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    I had 2 out on the same side of my mouth under general anaesthetic about 10 years ago. I remember being in remarkably little pain afterwards although that's not always the case I believe. Nothing comes close to the pain one of them generated before then anyhow, so much better out. Obviously getting both sides done makes it more awkward in terms of eating.


      Originally posted by Emmet View Post
      4 out under general anesthetic last year. Bled horribly for about 6-8 hours afterwards. Was only given iboprufen by hospital, luckily a friend had some cocodamol handy so I basically slept through day one.

      Was no pain after that other than when trying to bite, took about 5/6 days before could eat solid food.

      Was grand, would do again.
      Had similar-ish experience about 10 years ago, all four out under general anesthetic, taken care of by dental surgeon in private hospital, covered by health insurance. Five days or so recovery time in terms of being back to non-soup/icecream type foods!

      My youngest brother went through the same procedure, in the same operating theatre, performed by the same surgeon, immediately before I went in - at the time I was pretty annoyed that the younger got to go ahead of his elder. As I was being wheeled in, he was wheeled out, was barely conscious at the time (can't remember seeing me when I asked later), looked at me and opened his mouth to mumble something; all I could see was a mouth full of blood. Nice chill down the spine right before they gave me the anesthetic!


        Originally posted by ArmaniJeans View Post
        Very little chance, they barely have them defined in law as a concept yet. That'll have to happen first before they can be brought into the excise tax items (excise duty is the most likely way to attempt to tax them).
        Even then the e-cig part is really just a battery, so I think it'll just be liquids that they go after eventually.
        I would have thought that was the obvious part to tax. The active ingredient, the consumable part, whatever it's best described as. Are any unique parts consumable?
        Was they actually talk of trying to go after the e-cig itself, isn't it like trying to tax a regular old tobacco pipe.


          Originally posted by NewApproach View Post
          Anyone on here ever get Wisdom teeth extracted? Trip report?
          Soup, Beans and Smoothies is the diet for the 3-4 days after so have your favourite meal the night before.
          Procedure itself is fine, slight swelling for a couple a days and you will wake up the first couple of nights with a mouthful of blood due to the stiches falling out.


            I was woken up basically out of it with a mouth full of blood in the recovery room by a nurse. She handed me a tissue and I said thank you, accidentally spitting blood all over the place. She said "don't try to speak". I apologized and repeated the blood spitting incident. I then apologized for apologizing the last time, once again showering my chest and her gown in blood. Think this continued 4/5 times.

            Drugs are good.


              Originally posted by dobman88 View Post
              What are the mountains like? Decent views?
              Big rock formations. They go up and down and all over the place. Few deep holes sporadically thrown around the place. Full of water. Lots of deer, mad bastards. Very quick so no point chasing them. Nice mix of trees, grass and steep cliff types. Ideal for a photo to get loads of thanks on boards.


                Sounds class. Thanks all.

                Originally posted by 5starpool View Post
                I had 2 out on the same side of my mouth under general anaesthetic about 10 years ago. I remember being in remarkably little pain afterwards although that's not always the case I believe. Nothing comes close to the pain one of them generated before then anyhow, so much better out. Obviously getting both sides done makes it more awkward in terms of eating.
                Yup, I've barely slept since Saturday with it. Went to dentist this morning who said I should get the bottom two out or I'll just have a repeat of this episode in 6 - 9 months.


                  Originally posted by NewApproach View Post
                  Anyone on here ever get Wisdom teeth extracted? Trip report?
                  Got mine done years ago, blood , big holes, rinses and no smoking / eating for days.

                  Getting tooth out (big back molar) 11.30 this morning after 2nd night of agony. Had excavation work ( felt like that) done yesterday and thgt I was clear until pain relief wore off. Not often one says I cant wait to go to dentist ........................


                    "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                      How long before Madrid come calling for De Gea, surely get 50m off them would we


                        "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                          Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                          For a tourist it includes the €10 cost to/from airport, so highly decent in that context. Yeah, maybe not so much for dobman.
                          The confusion is you called it a LUAS card in your post, its actually a Leap Card so covers all forms of public transport. €19.50 obviously great value for this especially as it includes Airlink.
                          Edit: Slight flaw that you have to go to the Spar shop to get it as presumably this will be closed when some flights arrive. Should really be more available (in machines at baggage control maybe)
                          Last edited by ArmaniJeans; 14-10-14, 09:51.


