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Bad beat/Moan/Venting Thread - BBV Archive 1

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    Epic photo in the Irish Times today.

    Aileen’s, the perfect wave break at the base of the Cliffs of Moher that exploded on to the world’s surfing radar in recent years, now has a new rival as Ireland’s most spectacular surf spot.

    The latest wave, dubbed “Prowlers” by the hardy crew of Irish, British and South African surfers who first ventured out on it yesterday, breaks on an undersea reef about 2km (1.2 miles) off the west coast. While they are refusing to disclose its exact location, the surfers, including Andrew Cotton, reveal they have been waiting five years for the type of conditions required to surf it.

    These materialised when the massive swell generated by Hurricane Tomas slammed into Ireland yesterday, creating intensely heavy, tubing waves with 12-15m (40-50ft) faces.


      Originally posted by Bubbleking View Post
      [ ] all problems can be solved
      [ ] no problems can be solved.
      Official Head Marshall of Waterford Gay Pride Festival 2015


        Originally posted by Bubbleking View Post
        [ ] all problems can be solved
        [ ] All problems can't be solved = this problem can't be solved
        "I believe the target of anything in life should be to do it so well that it becomes art. You read a book and the writer touches something in you that you would not have brought out of yourself. He makes you discover something interesting in your life. If you are living like an animal, what is the point? What makes the day interesting is that we try to transform it into something that is close to art." - Arsene Wenger


          Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
          lol, I don't "look" like a politician. Nobody would ever vote for me.
          Dunno about that?

          BTW Great posting last night Lloyd.
          Turning millions into thousands


            Originally posted by Wreck View Post
            [ ] All problems can't be solved = this problem can't be solved
            I genuinely think this problem cant be solved.


              Does anybody know if i could buy a suit appropriate for an interview in Topman or will i appear to be a hipster tosser? Its just im after a slightly thinner fit than i think ill find anywhere else


                Originally posted by Wreck View Post
                [ ] All problems can't be solved = this problem can't be solved

                (x) All problems can be solved -> The A team


                  Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post

                  Kayroo's thoughts would be interesting here as he's the resident expert. I'm sure my suggestion is probably massively unconstitutional!
                  Fixed my spelling pending his arrival.
                  Hunter S Thompson 1937-2005 - "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro"


                    Important Question

                    Never mind all the other shit, need to get this sorted.

                    Christmas night out in town for about 25 people. Preferable somewhere that we could stay on after the meal for a few drinks (decent bar food acceptable). Prob a Thur/Fri night. Not looking for a five course job with champagne.

                    Salamanca would be my own preference but don't think you can stay there or if you'd want to, but thats the kind of thing I'm looking for if you catch my drift (ie reasonable enough).



                      Originally posted by careca View Post
                      Important Question

                      Never mind all the other shit, need to get this sorted.

                      Christmas night out in town for about 25 people. Preferable somewhere that we could stay on after the meal for a few drinks (decent bar food acceptable). Prob a Thur/Fri night. Not looking for a five course job with champagne.

                      Salamanca would be my own preference but don't think you can stay there or if you'd want to, but thats the kind of thing I'm looking for if you catch my drift (ie reasonable enough).

                      For a man of your age, I'm recommending break for the border for upstairs middle of the range grub and grateful fat burds downstairs afterwards.


                        BBVQ - looking to get the GF a present for christmas.

                        which is better to visit for 4 days Rome or Amsterdam?


                          Originally posted by Opr View Post
                          This weeks episode of BE was my favorite of the season so far. The show is slow but its very rare I am bored and while its hasn't lit the touch paper just yet it is always highly engrossing and entertaining. Building a complicated world with the many different intricate relationships takes time but is ultimately much more rewarding ala The Wire.

                          Dexter I have no doubts is coming together to be great season but the way they have gotten to this point really bothers me. Its completely ridiculous and has more plot holes that a barrel of swiss cheese at the moment. Fair enough maybe I should look past it and just enjoy the show for what it is but thats hard as Dexter while having its failings never really expected you to suspend reality to the cartoon level they are asking this season.


                          BE is superb and last nights episode was one of the best. I really hope they make a few seasons.

                          Dexter is always crap until the last couple of episodes. I haven't watched any of the new series yet but I assume it will be the same series of ridiculous plot twists that ratchet up the suspense for the climax which is released over the last three episodes.
                          Turning millions into thousands


                            Can everyone stop changing their f£%^*%g names!

