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Running (up that hill)

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    Originally posted by dinekes View Post
    @ GLTM

    I hear you.

    Havent run at all since xmas day. Covid first 2 weeks Jan and have been like a hermit since. Only been out for about 4/5 walks.

    The first couple of walks didnt feel great after at all, broke into cold sweat during it then felt bad afterward with a headache.
    Just put me off doing anything , probably psychological now.

    Doing squats and a few weights exercises so I dont turn completely to jelly!
    As i sat on the couch exhausted after the 10km and my legs were dead and overheating I was delighted with myself to have that feeling back. I hadn’t properly pushed myself in ages. Nothing like following it up with a slow on to tee you back to nomality again, I’d encourage you to get back out again, but taking it easy post cov


      Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post
      Took 2 weeks off and did a 10km on Sunday, it’s amazing how tired I am after it. Your fitness just plummets when you take a bit of time off at all
      I find 6-7 days is the optimal break for me. First run back always seems to be light-footed and breezy.



        Went for shortish jog earlier.
        Just did 3k at just over 6min per which is slightly slower than my usual slow pace!
        Breathing wasnt great, struggled a bit. I forgot to take a blast of Ventolin before so I think its lack of cardio fitness coupled with a preexisting lung inflammation most likely.

        Anyway was great to get out and break the rut. Cheers for the post and the encouragement as it got me thinking in the right zone again ie 'one step at a time and build slowly'
        Last edited by dinekes; 18-02-21, 11:00.


          Hit the weights today, no jiu jitsu tomorrow.
          Which means cardio tomorrow. Struggling to get my motivated. Really not arsed.


            [QUOTE=Mellor;n1687294]Hit the weights today, no jiu jitsu tomorrow.
            Which means cardio tomorrow.

            Felt same way for the past 3 weeks or so. Weather crap, not in a great headspace etc. Today from deciding to get out and being outside was probably under a minute. Didnt give myself a chance to think of an excuse not to. Once youre out its grand.
            Was thinking of all the work I'd put in since last June/July which helped with motivation a bit.
            Last edited by dinekes; 18-02-21, 12:19.


              Somehow an email I sent to customer posted here (must have had it on paste or something dont know, deleted it there)


                Completed my 8,000th tracked kilometre today in just over 7 years. Add a few hundred on for untracked runs when I forgot my phone or the battery died and you get a straight line from here to Los Angeles.

                934 tracked runs in total.

                Would like to think I could get to 20,000km before the knees or hips pack in. That'd be halfway around the world.

                It's all relative of course. Some people could do that in 2 or 3 years but I'll take it regardless given my age and lifestyle.

                As Mark E. Smith from The Fall said... "It's not repetition, it's discipline".

                Onwards and upwards.


                  Originally posted by dinekes View Post

                  Went for shortish jog earlier.
                  Just did 3k at just over 6min per which is slightly slower than my usual slow pace!
                  Breathing wasnt great, struggled a bit. I forgot to take a blast of Ventolin before so I think its lack of cardio fitness coupled with a preexisting lung inflammation most likely.

                  Anyway was great to get out and break the rut. Cheers for the post and the encouragement as it got me thinking in the right zone again ie 'one step at a time and build slowly'
                  You often fear a run before, it never regret it after. I think so often the hardest part is putting on the shoes.

                  if you want a bit of variety, I could give you a few challenges?

                  try a pyramid the next time you run, where the first is warm up pace, 2nd is faster, 3rd is fastest, 4th same as 2nd and 5th warm down. Challenge is to get the third km as quick as possible, not to speed up 1 and 5th.


                    Still haven’t gone for that run


                      Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                      Still haven’t gone for that run
                      Get out and tell us how fast you did 5km, become an inspiration!


                        Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post

                        You often fear a run before, it never regret it after. I think so often the hardest part is putting on the shoes.

                        if you want a bit of variety, I could give you a few challenges?

                        try a pyramid the next time you run, where the first is warm up pace, 2nd is faster, 3rd is fastest, 4th same as 2nd and 5th warm down. Challenge is to get the third km as quick as possible, not to speed up 1 and 5th.

                        Will give that a go when I get dome lung fitness back.
                        Was really struggling breathing doing that 3k

                        Used to do ladders in intervals ..great workout

                        Main issue is I need to get back to a semi decent, uninjured level like I was at Dec
                        If I push anything beyond a certain level a persistent calf injury pops up. Really have to manage/monitor every session carefully. Like I might go out Mon but feel a niggle and from experience I would have to leave it to Thurs/Fri for another session and I would be dying to get out!

