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Bad beat/Moaning/Venting thread - Wordle Gummidge

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    Originally posted by Mellor View Post
    I asked for for info on this point yesterday. I assume you missed it in the overnight phase, I don’t think you were intentionally dodgy it Sam. But I’m still really curious as to where it has come from.
    Who has lost their job? Seems to be more about a hypothetical
    3,000 French health care workers suspended without pay. So consequences are being felt and no doubt more widely as that was just the first story I found.

    You would assume a lot of those are now busily arranging vaccinations.
    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


      Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post

      Would many of ye have just given up the telly altogether? (not watching shows, but watching TV channels)
      Haven't had channels in years. I guess there's no need if you're not watching sport. I'm only missing out on the Late Late and ad breaks.


        Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post

        3,000 French health care workers suspended without pay. So consequences are being felt and no doubt more widely as that was just the first story I found.

        You would assume a lot of those are now busily arranging vaccinations.
        We’ll pride does not pay the billls. My wife’s colleague was over last week with his 12 year old daughter to see our new puppy. The man is 44 and had a small heart attack. Fit guy parents in late 70s healthy. I suggested that blood clots are a side effect medically proven of the vaccine that is not a vaccine. Sure it’s just a coincidence


          Originally posted by Sickpuppy View Post

          We’ll pride does not pay the billls. My wife’s colleague was over last week with his 12 year old daughter to see our new puppy. The man is 44 and had a small heart attack. Fit guy parents in late 70s healthy. I suggested that blood clots are a side effect medically proven of the vaccine that is not a vaccine. Sure it’s just a coincidence
          Then you ruined it all by noting you had taken the same vaccine.
          "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


            How is the puppy settling down anyway? Going to start looking after Halloween myself.
            "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


              Anyway, on blood clots (thrombosis):

              two confirmed cases of TTS following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Moderna) have been reported to VAERS after more than 362 million doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines administered in the United States. Based on available data, there is not an increased risk for TTS after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.
              Odds of 180 million to one.
              "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post
                Photos app came up with this fairly random poker photo as an on this day 10 years ago memory. I had to go back to the day to see what context I took it in.
                Shouldn't have needed to because the pic behind the spoiler was long odds on


                Nice few pics for posterity, probably the last time I sat across the felt from the great man. Anyone know how he's doing thee days? As I remember he wasn't in great health that night.

                Obv it was a huge 3 bet pot all in on the flop and the 3 (the threes were running that night) came on the turn
                AFAIR the lad on the right in the 2nd pic was the AA and the rest of the players were UK and French for whom getting Chiefed was a whole new experience

                I love of look of awe of the face of the guy beside The Chief in the first pic. Chief no doubt stone-facedly raking in the chips.
                "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                  Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                  Anyway, on blood clots (thrombosis):

                  Odds of 180 million to one.
                  Very good mastered the stairs after two days dog flap after 3. Hounded by kids in the estate to bring her for walks.


                    Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post

                    3,000 French health care workers suspended without pay. So consequences are being felt and no doubt more widely as that was just the first story I found.

                    You would assume a lot of those are now busily arranging vaccinations.
                    So you are all for choice. All for freedom of what goes into your body. What is your opinion on this and the numerous other cases of the same.

                    it is happening all over. The doctor who treated me, didnt want it, as she had a thyroid condition and had seen some adverse reactions with regard this a few months post vaccine. She got the letter threatening her suspension without pay. Single.mother with family. Took it. Said within weeks, her thyroid no longer functions whatsoever.

                    Do you believe pharma has your best interest at heart with regard your health.
                    Do you think government has your best interest at heart with regard your health.
                    And YOU think people are stupid??????


                      Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                      Anyway, on blood clots (thrombosis):

                      Odds of 180 million to one.
                      Jesus I should do the eiromillons more often so. Three days after the vaccine my wife was in hospital with a blood clot in the leg. The pharmacy her own doctor the hospital said it was a reaction from the vaccine. She’s 40 one of those lucky 1/180 million or Else the figures are wrong.


                        If you people honestly dont see an issue with people being coerced into taking something into their own body because of the shackles ot economics and social conditioning, healthy people who take care of their body and mind, you dont think these people have a right to say : No I am healthy. I dont eat meat. I dont eat refined sugar. I dont est processes food. I do not want this. I'll take my chances.