                            Now, onto the business of the day. I have an American friend in Belgium who is coming over tomorrow. However, her sister (who I've never met) is in Europe for a month and could only get the early flight over here meaning she is in my charge from 11am til 10pm when her sis gets here.
                            Basically wtf do I do with a 25 y.o. Floridian who has never been outside the U.S., in Dublin, in November, in the daytime?


                              Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                              Can everyone stop changing their f£%^*%g names!
                              My name was vandalised by a mod.
                              Official Head Marshall of Waterford Gay Pride Festival 2015


                                Guinness store house. American love that kinda shite


                                  Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                  Basically wtf do I do with a 25 y.o. Floridian who has never been outside the U.S., in Dublin, in November, in the daytime?
                                  Ask her if she'd like to see the beast with two backs.
                                  Official Head Marshall of Waterford Gay Pride Festival 2015


                                    Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                    I'd like to see anyone with previous convictions for serious crimes automatically refused bail. Would probably prevent a lot of witness intimidation as well.

                                    Kayroo's thoughts would be interesting here as he's the resident expert. I'm sure my suggestion is probably massively unconstitutional!
                                    The basic rule with bail is that it is a right, not a privilege. The courts need to have a very good reason to refuse bail under one of 2 basic principles, namely the provisions of section 2 of the Bail Act 1997 or under the O'Callaghan Principles (link here to a PDF of the Law Reform Commission Report on the Law of Bail that lead to the 1997 Act. Before this Act only the O'Callaghan principles applied)

                                    In either case the person will be granted bail as a corollary of the presumption of innocence. You cannot forcibly hold a person who has not been convicted of a crime.

                                    Our Bail statistics really speak for themselves and there is no doubt that this is a serious issue. One of the problems is the relatively short periods of time people actually serve for some offences. Minor offences, such as small scale theft etc, can result in a person only spending a few days in prison as the Prison Service is woefully under-funded and under-resourced. Mountjoy is a monument to national shame in my opinion. It is a Dickensian hell-hole and the authorities have to balance keeping serious criminals incarcerated with over-crowding caused by small time career criminals.

                                    As for "three-strikes you're out" that has lead to manifest injustice in countries where it has been applied. Imagine you had a public order offence on your record from a messy New Years Eve and maybe you jumped in to help a friend who got into a stupid fight 18 months later and got caught. There's your 2 offences. What happens if you get caught with some marijuana on you one night or you are done for drink driving the morning after the night before? Under 3-Strikes you're off to jail for a long time.

                                    Obviously then the argument is to limit the strikes to "serious" offences (legal definition of a serious offence is a crime carrying a maximum possible penalty of 5 years or more) that still keeps many, if not most, "career" criminals out of the loop as, for the most part, they commit small scale District Court level crimes.

                                    If you ever want to experience a bail hearing they are held in public every day in the CCJ. They almost NEVER take more than 3-5 minutes so you'll get to see the patterns pretty quick. They are interesting to be honest.

                                    One thing about those sentences mentioned above that wasn't mentioned in the article is that offences committed while on Bail are consecutive rather than concurrent (which is the norm) so they'll only start to serve those sentences at the end of the sentences they will serve for the crimes they were on bail for.
                                    You are technically correct...the best kind of correct
                                    World Record Holder for Long Distance Soul Reads: May 7th 2011


                                      Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                      Can everyone stop changing their f£%^*%g names!

                                      Now, onto the business of the day. I have an American friend in Belgium who is coming over tomorrow. However, her sister (who I've never met) is in Europe for a month and could only get the early flight over here meaning she is in my charge from 11am til 10pm when her sis gets here.
                                      Basically wtf do I do with a 25 y.o. Floridian who has never been outside the U.S., in Dublin, in November, in the daytime?
                                      Pics needed obv.

                                      On a lighter note Americans lap up shit like the Book of Kells in Trinity and shit like that.

                                      I see them walking around the Courts a lot too which is, frankly, WEIRD.
                                      You are technically correct...the best kind of correct
                                      World Record Holder for Long Distance Soul Reads: May 7th 2011


                                        Originally posted by colquhom View Post
                                        Does anybody know if i could buy a suit appropriate for an interview in Topman or will i appear to be a hipster tosser? Its just im after a slightly thinner fit than i think ill find anywhere else
                                        Marks and spencer used to do slim fitting suits, they were decent too.

