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Bad beat/Moan/Venting Thread - BBV Archive 2

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    Originally posted by Michelle SatNav View Post
    never used 3v cards for poker so dunno, just lodge the whole 30 onto moneybookers then they will take their fee.

    Why dont you use paysafecards for stars, I use them all the time.
    It asks for the amount though when depositing.

    Anyway, think I will just go straight through stars.


      Originally posted by Dice75 View Post
      Who sells those paysafecards?

      How do you withdraw?
      You can buy them in loads of shops.

      The last time I withdrew , I just withdrew back onto visa debit!
      Her sky-ness
      © 5starpool


        Ame Samoa lose 32 to 0 vs Australia.Visit


          Originally posted by Zod View Post
          I haven't either, I was going on reports from fellow comrades who were plucked from oiling the wheels of captialism and were subjected to being forced to stand in a corner of the tent with "prole" written on a sign hung round their necks.

          google Bohemian Grove.
          Originally posted by Icarus152 View Post
          Lol,all sounds very.....odd.

          "The Bohemian club! Did you say Bohemian club? That's where all those rich Republicans go up and stand naked against redwood trees right? I've never been to the Bohemian club but you oughta go. It'd be good for you. You'd get some fresh air."—President Bill Clinton to a heckler.
          I turned down a job offer there when living in Dallas. Was just so expensive to relocate to San Francisco. Mainly a City Club where privacy is essential etc. lots of former presidnets frequent it. They have two main camp trips a year, the main one is the famous 3 week retreat when all the members visit the red wood forest.


            Originally posted by Semibluff View Post
            crack bird was a "pop up" in temple bar, for a few months. Has now opened permanently on south william st now

            (very nice chicken fwiw)
            The best thing about this place was that you could stand around outside and have random bottles of beer for €2 a pop from the ice buckets inside. Always a winner when you landed the Tiger beer. Have witness genuinely one of the most diverse gatherings of people in that place which seemed to be very wealthy young couples, a group of very camp gay men and scangers in tracksuits/borderline junkies. Was a great spot to start the night off in


              Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide to... View Post
              Let's say you messed up and bought somewhere as an investment and now it is essentially worthless. You can suck it up and not have a life for the next 20 years, or you can declare bankruptcy and restart your life.

              Surely you always pick the second option?

              Do we really ever choose the 'morally correct' solution here?

              Not many people with an epitaph that reads 'he was always prompt with his repayments'. Think that's putting money on far too high a pedestal vs life.

              I'd be walking 100% of the time.
              Thats maintaining there are only 2 options. Bear in mind I havnt thought this through but what if the bank did a takeover and leaseback option? i.e. you forfit ownership of the house but get to keep living there paying rent at a fraction of the price of what a mortgage would be. The bank doesnt lose because your rent will cover the interest and in a few years time (when you pass away/move out) the house can be sold or leased again to cover the rest of the costs. Sure you will never own your own house but is that really a problem?


                That must be 10 years old at least Carl?


                  Polish Ambassador responds to that shitheap of an article:

                  Dear Editor,

                  I refer to the article “Welcome to ’good life’ on welfare – how Polish waitress embraced La Dole-ce Vita” published in the Irish Independent of Feb 1.

                  Firstly, let me focus on the article itself and on its level of inaccuracy relative to the original article (published in the magazine Wysokie Obcasy to the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza of Jan 29).

                  I wish to stress that the authors of the Irish article use the facts presented in the Polish article in a very selective and subjective manner. The subject ‘Magda’ states in the Polish article: “I have a big problem with being unemployed, I don’t want to live at the State’s expense and for that reason I use this assistance to allow me start up my own business”. I believe that this is the sentence that best summarizes the context of the original article and it is decidedly unfortunate that it has been omitted in your article.

                  In terms of her describing her life as ‘Hawaiian Massage’ , at no stage in this article does she make such a statement. What she actually says is that she has completed a FÁS course in Hawaiian Massage and that she’s planning to open a massage business next year. I think you can agree that this misrepresentation completely changes the tone of the article.

                  She also never describes the place where she lives as s***hole (in fact she loves it and is very passionate about it), she merely refers to other people saying that.

                  There are many other inaccuracies of that type throughout the Irish Independent article which could have been easily avoided if only the Polish article had been translated correctly or its content presented in a more objective manner.

                  I fully understand how potentially damaging this article might be to the good reputation that the Polish community has amongst Irish society and I ask your readers not to judge us on the basis of this solitary article. You have managed to get to know us well in recent years and you know our work ethic and our system of values which, I’m sorry to say, is inaccurately presented in this article published in the Irish Independent.

                  The decision to remain in Ireland that so many Polish people made in the recent years is a decision to make a valuable contribution to the Irish state by living and working here, integrating with the Irish society and being a part of it all in good times and bad. It’s impossible to imagine that this decision, sometimes a very painful one, is made on the basis of the level of unemployment benefit or other kinds of support granted to the jobless by the Irish State.

                  Polish people that come to Ireland are young, well educated, dynamic and ambitious people who make a conscious choice to settle down here. Their first priority in life is to make an honest living for themselves. I cannot say that people like Magda don’t exist – they do in every society and community around the world, including the Polish community in Ireland. On the basis of my personal experience with so many Poles living here, I can assure you that people like Magda constitute a very small minority of Poles in Ireland, and are in no way representative of the entire Irish – based Polish community.

                  The danger of an anti-immigrant atmosphere developing during harsh economic times is well-documented throughout history. I would hope that a major newspaper such as the Irish Independent would be conscious of this and take great care when fact-checking such a potentially inflammatory article.

                  Yours sincerely,

                  Marcin Nawrot


                  What an utter fucking rag that newspaper is.


                    Originally posted by Michelle SatNav View Post
                    Post office with the book is still an option thats available.
                    you know that's an urban legend right? like that I've been told by several taxi drivers that they pick them up in the morning and drop em back to the airport in the evening. Despite the fact that there's no flights that fit that story. and that the cost of travel is too high, and accom, and transfers to from airport and all the rest.

                    Its bullshit, plain and simple.
                    donate to my hairy lip!


                      The original article, totally different tone than what that rag made it sound like.

                      "Poles in Ireland. I love you, unemployment."
                      Written by Katarzyna Brejwo
                      Published in Gazeta Wyborcza

                      The sound of the ocean
                      It’s six o’clock in the morning and we’re walking in complete darkness through a golf course.

                      I travelled to Ireland to see what life is like for Polish people who’ve lost their jobs. I thought that when you’re unemployed at least you don’t have to jump out of bed so early in the morning, but no such luck.

                      Magda (36 years old, almost 2 years on unemployment benefits in Ireland): “I always start my days in the same way: I go down to the beach to see the sunrise. It sets me up for the rest of the day. I used to sleep until noon, but now I don’t want to waste my life.”

                      It’s a five minute walk to the nearest beach. She had only one wish when she was looking for a house: she wanted to be able to hear the ocean. Then she thought that there had to be light and space, so she wouldn’t feel suffocated; fireplace for those cold evenings and a maximum rent of 85 euro weekly – otherwise she’s not going to get the rent allowance, the benefit from the social welfare office.

                      “What’s my life like? It’s great. I’m developing as a person, I can live. I get an unemployment benefit – 188 euro weekly and 59 euro for my rent. During the winter I get 20 euro fuel allowance. It’s 267 euro weekly. It’s enough for a quiet life if you don’t live extravagantly.”

                      Donegal, a county on the Northern tip of Ireland, for some it’s the most beautiful place in the world, for others – biggest nowhersville. Wherever you look, green hills and beaches stretching towards the horizon, just like on a postcard.

                      On the other hand you can be walking on a beach for an hour and you’ll only meet one elderly man wearing a rain jacket.

                      “ There’s everything here, but jobs”, laughs Magda. “Half of Donegal has gone away, the other half is on benefits.”

                      It takes 4 hours to get from the village D. (tourist folders describe it as ‘The Pearl of Donegal’) to Dublin. At weekends, representatives of the middle class come here to play golf, in the summer it’s the tourists. You can walk around the centre in 10 minutes: there’s the church, café, two tourist shops and a pub. In front of the pub, there’s a bench with a view of the bay and the famous Donegal sheep munching on the grass across the water.

                      A surfing school has been opened on the square where young people, who haven’t left to look for jobs in Australia or the US, meet. Just around the corner there’s an office which is supposed to help the local community. This month they’re advertising sign language courses. Their job-related advice? Ask in the hotel or in the café.

                      “It doesn’t make sense to work earning the lowest rate. In the hostel I earned 200 euro weekly and I was busy morning till night. First it was breakfast for the guests, then reception, between 2 and 3 cleaning the rooms and then phone duties. On one hand it was fun, you get to meet people from all around the world, but when they knock on your door at 11pm, you want to murder them.”

                      “You can earn more waitressing, but how long can you be running with a tray? There were times that I was the only person working at a wedding looking after 2 tables of 36 people. I didn’t even have the time to go to the toilet. When I finally managed to convince them to give me some help, they gave me a cleaner – plates kept falling from her hands and she didn’t have a word of English.”


                      The nerves were getting to her, she had no regrets leaving her job.
                      Hawaiian massage
                      She admits herself that unemployment helped her to live again.

                      First of all, she goes to the beach two times a day. It’s the best place to think. There are nine beaches around where she lives, every day she chooses a different one.

                      Secondly, she does yoga. She gets her sessions for free because she has an agreement with (…) her instructor – that she would give her massages in return.

                      Magda can do a basic massage, a Hawaiian one and a hot stone one that she’s learnt at a free course organised by the social welfare office. You move hot stones across the back until the tension is gone. Sometimes people feel so heavenly that they fall asleep.

                      She barters other things too. “At the moment I have an agreement with a carpenter, who’s going to put some shelves up for me and I’m going to give him a back massage, as the lad has a bad back.”

                      Not so long ago she got picture frames in a similar way (she looked after an art gallery at lunchtime), a pair of thick socks (helping out in the surfers’ shop) and an hour of meditation (Hawaiian massage).

                      Thirdly, she surfs. For the first week her muscles were so sore that she couldn’t turn at night. Now every day she waits by the phone: if the waves are good, the boys from the surfing school pick her up in their van. In Donegal you can surf all year round, even in winter.

                      If the waves are too big, she does surfwatch: looking at people who surf. Sometimes she takes photos. She’s got a good eye and knows when to get the best shot.

                      Fourthly, at last she cooks healthily. “I buy my milk and cheese from my neighbour, vegetables at the market, (…) I get tofu and organic muffins.”

                      She doesn’t turn on her fridge as she prefers to buy daily and eat fresh.

                      Her friends tell her that she’s lost weight and is looking better than ever. “Before I would always comfort eat: to deal with stress, with the problems with my boss. Now I’m not in a hurry anywhere, I don’t have to do anything. I live frugally, but I am true to myself.”

                      In addition: she’s decorating her house. It’s 200 square metres, 3 bedrooms downstairs, upstairs living room and a dining room. The owner wanted 110 euro, they settled on 95 (…), because she doesn’t have a job or children, (…). She’s managed to re-paint downstairs blue. In the future that’s where the massage room is going to be.

                      “The unemployment benefit is there for you to have the time to re-think your life. I’ve discovered that I don’t want to work for somebody else anymore. I like to do things my way.”

                      Finally: she meets her guardian angel, her name is (…), she’s 40 and she’s got a mobile phone you can ring any time.

                      Use your head
                      The rate of unemployment in Ireland is at 14.3 percent. The people looking after the unemployed are: the social welfare, which pays the benefits; FAS, which doesn’t give out money, but advises on how to start your own business and sends people on free courses if they want to learn. There’s also local development office which assigns a guardian angel to every unemployed person.

                      A year ago, when Magda wanted to open a massage business, her guardian angel whispered in her ear: the time is not right. What if – God forbid – there won’t be any customers? Business will fail, benefits would be gone and she will have to slave away in some hotel.

                      You have to use your head to get out of the unemployment, you do it through the back to work allowance scheme. It’s a special offer for those who have been on the unemployment benefit for at least two years. The way it works is that the unemployed who opens up their own business, gets a full unemployment benefit for the first year and then half of it for the second year. You say goodbye to the benefits only after two years when – thanks to the State’s help – your business can stand on its own two feet.

                      927 Polish people were taking part in the back to work allowance scheme in December last year. 465 took advantage of the back to education programme aimed at those who want to continue learning.

                      Magda has almost half a year to go to qualify for the back to work allowance scheme. In the meantime she’s going to get a driver’s licence, do up a businessplan, an accountancy course and one in marketing (all of them organised by the social welfare office).

                      “Do I have a problem with being on benefits? – she ponders the question. – Yes. I don’t want to live off the state, that’s why I treat the benefits as an aid, which will help me to start my own business.”

                      And what’s the reaction of the people around her to all of this? “I was never faced with negative comments. Maybe it’s because a lot of Irish people are also on benefits. One friend once told me that she prefers her taxes to be spent on me, rather than on some eejits from Dublin.”

                      In the afternoon we grab a 3 euro coffee. We could have a similar one at home, but it is important to help the local business, explains Magda. And to spend some time with people.

                      “After I pay my bills I have 172 euro for a week. 40 euro a month goes on the Internet and the landline, 35 on my mobile. Once every two months I pay for electricity, that’s around 100 euro. I cook at home, I don’t go out to restaurants. I go to the market where I can get local products cheaper than in a shop. I look for special offers in Centra – for example 6 rolls for 1.50 euro. They will last me over three days, all you have to do is to toast them.”

                      “ I buy my clothes in Penney’s (a shop with sale-like prices, referred to by Polish people as ‘penis’ [Penney’s sounds like penis when pronounced in Polish – translator’s note]) , but not too many, because I don’t have the need to glam myself up. My latest buys: yoga sweatpants for a euro, trousers for 7, pyjamas for, bed linen for 6. I buy my shoes in TK Maxx – max 10 euro per pair. In the autumn I get a winter clothing allowance.”

                      “I look for books in a charity shop. Look: ‘The Jungle Book’, ‘Robin Hood’, ‘Out of the Silent Planet’ by C.S. Lewis – all three for 2.50 euro. Friends from Poland send me new books.”

                      “My big ticket item last year was the surfing board. I bought it on hire purchase. When I pay it off, I’ll think about a car. At the moment I either hitchhike or use the bus.”

                      “What do I lack the funds for? Fun. Here, life happens in a pub. So when I go to one in the evening I get a glass of tap water.”
                      donate to my hairy lip!


                        Originally posted by Zuroph View Post
                        you know that's an urban legend right? like that I've been told by several taxi drivers that they pick them up in the morning and drop em back to the airport in the evening. Despite the fact that there's no flights that fit that story. and that the cost of travel is too high, and accom, and transfers to from airport and all the rest.

                        Its bullshit, plain and simple.
                        But if they book far enough in advance with Ryanair they get the flights for a penny.


                          we need a sarcasm font

                          I challenge you to find a poland to Ireland flight for a penny.
                          donate to my hairy lip!


                            Booked my Euros flights today


                              Originally posted by Dice75 View Post
                              That must be 10 years old at least Carl?
                              Yeah, still 31/32-0 .


                                For anyone near churchtown, the Arch restaurant is running a good deal atm. Nice wee spot, good food and a steal at 39 yoyo for 2 ppl.

                                Low fee Euro/UK money transfer, 1st transfer free through my referral


                                  Originally posted by Semibluff View Post
                                  crack bird was a "pop up" in temple bar, for a few months. Has now opened permanently on south william st now

                                  (very nice chicken fwiw)
                                  Originally posted by thechamp87 View Post
                                  Crackbird remains a pop-up as such, and just moved to Dame St. He's opening another new restaurant in the South William St premises and already has an Italian-ish pop-up called Skinflint in town. Interesting idea, he markets them well. If you book through Twitter for certain timeslots daily your meal is free. Same guy also owns JoBurger in Rathmines and a couple of other places iirc.
                                  Had heard about this place a few times but never knew where it was, going into town last week and I see the old chinese restaurant on Dame Street had gone tits up and been replaced by the new restaurant, anytime I had passed that place over the last few months it had been really quiet looking but the other night the place was packed, what kinda food do they offer up?
                                  "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                    Thinking of Bon Appetit in Malahide for GFs birthday. Any stories, good or bad?


                                      Check your eyesight........slowly close your eyes until it becomes readable




                                          Filming Sex Scene tomorrow but said woman actress taking part in it looks like a melted wellyboot. I am struggling to think how do I approach this.


                                            Originally posted by A_CitizenErased View Post
                                            Filming Sex Scene tomorrow but said woman actress taking part in it looks like a melted wellyboot. I am struggling to think how do I approach this.
                                            from behind is probably best

                                            pics obv?


                                              pacman mayweather not happening according to mayweathers twitter
                                              airport, lol


                                                Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                I was at a table quiz the night before, don't remember it being massively loud tbh.

                                                Hopefully it'll go away soon, it's seriously tilting (in a literal sense, my balance is gone a bit crap)!
                                                Def sounds like an infection of the inner ear. I had that and my balance was off and sometimes I felt dizzy/sick and had the ringing in my ears. I had the infection clear up but I still have the tinitus it drives me mad when all is quiet.

                                                I hope it goes away as it is very difficult to live with.

                                                Originally posted by SICKPUPPY View Post
                                                So if someone sees a job on the internet they have to go to the job center to probably queue for god knows how long to make a phone call.

                                                Seeing as the likes of Fas are job centers training sites probably open 4 hours a day with 3 hour lunch breaks ahrdly encouraging people to seek work when even basics of getting it prove difficult.
                                                I used to think that FAS was something to be looked down on. It is nothing like that at all.

                                                I start at 8.30 and get one 20 min tea break and a 40 min lunch break in the whole day and finish at 3.45. I really am enjoying my time with FAS and would recommend anyone needing to retrain on something they cover to look into it.

                                                I could have done a course similar to the one I am doing now at the local IT. I would have had to start with a basic ECDL course and 4 months later look inside a computer. We had computers built within two months. A far better course with a world wide certificate at the end.

                                                Originally posted by Michelle SatNav View Post
                                                I havent a clue, just seems odd that on the first Tues of every month there seems to be alot of women on the flight.

                                                Hmm maybe it is just coincidence , not sure must quiz him on it again.
                                                Michelle. I would say that the reason woman come over at the beginning of the month is possibly due to the husbands getting paid at the end of the month and they come over to see them. As you know it is hard being away from your family and I am sure Polish woman who did not move over with their partners miss them as much as you miss Colm in the reverso situation with him being in Poland.

                                                And fuck the house, sell it and get the fuck to Oz! You don't know what state the house or the market will be in years to come. Enjoy your life and let the kids sort their own out


                                                  Originally posted by A_CitizenErased View Post
                                                  Filming Sex Scene tomorrow but said woman actress taking part in it looks like a melted wellyboot. I am struggling to think how do I approach this.
                                                  this is total bullshit unless we see lots of pics
                                                  airport, lol


                                                    Originally posted by A_CitizenErased View Post
                                                    Filming Sex Scene tomorrow but said woman actress taking part in it looks like a melted wellyboot. I am struggling to think how do I approach this.
                                                    Like this..


                                                      Originally posted by eamonhonda View Post
                                                      this is total bullshit unless we see lots of pics

                                                      Nothing really unbelievable about the statement. Im D.O.P for a new short being shot in the city. We are filming scene 3 of the first page tomorrow. Scene 3 is a sex scene.

                                                      I may trow up a pic tomorrow.


                                                        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
                                                        "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                                          Originally posted by A_CitizenErased View Post

                                                          Nothing really unbelievable about the statement. Im D.O.P for a new short being shot in the city. We are filming scene 3 of the first page tomorrow. Scene 3 is a sex scene.

                                                          I may trow up a pic tomorrow.
                                                          was only jokin, just be funny to see pics of you filiming this melted welly haha
                                                          airport, lol


                                                            Originally posted by eamonhonda View Post
                                                            was only jokin, just be funny to see pics of you filiming this melted welly haha
                                                            Ah I know

                                                            I might trow up something tomorrow.


                                                              Uh, don't go to a football match in Egypt

                                                              When does the new season of Eastbound & Down start?


                                                                that thing in egypt is crazy


                                                                  Originally posted by ionapaul View Post
                                                                  Uh, don't go to a football match in Egypt

                                                                  When does the new season of Eastbound & Down start?
                                                                  19th Feb


                                                                    Originally posted by tylerdurden94 View Post
                                                                    never understood the love for this. definitely some good moments but watched episode 1 of series 2 and thought never more.


                                                                      Originally posted by eamonhonda View Post
                                                                      pacman mayweather not happening according to mayweathers twitter
                                                                      mayweather fighting cotto on 5th may

                                                                      looks like pacquaio fighting bradley now in june


                                                                        Originally posted by Michelle SatNav View Post
                                                                        just read your post to him. He says in his Derry accent " aye he is fuckin right"
                                                                        lol bet you didn't read your post to him about shaving your fandango
                                                                        Follow me in twitterland


                                                                          Originally posted by smurph View Post
                                                                          lol bet you didn't read your post to him about shaving your fandango
                                                                          Of course she nearly did

                                                                          Originally posted by Michelle SatNav View Post
                                                                          YE are lucky im in a good mood, colm is looking at me like im on drugs, im laughing so much. he says " you hardly fucking told that crowd on that poker yoke you do be on that you cut yourself shaving"

                                                                          Oh god no I said hehehhehehhe
                                                                          Gone full 'Glinner' since June 2022.


                                                                            qq crushed by J7 on a jack high flop, urgh...
                                                                            Is that how you crash a wedding? yes it is, Bionic Barry, yes it is.


                                                                              Originally posted by A_CitizenErased View Post

                                                                              Nothing really unbelievable about the statement. Im D.O.P for a new short being shot in the city. We are filming scene 3 of the first page tomorrow. Scene 3 is a sex scene.

                                                                              I may trow up a pic tomorrow.
                                                                              I am not picking on you or anything. But the word is THROW. It melts my head when I see people forgetting the H in words because in certain parts of Ireland it is not used.


                                                                                Originally posted by MrsFlushdraw View Post
                                                                                I am not picking on you or anything. But the word is THROW. It melts my head when I see people forgetting the H in words because in certain parts of Ireland it is not used.
                                                                                Grammar Nazis strike again.
                                                                                "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                                                                  FORZA LAZIO


                                                                                    Originally posted by MrsFlushdraw View Post
                                                                                    I am not picking on you or anything. But the word is THROW. It melts my head when I see people forgetting the H in words because in certain parts of Ireland it is not used.
                                                                                    You would hate Keane's people.


                                                                                      Looks like I was right yesterday.

                                                                                      Negreanus account was hacked and he was taken for about 100k. I presume he will get it all back as they launched an investigation into it. He posted up on two plus two that he was on a plane at the time.


                                                                                        Originally posted by Michelle SatNav View Post
                                                                                        Not a hope of that happening. The house is about the only security we have , We both love our house, the Area and the kids are very happy here too. This house is their future all going well.I would hate them to have nothing when we finally go. I'm afraid like most in this country that we are and will continue to be slaves to our mortgages.

                                                                                        We are nearly 10 yrs paying the mortgage now plus a fairly high life assurance policy , would kill me to lose all that.
                                                                                        Nobody's business but your own but I think if I were in this scenario I would seriously consider moving to Oz for a few years (minimum 5, more likely 10) if the work was there & rent your house for that time. Overall I guess it comes down to what is more disruptive to the family, moving everyone where ye have a family life together - just in another country -or one person goes and earns the money to keep everyone at home. Not an easy choice and I have a few mates in a similar position right now...


                                                                                          Originally posted by FeetMagic View Post
                                                                                          FORZA LAZIO
                                                                                          Is that how you crash a wedding? yes it is, Bionic Barry, yes it is.


                                                                                            'At least 73' die in Egypt football clashes


                                                                                              What the fuck? A guy who lives(d) 4 doors down from me just came on for Sunderland :S


                                                                                                Originally posted by A_CitizenErased View Post
                                                                                                What the fuck? A guy who lives(d) 4 doors down from me just came on for Sunderland :S
                                                                                                Wayne Bridge lived 4 doors down from you?

                                                                                                Sorry, assuming you're not implying David Meyler is a new player for Sunderland?
                                                                                                He joined Sunderland on 25 July 2008 for an undisclosed fee believed to be around £250,000.


                                                                                                  Originally posted by A_CitizenErased View Post
                                                                                                  What the fuck? A guy who lives(d) 4 doors down from me just came on for Sunderland :S
                                                                                                  Hes has been with Sunderland 3 years?!


                                                                                                    Originally posted by Micknail View Post
                                                                                                    Wayne Bridge lived 4 doors down from you?
                                                                                                    No, David Meyler. His house is four doors down from mine. Never watch Sunderland and had no idea he was playing in England.

                                                                                                    See his old man most days. Weird.



                                                                                                        Originally posted by A_CitizenErased View Post
                                                                                                        What the fuck? A guy who lives(d) 4 doors down from me just came on for Sunderland :S
                                                                                                        You live on Wearside?


                                                                                                          Originally posted by Hatedajacks View Post
                                                                                                          Hes has been with Sunderland 3 years?!
                                                                                                          Probably my first time watching a Sunderland in 3 years. Just said it to a friend on FB and he said the same that hes been over there 2 years now haha.

                                                                                                          Weird thing to see when I had no idea.


                                                                                                            Never heard of him before.


                                                                                                              Originally posted by Micknail View Post
                                                                                                              Wayne Bridge lived 4 doors down from you?

                                                                                                              Sorry, assuming you're not implying David Meyler is a new player for Sunderland?
                                                                                                              He joined Sunderland on 25 July 2008 for an undisclosed fee believed to be around £250,000.
                                                                                                              Never mentioned new?

                                                                                                              I never watch Sunderland.


                                                                                                                Originally posted by ionapaul View Post
                                                                                                                Uh, don't go to a football match in Egypt
                                                                                                                I went to the Cairo Derby Zamalek v Al Alhy a few years ago and what surprises me about tonights disaster is that there is only 70 dead.

                                                                                                                Overcrowding and over excitement on a massive scale, quite a scary experience, I believe that a couple of people killed at a game is fairly standard.
                                                                                                                Last edited by Strewelpeter; 01-02-12, 21:59.
                                                                                                                Turning millions into thousands


                                                                                                                  Originally posted by tylerdurden94 View Post
                                                                                                                  Grammar Nazis strike again.
                                                                                                                  Hate this mentality, especially from a Mod, (Tin cop or otherwise )
                                                                                                                  Clearly MsFD is only trying to educate the masses!

                                                                                                                  Also, for the record Danny, it's 'Never saw it', not 'seen'.
                                                                                                                  In before someone points out 'I have never seen it'


                                                                                                                    Originally posted by FeetMagic View Post
                                                                                                                    FORZA LAZIO
                                                                                                                    Ugh Napoli.


                                                                                                                      At Megatrons request.

                                                                                                                      I found a real life gnome at the 13th teebox at Faithlegg today.

                                                                                                                      We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.


                                                                                                                        Seen this on 2+2 and Lold


                                                                                                                          Some hit and run job by Newcastle tonight, 2 shots on target, 2 goals.
                                                                                                                          Played Ryan Taylor in Cm too, and only 40% possession.