                            Originally posted by Silver-Tiger View Post
                            Isn't he from a very wealthy background? Hard to understand how he represents a lot of the constituency he just got into(Especially the areas where he would have gotten the majority of votes). Also his dressing down on results day was poor,scripted attire.
                            It was ever thus, Catholic missionaries Protestant republicans and most of all bourgeois socialists, the over privileged pushing their solution onto the deserving masses.
                            Murphy, to be fair to him appears to be a little bit less delusional than the real weirdos like Higgins and Boyd Barett
                            Turning millions into thousands


                              "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                My Daughter is going in to get her 4 wisdom teeth out later this month, won't be showing her this page.

                                Going to be painful for me too, as a student she has a medical card but despite severe pain and other problems coming from them HSE won't give her an appointment just a reference to some unspecified date next year, so there really isn't much choice but to pay for it
                                Turning millions into thousands


                                  LolCork man on hunger strike over water charges

                                  Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                                    "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                      Originally posted by NewApproach View Post
                                      Anyone on here ever get Wisdom teeth extracted? Trip report?
                                      I had one extracted in 1999 and I didn't get a general. I just manned the fuck up! I had it done by my friends brother who is a dentist at his surgery and it was over in 20 mins (including numbing time).

                                      Best thing I ever did.

                                      My wisdom teeth are not in my gum properly, they came in at the side of my mouth and they were compacted. I was told that I would need them all out. Once they came through fully there was no pain from them any more and I still have the remaining three there.


                                        Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                        few pints sure

                                        be grand


                                          "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                            Originally posted by Lord Finkel View Post
                                            How long before Madrid come calling for De Gea, surely get 50m off them would we
                                            You'd get more imo but Cech being available cheaper will see him stay probably providing you get CL.


                                              Originally posted by NewApproach View Post
                                              Sounds class. Thanks all.

                                              Yup, I've barely slept since Saturday with it. Went to dentist this morning who said I should get the bottom two out or I'll just have a repeat of this episode in 6 - 9 months.
                                              Made the mistake of listening to a dentist who suggested the pain would pass and ride it out a couple of years ago and ended up enduring a miserable christmas when the pain came back. Went to another dentist after xmas that year because my own was unavailable. He spent about 3 mins looking at it and said something to the effect of "WTF??? Your dentist said to leave that in? You have health insurance, the the fucker out!"

                                              Only had to have one out but as others have said, the pain from the procedure and the following couple of days was nothing compared to what it was like while the tooth was still in


                                                Originally posted by Ed View Post
                                                Made the mistake of listening to a dentist who suggested the pain would pass and ride it out a couple of years ago and ended up enduring a miserable christmas when the pain came back. Went to another dentist after xmas that year because my own was unavailable. He spent about 3 mins looking at it and said something to the effect of "WTF??? Your dentist said to leave that in? You have health insurance, the the fucker out!"

                                                Only had to have one out but as others have said, the pain from the procedure and the following couple of days was nothing compared to what it was like while the tooth was still in
                                                I went to my usual dentist with the same symptoms about 9 months ago, got antibiotics but the thought of taking it out never arose. Different dentist beside work this morning said pretty much exactly what you said, you've VHI so get it out.


                                                  Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post
                                                  It was ever thus, Catholic missionaries Protestant republicans and most of all bourgeois socialists, the over privileged pushing their solution onto the deserving masses.
                                                  Murphy, to be fair to him appears to be a little bit less delusional than the real weirdos like Higgins and Boyd Barett
                                                  Knew Paul reasonably well at college in the early 2000s as we shared some mutual friends. He's a genuinely very nice guy and is extremely smart. If i was in the constituency probably would have voted for him more because i knew him rather than agreeing with his political outlook but would trust him a hell of a lot more than your average politician. He is pretty middle class alright but not sure that detracts from his political leanings particularly as he's never wavered from them that i'm aware.


                                                    Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                    There's a slogan and a half! Very good. Did you back Murphy?
                                                    Of course not, King was a shoe in.

                                                    Though 1 / 8 was too strong a price all the same given the fact that the Socislist Party have never been a total write off in the constituency.
                                                    "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                      Murphy was a year ahead of the St. Killians year most of my close friends were in. Yeah he was parachuted in, but he's spent long enough campaigning consistently for what he believes in not for that to matter. Like Higgins on the Bin Charges, I don't doubt that he'll be willing to do jail time for non payment.

                                                      Should I be barred from running in Tallaght were I to take an interest in politics because I went to UCD, now live in leafy Goatstown and mostly have private school educated middle class friends?
                                                      "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                        Her other three are growing nearer to 90degrees than this one

                                                        Turning millions into thousands


                                                          Originally posted by CHaD View Post
                                                          You'd get more imo but Cech being available cheaper will see him stay probably providing you get CL.
                                                          Yes probably but I still think it's only a matter of time.


                                                            "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                              Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                                              For a tourist it includes the €10 cost to/from airport, so highly decent in that context. Yeah, maybe not so much for dobman.
                                                              Thanks. I saw that on the website but it's a waste of time going all th way out to the airport just for that. Gonna do what Martin said and buy the one card for us both. I don't see why we would use the dart at all and the luas will probably only be for getting to/from Heuston.


                                                                Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                Murphy was a year ahead of the St. Killians year most of my close friends were in. Yeah he was parachuted in, but he's spent long enough campaigning consistently for what he believes in not for that to matter. Like Higgins on the Bin Charges, I don't doubt that he'll be willing to do jail time for non payment.

                                                                Should I be barred from running in Tallaght were I to take an interest in politics because I went to UCD, now live in leafy Goatstown and mostly have private school educated middle class friends?
                                                                No way just pointed at you but:
                                                                You vote for a socialist party; you live in a republic and yet constantly use terms like this!

                                                                Why do socialists love putting themselves in small boxes?

                                                                You want to use labels for people, use the economic ones

                                                                working poor
                                                                working well off etc...

                                                                unless you think we should have a monarch?

                                                                out for the day so will not get a chance to reply to your essay


                                                                  Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                                                  He actually does have a trustworthy look about him. Manic euro election posters though - must have been a few hundred different varieties of posters that spoke of a man trying to hit every single socialist button it was possible to hit even though the vast majority of the issues had nothing to do with europe.
                                                                  Yeah he had horrendous posters alright, seemed to fail the basic bit about understanding the job description. Also curious about how one ended up here:


                                                                    Originally posted by Ed
                                                                    If i was in the constituency probably would have voted for him more because i knew him rather than agreeing with his political outlook
                                                                    Irish politics in a nutshell
                                                                    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                      Was it Murphy who wanted to increase the minimum wage to sixteen euro or something before the European Elections?


                                                                        "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                          Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                                                          sigh. new 8% usc rate for high earners in budget. what they giveith, so they takeith.
                                                                          Top rate of USC has been 10% for all the employment generators for years, keep up buddy.


                                                                            "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                              Originally posted by AndyFatBastard View Post
                                                                              Yeah mate of mine was renting one of these earlier in the year. €1800 is standard. Loads of guys working for Google, Facebook et al making €80k/yr with no kids, no commitments. They just want walking-distance access to everything without being surrounded by scumbags, and don't care about silly things like costs. It's all quality of life for them.
                                                                              Having not seen rent prices in Ireland for 3 years now I couldn't believe how much they had gone up since I've left. I remember moving into a 2 bed in Blanchardstown in 2008 for E1200/month, when lease was up and recession really starting to kick in got him down to E1100. Then moved in 2010 to a much larger 2 bed with huge wrap around balcony for E1025, same places now are up to E1400.

                                                                              Biggest shock though was that there was hardly any places actually for rent, have 2 brothers living in Maynooth and Sallins who both work in Dublin but can't justify paying the E1000+ rent that it is to get a 1 bed in a decent area in Dublin.

                                                                              Hoping that the new mortgage rules of 20% to borrowers brings down the price of property so I might snatch something myself as a bit of an investment and rent it back to them


                                                                                Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                                                                Barristers, GPs and dentists you mean?!

                                                                                maybe what they'll do is all income above €100k is 8% USC no matter if PAYE or self-employed (so 1% raise for PAYE and 2% cut for self-employed). Not sure why they'd be bothered to reduce the top income tax rate by 1% if the new USC rate kicks in at much less than that. €100k seems to be the default assumption of fat cattedness
                                                                                Yeah something like that would be fair enough. €100k is a bit low tho, maybe a higher percentage (say 10%), but kicking in at circa €175k?


                                                                                  IT Sector Heads

                                                                                  Lads I have to do work experience to top off this H.Dip I'm doing in Computer Science, have to do 4-6 months placement in a company.
                                                                                  Thus far, the careers coordinator has given us a choice of pretty awful workplaces, mainly in Wexico, and the job description may as well be photocopier.

                                                                                  Any IPBers want to hire a lacky?

                                                                                  Strewel? I can make/collect coffee?

                                                                                  PM me if you want to know my module choice and results so far.


                                                                                    Last edited by Hitchhiker's Guide To...; 14-10-14, 12:13.
                                                                                    "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                      Originally posted by Micknail View Post
                                                                                      Lads I have to do work experience to top off this H.Dip I'm doing in Computer Science, have to do 4-6 months placement in a company.
                                                                                      Thus far, the careers coordinator has given us a choice of pretty awful workplaces, mainly in Wexico, and the job description may as well be photocopier.

                                                                                      Any IPBers want to hire a lacky?

                                                                                      Strewel? I can make/collect coffee?