                                        Would be worth a look.
                                        We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.


                                          Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                          Can everyone stop changing their f£%^*%g names!

                                          Now, onto the business of the day. I have an American friend in Belgium who is coming over tomorrow. However, her sister (who I've never met) is in Europe for a month and could only get the early flight over here meaning she is in my charge from 11am til 10pm when her sis gets here.
                                          Basically wtf do I do with a 25 y.o. Floridian who has never been outside the U.S., in Dublin, in November, in the daytime?
                                          Pictures or GTFO.

                                          Stay in bed, give me the flight details and her name. I''ll return her unharmed at 10 pm.
                                          Note* she may be returned earlier depending on how quickly the durgs wear off.


                                            Originally posted by colquhom View Post
                                            Does anybody know if i could buy a suit appropriate for an interview in Topman or will i appear to be a hipster tosser? Its just im after a slightly thinner fit than i think ill find anywhere else
                                            I have seen loads of guys go for interviews in Topman and river Island suits etc. Its not a huge deal but I wont lie you can spot the difference between them and a Lou Copland tailored suit. Main thing I would say to avoid looking like a hippster tosser is to get a white shirt and a decent tie. I always think that for an interview it is deffo the way to go. Also try and keep the pin strips to a minimum. I know it sounds really bland but generally looks a lot more professional and you realistically want them concentracting on what you are saying and not thinking why is that guy taking his wardrobe advice from George Hook. (George Hook dresses like an actual clown)


                                              Sorry lads I can't access*IPB from work so I'm emailing*some pension thoughts and pasting them in.*Apologies if there are formatting issues.
                                              Firstly, I don't think the basic OAP should be means tested as it would be a huge kick in the teeth for*responsible*low to middle income earners,*as it*discourages long term saving amongst this group and makes them more dependent on the state. It adds to the already huge poverty trap and disincentive to work in this country at lower income levels. We should be removing such barriers not adding to them.
                                              If*you are suggesting that a second voluntary state pension pillar on top of the OAP be put in place*that idea certainly has some merit.*Voluntary second state pensions are available in a lot of European countries, but in Ireland with a busto rent boy government I also have some serious concerns.
                                              There are two key facts as far as I can see it.
                                              1. The government has a vested interest in having people adopt good financial planning habits. The reasons for this*should be self evident.
                                              2. The government can't be trusted to mind our money (see the experience with the NPRF) or to meet it's promises over the long term. Witness changes to the OAP retirement age that are proposed and the future pending pension cuts over the next year through both the front and back door (cuts in public sector pensions will be rapidly followed by a weakening of the pension promise forced on the private sector). Also the tax relief smoke and mirrors will halt anyone with an income over 50k making any pension provision. Not just reduce their making pension provision but kill it stone dead for any rational investor (there will always be exceptions of course).
                                              Any future pensions framework should bear both of these facts in mind. I have some more complex views as to what I would do in relation to a pensions framework in Ireland but I won't waste my keyboard strokes as*the good ideas*won't be implemented and most people here don't care about it anyway, and they*care even less about something that won't happen. (I hardly even care myself as it's merely an exercise in I told you so).
                                              But*I will rant about something I ranted about before, people need to take personal responsibility. If you end up living in poverty given that you've had a decent education, live in the wealthiest area of the planet, enjoy a freedom of movement unparalleled anywhere else in the world you have to take a look at yourself first. Nobody wants to hear your whinging and frankly to the majority of the people living on this planet would be right to say - you have some f**king cheek!
                                              Once you'd accepted your own personal responsibility then you need to sit down and make a plan.
                                              Okay I'm a QFA and I have some experience in this area but I was making financial plans since*I was very young. My Dad tells the touching story about how I got very upset at age 7 about the prospect of me not going to the college. I didn't need a degree or anything else to know*that*it was an unlikely prospect given my families circumstances at that time. 4 of us living in one room in my grandparents house, with our current family home rented out to try and*service a 16% mortgage,*my Dad working three jobs and us taking out a credit union loan to pay for the plastering on our self build*future home. My parents clearly had to make huge sacrifices to fund a family that ended up with 4 kids going to college from a low income background (my Dad was a lowly corporal in an army paying the lowest wages in the then EC).
                                              I don't have anytime for someone who says they can't/don't understand finance or politics or what's happening to them. You're an adult now so grow up and make*whatever*effort is required*to understand.
                                              In relation to long term planning we need to stop thinking about income in any given year and focus more on wealth accumulation and the expected duration of*our lives versus*our economically productive period. Somebody earning 100k but with a high risk of losing that income is clearly different from somebody earning 50k in a sustainable and long term career. Similarly somebody with an expectation of living until 75 and working until 65 is radically different to somebody thinking of working until age 70 and living until age 90+
                                              How*each individual financially plans for their short, medium and long term futures is entirely different.*So everybody needs to think critically about their own career path and their realistic financial goals and the likelihood of their employment at any particular time and their ability to take and manage*risk (health, work availability, earnings potential, investment return on assets, etc)*. You need to think about your actions when your annual income is high and when it is low. Keeping your overheads low and managing your finances should be second nature for poker players during good times and bad. If you look at the long term poker survivors watch how they handle a big win and watch how they manage a losing streak. There is a lot to be learned from the game we play.
                                              The other thing we need to manage is our own expectations. It's very easy to think because you are earning 100k that you can then sustain a certain lifestyle for the next 60 years. The sad truth is you can't. You need to be making that 100k for at least 30 years before you can allow yourself the luxury to relax into that lifestyle.
                                              The linked paper (*and somewhat shorter presentation by Milliman highlights some of the issues pretty well imo but it's a bit academic.
                                              __________________________________________________ ____________________
                                              ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                Hmm is it immoral to post a pic I wonder. The kind people of BBV who have displayed excellent moral compasses over the past 48 hours will surely steer me right.
                                                Last edited by Guest; 09-11-10, 11:12.


