of a select few (normally high cost/high stress locations), inability to take extended breaks, excessive working hours and occasional extreme stress just as a few examples.

                                  As I mentioned up thread, the prospect of being able to live close to home while my dad is still hale and hearty, to go do some slow travel when the mood takes me while working in something enjoyable yet stress free for 20/25 hours a week knowing my economic future is pretty secure seems like a better life to me.

                                  I think you can have all that pretty realistically if you are someone like Gary who is prepared to work towards it and be careful about what you spend your money on.

                                  I understand the irony of this post in the context of getting ready to go on an expensive vacation for two weeks but I think while herself is able to get 5* trips at less than half price it's sensible to cash in on the opportunity

                                  My upcoming challenge will be to save enough in six months to spend a few weeks in South America while maxing the pension and pumping all my bonuses into the stock trust thing I was talking about last night! I'm thinking this is going to require a major decrease in spending on booze which is my major life leak but if I can manage to do that it's upside compounded on upside.


                                    Originally posted by mcnugget View Post
                                    Couldn't think of anything worse than getting up in the morning with nothing to do other than arse around.
                                    Just think of something you would like to do and pretend it is your job maybe. Then you can continue to live to work if that's your thing.

                                    Can't understand this mentality. I can think of a million better things I'd like to with my time but alas I have to sell it to the man in order to meet Maslow's basic needs!
                                    Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                                      Originally posted by mcnugget View Post
                                      Couldn't think of anything worse than getting up in the morning with nothing to do other than arse around.


                                        Problem is most people can't handle lives without structure. They think it sounds great to do whatever they want with all this time off, then they have it, get demotivated and depressed and wake up covered in a film of their own days old cum. Just my $0.02


                                          It takes a serious lack of imagination to not be able to think of anything to do with yourself besides the job you most likely accidentally fell into based on a decision made with no info at 17!


                                            define arseing around IMO

                                            There is just so much stuff to do that if I had the time and money I expect I'd be far busier than the working life where I do need some bit of doing nothing zombie time just to recover.
                                            Turning millions into thousands


                                              I feel like Denny thanking some of my posts on this topic is a very welcome line check!


                                                Could do worse than having one of the kids drive you down to the pub every day so you can sit around drinking pints and whiskey, while talking shite with your auld mates and watching sport on da telly, with the occasional trips to the bookies\funeral parlor.
                                                Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                                                  Gf's family sent their dad on a retirement course a few years ago. would nearly be tempted to do it meself just to see a similar improvement in my own life quality lol
                                                  Low fee Euro/UK money transfer, 1st transfer free through my referral


                                                    Originally posted by Wombatman View Post
                                                    Could do worse than having one of the kids drive you down to the pub every day so you can sit around drinking pints and whiskey, while talking shite with your auld mates and watching sport on da telly, with the occasional trips to the bookies\funeral parlor.
                                                    That's Plan A.

                                                    Interspersed with maxing the fuck out of the travel pass.
                                                    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                      Who'd have thought an After Hours WW game would descend into farce.
                                                      The game mod threatened with being banned by actual mods for telling people not to edit their posts is my fav so far.


                                                        Originally posted by Tar.Aldarion View Post
                                                        This is assuming no contributions from employer is it? So the 20% would be your 10% matched or 20% + whatever matching they do? I only started recent enough 29yo@10% matched but a big part of my income is a 20-30% bonus that would not be part of that matching - it feels like maybe I should be putting in more even though 10 is the limit for matching.

                                                        Fairly common in my line of work in the US, not so much here. Wouldn't be unusual to be retired at 40 there since they are paid better and pay less tax. Wouldn't think it;'s common here at all, or possible for most.
                                                        20% in total. But if you want to be done earlier than more will probably be required.
                                                        ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                          People need to stop thinking about retirement as "doing nothing" and change to thinking of retiring as "doing whatever I want regardless of the financial rewards" imo

                                                          Financial independance should be the goal not retirement.
                                                          Join the IPB Fantasy Football League 19/20



                                                            Do you come across people that put in more than they get relief for? I know it's easier for the self-employed rather than us PAYE chumps.


                                                              Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                              It takes a serious lack of imagination to not be able to think of anything to do with yourself besides the job you most likely accidentally fell into based on a decision made with no info at 17!
                                                              I plan on having kids which means that I will need a base to raise them out of so going traveling round the world 365 days a year is not an option.

                                                              I just find the idea of sitting in a house no matter how nice without work to keep me occupied is bizzare. I am sure that reading and playing golf would be great, obv with kids I could helicopter parent away but with the weather in the wet of Ireland I would spend a large part of the year either on a bar stool or making a gin and tonic for lunch at home - sounds great in theory but pretty grim when you have seen people live that way.

                                                              As I mentioned if I had an unlimited amount of money I would work for myself and it might be something completely different but it would still be work.


                                                                Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                                It takes a serious lack of imagination to not be able to think of anything to do with yourself besides the job you most likely accidentally fell into based on a decision made with no info at 17!
                                                                I'd say I could easily spend 5\6 hours a day reading if I had the time.
                                                                "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                  Originally posted by Tar.Aldarion View Post
                                                                  Problem is most people can't handle lives without structure. They think it sounds great to do whatever they want with all this time off, then they have it, get demotivated and depressed and wake up covered in a film of their own days old cum. Just my $0.02
                                                                  Originally posted by RichieM View Post
                                                                  I plan on having kids which means that I will need a base to raise them out of so going traveling round the world 365 days a year is not an option.

                                                                  I just find the idea of sitting in a house no matter how nice without work to keep me occupied is bizzare. I am sure that reading and playing golf would be great, obv with kids I could helicopter parent away but with the weather in the wet of Ireland I would spend a large part of the year either on a bar stool or making a gin and tonic for lunch at home - sounds great in theory but pretty grim when you have seen people live that way.

                                                                  As I mentioned if I had an unlimited amount of money I would work for myself and it might be something completely different but it would still be work.
                                                                  I am finding the lack of structure in my days hard to handle. Before we moved over here I was working away. I had not long changed from doing 2 jobs and attending college part time. I am now sitting in a beautiful Island and not sure what to do with myself most days.

                                                                  I am looking forward to the kids starting school so that I can at least get myself a part time job before I go stir crazy, I wasn't built to sit at home and be there for kids 24/7! I love working, love meeting deadlines and achieving targets and lately my target is preparing dinner which I find I have lost my zest for as I slowly adapt to different foods in the shops.

                                                                  Now, don't get me wrong, I love my life here but find being home all the time tedious and now the heat is making me not want to leave the house too often during the day. It is too hot to do too much around the house during the day too.


                                                                  Looking forward to October once the last brat goes back to school


                                                                    There is a world of things in between arsing around doing nothing and doing a full time job. I don't hate (or even mind) my current job, although I did hate my previous one with a passion.


                                                                      Originally posted by ArmaniJeans View Post
                                                                      Who'd have thought an After Hours WW game would descend into farce.
                                                                      The game mod threatened with being banned by actual mods for telling people not to edit their posts is my fav so far.
                                                                      I can't believe it has now been moved because some idiot moaning about the thing! they really don't have a clue. Did you see one person accuse me of not mentioning I had played before? despite me saying a few times about the rules in the game being different from before!

                                                                      Need a proper game ran for sure, with votes and PM groups and all the usual trimmings, I am only half reading as it is sooo bad lol

                                                                      Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                      I'd say I could easily spend 5\6 hours a day reading if I had the time.
                                                                      I read loads and during the day the TV does not get put on at all, but I could not sit for 5/6 hours reading. half that time in the evening would be my max.


                                                                        Originally posted by RichieM View Post
                                                                        ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ voted best British sitcom of 21st century - I hope that we can leave Brendan O'Carroll with them when Brexit closes the borders.
                                                                        Just read that it was co-produced between the BBC and RTE. Did not know that. Thought it was totally Irish.


                                                                          I could set aside multiple lifetimes to read, nerd child me had 8 library cards gaming the system. Now I read on the crosstrainer to save time, it's a sad life.