                        The people they are putting at risk????? The people who sre vaccinated!???????? I mean and YOU think people are stupid?????

                        Oh wait, you do think they have they choice. But still think it's fine for them to be suspended without pay for exerting that choice.

                        Sure. Fucking. Thing.

                        fuck me comfort rots people ability to critically engage with things.

                        Do you think this ever ends???

                        Last edited by Closed_Account; 19-09-21, 09:53.


                          Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                          I think people should have the choice.
                          whst exactly is wrong with thinking that?

                          I asked for for info on this point yesterday. I assume you missed it in the overnight phase, I don’t think you were intentionally dodgy it Sam. But I’m still really curious as to where it has come from.
                          Who has lost their job? Seems to be more about a hypothetical

                          I think you know this is ridiculous.

                          I dont think is ridiculous. I think the likes of Raoul, in Pre Nazi Germany , would have been gorging on media images and propagada saying ,these people spread disease, these people are dangerous. It is for the greater good. The same way an atomic bomb That scorched men women and children To ash was for The greater good. Sure. Fucking. Thing.

                          Humanity is in The seat of awareness while all this can happen.

                          Comfort. Helluva drug. Really fucking is. Find a system That serves you and you are willing To ignore anything that brings iT inTo questions. The world in this sense functions as a cult.
                          noone wanTs To leave paradise, right?


                            I'd also take a significant bet. Go out on in Dublin. Ask 1000 adults, diverse age, and appearance, ( as in not just crusty jugglers) re vaxxed. You think 900 come.back say Yes.

                            I'd be amazed if 600 came back as Yes.

                            90% adult population vaxxed. Easiest call in History.


                              Originally posted by jbravado View Post
                              I'd also take a significant bet. Go out on in Dublin. Ask 1000 adults, diverse age, and appearance, ( as in not just crusty jugglers) re vaxxed. You think 900 come.back say Yes.

                              I'd be amazed if 600 came back as Yes.

                              90% adult population vaxxed. Easiest call in History.
                              Ask them what exactly?
                              Turning millions into thousands


                                Lunastar 2.30 Listowel
                                told to back ew


                                  Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post

                                  Ask them what exactly?
                                  If they are vaxxed presumably?

                                  It now seems to have turned into some conspiracy where governments are spiking the vaccination percentages.


                                    I dont gorge on digital. First I have heard of it even being a thing. Only my own experential sense of it. Obv this is skewed by randomness as my circle is people, self employed, dont do business with government typea, yogis, hippy type, meditation people. Brassers. Punters. But close to no-one I even randomly chat to while having pints (I.mean randomers), are vaxxed.

                                    I would be astonished, utterly astonished if in time it isnt revealed that these numbers are returned to us as not what was initially given. Obv this will be dressed up in appropriate, semantic langauge, politically astute enough to not expose as it being an outright lie.

                                    90% adults in Ireland. Not a fucking hope. So yeah bb thread, sure , 90% for sure. Working class, and the underclass. Nope. Just is not true.

                                    I get it. We are in a vaccine drive. 90% vaxxed oh man im.a dummy I better get it too. Makes sense.

                                    But is it true. not a chance. Call.
                                    Last edited by Closed_Account; 19-09-21, 10:48.


                                      It not conspiracy stuff. We are in a vaccine drive. That will almost certainly save lives. So whatever subtle skewage needs to be presented to help up the numbers is done. Honestly its prob not even a bad thing. No doctor evils. No cartel of villains in a dark room. Just a virus. And then the opportunism of economics.


                                        Could honestly do the bet. Be some craic. Stewl, Raul or whoever. We go out. Ask 1000 people. You get choose one
                                        I choose one. if 85% vaxxed you win. Unders I win.
                                        No johny big ballss talk but happy to escrow lumps and we run it


                                          Why would they lie about the number of vaccinations ?
                                          Turning millions into thousands


                                            Originally posted by Lazare View Post
                                            The missus is a tough un, she'd be well up for a violent show.
                                            I watched Kin last night, the new love/hate offering from RTE.

                                            I wasnt expecting much and it didnt disappoint in that regard, very paint by numbers but also quiet watchable, went in with zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised.
                                            This too shall pass.


                                              Who are 'they' anyway?

                                              NPHET? The Government? The fucking thousands of nurses and DRs administering vaccines daily? The civil service members processing information? The DBAs writing Stored Procs to access the data to make sure people aren't getting missed out?

                                              "Not a conspiracy" but would require hundreds of people to be involved in order to do it, also fully knowing that nothing in Ireland stays secret for long, so when indeed "the tRuTh" comes out, you've undermined any and all future public health efforts. It is the very definition of a conspiracy theory.
                                              Last edited by Emmet; 19-09-21, 11:11.


                                                Originally posted by jbravado View Post
                                                If you people honestly dont see an issue with people being coerced into taking something into their own body because of the shackles ot economics and social conditioning, healthy people who take care of their body and mind, you dont think these people have a right to say : No I am healthy. I dont eat meat. I dont eat refined sugar. I dont est processes food. I do not want this. I'll take my chances.

                                                The people they are putting at risk????? The people who sre vaccinated!???????? I mean and YOU think people are stupid?????

                                                Oh wait, you do think they have they choice. But still think it's fine for them to be suspended without pay for exerting that choice.

                                                Sure. Fucking. Thing.

                                                fuck me comfort rots people ability to critically engage with things.

                                                Do you think this ever ends???
                                                To point out the obvious here and based on your statements here:
                                                1. You took the vaccine
                                                2. You got covid and were hospitalised

                                                If you hadn't done (1), (2) might well have ended with the words 'and died'.

                                                And yet you're getting wildly emotional on behalf of people making an irrational choice to put themselves and others in line to die a preventable death.
                                                Does not compute very well.
                                                "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                  Same reason for anything that corrodes truth and integrity. Money.
                                                  Its also quite a powerful physiological tool. In general we want to do what everyone else is doing. Relentless, everyone else is doing this. I better too.
                                                  Fair enough. All in the game.


                                                    I see I'm a Nazi now.

                                                    Inevitable I suppose.

                                                    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                      Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post

                                                      To point out the obvious here and based on your statements here:
                                                      1. You took the vaccine
                                                      2. You got covid and were hospitalised

                                                      If you hadn't done (1), (2) might well have ended with the words 'and died'.

                                                      And yet you're getting wildly emotional on behalf of people making an irrational choice to put themselves and others in line to die a preventable death.
                                                      Does not compute very well.
                                                      Huh??? Shows me you have barely read I thing I have said. No I havent and wont be getting vaccinated. The last part is some epic leap.

                                                      I think in general it's good business to take it, but as a point of protest that we should have a right to choose, truly choose without implicit coercion, from pharma, supported by big tech,I wont be doing so.

                                                      There may well be pandemics that could justify governments saying you HAVE to take this. This isnt one.

                                                      Does anyone here, anyone know anyone who close to them to have died of Covid? Not uncles neighbours milkman etc.


                                                        Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                        I see I'm a Nazi now.

                                                        Inevitable I suppose.
                                                        I think you would certainly have 'supported' nazism Yes. I think I might well have done. Not because we are evil. Or hate Jews. But because we are comfortable and wouldnt have wanted to lay down our lives, and that of our families to protest a clear evil. I think 90% fall into that category. Maybe some super brave minority who were willing to die because they saw it for what it was.


                                                          Originally posted by jbravado View Post
                                                          Same reason for anything that corrodes truth and integrity. Money.
                                                          Its also quite a powerful physiological tool. In general we want to do what everyone else is doing. Relentless, everyone else is doing this. I better too.
                                                          Fair enough. All in the game.
                                                          A good argument could be made that the Italian govt are taking these measures with safeguarding the economy the primary driver, rather than public health.

                                                          It does seem that angers you. But your argument is about people being forced into vaccination to save their livelihoods.

                                                          Doesn't safeguarding an economy protect livelihoods? On a gigantic scale?

                                                          I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                            Originally posted by jbravado View Post

                                                            Huh??? Shows me you have barely read I thing I have said. No I havent and wont be getting vaccinated. The last part is some epic leap.
                                                            Must have confused you with sickpuppy.

                                                            But the point stands, if you had been vaccinated, then you probably wouldn't have ended up in hospital.
                                                            Might have been nicer for the health workers involved not to to have to waste their time with someone who wouldn't take a safe, effective vaccine.