                        I will get there though, just slowly!


                          Originally posted by dinekes View Post

                          Will give that a go when I get dome lung fitness back.
                          Was really struggling breathing doing that 3k

                          Used to do ladders in intervals ..great workout

                          Main issue is I need to get back to a semi decent, uninjured level like I was at Dec
                          If I push anything beyond a certain level a persistent calf injury pops up. Really have to manage/monitor every session carefully. Like I might go out Mon but feel a niggle and from experience I would have to leave it to Thurs/Fri for another session and I would be dying to get out!

                          I will get there though, just slowly!

                          Absolutely, it’s nothing you can’t tailor why not walk 1km, jog 1km, run 1km and back down etc. Or 500m. Just keep the variety and enjoyment, all of that is better than no exercise so keep the faith!


                            Something quite remarkable happened this week - I ran my fastest 10km in almost 4 years. Sub 1 hour (59:46 to be precise) - still slow by many measures of course but a huge thrill nevertheless when your only opponent is yourself. And how and why it happened seemingly defying the laws of space and time!

                            At first I thought it must be a tracking issue y'know, RunKeeper being off but I'd been getting progressively faster over the previous couple of weeks or so, breaking a couple of fastest times in a while and already seeing my overall per km pace drop below last year's level.

                            When I hit the 'finish line' I knew there was no tracking issue as I was within a couple of meters of where I normally consider my 10km finish (I do the same standard loop as my day to day go-to run).

                            No idea how or why at almost 50 (in September) I've found a little extra kick. I do know that a thigh strain slowed me down in 2018 and 19 - by up to 10% on a bad day I reckon and its only in the last 3-6 months could I say it felt the issue had totally cleared up.

                            New trainers? yes but unlikely to give e that kind of bounce (they're not the special Nike marathon ones!).

                            Weight? A stone below recent heaviest but been the same weight for about a year now and not trying too hard to go for the half stone/stonestone to get me to ideal fighting weight.

                            I changed my measurement from miles to Km just this year and that's made me more aware of pace because I'm getting feedback from the app more often but again, that's unlikely to make me faster in and of itself, just more aware when I AM running faster.

                            Anyway, just thought I'd share this minor triumph over age and ability - I've got another goal to aim for this year now. Another sub one hour? A few sub one hours? A 40s pb? Unlikely as I'd need to find another 90 secs over 10km - probably not impossible but highly unlikely.

                            I've done 260km so far this year so took a well earned break (due to the feckin' freezing weather) after that run on Tuesday, drinking wine tonight and will dive back in again on Monday.

                            An aberation? Perhaps, but a delightful one.

                            Last edited by BennyHiFi; 05-03-21, 21:02.


                              Originally posted by BennyHiFi View Post
                              Something quite remarkable happened this week - I ran my fastest 10km in almost 4 years. Sub 1 hour (59:46 to be precise) - still slow by many measures of course but a huge thrill nevertheless when your only opponent is yourself. And how and why it happened seemingly defying the laws of space and time!

                              At first I thought it must be a tracking issue y'know, RunKeeper being off but I'd been getting progressively faster over the previous couple of weeks or so, breaking a couple of fastest times in a while and already seeing my overall per km pace drop below last year's level.

                              When I hit the 'finish line' I knew there was no tracking issue as I was within a couple of meters of where I normally consider my 10km finish (I do the same standard loop as my day to day go-to run).

                              No idea how or why at almost 50 (in September) I've found a little extra kick. I do know that a thigh strain slowed me down in 2018 and 19 - by up to 10% on a bad day I reckon and its only in the last 3-6 months could I say it felt the issue had totally cleared up.

                              New trainers? yes but unlikely to give e that kind of bounce (they're not the special Nike marathon ones!).

                              Weight? A stone below recent heaviest but been the same weight for about a year now and not trying too hard to go for the half stone/stonestone to get me to ideal fighting weight.

                              I changed my measurement from miles to Km just this year and that's made me more aware of pace because I'm getting feedback from the app more often but again, that's unlikely to make me faster in and of itself, just more aware when I AM running faster.

                              Anyway, just thought I'd share this minor triumph over age and ability - I've got another goal to aim for this year now. Another sub one hour? A few sub one hours? A 40s pb? Unlikely as I'd need to find another 90 secs over 10km - probably not impossible but highly unlikely.

                              I've done 260km so far this year so took a well earned break (due to the feckin' freezing weather) after that run on Tuesday, drinking wine tonight and will dive back in again on Monday.

                              An aberation? Perhaps, but a delightful one.

                              Excellent! Enjoy the buzz, new goals are for next week!


                                Ran 112km in March, my first 100+km month ever Legs are a bit wrecked as a result but I needed it to get back on track for an annual target of 750km, as due to lack of creche in Jan/Feb I only managed approximately 85km over the course of both months. I won't keep up the same pace as my left Achilles has never been back to 100% since injuring it in 2019 and it's feeling worse in recent weeks, I need to take it a bit easier I think. But just need to aim for approximately 70km per month and I'll be golden. Unsurprisingly my average page in April was also probably my slowest ever! I think if Parkrun started back up tomorrow I'd really struggle to hit a sub 22min 5km, and sub 21min would require a lot of work.


                                  Originally posted by ionapaul View Post
                                  Ran 112km in March, my first 100+km month ever Legs are a bit wrecked as a result but I needed it to get back on track for an annual target of 750km, as due to lack of creche in Jan/Feb I only managed approximately 85km over the course of both months. I won't keep up the same pace as my left Achilles has never been back to 100% since injuring it in 2019 and it's feeling worse in recent weeks, I need to take it a bit easier I think. But just need to aim for approximately 70km per month and I'll be golden. Unsurprisingly my average page in April was also probably my slowest ever! I think if Parkrun started back up tomorrow I'd really struggle to hit a sub 22min 5km, and sub 21min would require a lot of work.
                                  When running regularly the slower the better so you should see that as an achievement more than a failure. I did 6 weeks of all 5min+ running in June and shaved 100secs off my 5km PB whilst thinking I was making no progress, so keep at it.


                                    As it turns out, maybe I'm not going to be a slow as I thought (and you are right GL2M)! Was up in Fernhill Gardens yesterday with the family and managed to sneak off for a quick run around the new 400m running track (though running path a better description I think) while the rest enjoyed a picnic, did 10 laps so 4km at a 4.06 pace. And even had to stop on my final lap to tie my shoelace!

                                    For my 2nd lap I pushed at 90%+ effort and managed it in 1:16, which impacted the remainder of the run. Defo could have kept at 4:1X pace for a final 1km, so would have just about managed a sub-21 5km. Still a long way to go to hit sub-20 again but hopefully it is possible.


                                      Originally posted by ionapaul View Post
                                      As it turns out, maybe I'm not going to be a slow as I thought (and you are right GL2M)! Was up in Fernhill Gardens yesterday with the family and managed to sneak off for a quick run around the new 400m running track (though running path a better description I think) while the rest enjoyed a picnic, did 10 laps so 4km at a 4.06 pace. And even had to stop on my final lap to tie my shoelace!

                                      For my 2nd lap I pushed at 90%+ effort and managed it in 1:16, which impacted the remainder of the run. Defo could have kept at 4:1X pace for a final 1km, so would have just about managed a sub-21 5km. Still a long way to go to hit sub-20 again but hopefully it is possible.
                                      Yes I saw that, tying your lace is takin the piss though!


                                        Originally posted by ionapaul View Post
                                        As it turns out, maybe I'm not going to be a slow as I thought (and you are right GL2M)! Was up in Fernhill Gardens yesterday with the family and managed to sneak off for a quick run around the new 400m running track (though running path a better description I think) while the rest enjoyed a picnic, did 10 laps so 4km at a 4.06 pace. And even had to stop on my final lap to tie my shoelace!

                                        For my 2nd lap I pushed at 90%+ effort and managed it in 1:16, which impacted the remainder of the run. Defo could have kept at 4:1X pace for a final 1km, so would have just about managed a sub-21 5km. Still a long way to go to hit sub-20 again but hopefully it is possible.
                                        ...Out of curiosity, where exactly is this?... Is it in the same location as the house people visit and the random little tree house (pic of this included)...


                                          Very close to that tree house! There's a new carpark at Fernhill now (further down the road between Belermaine and Hillcrest Road) and the new running path is at the top of the big stairs you see when you exit the carpark towards the rest of the property. Will definitely try to make it up there every few weeks to push myself a bit.


                                            So the first third of the year is down.

                                            Target: 500km of 1,500km
                                            Actual: 488.4km of 1,500km

                                            I'll take that considering the dog bite at the start of the year and a couple of weeks bad weather or with sniffles.

                                            Moving from x2 10km per week to x3 10km hasn't been without its challenges, particularly when you only manage a week with one or two runs. Trying to pull them back by moving to x4 per week is certainly tougher than moving from two to three.

                                            Anyway, stiff legs and some sluggishness are first world problems. Hopefully I can keep it up though the summer months now (historically I've usually run less in summer).

                                            Bit of warmer weather wouldn't go amiss mind you.
                                            Last edited by BennyHiFi; 30-04-21, 21:16.


                                              Been getting back out running with some regularity (6 months till the wedding) but last night one of my toenails came off, I'm assuming it's happened to a few people here? Something I should be worried about?? Remedies for it?

                                              It's definitely a little tender this morning and I'd a run planned so went out in looser fitting runners and took it a little easier with the pace and manged to clock in 6.25k.
                                              "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                                Sadly the thread is a bit of a graveyard these days TD.

                                                Seems like it's pretty common and nothing to be too concerned about but has never happened to me.

                                                Thigh chaffing on the other hand...


                                                  Yeah, was saying this to Danny earlier. For me the new site is terrible when it comes to keeping up to date with threads.

                                                  Find myself never seeing anything outside the bbv.

                                                  Gonna keep a separate tab open for here, that worked well for MK.

                                                  Losing a toenail is nothing to worry about Danny, you're a runner now

                                                  I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                    Still just walking at the minute. Will be very slowly integrating jobs in with them over the Summer.

                                                    Bought 2 pairs of Saucony runners the other day. Beautiful feel to them.
                                                    Got a good deal too. Bought one pair new for €140 and there was a sale pair marked down from €170 to €134 which he did for €100. And I got a €5 off the socks!


                                                      Originally posted by Lazare View Post
                                                      Yeah, was saying this to Danny earlier. For me the new site is terrible when it comes to keeping up to date with threads.

                                                      Find myself never seeing anything outside the bbv.

                                                      Gonna keep a separate tab open for here, that worked well for MK.

                                                      Losing a toenail is nothing to worry about Danny, you're a runner now
                                                      I’ve added subscribe the thread so I always get a notification now when there’s a post in here, haven’t run myself in ages, playing tennis again but must get out.


                                                        Back on the roads after my mystery Injury. About 8kg heavier so the long haul back. Ran so slow and still huffed my way over a paltry 3k . This eating disorder is cruel.


                                                          OK - into the final stretch of 2021!

                                                          This year's running was very impacted by firstly having a new baby around the place all year (she's just one now but still very disruptive!), secondly by the lockdowns (when both kids were at home, no running was really possible) and finally by a bad back injury in May/June, for the month of June I recorded a total of 4km in Strava.

                                                          So my target of 750km was out from the start of the summer on; last two months have been better though and I'm currently at 535km for the year to date. Need 65km this month to hit a new target of 600km, sounds doable but again, Xmas is such disruption with the kids at home that the last week of the year isn't really one where I'll get out at all. So need to try to get a few 20km weeks under the belt, starting today!

                                                          How is everyone else doing with regard their 2021 targets?


                                                            Nowhere near for me also down mostly to new baby but I've started getting slowly back into it the last few weeks again having done 70 or 80k since the start of November. Starting to enjoy it again so hopefully will sustain it through the bad months. I've only 408k done out of a target of 730. Between the jigs and reels in the next few weeks hopefully I can edge past 450 and towards 500 but we'll have to wait and see


                                                              I gave up on the running as I went from 17 stone to 16, 3 and couldnt move from there. Was between 16 and 16, 5 so I joined a gym owned and operated by a woman that only does classes and stayed with her. Currently far fitter and healthier than I've been for years, down to 15, 5 but gained muscle on the legs and arms. Still have a little bit of the belly to lose but it's been a win overall.

                                                              I'll likely take up the running again when I stop playing football but at the moment, the gym work is exactly what's needed because at the start of this year I got subbed at half time in our first 2 games. After that, I played full game every game so that's a massive difference.

                                                              Hope everyone is keeping well.


                                                                1,420km of 1,500km target done. It's been a bit more challenging than I'd anticipated trying to consistently do x3 10kms a week (rather than the usual x2 10kms of previous years) but somehow I managed to stick at it.

                                                                I'll make the target now with probably a week or so to spare.

                                                                Did my third fastest half marathon ever - 2:11 - at Clontarf last weekend so pretty pleased with that. Helps to have lost 10kg from peak chubbiness and should be able to get the other half stone off by end of January if I keep plugging away at the healthier eating and, importantly, simply eating less.

                                                                Overall a very pleasing year I'd have to stay. Shame it all has to end and I turn the milometer back to zero on January 1,


                                                                  Good progress made all round here, my running fell sharply when the c,ubs reopened again so having done 430km at the end of July I’ve done 460km now. Can’t remember what my target was but I’ll hope to hit 500km for the round number


                                                                    Last push lads... gwan....


                                                                      Originally posted by ArmaniJeans View Post
                                                                      2021 targets.
                                                                      1. 730K total, basically consistent 2K a day.
                                                                      2. Concerted effort to get 25.00 when parkrun comes back.
                                                                      3. A few more 10Ks and 12Ks for variety. Maybe even my mythical 15K.
                                                                      4. Definitely do the sprinting again once or twice.
                                                                      5. Again, better diet, drop weight. Surely I have the willpower for this, I've done it before. Over Christmas, a big but healthy looking Portuguese guy who sits beside me in work had a heart attack and died in the ambulance. He was 12 years younger than me so really have to take this as a warning that there is a tipping-point health-wise.
                                                                      1. Was never really behind schedule here, 780K with one run to go. Times got progressively more terrible as the year went on though.
                                                                      2. Hmmm, we'll get back to this.
                                                                      3. 10K was my longest, actually think it might be my limit beyond which boredom takes over. Vast majority of runs were 4K to 7K.
                                                                      4. Did 4 sessions of sprinting over the year when needed a change - it's fun and leaves you sore in a different set of muscles.
                                                                      5. This got far worse before they got better. I knew it, but didn't have an exact handle on it and clearly wasn't doing much about it. Finally got a decent electronic scales in mid-September and was at 108kg. Some serious changes ensued and made gradual progress to get to initial target of 99.9kg by Christmas. 99.4kg now.
                                                                      2. First few parkruns when it returned in September were in the 29:xx range, but managed to get to 26:10 by December as the weight situation above improved. So failed on sub25 but ended up being quite pleased.

                                                                      2022 targets.
                                                                      Nothing much different really.

                                                                      Somewhere in the 730-750K region of total running.
                                                                      Keep the health/diet improvements going and get to around the 85kg mark by end of year.
                                                                      Try a non-parkrun proper race, either 5M or 10K.
                                                                      25:00 for parkrun as a first target, but I really think sub 23 is possible next year now that I hopefully have weight on a downward trend.

                                                                      G'luck all, we go again.


                                                                        2021 highlights:

                                                                        Age - Turned 50
                                                                        Total distance in 2021 - 1,501 kms so far (target hit!) - hoping to do a final 15km on NYE morning.
                                                                        Half marathon - Third fastest last decade, Clontarf in November 2:11 (would need to shave another 6 mins off this to get a best result. Not impossible I think).
                                                                        Tracked activities this year - 157 (last year 159)
                                                                        Avg pace - 6.17 per km, (down from 6.22 per km last year)
                                                                        Total tracked distance so far since I started running 9 and a half years ago - 9,281 kms
                                                                        Number of tracked runs so far since I started running 9 and a half years ago - 1,070 kms
                                                                        Kilos lost - about 5kgs on average


                                                                        More of the same hopefully. 1,500 km target, 4 half marathons (2 of which are bought and paid for already), lose 3 kilos and it would be quite something to see a continuing pace improvement but I won't hold my breath on that one.

                                                                        Good luck next year everyone. Keep 'er lit!
                                                                        Last edited by BennyHiFi; 31-12-21, 23:42. Reason: Completed 14 km on Dec 31 to hit 1,516 for 2021.


                                                                          Originally posted by ionapaul View Post
                                                                          Finished up on 741km for the year. That's a multiple of the outdoor distance ran in any other year so was a very good achievement for me Only possible with the gyms being closed and the opportunities made open by lockdowns, but however.

                                                                          I was doing approx. 25km/month last November, December and into January 2020, so really moved up a gear to increase the distance. From February onwards my new goal for the year was 600km+, and then into the 2nd half of 2020 I changed this to a more ambitious 730km to hit an average of 2km/day for the year. Achieved that on Dec 17 I think, so 750km would have been the next logical target but with a newborn in the house, once the creches finished up before Christmas and needing to entertain a toddler as well it was almost impossible to get out, only managed two runs in the last two weeks of the year!

                                                                          Fastest 5km of 2020 was 21:14 in a Parkrun, which is a big step back from the times of 2016-2019, where I did a single 19:53 and a few 20:0X runs. Should Parkrun and road races start again in 2021 I imagine I'll get a few 20:XX times in.

                                                                          Distance target for 2021 is 750km.
                                                                          Ok, so for 2021:

                                                                          Total distance - 600.9km (obv missed my target but happy enough with the total given the difficulties this year with creches being closed so much and some lengthy injuries)
                                                                          Fastest 5km - 20.59 (two Saturdays ago in Marlay parkrun first sub-21 in about two years, and they used to be the minimum I'd be aiming for!)
                                                                          Number of parkruns - 12 of 16 possible in 2021

                                                                          2022 targets:

                                                                          Total distance - 750km
                                                                          Fastest 5km - sub 20.30
                                                                          Number of parkruns - 35+


                                                                            Anyone have one of those running buggies?


                                                                              2021 was a write off but managed to keep myself relatively fit. I expect 2022 will be better . No targets other than to get jogging regularly again. I want to be one of those loonies running at dawn in the Phoeno on the weekend , waving at the deer with prog rock in my ears .


                                                                                Originally posted by Solksjaer! View Post
                                                                                2021 was a write off but managed to keep myself relatively fit. I expect 2022 will be better . No targets other than to get jogging regularly again. I want to be one of those loonies running at dawn in the Phoeno on the weekend , waving at the deer with prog rock in my ears .
                                                                                Stick Beyonce in your headphones lad and get stuck in. Dance your way to success. Good luck.
                                                                                Last edited by BennyHiFi; 31-12-21, 23:43.


                                                                                  Originally posted by BennyHiFi View Post

                                                                                  Stick Beyonce in your headphones lad and get stuck in. Dance your way to success. Good luck.
                                                                                  I cant even walk with a hard on .


                                                                                    First run of the new year done. 10km in 59:18 - my fastest in 18 months.

                                                                                    Probably helped by the fact it was all done in Tymon Park (2 loops) with no road element and the fa ct that it was very cold so it really paid to put an inch to my step.


                                                                                      Ran today also, 7km - feck it was FREEZING up here in Sandyford/Stepaside! My hands were like two blocks of ice for the first 4km or so before I started to warm up. Have 12 km done after 4 days of 2022, if I can keep this pace up, oh yeah...


                                                                                        Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                                                        Anyone have one of those running buggies?
                                                                                        Lazare surely?


                                                                                          Originally posted by Keane View Post

                                                                                          Lazare surely?

                                                                                          I know fuck all about running and fuck all about baby buggies but don't go for a run while pushing the baby in a buggy - You'll just look like a smug cunt


                                                                                            Originally posted by Keane View Post

                                                                                            Lazare surely?
                                                                                            Seen them in action. You can probably buy the extensions easily enough.


                                                                                              Originally posted by Lao Lao View Post

                                                                                              I know fuck all about running and fuck all about baby buggies but don't go for a run while pushing the baby in a buggy - You'll just look like a smug cunt
                                                                                              I'm just conscious that if I'm heading out three or four evenings a week I'm leaving herself holding the baby all the time which isn't really fair. And if we want to go for a jog together as it stands we need to find someone to mind the small fella for us as it stands.


                                                                                                Originally posted by Keane View Post

                                                                                                I'm just conscious that if I'm heading out three or four evenings a week I'm leaving herself holding the baby all the time which isn't really fair. And if we want to go for a jog together as it stands we need to find someone to mind the small fella for us as it stands.
                                                                                                Bit hard on yourself there . You are hardly going out on the piss for the night. How long does a jog take 30 40 mins tops . Surely that's should hardly register . I'd often sneak off to the loo for 30 mins when the kids were babies and have a sleep


                                                                                                  Back running again and can’t believe how much pace/fitness I’ve left behind. Six 5kms done so far, struggling to get below 5:30 pace, especially since I haven’t run in so long I. Conscious not to get injured as I’m targeting 5km/day in January. Feels great to be back out again… numb hands notwithstanding


                                                                                                    Onto day 10 now and slowly getting back into it, every time I want to see if I can run faster I have Laz in my head saying slower for longer…


                                                                                                      Lazare tagging you in as I see you’re back running again. You’ve left the forum v quiet of late.