                                                  Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                  Hmm is it immoral to post a pic I wonder. The kind people of BBV who has displayed excellent moral compasses over the past 48 hours will surely steer me right.
                                                  I'm working out of an office down near Trinity actually. Bring her over and I'll take the pic, therefore you have no moral dilemma

                                                  In all seriousness the sheer epicness of the BBV demands pics in these situations!
                                                  You are technically correct...the best kind of correct
                                                  World Record Holder for Long Distance Soul Reads: May 7th 2011


                                                    Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                    Hmm is it immoral to post a pic I wonder. The kind people of BBV who has displayed excellent moral compasses over the past 48 hours will surely steer me right.
                                                    On 2nd thoughts don't send put the details on thread. I don't want to arrive at the airport and find out that ACE has beaten me to it.


                                                      Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                      Can everyone stop changing their f£%^*%g names!

                                                      Now, onto the business of the day. I have an American friend in Belgium who is coming over tomorrow. However, her sister (who I've never met) is in Europe for a month and could only get the early flight over here meaning she is in my charge from 11am til 10pm when her sis gets here.
                                                      Basically wtf do I do with a 25 y.o. Floridian who has never been outside the U.S., in Dublin, in November, in the daytime?
                                                      I would say Guinness Store House is a definite runner and the musem at Collins barracks is worth a look if she is into that type of thing. Also get yourself into a pub with a trad band so she can sample a bit of the ole Irish culture. You could also take her down to the IFSC to show her the ruins of Irelands glorious international empire and of course there is also the spire that I presume was meant to be some sort of tourist attraction.
                                                      Last edited by RichieM; 09-11-10, 11:09.


                                                        Originally posted by Gilligan-Black View Post
                                                        Also get yourself into a pub with a trad band so she can sample a bit of the ole Irish culture.
                                                        Problem is I can't booze because I have to pic up her sis later in the evening

                                                        OK I've been rubber armed:



                                                          Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                          Hmm is it immoral to post a pic I wonder. The kind people of BBV who has displayed excellent moral compasses over the past 48 hours will surely steer me right.

                                                          edit, you did it obv
                                                          I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                            Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                            Problem is I can't booze because I have to pic up her sis later in the evening

                                                            OK I've been rubber armed:

                                                            Get her to help you with the name tags ldo.


                                                              Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                              Problem is I can't booze because I have to pic up her sis later in the evening

                                                              OK I've been rubber armed:

                                                              Following this new information I have a whole host of suggestions.

                                                              Send me her contact and flight details and I'll sort it all out
                                                              Join the IPB Fantasy Football League 19/20



                                                                Originally posted by careca View Post
                                                                Important Question

                                                                Never mind all the other shit, need to get this sorted.

                                                                Christmas night out in town for about 25 people. Preferable somewhere that we could stay on after the meal for a few drinks (decent bar food acceptable). Prob a Thur/Fri night. Not looking for a five course job with champagne.

                                                                Salamanca would be my own preference but don't think you can stay there or if you'd want to, but thats the kind of thing I'm looking for if you catch my drift (ie reasonable enough).

                                                                I believe the laughter lounge do a good food, drink, comedy and nightclub combo.

                                                                I arranged a virtual golf, wii , drinks and food gig last year for 20 people which was a great laugh for a mixed age group for 25 per head.

                                                                Lots of good options out there if you wanna do something different. I fancy a Korean BBQ followed by some drunken karaoke this year.
                                                                ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                                  Originally posted by Howard Finkel View Post
                                                                  Get her to help you with the name tags ldo.
                                                                  Thats a feckin shambles. I've no idea who's playing and who isn't anymore.


                                                                    Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                    Can everyone stop changing their f£%^*%g names!

                                                                    Now, onto the business of the day. I have an American friend in Belgium who is coming over tomorrow. However, her sister (who I've never met) is in Europe for a month and could only get the early flight over here meaning she is in my charge from 11am til 10pm when her sis gets here.
                                                                    Basically wtf do I do with a 25 y.o. Floridian who has never been outside the U.S., in Dublin, in November, in the daytime?
                                                                    Bus tour.

                                                                    or rent a room in a hotel near the airport and bang her like it was going out of fashion for 9 hours.
                                                                    Is that how you crash a wedding? yes it is, Bionic Barry, yes it is.


                                                                      does anybody here play regularly on stars? when are the best value sats for the UKIPT galway? Id prefer ticket only ones because I think the packages are a bit of a rip off. tyty


                                                                        I have a gf so it'll all be very above board I'm afraid. Very un-BBV eh.


                                                                          Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                          I have a gf so it'll all be very above board I'm afraid. Very un-BBV eh.
                                                                          bring her along too.
                                                                          Is that how you crash a wedding? yes it is, Bionic Barry, yes it is.


                                                                            Originally posted by Bubbleking View Post
                                                                            BBVQ - looking to get the GF a present for christmas.

                                                                            which is better to visit for 4 days Rome or Amsterdam?
                                                                            If she's into brassers and getting stoned, take her to Amsterdam. If you want her to think that the present is for her and not for you, take her to Rome


                                                                              Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                              Problem is I can't booze because I have to pic up her sis later in the evening

                                                                              OK I've been rubber armed:

                                                                              Gigiddy Gigiddy Gigiddy Gigiddy Gigiddy Gigiddy Goo


                                                                                Originally posted by V for Vendetta View Post
                                                                                But*I will rant about something I ranted about before, people need to take personal responsibility. If you end up living in poverty given that you've had a decent education, live in the wealthiest area of the planet, enjoy a freedom of movement unparalleled anywhere else in the world you have to take a look at yourself first. Nobody wants to hear your whinging and frankly to the majority of the people living on this planet would be right to say - you have some f**king cheek!
                                                                                The whole post was excellent but this in particular strikes a chord.

                                                                                I'm completely on board with you here, we are better off than probably 95% of people in the world and still some people spend their entire life moaning about how hard things are and how life is unfair. I think we're blessed and we have opportunities, chances and choices that the vast majority of people in the world only dream about.

                                                                                I understand that everything is relative and that people will get used to a certain standard/way of life, but when you actually lift your head out of the trenches and see all that's going for you in a global sense it should really give you some perspective.

                                                                                I still want my state pension though
                                                                                Join the IPB Fantasy Football League 19/20



                                                                                  Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                  I have a gf so it'll all be very above board I'm afraid. Very un-BBV eh.
                                                                                  Blank stickers and a marker on the day would be grand.
                                                                                  Official Head Marshall of Waterford Gay Pride Festival 2015


                                                                                    Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                    I have a gf so it'll all be very above board I'm afraid. Very un-BBV eh.
                                                                                    wow HHGT would not be impressed by this (probably not too impressed by me atm but live and learn).


                                                                                      Originally posted by Gaylord View Post
                                                                                      Blank stickers and a marker on the day would be grand.
                                                                                      It may come to that indeed.


                                                                                        "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                          Originally posted by View Post
                                                                                          Having read this thread, I hope they do cut it.
                                                                                          Reading that thread was like getting bukakked with stupid, on both sides

                                                                                          Or the ones of those that come here from other countries when they retire because the pension where they were is smaller that it is here, and they get there pension topped up to Irish levels.
                                                                                          These people also f'd up the country. They voted for clientelist politics for decades, they knelt before churchmen for decades, meaning that virtually every progressive change came to Ireland last.
                                                                                          Just keep cuttin what passes for a public health service - close off some more wards - leave them sittin on chairs in A&E for days - just keep goin like that and you won't have too many oldies collecting their pensions for long - problem solved.
                                                                                          People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                                                                                          Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                                                                                            Fallon cut to 6's from 9's with William Hills for Ballydoyle job.
                                                                                            He is as short as 4's with PP and 7/2 with StanJames.

                                                                                            Would love too see him take 1 last crack at it.


                                                                                              Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide to... View Post
                                                                                              But, Amsterdam is very pictureesqe (sic!) with tonnes to do though (e.g. the Van Gogh museum easily beats every other museum in the world), and Rome just seems 'a bit too busy'.
                                                                                              Van Gough museum, the Rembrant house, boat tour, Amsterdam is an incredible city.
                                                                                              Is that how you crash a wedding? yes it is, Bionic Barry, yes it is.


                                                                                                Originally posted by Bubbleking View Post
                                                                                                BBVQ - looking to get the GF a present for christmas.

                                                                                                which is better to visit for 4 days Rome or Amsterdam?
                                                                                                I would much prefer Rome, Amsterdam is a smelly shithole imo. Has it's good points for some people.. but Rome is by far a classier present. I wouldnt appreciate Tony getting me a trip to Amsterdam tbh and I used to love the ole gange in my day.


                                                                                                  Amsterdam is very enjoyable even without the degeneracy imo.


                                                                                                    Originally posted by MrsFlushdraw View Post
                                                                                                    I would much prefer Rome, Amsterdam is a smelly shithole imo. Has it's good points for some people.. but Rome is by far a classier present. I wouldnt appreciate Tony getting me a trip to Amsterdam tbh and I used to love the ole gange in my day.
                                                                                                    think the female perspective trumps everything else so Il go with Rome

                                                                                                    thanks Mrs FD


                                                                                                      Happy 9/11 everyone.


                                                                                                        Rome is an incredible place, the only problem with going there for 4 days is, it is not enough. The place is so rich in culture art and history that it can be hard to take in. The only reason I'd choose the dam over Rome is simply, a trip to Rome should be planned and enjoyed over a longer period. The mere mention of it has me wanting to get back there pronto. LOL at anyone choosing Amsterdam over Rome and quoting Museums, Art Galleries etc. Seriously laddies.


                                                                                                          Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                                          Happy 9/11 everyone.
                                                                                                          call of duty black ops is out today more importantly


                                                                                                            Originally posted by Bubbleking View Post
                                                                                                            does anybody here play regularly on stars? when are the best value sats for the UKIPT galway? Id prefer ticket only ones because I think the packages are a bit of a rip off. tyty
                                                                                                            Package games -
                                                                                                            Most days at 8.55pm are the €10 rebuy for 90min games. these are turbo 5 min blinds and the rebuys are 3k chips but by the time u get to break (topup 30k for €10) the blinds are at 5k/10k. Now if u can get a stack together by the 1k/2k level on the cheap they can be profitable, but will only have 1 package & 3/4 prizes of €250 each. Absolute crapshoot but meh.

                                                                                                            On Thursday this seems to turn into a €215 freezout - didn't play any of these yet.

                                                                                                            Seat Only -
                                                                                                            Sunday nights 6.55pm. €82 freezout with €11 sats into it. This is the best one imo (4 tickets in the one I played) & was over at 11.30.

                                                                                                            Hope this helps.


                                                                                                              Originally posted by ghostface ste View Post
                                                                                                              Heads up in the local donkament with a nearly 4:1 chip deficit and get offered a chop down the middle for the cash, with money ticket extra for him. Happy days
                                                                                                              Who did that u luckbox?


                                                                                                                Originally posted by Aya14 View Post
                                                                                                                Fallon cut to 6's from 9's with William Hills for Ballydoyle job.
                                                                                                                He is as short as 4's with PP and 7/2 with StanJames.

                                                                                                                Would love too see him take 1 last crack at it.
                                                                                                                Weld has ruled Smullen out so I'd expect Fallon to come in further. I wonder if he'll just stick with his current crop, upgrade the son to his main rider.
                                                                                                                Profit before people.


                                                                                                                  Originally posted by Solskjaer View Post
                                                                                                                  Rome is an incredible place, the only problem with going there for 4 days is, it is not enough. The place is so rich in culture art and history that it can be hard to take in. The only reason I'd choose the dam over Rome is simply, a trip to Rome should be planned and enjoyed over a longer period. The mere mention of it has me wanting to get back there pronto. LOL at anyone choosing Amsterdam over Rome and quoting Museums, Art Galleries etc. Seriously laddies.
                                                                                                                  My Rome story (yes I have one for every eventuality). TL/DR etc.

                                                                                                                  Got married in August 2003 and in September we went to Rome for a week for a kind of late honeymoon. Couldn't go in August as Kerry were still in the running for SAM

                                                                                                                  Anyway we had gotten hold of two tickets to 'an audience' with the Pope JPII. We had to collect the tickets from some office in the Vatican. I wore a suit and my wife wore a kind of white outfit (not her wedding dress) as we had been advised to do. Arrived at the vatican and showed our letter and we were brought into this dingy little office with what seemed like a mafiosa in charge. He had no English and I had no Italian but I explained "matrimony, billetti, Pope". He took out this list and was going through it, when I happend to see our names on the page for the previous week Anyway, he eventually got sick of us and took two tickets out of this pocket.

                                                                                                                  We then go to this huge auditorium and all the recently married couples were up the top in a cordoned off area. They weren't letting anymore in as it was full so we had to sit with about 4 other married couples just outside the railing (still close enough to see the man himself). He talked for about 40 mins then he is doing private blessings inside the railing. Course there is pandamonium trying to get in (literally priest bouncers blocking the way) and my missus is giving me grief for arriving late and not being inside the railing.

                                                                                                                  i spot this priest who seems to know what he is about and he is giving one bouncer a shit load of abuse in Italian (stupido, cunto, etc). The bouncer eventually backs down and asks him who is with him. He points at about 10 people and I tip him and nod and he then points at me too. I am at the gate when said bouncer looks at me and gestures as if to say WTF. I show him my wedding ring and say again 'matrimony' and grap by wife through a baying throng and in we go.

                                                                                                                  We eventually get up to the feet of JPII and someone asks us where we are from and we say Ireland and he tells JP and he gives us a big thumbs up and blesses us. Surreal moment I have to say.

                                                                                                                  We head off all happy with ourselves only to realise we didn't get a picture of it, although there were about 4 official photographers there. Next day we come back down to see if you can buy the photos somewhere and are pointed towards a shop. We walk in and see about 20000 (no exaggeration) photos about 2 inches by 2 inches around the shop and are told to "find ourselves". I told the missus to start in one corner and I would start in the other. First photo I look at and there is Careca and MrsCareca staring out at me
                                                                                                                  There were about 8 in total and we bought the lot (enlarged obv).

                                                                                                                  The sex was good that night.


                                                                                                                    Originally posted by V for Vendetta View Post
                                                                                                                    Somebody earning 100k but with a high risk of losing that income is clearly different from somebody earning 50k in a sustainable and long term career.
                                                                                                                    which is why you should hook up with a ban garda, social worker, nurse etc
                                                                                                                    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                                      Originally posted by careca View Post
                                                                                                                      The sex was good that night.
                                                                                                                      you Catholics are a strange lot imo
                                                                                                                      "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                                        Originally posted by Gilligan-Black View Post
                                                                                                                        I have seen loads of guys go for interviews in Topman and river Island suits etc. Its not a huge deal but I wont lie you can spot the difference between them and a Lou Copland tailored suit. Main thing I would say to avoid looking like a hippster tosser is to get a white shirt and a decent tie. I always think that for an interview it is deffo the way to go. Also try and keep the pin strips to a minimum. I know it sounds really bland but generally looks a lot more professional and you realistically want them concentracting on what you are saying and not thinking why is that guy taking his wardrobe advice from George Hook. (George Hook dresses like an actual clown)
                                                                                                                        what about dressing like me?
                                                                                                                        Last edited by Denny Crane; 09-11-10, 12:19.


                                                                                                                          Originally posted by Denny Crane View Post
                                                                                                                          what about dredsing like me?

