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Bad beat/Moan/Venting Thread - BBV Archive 1

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    Originally posted by hotspur View Post
    I thought Football manager was a different game using the source code that was Championship Manager and competed with it. I was also under the impression that Football Manager was a tougher game than Championship manager Wouldn't be an authority on the whole thing now.
    IIRC, the main programmers/developers of Championship manager had a falling out with the publishers and so left CM and Football Manager began. It's along those lines anyway.


      Ninjavideo? Tvshack? Why would you be near them sites, didn't I tell you all about quicksilverscreen forum? Its by far the best.
      'Mental Toughness is doing the right thing for the team when it's not the best thing for you' - Bill Belichick


        Watched Alien the other night and had never notice before but for the first 6 minutes of so there is absolutely no dialogue just a basic rundown of the ship just panning around its brilliant imo.
        "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


          woo-hoo sunshine (hot too) is back in town

          and yes, more pre-teen scumbags are attempting to discover the joys of Weils Disease
          "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


            Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post

            and yes, more pre-teen scumbags are attempting to discover the joys of Weils Disease
            would have thought there is way too much tidal water in the liffey there for the bacteria to survive


              Where about on boards is that police/drunk thing? I can't click links. Thanks


                red alert for Strewelpeter

                apparently the current issue of the New Yorker magazine has got a full series of naked photos of Helen Mirren

                1 defibrilator to Co. Kildare venue please
                "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                  Originally posted by shrapnel View Post
                  would have thought there is way too much tidal water in the liffey there for the bacteria to survive
                  that's no way to refer to children imo
                  "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                    Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                    I hate this type of attitude. Nit picking around incidents like this is nothing more than childish whining. Sorry man, but I come across people that espouse the above attitudes regularly enough and they are usually the type of people who would be likely to get drunk and act the fucking cunt when the mood strikes them.

                    The guy in the above picture was way out of line. So he got an extra smack, he'll live. The Gard locked up the situation on his own, and deserves credit.
                    something similiar happened in las angeles a few years back.

                    they got the black guy out of his car and on the ground where they proceeded to kick the living shit out of an allready subdued person sparking widespread riots do you think the cops deserved credit there aswell for "locking up that situation" without the need for calling in any more backup??

                    don't really care either way just throwing another episode off excessive force into the mix

                    "Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"




                        (a) single Guard using reasonable force to subdue a drunken attacker who has just tried to throw him in the Claddagh

                        (b) 4 cops dragging innocent black guy out of his car and beating the crap out of him

                        (a) <> (b) imo
                        "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                          He's right, if that guy was black, I might think about starting to begin to give a shit.
                          X can be anything, any number, that is what’s CRAZY about X.
                          Because X doesn’t roll like that, because X can’t be pinned down!

                          $ Free Travel Credit with Airbnb $


                            Originally posted by Rigger View Post
                            He's right, if that guy was black, I might think about starting to begin to give a shit.
                            he had black jocks you racist scumbag
                            "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                              Originally posted by Rigger View Post
                              Rod-ney King.
                              Originally posted by Eight-Ball View Post
                              something similiar happened in las angeles a few years back.

                              they got the black guy out of his car and on the ground where they proceeded to kick the living shit out of an allready subdued person sparking widespread riots do you think the cops deserved credit there aswell for "locking up that situation" without the need for calling in any more backup??

                              don't really care either way just throwing another episode off excessive force into the mix
                              First of all it was already mentioned, in jest, by Rigger.

                              Secondly, that has to be one of the stupiest comparisons ever

                              edit: Oh and them getting off the brutality caused the riots over a year later btw
                              Last edited by Mellor; 01-07-10, 13:14.


                                Not enough love for the black guy in that pic
                                People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                                Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                                  Originally posted by DeadParrot View Post
                                  Not enough love for the black guy in that pic

                                  The black guys makes the pic. I had no real interest in the rest, two fags lads going at it doesn't interest me. Although I'm impressed he managed to keep his hat on.


                                    Originally posted by Eight-Ball View Post
                                    something similiar happened in las angeles a few years back.

                                    they got the black guy out of his car and on the ground where they proceeded to kick the living shit out of an allready subdued person sparking widespread riots do you think the cops deserved credit there aswell for "locking up that situation" without the need for calling in any more backup??

                                    don't really care either way just throwing another episode off excessive force into the mix
                                    Yeah, it's totally the same thing.

                                    "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                      the tale of the Global Poker Tour

                                      Welcome to the cautionary tale of the Global Poker Tour.

                                      The GPT, or Global Poker Tour, had humble beginnings. Back about 11 years ago or so, a few high-stakes Texas Hold ‘em aficionados got together in a dark room somewhere and began to hatch a plan that would change the poker world forever. Their birth child: The GPT.

                                      It was a simple proposition really. The founders---we’ll Blithely refer to them as “the Masters” for lack of a better moniker---the founders each called a couple of their friends from Vegas and Monte Carlo and Macau and planned to meet one evening for a game of poker. They rented a room at the local Holiday Inn Express, rented a table and some chips, and they were ready to rock!

                                      So, on this pretty starlit evening in 1997, all of the players descended upon room #1600 at the Holiday Inn and the game was on. And it was a good game, with lots of big pots and exciting show downs. And the game went on well into the wee hours of the morning. And by dawn everyone was pretty beat and hungry and in need of fresh air, and so they decided to settle up their accounts and come back tomorrow night for another game.

                                      Now, one of the really groovy parts of the new GPT was that none of the players actually had to bring cash with them. The Masters figured that all were good for their markers, and besides, carrying a lot of cash around ain’t so safe these days.

                                      So at the end of the inaugural game of the GPT, over 3 million dollars had changed hands. (Well you know what I mean. 3 Million chips we'll say.) The big winner this night was poker giant HP who had won over a million dollars in chips! Many others hovered around the break even point, and only AG found himself in the hole over $500,000. Of course, no debts were settled on this evening. The game would continue tomorrow, and trust among fellow gamblers runs as deep as blood.

                                      Night 2 arrived, and 8 more players joined the game! And so the Masters went out and rented another table, and a few more poker chips, and took a bigger room at the Holiday Inn Express, and as the clock struck 8pm it was game on! And what a spectacular night it was for poker lovers!! Over 15 million dollars gambled, with BB finishing the night as the big winner with over 5 million in chips. Again, most players hovered close to even, and only 2 or 3 players had losses over 1 million $$.

                                      Again, as this was a small game and everyone at the tables was considered good for their debts, no actual money exchanged hands. A few IOUs were scratched out on napkins and torn pieces of dominoes pizza boxes, but that was primarily just for references sake. The GPT was off to a rousing start, and the game was just beginning!!

                                      Well as I’m sure you can imagine, the GPT really took off. Soon games were organized all over the country, and no longer were mere rooms at the local Holiday Inn Express sufficiently large enough---now we were talking ballrooms, and even auditoriums and arenas for the really huge events. And thousands of players had joined the ranks of the GPT brethren, and tens of BILLIONS of dollars was changing hands. And so the Masters met one night and penned a few rules to keep things running smoothly.

                                      The 1st rule of the GPT was that all members were considered absolutely good for their debts. The 2nd rule of the GPT was that no member could cash out and leave the tour without the permission of the other members and particularly without the blessing of the Masters. As such, none of the tens of billions of dollars in debts and winnings needed to take place in cash. It was perfect! And all of the IOUs and markers and debts were recorded in a central repository run by the Masters---and all of the players trusted the Masters as they trusted their own family members. In fact, the GPT became a sort of surrogate family for the members, and loyalty ran deep.

                                      So one day the Masters were discussing how they could grow the GPT without adding too many more actual players. You see, the games had gotten so unwieldy and massive---sometimes involving 10,000 players or more---that entire city blocks had to be rented out to accommodate not only the players but also the growing crowds of spectators.

                                      And then it hit them! The Masters decided that they would create two new parts of the GPT: one would be a method by which spectators could wager with each other on who each thought would win the tournament, who would survive longer in the tournament, who would win a given hand, even who would finish their free cup of coffee first! The spectators could bet on anything and everything that pertained to the GPT! The second part would be a program by which players AND side-betting spectators could purchase insurance against their bets AND debts, just in case some member of the GPT or some member of the spectator group had unexpected bills to pay or, god forbid, broke rule #2 and asked for cash instead of the usual and expected IOU.

                                      Well this idea took off like a jet plane! Soon Trillions and trillions of dollars were being bet and "swapped" by players and spectators and insurers and side-bettors. The excitement was palpable, and the GPT became the world’s highest "grossing" institution. My gosh, at one point it was estimated that the Global Poker Tour was worth, in total assets, almost half a QUADRILLION dollars!!! Of course because the rules were clear, and because a member's word that he could pay his debts if absolutely necessary was good, of that 500 Trillion dollars in assets, only a very small fraction existed in cash, or equity. The rest was debt, or leverage. What a great institution the GPT had become!!

                                      But as we must remember, the 2 rules of the GPT were sacrosanct. All of the transactions were accounted for through IOUs and promissory notes and contracts and everyone in the GPT abided by these rules, and all grooved along quite swimmingly….that is, until the fateful day. The fateful day to which I refer----it makes me shudder to remember that awful day---that fateful day was the day that Bobby Lehman, one of the tours rising stars, realized that he couldn’t pay some of his bills…and he broke the 2nd rule! He went to his friend and fellow star, Franky Goldman, and told Franky that, as unfortunate as it was, he needed to cash in on Franky’s IOU to Bobby----an IOU totalling 22 billion dollars.

                                      Franky was stunned. Franky didn’t have 22 billion dollars in cash!! The only way Franky could pay Bobby was to find his buddy Tommy Stearns and demand the 56 billion dollars that Tommy owed Franky.

                                      Well I needn’t tell you what happened next. T’was a sad day in not only the life of the GPT, but also for the whole wide world. The avalanche of margin calls and requests for payment of debts and requests for payments of side bets and demands for payments of insurance policies exploded. And while theoretically the whole thing added up to zero---many people just figured that it wasn’t a big deal because everyone could just get together and exchange all the money and everything would work out---there were lots of flies in the ointment.

                                      First it was discovered that the clearing house created by the Masters for all of these IOUs hadn’t really done a great job of accounting for everything. There were lots of holes in the books and strange entries and "fuzzy math" and missing pages. Second of all, the web of IOUs and debts was so tangled and so huge, that there was no way for everyone to be able to work out their debts with everyone else simultaneously and in a way that would leave everyone back at zero. Thirdly, literally MILLIONS of players and spectators and side-bettors had used their IOU "winnings" as collateral to buy stuff like houses and yachts and airplanes, and so the IOUs really didn’t represent the zero-sum dynamic that everyone said it did. And fourthly, some of the players and side-bettors and insurers were more entangled than others---just like O’Hare airport is more entangled with flights that the airport in West Lebanon, NH----and so lots the more entangled players ended up getting so overwhelmed that they----I hate to say it---took their own lives and left all of their counterparties holding IOUs that had no way of being paid.

                                      What a disaster this was. What a mess! What had begun so innocently and had been so small at first became the engine that ended up bringing the entire world’s economic system tumbling down. And all of the leaders of the world got together and decided that they still wanted the GPT to exist, because it made them really really rich, but that they could never ever let anyone break rule #2 again! And so there would be no more Tommy Lehmans. Anytime a player was broke and needed cash for some reason, the governments of the world would give them the money and the people of the world would pay back the government through taxes. And that way the Global Poker Tour could survive and live on forever! Because the survival of the GPT, after all, is best for everyone.
                                      "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                        Originally posted by Flushdraw View Post
                                        Where about on boards is that police/drunk thing? I can't click links. Thanks
                                        It's in Afterhours Tony, in the 'cool vids and links' sub forum. Thread titled 'A little story with pics'.
                                        We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.


                                          Goddam, hate when potentially interesting poker story turns into economics parable.
                                          Damn you for trying to educate by stealth.


                                            Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                            Yeah, it's totally the same thing.
                                            Obviously, it's not totally the same thing, but in both instances you have police officers taking the law into their own hands and meting out "justice" as they see fit. Both instances are morally and legally wrong, they differ in degrees of seriousness.

                                            What it boils down to is no-one should be above the law. In our society there are pretty well-defined rules about when the use of violence is allowed, and as a form of punishment is not one of them.

                                            Edit: I realise I'm fighting a losing battle with the BBV on this one!
                                            "I believe the target of anything in life should be to do it so well that it becomes art. You read a book and the writer touches something in you that you would not have brought out of yourself. He makes you discover something interesting in your life. If you are living like an animal, what is the point? What makes the day interesting is that we try to transform it into something that is close to art." - Arsene Wenger


                                              Originally posted by Wreck View Post
                                              Obviously, it's not totally the same thing, but in both instances you have police officers taking the law into their own hands and meting out "justice" as they see fit. Both instances are morally and legally wrong, they differ in degrees of seriousness.
                                              Disagree. You see this ^^. I see a police officer subduing an attacker.

                                              Originally posted by Wreck View Post
                                              What it boils down to is no-one should be above the law. In our society there are pretty well-defined rules about when the use of violence is allowed, and as a form of punishment is not one of them.

                                              Originally posted by Wreck View Post
                                              Edit: I realise I'm fighting a losing battle with the BBV on this one!
                                              "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                Originally posted by Wreck View Post
                                                Obviously, it's not totally the same thing, but in both instances you have police officers taking the law into their own hands and meting out "justice" as they see fit. Both instances are morally and legally wrong, they differ in degrees of seriousness.

                                                What it boils down to is no-one should be above the law. In our society there are pretty well-defined rules about when the use of violence is allowed, and as a form of punishment is not one of them.

                                                Edit: I realise I'm fighting a losing battle with the BBV on this one!
                                                what exactly was the guy doin wrong? just strippin to his boxers - that guard better stay away north inner city of hot days then.


                                                  Ace, make your 2,000th post something interesting

                                                  that's an order
                                                  "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                    Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                    Disagree. You see this ^^. I see a police officer subduing an attacker.
                                                    Ah man, he'd already been maced (which is no joke), was standing with his hands against the wall and his back to the garda. He was clearly no longer attacking the garda and I would suggest he was complying with his instructions, why else would he be standing in such a position? Based on the pictures, he's already subdued, and the garda just decided to get a cheap shot in.
                                                    "I believe the target of anything in life should be to do it so well that it becomes art. You read a book and the writer touches something in you that you would not have brought out of yourself. He makes you discover something interesting in your life. If you are living like an animal, what is the point? What makes the day interesting is that we try to transform it into something that is close to art." - Arsene Wenger


                                                      So tomorrow is my last day in the job after 5 years. Was meant to be in til 5pm, but the boss asked me what are we doing for a few scoops and suggested we bunk off work at 2.30 and go watch the Brazil-Holland match. Sounds like a plan to me! My boss is about the only thing i'm going to miss from this Godforsaken hole.


                                                        Originally posted by Wreck View Post
                                                        Ah man, he'd already been maced (which is no joke), was standing with his hands against the wall and his back to the garda. He was clearly no longer attacking the garda and I would suggest he was complying with his instructions, why else would he be standing in such a position? Based on the pictures, he's already subdued, and the garda just decided to get a cheap shot in.
                                                        it's impossible to imply all that from that picture alone imo

                                                        let us both continue on with our prejudices anyhow
                                                        "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                          Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                          First of all it was already mentioned, in jest, by Rigger.

                                                          Secondly, that has to be one of the stupiest comparisons ever

                                                          edit: Oh and them getting off the brutality caused the riots over a year later btw
                                                          there ya go
                                                          we can expect riots in 12mths time llyod,
                                                          even mellor says so

                                                          "Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"


                                                            Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                            it's impossible to imply all that from that picture alone imo

                                                            let us both continue on with our prejudices anyhow
                                                            i'd nearly bet that you hit 2000 posts before me, you must do no work in that office


                                                              I was attacked by a swan at the spanish arch many years ago. It was completely unprovoked. If I had mace/a baton the fucker would have got a dose of both. Apparently they can break your arm with their wing but I've often wondered has even one person ever come out of A&E with arm in cast as a result of an encounter with a swans wing. Despite my skepticism of swans limb busting abilities I ended up running away like a little girl as onlookers laughed at me. Why that prick of a swan singled me out I'll never know


                                                                Originally posted by Ace View Post
                                                                i'd nearly bet that you hit 2000 posts before me, you must do no work in that office
                                                                I'll take that bet

                                                                also; you're banned from using the rolleyes smiley
                                                                "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                  "if history teaches us anything...which it doesn't"

                                                                  ©Homer Simpson Esq.

                                                                  the census returns for 1901 and 1911 have been put online here. Pretty spooky to look up your own relations census returns from a hundred years ago, very strange feeling seeing my grandfather's names (both of whom I never knew) on the census forms as young fellas.

                                                                  Well worth a look imo
                                                                  "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                    Originally posted by oleras View Post

                                                                    Any ideas how i play this fish ?
                                                                    Eagerly awaiting update.


                                                                      Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                      "if history teaches us anything...which it doesn't"

                                                                      ©Homer Simpson Esq.

                                                                      the census returns for 1901 and 1911 have been put online here. Pretty spooky to look up your own relations census returns from a hundred years ago, very strange feelign seeing my grandfather's names (both of whom I never really knew) on the census forms as young fellas.

                                                                      Well worth a look imo
                                                                      Ye my father downloaded it and was all intrigued about it for a couple of days. He was going on and on about me great grandfather Maurice being a farm labourer when lets be honest i couldnt give a toss
                                                                      Redbet at the Dublin Poker Invasion FTW


                                                                        Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                        I'll take that bet

                                                                        also; you're banned from using the rolleyes smiley
                                                                        I reckon that i would win this bet - baiscally its one week without posting and for you continue on your normal path of posting 12 a day, but i won't bother, as for he's here to stay.

                                                                        Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                        "if history teaches us anything...which it doesn't"

                                                                        ©Homer Simpson Esq.

                                                                        the census returns for 1901 and 1911 have been put online here. Pretty spooky to look up your own relations census returns from a hundred years ago, very strange feeling seeing my grandfather's names (both of whom I never knew) on the census forms as young fellas.

                                                                        Well worth a look imo
                                                                        did you find Strewelpeter


                                                                          Originally posted by the aul switcharoo View Post
                                                                          Ye my father downloaded it and was all intrigued about it for a couple of days. He was going on and on about me great grandfather Maurice being a farm labourer when lets be honest i couldnt give a toss
                                                                          glad to see the family has evolved so spectacularly since those days
                                                                          "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                            Originally posted by UraiseIfold View Post
                                                                            Eagerly awaiting update.
                                                                            Forgot about that !!

                                                                            The reply after i asked where to send the money, expected a bit more to be honest, it obv does not matter where the money is to be sent, seems using western union you just lodge it and it can be withdrawn anywhere with the correct info.

                                                                            Oh I really appreciate you doing all this to get us out of here,I think we should be able to pick up the money here at the nearest western union store here below is the address:

                                                                            Name : Joyce xxxxx

                                                                            Location: Mackays Hotel, Wick (Union Street Wick,Scotland United Kingdom, KW1 5ED)

                                                                            I still have my passport so I can use it as identification get back to us with transfer details and the confirmation number # as soon as you are done with the transfer...Glad you can help
                                                                            This too shall pass.


                                                                              Also, ship ship !!

                                                                              :. Flight Details
                                                                              Your air reservation (PNR) number is: xxxxxx

                                                                              From: Shannon, , IE to: Perth, , AU Duration: 24h 30min Stops: 2
                                                                              #1 Airline: Aer Lingus, Flight #0380
                                                                              Departure: Sat, Sep 04 07:30 AM Shannon, , IE(SNN)Arrival: Sat, Sep 04 09:00 AM London-heathrow, , GB(LHR)AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-100/200 JET
                                                                              #2 Airline: Malaysia Airlines, Flight #0003
                                                                              Departure: Sat, Sep 04 12:00 PM London-heathrow, , GB(LHR)Arrival: Sun, Sep 05 07:25 AM Kuala Lumpur, , MY(KUL)BOEING 747-400 JET
                                                                              #3 Airline: Malaysia Airlines, Flight #0125
                                                                              Departure: Sun, Sep 05 09:40 AM Kuala Lumpur, , MY(KUL)Arrival: Sun, Sep 05 03:00 PM Perth, , AU(PER)BOEING 777-200 JET
                                                                              From: Perth, , AU to: Shannon, , IE Duration: 26h 20min Stops: 2
                                                                              #1 Airline: Malaysia Airlines, Flight #0126
                                                                              Departure: Mon, Sep 13 01:25 AM Perth, , AU(PER)Arrival: Mon, Sep 13 07:05 AM Kuala Lumpur, , MY(KUL)AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A330 JET
                                                                              #2 Airline: Malaysia Airlines, Flight #0004
                                                                              Departure: Mon, Sep 13 10:05 AM Kuala Lumpur, , MY(KUL)Arrival: Mon, Sep 13 04:15 PM London-heathrow, , GB(LHR)BOEING 747-400 JET
                                                                              #3 Airline: Aer Lingus, Flight #0387
                                                                              Departure: Mon, Sep 13 07:20 PM London-heathrow, , GB(LHR)Arrival: Mon, Sep 13 08:45 PM Shannon, , IE(SNN)AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-100/200 JET
                                                                              This too shall pass.


                                                                                the only thing wrong with that brag post is the return leg
                                                                                "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                  Originally posted by oleras View Post
                                                                                  Forgot about that !!

                                                                                  The reply after i asked where to send the money, expected a bit more to be honest, it obv does not matter where the money is to be sent, seems using western union you just lodge it and it can be withdrawn anywhere with the correct info.
                                                                                  One final thing you could do to wreck his head -
                                                                                  WU allow you to put a coded question in the transfer to 'prevent fraud'.
                                                                                  Tell Joyce you are about to send the money and confirm with her that you are going to send 'the name of the pet hamster that you bought her for her birthday 10 years ago' as the code and ask is she ok with that.


                                                                                    Originally posted by DeadParrot View Post
                                                                                    Not enough love for the black guy in that pic
                                                                                    Neville Staples,imo.

                                                                                    Official Head Marshall of Waterford Gay Pride Festival 2015



                                                                                      Join the IPB Fantasy Football League 19/20



                                                                                        Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                                        the only thing wrong with that brag post is the return leg
                                                                                        Would rather arrive late in ireland and have a good sleep that night, also that was the only option to avoid 12hrs layover at KL...who likes airports ? ?
                                                                                        This too shall pass.


                                                                                          Originally posted by ArmaniJeans View Post
                                                                                          One final thing you could do to wreck his head -
                                                                                          WU allow you to put a coded question in the transfer to 'prevent fraud'.
                                                                                          Tell Joyce you are about to send the money and confirm with her that you are going to send 'the name of the pet hamster that you bought her for her birthday 10 years ago' as the code and ask is she ok with that.
                                                                                          Nice one but thats the end of that i

                                                                                          Hi Joyce, i was on to the post office and am about to send the money, they asked me for a security question that you would have to answer to prevent fraud, the only thing i could think of was the hamster i got you for your birthday 15 years ago, he really was the cutest little thing, that was the question anyway, you still remember his name ?
                                                                                          This too shall pass.


                                                                                            Anybody playing on boyles think the new graphics today are horrible for heads up games, or dose anybody know can you change it back to the way it was??


                                                                                              Originally posted by oleras View Post
                                                                                              Would rather arrive late in ireland and have a good sleep that night, also that was the only option to avoid 12hrs layover at KL...who likes airports ? ?
                                                                                              I was referring to the fact that you plan to return!
                                                                                              "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                Originally posted by oleras View Post
                                                                                                Would rather arrive late in ireland and have a good sleep that night, also that was the only option to avoid 12hrs layover at KL...who likes airports ? ?
                                                                                                Had a 14 hour stopover in KL myself on the way home. Excellent city. Baggage storage at the airport for next to nothing. Ironically one of the more memorable, active (sightseeing) days of a 15 month holiday.


                                                                                                  Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                                                  "if history teaches us anything...which it doesn't"

                                                                                                  ©Homer Simpson Esq.

                                                                                                  the census returns for 1901 and 1911 have been put online here. Pretty spooky to look up your own relations census returns from a hundred years ago, very strange feeling seeing my grandfather's names (both of whom I never knew) on the census forms as young fellas.

                                                                                                  Well worth a look imo
                                                                                                  I managed to find 4 of my Great Great Grandparents in 1901 three of whom were living within a couple of hundred meters of where I was born and raised.
                                                                                                  Turning millions into thousands


                                                                                                    Currently paralysed in my room in Vegas with sunburn of all things. Apparently you can't get away with just putting on aftersun over here. Updated my blog anyway @ and might get around to doing another, depending on how my aggressive treatment of aloe vera oil goes!


                                                                                                      Originally posted by AdMMM View Post
                                                                                                      Currently paralysed in my room in Vegas with sunburn of all things. Apparently you can't get away with just putting on aftersun over here. Updated my blog anyway @ and might get around to doing another, depending on how my aggressive treatment of aloe vera oil goes!
                                                                                                      aloe vera oil is the nuts for sunburn, you'll be up and running in no time.


                                                                                                        Originally posted by oleras View Post
                                                                                                        Nice one but thats the end of that i
                                                                                                        also, offer to put them up in a hotel for a night or two until they get their flight, tell them to get the hotel manager to give you an email and you will sort out funds with him. then you can open up the options to request proof of identity, photos of the "manager" etc.

                                                                                                        the ultimate goal is to get a "IPB FTW" sign in a photo with the scammer.
                                                                                                        donate to my hairy lip!


                                                                                                          David Thorne related post, missing cat..
                                                                                                          Warning, BIG image, so spoilered..
                                                                                                          donate to my hairy lip!


                                                                                                            Originally posted by AdMMM View Post
                                                                                                            Currently paralysed in my room in Vegas with sunburn of all things. Apparently you can't get away with just putting on aftersun over here. Updated my blog anyway @ and might get around to doing another, depending on how my aggressive treatment of aloe vera oil goes!
                                                                                                            Enjoyed that, ty.


                                                                                                              +1, good read, taxi driver WTF???
                                                                                                              donate to my hairy lip!


                                                                                                                Originally posted by zuroph View Post
                                                                                                                +1, good read, taxi driver WTF???
                                                                                                                I know that there's some family members keeping tabs on my blog so I changed the story around a bit. Truth be told I started ranting and raving about how long the queue was when this black guy came up to me and offered me a lift. He brought me out into the valet parking and I got into his jeep. Then he only went and abandoned both his car and me at the Gold Coast, never to be seen again. In looking back, I think emerging from that situation un-violated is an epic, epic win!



                                                                                                                  "Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"


                                                                                                                    Originally posted by Icarus152 View Post
                                                                                                                    Neville Staples,imo.

                                                                                                                    Originally posted by DeadParrot View Post
                                                                                                                    Not enough love for the black guy in that pic
                                                                                                                    Not Neville Staples its Red from Shawshank Redemption aka Morgan Freeman.

                                                                                                                    Why do they call him Red? Maybe its because he's Irish


                                                                                                                      it's robert johnson


                                                                                                                        Im not noted for my music loving(i can never hear the words because its drowned out by the music) so im pretty sure now that i prefer music without words.
                                                                                                                        I just seen this ad on tv, seems like some great ambient sounds(is ambient the right word?). Anyone know any similar music to this or a band that does this type of thing?



                                                                                                                          Brian Eno ftw^