                                                                                                        Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post
                                                                                                        Lazare tagging you in as I see you’re back running again. You’ve left the forum v quiet of late.
                                                                                                        Cheers Joe. I really struggle to keep up since the forum change. Was so easy to see new posts before.

                                                                                                        Back out this morning for the first time in a while. Brutal December, ran a total of 23km. Comparing that to June when I did 240km is a killer.

                                                                                                        Want to spend this week just establishing the routine, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun.

                                                                                                        Plan then to start a base training phase to build up to the elusive 80km per week. Have never managed more than about 72. Hope to get there around late March and keep that as an average. Tough to do when you can only run mornings.

                                                                                                        Re your own worries about fitness, don't, just be patient. It goes so quickly, but it comes back really quickly too. Within two weeks you should be back to good shape.

                                                                                                        Have gone through multi week breaks every year through either injury or illness and it always comes back after a couple of weeks. Don't be disheartened basically.
                                                                                                        I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                                          I'm actually flying the last while. Had a plan to do a lot through December to curb the worst excesses of the season and it worked well. Carried through to the new year. I was in dire need of kicking at least a stone and that's starting to trickle away too. Still moving very slowly for the most part although I've managed a few park runs in the 25 min range. I have a 10k at the end of the month that I'd like to do well in too.

                                                                                                          My PBs are
                                                                                                          5k 23:16
                                                                                                          10k 52:36
                                                                                                          It would be nice to improve on the two of those this year.


                                                                                                            Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                                                                            I'm actually flying the last while. Had a plan to do a lot through December to curb the worst excesses of the season and it worked well. Carried through to the new year. I was in dire need of kicking at least a stone and that's starting to trickle away too. Still moving very slowly for the most part although I've managed a few park runs in the 25 min range. I have a 10k at the end of the month that I'd like to do well in too.

                                                                                                            My PBs are
                                                                                                            5k 23:16
                                                                                                            10k 52:36
                                                                                                            It would be nice to improve on the two of those this year.
                                                                                                            Looks like you've loads of scope to improve that 10k time. I always harp on about this but keep the effort easy for at least 80% of the running you do, build aerobic fitness.

                                                                                                            You'd get the same gains running 6 min+ kms as you would running 5:20s in terms of an aerobic workout, but you recover so much faster from the 6 min. Allowing you get out more often with minimal injury risk

                                                                                                            Sounds like you're doing that pretty much. Sub 48 10k well within reach.
                                                                                                            I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                                              Originally posted by Lazare View Post

                                                                                                              Looks like you've loads of scope to improve that 10k time. I always harp on about this but keep the effort easy for at least 80% of the running you do, build aerobic fitness.

                                                                                                              You'd get the same gains running 6 min+ kms as you would running 5:20s in terms of an aerobic workout, but you recover so much faster from the 6 min. Allowing you get out more often with minimal injury risk

                                                                                                              Sounds like you're doing that pretty much. Sub 48 10k well within reach.
                                                                                                              I do almost all my runs at a more or less easy pace. The odd park run is the only time I try to go a bit faster. On the prospect of shaving time off the 10k PB - as I mentioned I have this race on the 30th. How should I approach trying to run a good time at it? I guess I should continue to run easy in the meantime but how do I pick a pace to aim for on race day?


                                                                                                                Originally posted by Keane View Post

                                                                                                                I do almost all my runs at a more or less easy pace. The odd park run is the only time I try to go a bit faster. On the prospect of shaving time off the 10k PB - as I mentioned I have this race on the 30th. How should I approach trying to run a good time at it? I guess I should continue to run easy in the meantime but how do I pick a pace to aim for on race day?
                                                                                                                It's early enough to do a couple of light speed sessions to tune up a little, if you want.

                                                                                                                You could do 3x 1k or 4x 800m this weekend, and then maybe 4x hill sprints and 4x strides on Wed.

                                                                                                                This will fire up the fast twitch fibres, and there'll be a bit of a muscle memory of it on race day.

                                                                                                                Re pace on the day, it depends what those 25 min parkruns felt like. Were you all out gasping afterwards or did you have room in the tank?

                                                                                                                If your current 5k pace (which will improve) is 5:00km I would aim for about 5:15 for the 10k. That should feel tough but doable and should get you a narrow pb.

                                                                                                                If you weren't gassed out at those parkruns, have a think about what your 5k pace would be gassed out, and add 15 secs or so.

                                                                                                                The most important thing you can do though to give yourself a shot is to warm up beforehand. For the race that's 2k or so of gentle jogging. A couple of strides right before the gun to fire up the fast twitch.
                                                                                                                Cool down jog for a km or so afterwards to help recover.

                                                                                                                If you do go ahead with the speed sessions, warming up and cooling down is absolutely vital. For both sessions I would suggest a 3k jog to warm up, and 2k or so of the same effort to cool down.

                                                                                                                For the 3x 1k /4x 800 aim for about 10 secs faster than your 5k pace and try hold that. You will slow towards the end, totally fine. Rest for 3 mins in between each, or until you feel fully recovered from it.

                                                                                                                For hill sprints, find a good steep hill, 30° or so. Sprint up it for 12 seconds, then jog back down. Recover for at least 3 mins and go again.

                                                                                                                Strides, in case you're not familiar, are short sprints where you start medium pace, sprint the middle section then slow down to the end. So, 30m building up, 30m balls out, 30m slowing down. Recover, go again.

                                                                                                                Rest the day after those sessions, and maybe the following day if you've decent DOMS. Keep all runs either side of them nice and easy.

                                                                                                                Don't be too dissapointed if you don't pb the race though, I would be looking towards the summer for the big gains.
                                                                                                                I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                                                  Originally posted by Lazare View Post

                                                                                                                  It's early enough to do a couple of light speed sessions to tune up a little, if you want.

                                                                                                                  You could do 3x 1k or 4x 800m this weekend, and then maybe 4x hill sprints and 4x strides on Wed.

                                                                                                                  This will fire up the fast twitch fibres, and there'll be a bit of a muscle memory of it on race day.

                                                                                                                  Re pace on the day, it depends what those 25 min parkruns felt like. Were you all out gasping afterwards or did you have room in the tank?

                                                                                                                  If your current 5k pace (which will improve) is 5:00km I would aim for about 5:15 for the 10k. That should feel tough but doable and should get you a narrow pb.

                                                                                                                  If you weren't gassed out at those parkruns, have a think about what your 5k pace would be gassed out, and add 15 secs or so.

                                                                                                                  The most important thing you can do though to give yourself a shot is to warm up beforehand. For the race that's 2k or so of gentle jogging. A couple of strides right before the gun to fire up the fast twitch.
                                                                                                                  Cool down jog for a km or so afterwards to help recover.

                                                                                                                  If you do go ahead with the speed sessions, warming up and cooling down is absolutely vital. For both sessions I would suggest a 3k jog to warm up, and 2k or so of the same effort to cool down.

                                                                                                                  For the 3x 1k /4x 800 aim for about 10 secs faster than your 5k pace and try hold that. You will slow towards the end, totally fine. Rest for 3 mins in between each, or until you feel fully recovered from it.

                                                                                                                  For hill sprints, find a good steep hill, 30° or so. Sprint up it for 12 seconds, then jog back down. Recover for at least 3 mins and go again.

                                                                                                                  Strides, in case you're not familiar, are short sprints where you start medium pace, sprint the middle section then slow down to the end. So, 30m building up, 30m balls out, 30m slowing down. Recover, go again.

                                                                                                                  Rest the day after those sessions, and maybe the following day if you've decent DOMS. Keep all runs either side of them nice and easy.

                                                                                                                  Don't be too dissapointed if you don't pb the race though, I would be looking towards the summer for the big gains.
                                                                                                                  This is the content we’ve been missing from the middle class wannabe wanker


                                                                                                                    I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                                                      Went out for a run yesterday after playing a couple of tennis matches beforehand so legs were heavy but decided to try and up the pace for a middle kilometre just to see, and think I did something like a 4:20 pace which I was happy with but also shows how far I have to do. Legs were really heavy after so last 3k Back took about 19mins. Given I’m running every day I’m trying not to do much speed but looking forward to seeing what it’s like in February when I’ve a month of base behind me.


                                                                                                                        Nice one Joe. That's impressive stuff getting out every day like that. Will definitely do great things for the fitness, especially given you're keeping it relatively easy.
                                                                                                                        I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                                                          Originally posted by Lazare View Post
                                                                                                                          Nice one Joe. That's impressive stuff getting out every day like that. Will definitely do great things for the fitness, especially given you're keeping it relatively easy.
                                                                                                                          Park run Saturday and a coffee in that place after.?