                                                                            Originally posted by RichieM View Post
                                                                            I plan on having kids which means that I will need a base to raise them out of so going traveling round the world 365 days a year is not an option.

                                                                            I just find the idea of sitting in a house no matter how nice without work to keep me occupied is bizzare. I am sure that reading and playing golf would be great, obv with kids I could helicopter parent away but with the weather in the wet of Ireland I would spend a large part of the year either on a bar stool or making a gin and tonic for lunch at home - sounds great in theory but pretty grim when you have seen people live that way.

                                                                            As I mentioned if I had an unlimited amount of money I would work for myself and it might be something completely different but it would still be work.
                                                                            I'm pretty sure I said in all my posts that I would happily work 20/25 hours a week!

                                                                            I don't know why you are insisting on the extreme of full time work forever or sitting at home all day with a bottle of gin.


                                                                              Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                              I thought they stopped shipping to Ireland?
                                                                              This is no longer an option. Parcel Motel have updated their T&C's to add that they cannot carry any alcohol apparently

                                                                              Out of the two shipments I brought in with them, there was an issue with both. On the first one, it was oversized so it went to their new place in Finglas where I had to collect it. When I got there, I was told that they were meant to pass any alcohol shipments to customs. It was lunchtime and the guy was just a warehouse lad. I played dumb and he let me have it.

                                                                              Second shipment got seized by customs, I contacted them to see what was wrong. Regulations state that if you bring wine in accompanied (i.e. ala RDIII) you are good, but once it moves via post / courier / transport, it' liable to VAT & Duty of EUR€11 a bottle. I again played dumb (I'm good at it) and they agreed to let this one go as it was my first time

                                                                              Managed to get 18 bottles through but sadly, that'll be the end of it unless I come up with some way of tweaking it

                                                                              Originally posted by Tar.Aldarion View Post
                                                                              It's in Mitchell and Son

                                                                              Great spot, managed to grab half a dozen bottles of the 2004 at the weekend!


                                                                                Originally posted by Lao Lao View Post
                                                                                This is no longer an option. Parcel Motel have updated their T&C's to add that they cannot carry any alcohol apparently

                                                                                Out of the two shipments I brought in with them, there was an issue with both. On the first one, it was oversized so it went to their new place in Finglas where I had to collect it. When I got there, I was told that they were meant to pass any alcohol shipments to customs. It was lunchtime and the guy was just a warehouse lad. I played dumb and he let me have it.

                                                                                Second shipment got seized by customs, I contacted them to see what was wrong. Regulations state that if you bring wine in accompanied (i.e. ala RDIII) you are good, but once it moves via post / courier / transport, it' liable to VAT & Duty of EUR€11 a bottle. I again played dumb (I'm good at it) and they agreed to let this one go as it was my first time

                                                                                Managed to get 18 bottles through but sadly, that'll be the end of it unless I come up with some way of tweaking it

                                                                                Great spot, managed to grab half a dozen bottles of the 2004 at the weekend!
                                                                                I hope you left me some because Lebanese sadly was outside the boundaries of my wine tasting theme and I ended up with something else.

                                                                                Winner of the night was the red I brought from Austria (get in) and in second was a German wine - Reisling, I thought this was absolutely fantastic. Too sweet for some.


                                                                                  "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                    Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                                                                    Is there a good website with sane nutribullet* recipes that don't involve made-up things like baby romaine, baobap powder, kale, chia?

                                                                                    * well not an actual nutribullet but this blender, as not paying €50 extra for a brandname
                                                                                    Ice cream, cream, milk.


                                                                                      "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                        Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                                                        I'm pretty sure I said in all my posts that I would happily work 20/25 hours a week!

                                                                                        I don't know why you are insisting on the extreme of full time work forever or sitting at home all day with a bottle of gin.
                                                                                        So not retirement but moving to part time remote work is your goal?


                                                                                          Originally posted by RichieM View Post
                                                                                          So not retirement but moving to part time remote work is your goal?
                                                                                          Financial independence as Iago said is probably a better way to look at it. Obviously I don't want to sit at home on my own for 40 years doing nothing.


                                                                                            Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                                                            Financial independence as Iago said is probably a better way to look at it. Obviously I don't want to sit at home on my own for 40 years doing nothing.
                                                                                            I agree with that tbh, as I mentioned I dont think I would want to take early retirement but I would like to have the security to know that I could. Would also probably want to stop wasting my money on engagement rings, weddings and deposits for houses etc


                                                                                              Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                                                              It takes a serious lack of imagination to not be able to think of anything to do with yourself besides the job you most likely accidentally fell into based on a decision made with no info at 17!
                                                                                              And what if you really love your job? I'm sure I could think of plenty to do if I won the lotto in the morning but my first choice would be to just continue as normal, in work that I find fulfilling and enjoyable.


                                                                                                "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                  Question for gambling heads -

                                                                                                  If you back a horse at 2/1 in the morning and there is a subsequent non-runner with a R4 of say 20c. New market forms but your pick drifts back out to over 9/4. What do you get paid if it wins assuming GP applies?
                                                                                                  Last edited by Dice75; 23-08-16, 13:49.


                                                                                                    Think it's mad that people can't see beyond work as their main source of fulfilment.


                                                                                                      Originally posted by Dice75 View Post
                                                                                                      Question for gambling heads -

                                                                                                      If you back a horse at 2/1 in the morning and there is a subsequent non-runner with a R4 of say 20c. New market forms but your pick drifts back out to over 9/4. What do you get paid if it wins assuming GP applies?


                                                                                                        For anyone that watched Episode 7 of Mr Robot season 2. Think we had a bad copy...

                                                                                                        The episode was about 48 mins long and suddenly stopped at a real silly place. I googled about a strange ending and something came up about prison?

                                                                                                        Tony saw some spoilers online which don't make sense as it was about a rape scene that didn't happen and that we found out at the end he was actually in prison the whole time. None of that was in the episode we saw...


                                                                                                          Gona make Tia Maria milkshakes. Maybe white Russian milkshakes.

                                                                                                          Hurry up acceptable drinking hour.


                                                                                                            Originally posted by MrsFlushdraw View Post
                                                                                                            For anyone that watched Episode 7 of Mr Robot season 2. Think we had a bad copy...

                                                                                                            The episode was about 48 mins long and suddenly stopped at a real silly place. I googled about a strange ending and something came up about prison?

                                                                                                            Tony saw some spoilers online which don't make sense as it was about a rape scene that didn't happen and that we found out at the end he was actually in prison the whole time. None of that was in the episode we saw...
                                                                                                            yeah there's a dodgy copy going about which basically doesnt reveal anything. get yourself a repack whcih is about 56 minutes long I think. All will be revealed...


                                                                                                              Originally posted by CHDog View Post
                                                                                                              Gona make Tia Maria milkshakes. Maybe white Russian milkshakes.

                                                                                                              Hurry up acceptable drinking hour.
                                                                                                              Acceptable drinknin g hour is midday, no?


                                                                                                                "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                                  Originally posted by newbie2 View Post
                                                                                                                  Acceptable drinknin g hour is midday, no?
                                                                                                                  Tis but ending up in the pub all day is no craic. Home drinking is only fun when you head into it full of drink.


                                                                                                                    Corbyn is another gift that keeps on giving

                                                                                                                    Turning millions into thousands


                                                                                                                      Originally posted by newbie2 View Post
                                                                                                                      Acceptable drinknin g hour is midday, no?
                                                                                                                      Depends if you've slept or not.
                                                                                                                      airport, lol


                                                                                                                        Originally posted by newbie2 View Post
                                                                                                                        yeah there's a dodgy copy going about which basically doesnt reveal anything. get yourself a repack whcih is about 56 minutes long I think. All will be revealed...
                                                                                                                        Was on shush I saw it, might check showbox in a bit if I can get my phone off the little one who is watching a movie on TV AND playing a game on my phone


                                                                                                                          "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil

