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    Pokerstars through Chromebook not possible?
    airport, lol


      IPB Home Games tomorrow night. Make sure you get signed up, even if you want to observe or take part in a couple of games!



        Originally posted by Murdrum View Post
        It'll be interesting to see if Oz gets an uptick as it moves into its colder season.
        I've read that the virus is structured in a manner similar to that of influenza.

        Both have a viral envelope which research shows is more susceptible to changes in weather, it impacts it's ability to transmit in dry weather and extreme heat. Humidity above and below certain percentages can play a part too.

        Generally in the Northern Hemisphere, peak flu season should be coming to an end around now so hopefully it has some impact on slowing the virus.

        Well lads and ladies, Its been a little while. Short story is we sold up the house and packed in the jobs and decided to travel with the kids for a year. Saw some amazing places and plan was after visiting New zealand to head back through SE Asia and visit a couple of countries we missed on the way down.

        We were in Thailand for Christmas and Vietnam for new year as the story started to unfold. We were in Singapore for chinese new year as they had their first case a few days before we left for NZ.

        At that point we decided we would go to Australia for a month to see how things went and half way through decided it would be best to avoid Asia and decided to come home through the states via Hawaii. Mrs H1 had always wanted to visit Hawaii and she is 40 tomorrow which is when we were due to land in Honolulu. Had booked a flight to SF and had decided not to book anything else as things were rapidly changing. We still had faint hopes of going when trump put the Schengen ban in but reality soon set in the following day as he added the UK and Ireland.

        We rang the Irish embassy in Sydney Monday morning and they made it clear we should get the first available flight home and try our best to be back before midnight Thursday . After 6 hours of the Quantas website crashing we finally managed to book a flight for Tuesday morning and sat the kids down and explained we would be on flights and in airports for 30 hours. The embassy had told us we would be interviewed at the airport have our temps taken and be required to self isolate for 14 days.

        As we had no home and the only family members we could stay with either had underlying conditions or caring for family members who had we began a frantic search for accomadation. As it was a sunday evening in Ireland and we were arriving back at 7pm on St Patrick's day it made it very difficult but we have managed to string something together and feel blessed to have been able to get home.As we passed over the various countries on planes we realised there were many people who were not going to get through the next day which was a fairly sobering thought.

        We landed in Dublin collected our bags and went looking for the queues for interview and temp check. There weren't any and just some volunteers handing out leaflets and saying we should self isolate.

        To answer Murdrums question about Oz when I left my cousins house I said they were probably 10 days behind Ireland in the pattern and attitudes towards the virus. Pubs still open and celebrating St Patrick's day, " Sure we only have a few cases" etc . My cousins son came home Monday and said he was thinking of not going to his job in retail and had his head bitten off him. I imagine things are changing now as numbers ramp up. Funny that they got the panic buying thing early but not the staying in thing.

        Great to see that you all seem to be managing ok. We spent 10 of our last 12 days in a camper van in Australia in a campervan so had some preparation for self isolation.

        I hear a lot of people quoting that being in Partial lockdown and the measures we have taken will contain this virus quoting Wuhan as reference. When we were on our way back people were texting me saying that it was almost like lockdown here. I watched an interesting programme on BBC world (One world series think it was called life in lockdown) filmed by a volunteer in Wuhan. We are nowhere near what they did there.

        Keep safe everyone


          I see the wife along with over 6k others didnt get paid today by Leo. Beans on toast time.


            Bit annoying to see RTE reporting completely wrong growth figures for other countries. Spain cases up 16% and RTE are reporting 25%, deaths up 20% and RTE reporting 30%.


              Bit annoying to see RTE reporting completely wrong growth figures for other countries. Spain cases up 16% and RTE are reporting 25%, deaths up 20% and RTE reporting 30%.


                Originally posted by Dice75 View Post
                I see the wife along with over 6k others didnt get paid today by Leo. Beans on toast time.
                Same as that! And the mortgage came out this morning no bother!


                  Originally posted by premierstone View Post
                  Same as that! And the mortgage came out this morning no bother!
                  Yeah great way to keep things on an even keel..

                  How can we keep people calm and reasonable in this time of panic?

                  Lets not pay 6300 public employees their wages for the craic


                    Originally posted by Dice75 View Post
                    Yeah great way to keep things on an even keel..

                    How can we keep people calm and reasonable in this time of panic?

                    Lets not pay 6300 public employees their wages for the craic
                    Which PS cohort is she in Dice?
                    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                      Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                      Which PS cohort is she in Dice?


                        "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                          Just got an email from a scientific equipment distributor offering the quick Corona tests €185 for 25, 99.7% accuracy and 10 minute result. Its a bit strange to get a cold email about but if it works and they can satisfy demand then that's basically game over.


                            Back in the office today. Everything going well so far. All non essential operations staff are working from home since Friday (finance, sales, HR, account management, etc). We taken all that free office space and split up all the operations so there is good few metres between people rather than having desks right beside each other.

                            Sadly, am getting accounts of bizarre stuff going on.

                            On Monday, I got a call from HR. One of the lads who works for me got a call from his wife, she was told that one of her fellow employee's tested positive. They couldn't say who and requested everyone to stay in work. We sent our guy home straight away as a precaution to work from home, despite having no symptoms. Have since discovered that this company will not allow anybody to work from home, the head guy has come into work sick and is telling staff, it's no worse than the flu, everything will be fine. Some staff are refusing to come in which is causing staff shortages and to make up for it, people are bringing in their kids to help out doing some manual work in the warehouse

                            Have also heard from a major global player who have done nothing around the whole situation. People are all still working as normal, no seperation, no split breaks, canteen is rammed with people as normal, everyone on top of each other same as always - This company is a globally known name, can't get my head around it.

                            For all the good some are doing, it'll be all in vein unless everyone cops the fuck on fairly soon.


                              Originally posted by Lao Lao View Post
                              Back in the office today. Everything going well so far. All non essential operations staff are working from home since Friday (finance, sales, HR, account management, etc). We taken all that free office space and split up all the operations so there is good few metres between people rather than having desks right beside each other.

                              Sadly, am getting accounts of bizarre stuff going on.

                              On Monday, I got a call from HR. One of the lads who works for me got a call from his wife, she was told that one of her fellow employee's tested positive. They couldn't say who and requested everyone to stay in work. We sent our guy home straight away as a precaution to work from home, despite having no symptoms. Have since discovered that this company will not allow anybody to work from home, the head guy has come into work sick and is telling staff, it's no worse than the flu, everything will be fine. Some staff are refusing to come in which is causing staff shortages and to make up for it, people are bringing in their kids to help out doing some manual work in the warehouse

                              Have also heard from a major global player who have done nothing around the whole situation. People are all still working as normal, no seperation, no split breaks, canteen is rammed with people as normal, everyone on top of each other same as always - This company is a globally known name, can't get my head around it.

                              For all the good some are doing, it'll be all in vein unless everyone cops the fuck on fairly soon.
                              feels like the Gardai need to take a leaf out of what the Italian and French cops are doing
                              "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                Originally posted by Lao Lao View Post
                                Some staff are refusing to come in which is causing staff shortages and to make up for it, people are bringing in their kids to help out doing some manual work in the warehouse
                                I mean that just sounds like someone is pulling your leg?


                                  Wtf. It's an idiot virus.


                                    Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                    I mean that just sounds like someone is pulling your leg?
                                    When I said kids, I should have said children of staff. There isn't four year olds running around but late teens certainly.

                                    It's coming from somebody who works there through a guy who works for me (they are married), they are shocked and she has already advised that once we get out of this in a few months, she'll be looking for work elsewhere, she can't get her head around it.


                                      Ruh roh South Korea might need a lockdown too.
                                      "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                        Eamon Ryan a bit like the lad at the end of the bar about 11pm on a Friday night.


                                          Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post

                                          Ruh roh South Korea might need a lockdown too.
                                          Reason patient 31?


                                            I wonder how much lockdown society can take before everyone starts to go mental, and a new approach where the economy isn't completely ground to dust has to take over. Surely by the end of the Easter holidays in Europe we have to move towards isolation of the most vulnerable, rather than everyone, and try to get things moving again.


                                              Originally posted by hotspur View Post
                                              God the oral Irish exam, I'd forgotten that. What a joke that was. I got an F in pass Irish in the Leaving. Still my most prized academic achievement.
                                              I just remember sitting there clueless to what the fella was saying and having to stop myself from giving it the full gor blimey as a reply


                                                At what point do we:

                                                1. Round up all the vulnerable people.
                                                2. Lock em in cushy 3, 4 and 5 star hotels, with waiters waiting hand and foot.
                                                3. Purposely infect everyone else.
                                                4. Pay everyone we infected their salaried from gov coffers.
                                                5. Use hospitals for complicated cased from step 3.
                                                6. Two week national holiday to recover.
                                                7. Move on.

                                                it'd be cheaper and faster and ehh... maybe safer? than the current strat?

                                                Would it? lol.
                                                This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                  Myself and the missus sat down to watch the Taoiseach deliver his speech the other night, the level of gravitas from it immediately hit home & that we'd need to delay our wedding, for the health of ourselves/family/friends/vendors & the venue staff it was the right move, health over wealth. Up until last week we were thinking that it was 8 weeks away and that it should all work out.

                                                  Watching a loved one cry uncontrollably is one of the roughest things anybody can do, I thought with work being cancelled for myself that it was going to be stressful to getting things paid but knowing that you've now got to postpone was an absolute gut punch. The venue have been pretty helpful and when we spoke to them yesterday they said they have dates available for later in the year, they said they had spoken to everybody who was supposed to get married in April and working with them about rearrangements and in the next couple days will be moving onto May weddings.

                                                  She has been working from home the last couple days and yesterday got delivery of a makeup palette from the woman who was going to be doing her makeup for the day, I managed to snap a picture of her with a smile on her face admiring it, even in these difficult times for everybody to take some joy from the briefest of moments will outweigh all the madness.

                                                  I've been catching up with a bunch of the BBV I've missed over the last while and to see the bond still strong and the outpourings of thanks to one & all has been fantastic to see, stay safe folks
                                                  "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                                    Originally posted by Theresa View Post
                                                    At what point do we:

                                                    1. Round up all the vulnerable people.
                                                    2. Lock em in cushy 3, 4 and 5 star hotels, with waiters waiting hand and foot.

                                                    3. Purposely infect everyone else.

                                                    4. Pay everyone we infected their salaried from gov coffers.

                                                    Self isolaters and those who have been laid off from closures too? Wheres that money coming from?

                                                    5. Use hospitals for complicated cased from step 3.

                                                    Hospitals can't take that. And how will you staff it with everyone infected?

                                                    6. Two week national holiday to recover.

                                                    Two weeks just?

                                                    7. Move on.

                                                    it'd be cheaper and faster and ehh... maybe safer? than the current strat?

                                                    Would it? lol.
                                                    airport, lol


                                                      Originally posted by Theresa View Post
                                                      At what point do we:

                                                      1. Round up all the vulnerable people.
                                                      2. Lock em in cushy 3, 4 and 5 star hotels, with waiters waiting hand and foot.
                                                      I'm assuming you're joking here, or else don't know what the term 'vulnerable people' comprise?
                                                      "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                        Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                        I'm assuming you're joking here, or else don't know what the term 'vulnerable people' comprise?
                                                        I spent the last few days retelling my FIL about corona virus that he needs to stay indoors and preferably in his room. (I spent a few hundred quid in the last few days on chairs, tvs, desks, lamps, bed trays etc)

                                                        Like clockwork, he's back in the sitting room after a few mins.
                                                        And I have to start all over again. He doesn't do well in isolation. He can quite happily sit and watch telly all day but needs someone around.

                                                        If you put put him in a hotel in isolation, he'd crack.
                                                        People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                                                        Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                                                          Originally posted by Theresa View Post
                                                          At what point do we:
                                                          1. Round up all the vulnerable people.
                                                          2. Lock em in cushy 3, 4 and 5 star hotels, with waiters waiting hand and foot.
                                                          3. Purposely infect everyone else.
                                                          I was day dreaming about that the other day (well, they were all sent to somewhere in the West of Ireland in this) and this came into my mind:

                                                          As per title.To those people subscribing to my channel: why? I blatantly don't post stuff regularly.
                                                          Last edited by hotspur; 19-03-20, 17:17.


                                                            Jesus. Italy's virus death toll surpassed China today. Bloody hell


                                                              Numbers out of Italy are terrifying. No other way to put it.
                                                              "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                                Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                I'm assuming you're joking here, or else don't know what the term 'vulnerable people' comprise?
                                                                I'm kind of half joking. Which is preposterous.
                                                                This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                                All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                                The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                                  I would also like to propose a name change for the site.

                                                                  Things getting blocked in work now, I think its gonna happen to more people VPN'ing in from work laptops at home.

                                                                  And tbh, even despite the recent uptick in poker, do we even really talk about poker?

                                                                  This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                                  All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                                  The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                                    UK ahead of where Italy were at similar stage and the idiots still really haven't got the message. Will be very dark times over there by April 1st.

                                                                    Profit before people.


                                                                      Originally posted by eamonhonda View Post
                                                                      At what point do we:

                                                                      1. Round up all the vulnerable people.
                                                                      2. Lock em in cushy 3, 4 and 5 star hotels, with waiters waiting hand and foot.

                                                                      3. Purposely infect everyone else.

                                                                      4. Pay everyone we infected their salaried from gov coffers.

                                                                      Self isolaters and those who have been laid off from closures too? Wheres that money coming from?

                                                                      5. Use hospitals for complicated cased from step 3.

                                                                      Hospitals can't take that. And how will you staff it with everyone infected?

                                                                      6. Two week national holiday to recover.

                                                                      Two weeks just?

                                                                      7. Move on.

                                                                      it'd be cheaper and faster and ehh... maybe safer? than the current strat?

                                                                      Would it? lol.
                                                                      Its a good thought experiment but to answer your q's.

                                                                      1. Would it be cheaper to do, and pay whatever we need to from exchequer than prolong it.

                                                                      So weight the cost of paying peoples salaries (who can't work due to complicated covid symptoms or just can't work from home ) for two weeks until those we infect get over it would be less than cyclic lockdowns for the next however long? Or even for one lockdown for 6 months... since thats what we are trying to do flatten the curve.

                                                                      2. Since all the vulnerable people are locked away, and the remaining cases will mostly have mild symptoms. The number that will need hospital care will be less? or will it?

                                                                      3. Two weeks seems to be the accepted timeline. for example, china thinking of lifting lockdown after two weeks of no new cases. Admit this could change, but again, its just a though experiment.

                                                                      The overall goal would be to get to herd immunity without the cost the UK are willing to pay.

                                                                      So locking up the people in nice hotels while the rest of us contract and get over it is an interesting way to build that immunity.

                                                                      Again, half joking... but meh, bored at home. shoot me.
                                                                      This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                                      All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                                      The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                                        Meanwhile China have won - no new domestic cases today and no remaining suspected cases. People allowed out in Wuhan for the first time in six weeks. What a national effort.
                                                                        "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                                          I mean do we have enough hotel rooms.

                                                                          Who gets the four seasons?

                                                                          Dibs on minister for locking away vulnerable people.
                                                                          This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                                          All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                                          The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                                            Originally posted by dobby View Post
                                                                            Jesus. Italy's virus death toll surpassed China today. Bloody hell
                                                                            No more pizza or pasta for me . Sweet and Sour from now on .


                                                                              Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                              Meanwhile China have won - no new domestic cases today and no remaining suspected cases. People allowed out in Wuhan for the first time in six weeks. What a national effort.
                                                                              2nd wave would be globally disastrous
                                                                              People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                                                                              Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                                                                                191...not a nice number....52% up on yest.


                                                                                  Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                  191...not a nice number....52% up on yest.
                                                                                  Eh, I hope you don't teach maths in DCU


                                                                                    Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                    191...not a nice number....52% up on yest.
                                                                                    hopefully there is info we arent sure about like the amount of tests done and speed of results right?
                                                                                    so it might not be as bad,i mean its not great whatever way


                                                                                      Huge paycuts in aer lingus, Ryanair expected to announce big layoffs
                                                                                      airport, lol


                                                                                        Originally posted by Lao Lao View Post
                                                                                        Eh, I hope you don't teach maths in DCU
                                                                                        As in 52% increase in total number of cases.


                                                                                          Ingrid Miley seems like the hardest working person in RTE, never seems to stop.
                                                                                          Profit before people.


                                                                                            Originally posted by Lao Lao View Post
                                                                                            Eh, I hope you don't teach maths in DCU



                                                                                              Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                              As in 52% increase in total number of cases.
                                                                                              Yeah, I read that as new cases


                                                                                                Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                                                Numbers out of Italy are terrifying. No other way to put it.
                                                                                                This was pretty much what I said to a new Spanish girl in work today when I tried to say the right thing when she told me she was very frightened about whats happening back in Spain. Im fcuking useless, you see I always think women want to hear realism until I review it later. However I did finish with 'stay positive'.


                                                                                                  Originally posted by noname1255 View Post
                                                                                                  hopefully there is info we arent sure about like the amount of tests done and speed of results right?
                                                                                                  so it might not be as bad,i mean its not great whatever way
                                                                                                  Absolutely, need number of tests for context. Even to establish a metric to measure us against S Korea (best in class) for test / population



                                                                                                      Originally posted by Opr View Post

                                                                                                      Where’s the original of that? Is it your own?
                                                                                                      "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                                                                        Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                                                        Where’s the original of that? Is it your own?
                                                                                                        Someone posted it on boards thread.



                                                                                                          "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                            Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                                                                                            Yikes. I guess Ryanair has already let all the contracted pilots go. But these are real cuts? Any whisper numbers on the paycuts in Aer Lingus?
                                                                                                            I heard 50 Percent for everyone but that's hallway chat so large pinch of salt
                                                                                                            airport, lol


                                                                                                              Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                                              As in 52% increase in total number of cases.
                                                                                                              airport, lol


                                                                                                                Repeats in August cancelled in idea what the hell they're planning


                                                                                                                  "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                                    Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                                                                                                    Surely everything is just coursework instead of exams now?
                                                                                                                    Tiz, but surprised that they have canned repeat exams for subjects sat in January. Basically no one will fail the year I'd say as the ground for appeal are so huge.


                                                                                                                      Need to take this to the next level now. Maybe a rocking horse?
                                                                                                                      Profit before people.


                                                                                                                        "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                                          Originally posted by The Situation View Post
                                                                                                                          UK ahead of where Italy were at similar stage and the idiots still really haven't got the message. Will be very dark times over there by April 1st. Tweet is first of a thread.

                                                                                                                          Imagine if they did proper testing?