                                                                                      PM me if you want to know my module choice and results so far.
                                                                                      I was considering hiring a PA, i assume i don't have to pay you as its work experience


                                                                                        Originally posted by Lord Finkel View Post
                                                                                        I was considering hiring a PA, i assume i don't have to pay you as its work experience
                                                                                        I refuse to cross the Wexican border ever again.


                                                                                          Originally posted by Micknail View Post
                                                                                          I refuse to cross the Wexican border ever again.
                                                                                          You're loss pal, myself, Riggs and CHD are opening a new business in wexford, you missed your chance pal


                                                                                            But really you can be my PA if you like


                                                                                              Originally posted by digiman View Post
                                                                                              Having not seen rent prices in Ireland for 3 years now I couldn't believe how much they had gone up since I've left. I remember moving into a 2 bed in Blanchardstown in 2008 for E1200/month, when lease was up and recession really starting to kick in got him down to E1100. Then moved in 2010 to a much larger 2 bed with huge wrap around balcony for E1025, same places now are up to E1400.

                                                                                              Biggest shock though was that there was hardly any places actually for rent, have 2 brothers living in Maynooth and Sallins who both work in Dublin but can't justify paying the E1000+ rent that it is to get a 1 bed in a decent area in Dublin.

                                                                                              Hoping that the new mortgage rules of 20% to borrowers brings down the price of property so I might snatch something myself as a bit of an investment and rent it back to them
                                                                                              Don't know myself but will it more likely leave more people renting as they won't have a sufficient deposit?

                                                                                              Originally posted by Micknail View Post
                                                                                              Lads I have to do work experience to top off this H.Dip I'm doing in Computer Science, have to do 4-6 months placement in a company.
                                                                                              Thus far, the careers coordinator has given us a choice of pretty awful workplaces, mainly in Wexico, and the job description may as well be photocopier.

                                                                                              Any IPBers want to hire a lacky?

                                                                                              Strewel? I can make/collect coffee?

                                                                                              PM me if you want to know my module choice and results so far.
                                                                                              I'll take you on Mick.
                                                                                              X can be anything, any number, that is what’s CRAZY about X.
                                                                                              Because X doesn’t roll like that, because X can’t be pinned down!

                                                                                              $ Free Travel Credit with Airbnb $


                                                                                                Originally posted by Micknail View Post
                                                                                                Lads I have to do work experience to top off this H.Dip I'm doing in Computer Science, have to do 4-6 months placement in a company.
                                                                                                Thus far, the careers coordinator has given us a choice of pretty awful workplaces, mainly in Wexico, and the job description may as well be photocopier.

                                                                                                Any IPBers want to hire a lacky?

                                                                                                Strewel? I can make/collect coffee?

                                                                                                PM me if you want to know my module choice and results so far.
                                                                                                Any programming skills? Where are you based?
                                                                                                May you live in interesting times!


                                                                                                  @Hitch, your leak might be setting it too high!

                                                                                                  Lots of speculation about the new fourth rate of USC. Expected to be 8 per cent on earners above €70k but could be above €100k #Budget15
                                                                                                  Tax changes, eye-catching bumps to cigarettes and child benefit: but was this a budget to signal the end of austerity?
                                                                                                  Last edited by Emmet; 14-10-14, 12:31. Reason: sneaky edit to see if my mis-reading can go unnoticed


                                                                                                    "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                      Originally posted by bp_me View Post
                                                                                                      Any programming skills? Where are you based?
                                                                                                      In the WIT at the minute.
                                                                                                      ICT skills course.

                                                                                                      Did programming fundamentals with Eamonn de Leastar and John FitzGerald.
                                                                                                      Basically Java and Android projects.
                                                                                                      Bit of networking and database thrown in too.


                                                                                                        FFS, one of the placements is updating a companies Twitter account.


                                                                                                          Originally posted by Micknail View Post
                                                                                                          FFS, one of the placements is updating a companies Twitter account.
                                                                                                          You could do that I'd say.


                                                                                                            Originally posted by ArmaniJeans View Post
                                                                                                            You could do that I'd say.
                                                                                                            Lerned de twitterz of me Da.


                                                                                                              Just watched the Jules Bianchi F1 crash from Japan. Amazing that he still is living although critical at this stage when you see the force of impact to lift the recovery truck into the air!

                                                                                                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                                                                                                                Is this no longer the place to get live hard hitting analysis of the Budget?


                                                                                                                  Originally posted by Silver-Tiger View Post
                                                                                                                  Is this no longer the place to get live hard hitting analysis of the Budget?
                                                                                                                  They are no longer the epic events that the last few Brian Lenihan ones were.
                                                                                                                  The new guy is good in his own way but its a bit like comparing Moore with Connery.


                                                                                                                    "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                                      "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                                        "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                                          "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil

