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Bad beat/Moan/Venting Thread - BBV Archive 2

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    Ugh Del P!! Fed loses 1st set too


      On at 65s outright, went as low as 17

      On for a chunk at 5.4 in this match went as low as 1.2

      Profit locked up and huge freerolls aswell


        Del P backers should still be delighted right now with Nadals condition.
        Profit before people.


          Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post
          You cannot like the Wolfe Tones at any level without being a brain dead rabble rousing drooler.

          Don't know if its as cut and dried as that for Celtic fans.
          their version of 1st of May by the Bee Gee's is quite good. Other than that, nah.
          Is that how you crash a wedding? yes it is, Bionic Barry, yes it is.


            13/8 now Del Potro in running. chunk of that for me plz. nadal obv not gonna be able to hold on/ play good enough for too long more.
            You got to have a lot of balls, to play golf the way I do!


              Originally posted by bohsman View Post
              Reading that article and this one really drives home how retarded the celtic supporting wolfe tone listening anti McIlroy yokels are. When the Daily Mail puts you in your place it's time to give up.
              That's actually a surprisingly brilliant piece of writing. Well written, not scandalous, and touching on a subject that many just see as taboo for an honest journalist to write about these days. Fair balls to her.

              Also, I think she hits the nail on the head, and I think I said it at the time after someone called him a hun, Rory is an Ulsterman, he's not a unionist, he's not a republican. I wouldn't at all have been surprised if a Red Hand flag had come out after the round.

              Originally posted by Semibluff View Post
              just worked out, could be miles off - but the gold card could be worth 2k+ to a first year in college?

              (or a Kerry man found of partying beyond his years)
              €5 a Wednesday + €10 a Saturday x2 (Gold Card gets you +1 in if I remember correctly) every week + the occasional Friday night, and also don't forget the odd €15 St.Patrick's occasions and yup, right up there at around €2k. One of my friends had one that had a number on it, not a name. He'd go in, get a stamp, come back out 20 mins later and pass it on to someone who'd do the same. They'd invariably buy him a drink or two, and he'd basically spend nothing but taxi fare on his nights out.

              He genuinely mourned when it was discovered, and replaced with one with his name on it.

              Originally posted by tylerdurden94 View Post
              A1 Sharon


                Originally posted by eagle eye View Post
                I'm not trolling here by the way. I'm being very serious.

                You can support Celtic and like the Wolfe Tones without being in any way anti anything. I think the Wolfe Tones were a very good band in their field. I like a lot of their songs and I understand what they are about too. I've always kinda liked Celtic as we have had many Irish Internationals playing for them. I don't support violence in any form. I know many Celtic supporters, some of whom would also like the Wolfe Tones who would never be anti-Protestant or support the IRA in any shape or form, new or old.

                I find people who tar everybody with the same brush very annoying. I don't like the way you use the Wolfe Tones and Celtic in your post there. Its a hip trend these days on Irish boards to trash people who follow Celtic just because there are some gobshites who do follow them. There are as many idiots following Manchester United and Liverpool as there are following Celtic. I'm sure that plenty of idiots who hold warped views about these things follow the big clubs in England too.
                The majority of Irish people who follow those clubs are sensible ordinary folk.
                And I'm not trying to troll genuine Celtic fans, Im talking about the subset that couldn't name half the players, know nothing about northern politics but like rioting in Dublin and elsewhere in their celtic jerseys and come out with their moronic anti McIlroy stuff etc.



                    Corbett continues to win the internet obv


                      We live in a beautiful place..

                      Pining for Wa'erford


                        Pretty sure I'm crushing at the moment


                          Keane/corbett what can you offer to the fantastic outbreak charity festival in exchange for publicity for your cause on our FB page... 1150 users...
                          donate to my hairy lip!


                            Originally posted by Emmet View Post
                            That's actually a surprisingly brilliant piece of writing. Well written, not scandalous, and touching on a subject that many just see as taboo for an honest journalist to write about these days. Fair balls to her.

                            Also, I think she hits the nail on the head, and I think I said it at the time after someone called him a hun, Rory is an Ulsterman, he's not a unionist, he's not a republican. I wouldn't at all have been surprised if a Red Hand flag had come out after the round.
                            His Father was carrying one at the presentation and also he waqs speaking to GMac and he said about great it was for Norn Ireland to have won it twice in a row.
                            Turning millions into thousands


                              @ Zod. Any idea why my losing River Plate bets last night on PP were refunded today?


                                Messi with a tennis racket imo


                                  Originally posted by KevIRL View Post
                                  @ Zod. Any idea why my losing River Plate bets last night on PP were refunded today?
                                  All correct score and goalscorer bets were refunded all weekend if the game ends in a draw.


                                    genuinely suprised they didn't get the 2 goals, they were actually doing ok this season (it was th two previous seasons that fucked them up). Still, watching a good half hour of riots after was enjoyable too.
                                    Is that how you crash a wedding? yes it is, Bionic Barry, yes it is.


                                      Just finished watching this at Glastonbury, he seemed really upset that he couldn't handle some of the notes anymore. Still a class act.

                                      Paul Simon, Call me Al, live South Africa, concert in Zimbabwe, ladysmith black mambazo, joseph shabalala, ray phiri


                                        Originally posted by bohsman View Post
                                        All correct score and goalscorer bets were refunded all weekend if the game ends in a draw.
                                        Sweet, got my 2-0 but also RP -1 refunded, didnt know about a money back.

                                        Will give it all back tongiht on Del P in running, and Corbetts donkey


                                          Originally posted by KevIRL View Post
                                          @ Zod. Any idea why my losing River Plate bets last night on PP were refunded today?
                                          match was abandoned because of the trouble at the end


                                            Originally posted by Emmet View Post
                                            Just finished watching this at Glastonbury, he seemed really upset that he couldn't handle some of the notes anymore. Still a class act.

                                            He put on a great show alright. Always has. Saw an interview after where he said he just had a cold, nothing else.
                                            "I can’t find anyone who agrees with what I write or think these days, so I guess I must be getting closer to the truth." - Hunter S. Thompson


                                              Wartime = boomtime for lots of industries

                                              Among The Costs Of War: $20B In Air Conditioning

                                              The amount the U.S. military spends annually on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan: $20.2 billion.

                                              That's more than NASA's budget. It's more than BP has paid so far for damage during the Gulf oil spill. It's what the G-8 has pledged to help foster new democracies in Egypt and Tunisia.
                                              "When you consider the cost to deliver the fuel to some of the most isolated places in the world — escorting, command and control, medevac support — when you throw all that infrastructure in, we're talking over $20 billion," Steven Anderson tells weekends on All Things Considered guest host Rachel Martin. Anderson is a retired brigadier general who served as Gen. David Patreaus' chief logistician in Iraq.

                                              Why does it cost so much?

                                              To power an air conditioner at a remote outpost in land-locked Afghanistan, a gallon of fuel has to be shipped into Karachi, Pakistan, then driven 800 miles over 18 days to Afghanistan on roads that are sometimes little more than "improved goat trails," Anderson says. "And you've got risks that are associated with moving the fuel almost every mile of the way."
                                              Anderson calculates more than 1,000 troops have died in fuel convoys, which remain prime targets for attack. Free-standing tents equipped with air conditioners in 125 degree heat require a lot of fuel. Anderson says by making those structures more efficient, the military could save lives and dollars.

                                              Still, his $20.2 billion figure raises stark questions about the ongoing war in Afghanistan. In the wake of President Obama's announcement this week that about 30,000 American troops will soon return home, how much money does the U.S. stand to save?

                                              Dollars And Cents

                                              The 30,000 troops who will return home by the end of next year were sent to Afghanistan in 2009, at a cost of about $30 billion. That comes out to about $1 million a soldier.
                                              But the savings of withdrawing those troops won't equal out, experts say.
                                              "What history has told us is that you don't see a proportional decrease in spending based on the number of troops when you draw them down," Chris Hellman, a senior research analyst at the National Priorities Project, tells Martin.

                                              "In Afghanistan that's going to be particularly true because it's a very difficult and austere environment in which to operate," he says.
                                              That means most war expenditures lie not in the troops themselves but in the infrastructure that supports them — infrastructure that in some cases will remain in place long after troops are gone.

                                              "We're building big bases," American University professor Gordon Adams tells Martin. The costs of those bases are, in economic terms, "sunk" costs, he says.
                                              "We're seeing this in Iraq. We're turning over to the Iraqis — mostly either for a small penny or for free — the infrastructure that we built in Iraq. But we won't see back any money from that infrastructure."

                                              Then there's the costly task of training Afghan security forces. The Obama administration has requested almost $13 billion to train and equip Afghan security forces in the next fiscal year.
                                              And more importantly, Hellman says, "[Afghan President Hamid] Karzai indicated a couple years back that [Afghanistan] wasn't going to be a position to support their own military forces 15, 20 years out. I suspect we're going to be called on to pay a substantial part of that bill going forward."

                                              Criticism From The President's Own Party
                                              For critics of the president, the idea that the troop drawdown won't save much money is reason enough to suggest it should be bigger.

                                              One outspoken critic is Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV). He notes the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost hundreds of billions of dollars so far, and he argues a larger troop drawdown isn't a national security risk.
                                              "We have the greatest special ops in the world. We have more technology than any other country on earth," Manchin tells Martin. "Do we actually need to have 70,000 troops on the ground?"

                                              "When you have this many people in a country that doesn't want you there — that has no economy, no infrastructure and a corrupt government — and you're trying to stabilize it and build them into a viable nation? I'm not sure we have enough time, and I definitely know we don't have enough money," Manchin says.

                                              But others argue war should be waged independent of cost.
                                              "The realm of war and peace exists separately apart — and justifiably so — from the economic realm," says Lawrence Kaplan, a visiting professor at the U.S. Army War College, who says critics like Manchin are looking for "economic answers to a non-economic question.

                                              "And anyway, it's not the war that's broken Washington's piggy bank," he adds, noting that Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security account for far more spending than the $107 billion the Pentagon says it will spend in Afghanistan next year.

                                              A U.S. military tent after treatment with polyurethane foam. A 2006 test of the foam cut energy use by 92 percent, says retired Brig. Gen. Steven Anderson.
                                              "Remember, we're talking about 30,000 troops," he says "I don't think that hundred-billion-dollar price tag should be the determining one."

                                              Can Greener Mean Safer?
                                              But for Anderson, the retired brigadier general, economics does have a role to play in modern warfare.

                                              Anderson advocates for increased energy efficiency for military structures in order to cut down on the need for long, dangerous fuel-transport missions. A few months ago, Anderson heard from a company commander in Afghanistan.
                                              "He literally has to stop his combat operations for two days every two weeks so he can go back and get his fuel. And when he's gone, the enemy knows he's gone, and they go right back to where they were before. He has to start his counter-insurgency operations right back at square one."

                                              Anderson says experiments with polyurethane foam insulation for tents in Iraq cut energy use by 92 percent and took 11,000 fuel trucks off the road. But he adds there's a lack of enthusiasm for a greener military among top commanders.
                                              "People look at it and say 'It's not my lane. We don't need to tie the operational commanders' hands' — things like this," he says.

                                              "A simple policy signed by the secretary of defense — a one- or two-page memo, saying we will no longer build anything other than energy-efficient structures in Iraq and Afghanistan — would have a profound impact."


                                                Originally posted by Zuroph View Post
                                                Keane/corbett what can you offer to the fantastic outbreak charity festival in exchange for publicity for your cause on our FB page... 1150 users...
                                                I'll give you cost price printing of whatever flyers/posters/whatever you need.


                                                  Eeeeeeek has The SatNav moved to Waterford?



                                                  best she dont see this then


                                                    Bumping the sig for the evening IPBers - come on BBV let's take care of one of our own


                                                      Ship (pun intended) the invite onto The Sorlandet on Friday evening for drinks and canapés at The Tall Ships


                                                        Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                        Bumping the sig for the evening IPBers - come on BBV let's take care of one of our own
                                                        one more vote there. gogogogogo


                                                          Going to Gleen Hansard tonight and U2 next week.

                                                          Haters gonna hate...


                                                            Originally posted by Midnitekowby View Post
                                                            cant find ur quote but if ur still wondering bout bubble play books, try kill everyone, elky has a great section called "how i learned to stop worrying and love the bubble"

                                                            also the winning poker tornaments 1 hand at a time vol 1+2 well worth a buy
                                                            +1 for Kill Everyone. Pretty technical in parts but very strong on ICM/Bubble Factors & General endgame concepts. There is also a chapter on not being a vagina


                                                              Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                              Bumping the sig for the evening IPBers - come on BBV let's take care of one of our own
                                                              I'll get the mrs to post later


                                                                Originally posted by Loopz View Post
                                                                I'll get the mrs to post later
                                                                TYVM Dr. Stonerson


                                                                  One time.


                                                                    What's your background in cricket Kev?

                                                                    I assume you have one, you seem to care about it a lot...


                                                                      Anyone ever go for a decent soundcard? much of a difference?


                                                                        Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                                        What's your background in cricket Kev?

                                                                        I assume you have one, you seem to care about it a lot...
                                                                        None. Got to like it in Australia when I was there 10 years ago, as I watched more of it over there grew to really like it and thats continued since I've come home. The success of the Irish team over the past 6 years or so has been an added bonus, although ya cant beat a good close test match


                                                                          Originally posted by Denny Crane View Post
                                                                          Anyone ever go for a decent soundcard? much of a difference?
                                                                          if you want to produce awesome stuff using your PC, maybe , any other reason, no.


                                                                            Come on Corbetts nag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                                              Originally posted by Percy007 View Post
                                                                              Come on Corbetts nag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                                                Originally posted by The Hurricane View Post


                                                                                  Originally posted by NewApproach View Post
                                                                                  Going to Gleen Hansard tonight and U2 next week.

                                                                                  Haters gonna hate...
                                                                                  Hansard will be good.
                                                                                  Originally posted by The Hurricane View Post
                                                                                  it will win because I forgot about it.

                                                                                  Its ok there was still time for me to stop it.
                                                                                  Last edited by Strewelpeter; 27-06-11, 20:05.
                                                                                  Turning millions into thousands


                                                                                    A man who works foe Boyles passing on a tip. And no one suspects a thing


                                                                                      Lol at people doubting Rafa, guy is made of steel.
                                                                                      Originally posted by ArmaniJeans
                                                                                      I like this heat - some proper music innit.
                                                                                      None of the 'black disabled lesbian warbling backwards' stuff that the other players inflicted on me.


                                                                                        Originally posted by The Hurricane View Post
                                                                                        A man who works foe Boyles passing on a tip. And no one suspects a thing
                                                                                        Everyone suspects but the degen in you has backed it like the rest of us


                                                                                          Originally posted by Percy007 View Post
                                                                                          Everyone suspects but the degen in you has backed it like the rest of us


                                                                                            Anyone got any experience of the Sony Xperia X10? mate is giving his one up for cheap, would certainly be an improvement to the POS i'm using currently, plus gingerbread is around the corner apparently.
                                                                                            donate to my hairy lip!


                                                                                              What race is Corbetts horse running in ??


                                                                                                Originally posted by Zuroph View Post
                                                                                                Anyone got any experience of the Sony Xperia X10? mate is giving his one up for cheap, would certainly be an improvement to the POS i'm using currently, plus gingerbread is around the corner apparently.
                                                                                                Wife has the X10 mini pro and its a cracker of a phone


                                                                                                  Originally posted by DAMO72 View Post
                                                                                                  What race is Corbetts horse running in ??

                                                                                                  Corbett is a fuckin horse


                                                                                                    Originally posted by DAMO72 View Post
                                                                                                    What race is Corbetts horse running in ??

                                                                                                    Not the one it was supposed too anyway!!!


                                                                                                      Originally posted by Tony3004 View Post
                                                                                                      13/8 now Del Potro in running. chunk of that for me plz. nadal obv not gonna be able to hold on/ play good enough for too long more.
                                                                                                      oh ye of little faith
                                                                                                      "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                        again, FU Woznacki

                                                                                                        never backing women's sports again, they're not to be trusted imo

                                                                                                        offence intended
                                                                                                        "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                          Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                                                          again, FU Woznacki

                                                                                                          never backing women's sports again, they're not to be trusted imo

                                                                                                          offence intended

                                                                                                          Just don't back massive bottlers instead.


                                                                                                            "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                              Originally posted by Teddie View Post
                                                                                                              Just don't back massive bottlers instead.
                                                                                                              covered under the general heading of:
                                                                                                              • women
                                                                                                              • Kildare football team
                                                                                                              • Galway (in any sport)
                                                                                                              • Jimmy White
                                                                                                              "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                                "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                                                                  2/4 in the $25r 4k 6max on ipoker if anyone fancies railing. SN interrail. $1.5k ftw. Gtd $467 atm.


                                                                                                                    I suppose we could compile a top ten list of bottlers while I'm in the mood

                                                                                                                    1. Cristiano Ronaldo
                                                                                                                    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                                      Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                                                                      covered under the general heading of:
                                                                                                                      • women
                                                                                                                      • Kildare football team
                                                                                                                      • Galway (in any sport)
                                                                                                                      • Jimmy White
                                                                                                                      • 20/1 shots that Corbett tips


                                                                                                                        woot! ship the non bet on Corbetts horse. no money online or on cards to place bet, and too lazy to leave house to bookies, I took the gamble not to gamble.
                                                                                                                        donate to my hairy lip!


                                                                                                                          2. New Zealand rugby team (at world cups)
                                                                                                                          "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."