                                                            Does anyone here, anyone know anyone who close to them to have died of Covid? Not uncles neighbours milkman etc.
                                                            You're completely off the deep end of conspiratorial fantasy now. I don't know what's happened to you lately but you need to get a grip back on reality.
                                                            "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                              Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post

                                                              Must have confused you with sickpuppy.

                                                              But the point stands, if you had been vaccinated, then you probably wouldn't have ended up in hospital.
                                                              Might have been nicer for the health workers involved not to to have to waste their time with someone who wouldn't take a safe, effective vaccine.

                                                              You're completely off the deep end of conspiratorial fantasy now. I don't know what's happened to you lately but you need to get a grip back on reality.

                                                              So you have responded to precisely nothing I said.


                                                                People die. Millions have died from Covid. I'm.not denying that. You seem to lack the intelligence to see the broader points I am making.

                                                                And mate, I wouldnt swap my reality for yours for anything in the world.
                                                                Last edited by Closed_Account; 19-09-21, 11:35.


                                                                  Originally posted by jbravado View Post

                                                                  So you have responded to precisely nothing I said.
                                                                  I don't see anything worth responding to. You're all over the shop with rambling, nonsensical, deeply angry posts. Half of them can't even be parsed for any kind of basic meaning. I don't know where you get them from, presumably some dark corner of the internet.

                                                                  Note the complete lack of support for anything you're saying on this topic, from anyone on here by the way. Think about how unusual that is and why.

                                                                  Anyway, I won't be engaging with you any further on the topic so best of luck with it all. Glad you got out of the hospital and are hopefully over it all.
                                                                  "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                    So, it appears auld Joe is still kicking !

                                                                    Dobby put it well the other day..
                                                                    .Secondly, and this isnt a dig at you, it's people and society in general. The problem is you replied to just a quick clip instead of checking out the story first. See it all the time online, people responding to things when they dont actually know the full story available. And when people do that and are in the wrong, they should be called on it. Nothing more to it.

                                                                    Time to start calling people out...
                                                                    This too shall pass.


                                                                      @ Raoul.

                                                                      And you have become a lazy, arrogant prick as far as I can see. Read my posts.

                                                                      You want to paint me as a Covid denier. I'm not.

                                                                      i think as a a point of principle there are things worth making a broader stand for.

                                                                      Is there anything youd do that for?

                                                                      Not much time bringing the kids to cricket matches and shitting on about cheese.

                                                                      Go. Fuck. Yourself.


                                                                        Originally posted by jbravado View Post

                                                                        So you have responded to precisely nothing I said.
                                                                        You seem to be doing this yourself. I’ve seen a good few questions posed to you in a polite manner but haven’t seen a response.

                                                                        You seem to have a holier than thou attitude with all this. ‘As in ‘I get it, how do all you numpties not.’ Ridiculing people saying they are not worthy of a response when they politely disagree with you.

                                                                        People seemingly hold you in good regard here in the fact they are trying to engage with wild opinions reasonably

                                                                        It’s not really a good attitude to have on your part IMO


                                                                          Originally posted by jbravado View Post

                                                                          Huh??? Shows me you have barely read I thing I have said. No I havent and wont be getting vaccinated. The last part is some epic leap.

                                                                          I think in general it's good business to take it, but as a point of protest that we should have a right to choose, truly choose without implicit coercion, from pharma, supported by big tech,I wont be doing so.

                                                                          There may well be pandemics that could justify governments saying you HAVE to take this. This isnt one.

                                                                          Does anyone here, anyone know anyone who close to them to have died of Covid? Not uncles neighbours milkman etc.
                                                                          Yes I do, guy I used to work with who was in the uk.

                                                                          it was last year pre vaccine roll out. In their 50’s with 3 kids.


                                                                            Originally posted by RichieM View Post

                                                                            Yes I do, guy I used to work with who was in the uk.

                                                                            it was last year pre vaccine roll out. In their 50’s with 3 kids.
                                                                            A poster here's mother died of it too.
                                                                            "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                              Originally posted by RichieM View Post

                                                                              Yes I do, guy I used to work with who was in the uk.

                                                                              it was last year pre vaccine roll out. In their 50’s with 3 kids.
                                                                              Richie, was meant to call you. So sorry dude, an absolute mental couple of weeks on a project in work, my brain has been mush. I will give you a shout tomorrow.
                                                                              I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                My uncle's neighbour died.


                                                                                She was like family in fairness.
                                                                                I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                  Condolences to anyone who lost people to this virus.

                                                                                  I'll try and respond in a more reasonable manner when I'm not frazzled with punting this 2.30


                                                                                    Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post

                                                                                    3,000 French health care workers suspended without pay. So consequences are being felt and no doubt more widely as that was just the first story I found.

                                                                                    You would assume a lot of those are now busily arranging vaccinations.
                                                                                    Might not have been clear. But I was looking for evidence that this had happened in Ireland. Forced vaccinations. A that’s what was claimed.


                                                                                      Originally posted by Mellor View Post

                                                                                      Might not have been clear. But I was looking for evidence that this had happened in Ireland. Forced vaccinations. A that’s what was claimed.
                                                                                      The whole thing started with the news that it's been introduced in Italy. Argument now is based on the potential of it happening here.
                                                                                      I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                        Originally posted by Mellor View Post

                                                                                        Might not have been clear. But I was looking for evidence that this had happened in Ireland. Forced vaccinations. A that’s what was claimed.
                                                                                        Oh, sorry thought you meant consequences for anti-vaxxers.

                                                                                        Clearly there's zero evidence of forced vaccinations.
                                                                                        "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                          Originally posted by Lazare View Post

                                                                                          The whole thing started with the news that it's been introduced in Italy. Argument now is based on the potential of it happening here.
                                                                                          But to come back to yesterday before the conversation went off into the stratosphere, I would think that the already extremely high vaccination rate here would probably make it less likely. Plus a legal environment that would make it problematic.

                                                                                          "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                            Originally posted by jbravado View Post
                                                                                            It not conspiracy stuff. We are in a vaccine drive. That will almost certainly save lives. So whatever subtle skewage needs to be presented to help up the numbers is done. Honestly its prob not even a bad thing. No doctor evils. No cartel of villains in a dark room. Just a virus. And then the opportunism of economics.
                                                                                            You state people shouldn’t be coerced, I agree with that. I think that also goes the other way. People shouldn’t be coerced or encouraged into not getting the vaccine. People spreading lies about the vaccine or covid. Some are doing it intentionally, they are scum. Others are probably just naive or gullible. Not bad people, just easily lead.
                                                                                            The unvaxxed who have valid reasons, are probably a tiny fraction.

                                                                                            You seem to acknowledge that the vaccine saves lives. You previously acknowledged that the fact people will choose to not get the vax is not fit for ridicule as it will mean some will die. People will be dead due to a choice they make. Thats where I struggle to follow your logic.

                                                                                            It’s easy to brush aside s the idiots who are getting it because there insist it’s got a microchips in it. But you acknowledge it’s net positive. and feel going the opposite way to the masses is the better choice. A negative choice for the sake of choice.

                                                                                            I’ve said all along that people should be free to choose not to. But they should have an actually reason underwriting that choice. Opposing coercing is not a reason, it’s retaliation.


                                                                                              Closed_Account Nobody have the right to endanger other people lives also. You have the right not to have the vaccination, therefore the employer should have the right to decide to have a policy that protect the workforce from the disease. If you don't agree with that policy, then they are welcome to find another job elsewhere.

                                                                                              Remember the vaccination is not 100% effective, don't we have a duty to protect the vulnerable also as they have a right to work also? Why no concern for them?

                                                                                              ​​​​​​​I have a father who would be high risk and vaccinated.... I still would be concerned about him in a work environment why would I want unvaccinated people to work around him?
                                                                                              No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity, but I know none, therefore am no beast.


                                                                                                he might not have taken the vaccine but he definitly took something, full on meltdown!


                                                                                                  Originally posted by Opr View Post

                                                                                                  If it was just about lack of games and playing I would have thought they would be massively in favor of taking vaccines and encourage everyone to do the same so they can get back to normality? I haven't looked into it a huge amount but they seem to be deep down the rabbit hole on the anti-vax side. Their views recently came to light around the WSOP's decision to only allow people who are vaccinated to play.
                                                                                                  Taking that view means that you accept the games have to shut down for months and months until we reach critically high levels of immunity. That means accepting temporary loss of income. Most people have taken that position.
                                                                                                  But the anti position, is that it’s all unnecessary and BS and we could be open all along. That’s obviously incorrect, but that position means you earnings don’t suffer (at least in their mind).

                                                                                                  People who are high impacted (live poker players, gym owners, MMA fighters) may not have the financial stability to accept option 1. Which makes option 2 much more appealing. Just a theory why it’s more prolific in certain fields.


                                                                                                    Mikey Fogarty, Cheltenham winning jockey came on as a sub for St Annes in Wexford hurling final. Thought it was a shame he retired a few years ago. Thought he could have become one of the best in Ireland.
                                                                                                    Jayzus, Sheila! I forgot me feckin' trousers


                                                                                                      Brother and his wife and kids all have covid now. Kid got it in school. All in a heap Apparently . 1st time the clan have it with some issues. . Asymptomatic up to now .


                                                                                                        Originally posted by Solksjaer! View Post
                                                                                                        A question for the jbravado types .

                                                                                                        How dangerous should a virus/disease be before you lose the right to work with others without getting vaccinated against it ? Where is the line in the sand and who should decide where that line goes ? There simply has to be a line though . Right ?
                                                                                                        Serious question.


                                                                                                          Originally posted by Opr View Post
                                                                                                          Screener of The Card Counter with cousins.
                                                                                                          Watched it last night, seemed very disjointed. I kept thinking Joaquin Phoenix would have been very good as the lead. Still not sure what the main theme was.
                                                                                                          This too shall pass.


                                                                                                            Originally posted by oleras View Post
                                                                                                            So, it appears auld Joe is still kicking !

                                                                                                            Dobby put it well the other day..

                                                                                                            Time to start calling people out...
                                                                                                            Ah in fairness, Emmet corrected his own post yesterday

                                                                                                            Originally posted by Emmet View Post

                                                                                                            fake news merchant


                                                                                                              Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post

                                                                                                              A poster here's mother died of it too.
                                                                                                              My aunt also chinned out. 93 years old and led a very active life until covid. Never sick a day in her life.


                                                                                                                Had a grand few hours in.the mountains.
                                                                                                                Highlight was feeding a horse some of my apple (was looking at him over a fence and when he saw the apple he let out a big whinny and made his way over)
                                                                                                                Trick is to keep your hand flat with the treat on it and they kind of snaffle it off without biting you.
                                                                                                                Hadnt intended feeding the greedy bastard but couldnt deny him a piece seeing as it seemingly was going to make his day!

                                                                                                                Low light...was a bit hungry later!


                                                                                                                  Originally posted by oleras View Post

                                                                                                                  Watched it last night, seemed very disjointed. I kept thinking Joaquin Phoenix would have been very good as the lead. Still not sure what the main theme was.
                                                                                                                  Yeah, I didn't enjoy it. I actually thought Oscar Isaac was very good as the lead and one of the few redeemable things about the film. Certainly not a film that will be causing any kind of poker boom


                                                                                                                    Originally posted by Opr View Post

                                                                                                                    Yeah, I didn't enjoy it. I actually thought Oscar Isaac was very good as the lead and one of the few redeemable things about the film. Certainly not a film that will be causing any kind of poker boom
                                                                                                                    USA USA USA
                                                                                                                    This too shall pass.


                                                                                                                      Had to read back 20 posts to see arch-Zionist Raoul accused of being worse ​​​​than Hitler, but it was worth it.
                                                                                                                      "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                                        Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                                                                                                        Had to read back 20 posts to see arch-Zionist Raoul accused of being worse ​​​​than Hitler, but it was worth it.
                                                                                                                        I enjoyed the emotional rollercoaster of Sam accusing Raoul of arrogance and then challenging him to an IQ test all in the same paragraph.
                                                                                                                        Last edited by Hectorjelly; 19-09-21, 19:31.


                                                                                                                          Originally posted by Hectorjelly View Post

                                                                                                                          I enjoyed the emotional rollercoaster of Sam accusing Raoul arrogancece and then challenging him to an IQ test all in the same paragraph.
                                                                                                                          When you get to the stage of proposing maths competitions you've really just got to let the school years go.
                                                                                                                          "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil

