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Bad beat/Moan/Venting Thread - BBV Archive 1

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    Originally posted by shrapnel View Post
    got an htc desire a couple of months back for 25 a month and for a year. is the sensation an upgrade from the desire?
    Yeah its the new one and I think its only available with Vodafone at the moment.
    "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


      Originally posted by Iago View Post
      That has to be your inherent and blind Arsenal fan talking.

      So United can persuade Nasri to pay £4m and then sign him on a free transfer? Give him a £8m signing on fee and £110k a week over 5 years and it would still work out a lot cheaper than actually paying Arsenal for him or indeed going after another player.

      United can't persuade him as they aren't allowed talk to him. I also doubt he has £4m to do it in the first place either. There's no chance it will happen, far to much money for Nasiri to afford and no club will tell him to do it.


        Originally posted by MrsFlushdraw View Post
        Sent it to facebook! So what made you change to HTC? I did tell you they were the business
        i think what sold me was the app where you can get free music and the way you can copy music onto it without problems!! itunes is such a pain sometimes

        Originally posted by shrapnel View Post
        got an htc desire a couple of months back for 25 a month and for a year. is the sensation an upgrade from the desire?
        yes its the latest htc, some yoke let me tell ya lol
        Her sky-ness
        © 5starpool


          Originally posted by Teddie View Post
          United can't persuade him as they aren't allowed talk to him. I also doubt he has £4m to do it in the first place either. There's no chance it will happen, far to much money for Nasiri to afford and no club will tell him to do it.
          Obviously, just some bloke he met over dinner who suggested that he could do it and double his money inside 4 weeks
          Join the IPB Fantasy Football League 19/20


            Originally posted by michelle SatNav View Post
            i think what sold me was the app where you can get free music and the way you can copy music onto it without problems!! itunes is such a pain sometimes

            yes its the latest htc, some yoke let me tell ya lol
            There are a few apps you will need downloaded right away to kill the ones running all the time. advanced app killer. You run that regular to kill apps so they close properly and slide-it. get it as a trial and texting will never be the same!


              Originally posted by Iago View Post
              Obviously, just some bloke he met over dinner who suggested that he could do it and double his money inside 4 weeks

              Meh, United would still get hammered. Also it sets a very dangerous precedent which I don't think any club would want to start.


                Originally posted by Teddie View Post
                Meh, United would still get hammered. Also it sets a very dangerous precedent which I don't think any club would want to start.
                It's already happening all over the world. I'm not suggesting United will do it, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they did and have in the past. Football is about so much money these days it's hard to believe that there isn't corruption running through it.

                All it really needs is for Nasri to insist and convince Wenger that he's going to do it and Arsenal will have to agree to sell him. Now they could conceivably sell him to a foreign team, but that's hard to do if Nasri doesn't want to go.

                For what it's worth I don't think he'll end up at United but I don't think it's inconceivable in any way that shenanigans are going on the background if United are generally interested.
                Join the IPB Fantasy Football League 19/20



                  Originally posted by Percy007 View Post
                  Gooners...... Clichy to Liverpool 5mill????
                  Clichy to Juve is most likely to happen


                    Anyone see Countdown today?



                      Originally posted by Iago View Post
                      It's already happening all over the world. I'm not suggesting United will do it, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they did and have in the past. Football is about so much money these days it's hard to believe that there isn't corruption running through it.

                      All it really needs is for Nasri to insist and convince Wenger that he's going to do it and Arsenal will have to agree to sell him. Now they could conceivably sell him to a foreign team, but that's hard to do if Nasri doesn't want to go.

                      For what it's worth I don't think he'll end up at United but I don't think it's inconceivable in any way that shenanigans are going on the background if United are generally interested.

                      I've never heard it happen in any of the big leagues for a big named player. I'm sure Wenger would be delighted if Nasri insisted he was going to do it because the FA would then take United to the cleaners.


                        lol I love Padraig Parkinsons Blog
                        Follow me in twitterland


                          Looks like a Dexter fan may have gotten carried away

                          Gone full 'Glinner' since June 2022.


                            Originally posted by Teddie View Post
                            I've never heard it happen in any of the big leagues for a big named player. I'm sure Wenger would be delighted if Nasri insisted he was going to do it because the FA would then take United to the cleaners.
                            Take United to the cleaners for what?

                            Nasri: "We're miles apart on terms, I'm not signing a new contract, in fact I'm going to buy out what's left of my contract and tout myself to clubs"
                            Wenger: "Have you been tapped up?"
                            Nasri: "of course not"

                            Now either Wenger agrees to sell him in which case Nasri can choose the club he wants or Nasri buys-out his contract and 4 weeks later after meeting a number of clubs decides to sign for United.

                            What exactly would the FA charge United with?
                            Join the IPB Fantasy Football League 19/20



                              With all the talk of the HTC Sensation and such phones, may as well grab some advice.

                              I've currently got the iPhone4, due an upgrade in July. Is it worth waiting for the iPhone5 to come out or are the HTC's alot better?

                              Which HTC is currently the best around?


                                Originally posted by Hegzy View Post
                                I've currently got the iPhone4, due an upgrade in July. Is it worth waiting for the iPhone5 to come out or are the HTC's alot better?
                                Pretty sure you're not allowed to buy a device from any other company, after having an iPhone 4. I expect the SatNav will be renditioned before the weekend

                                Gone full 'Glinner' since June 2022.


                                  Originally posted by MrsFlushdraw View Post
                                  There are a few apps you will need downloaded right away to kill the ones running all the time. advanced app killer. You run that regular to kill apps so they close properly and slide-it. get it as a trial and texting will never be the same!
                                  Apparently with later versions of android using the task killer is really bad. I've a tablet running an old version and the task killer is a must, my Desire HD runs alot better without one than with one though.
                                  "In the world, there are many kings but there is only one God. I am God, I am El Tren" :{)


                                    As a follow on to Dokes blog entry and others tales of homeless bum living..(TL;DR)

                                    About 9 years ago I quit my job spontaneously in Intel one day and went to France to busk and pick grapes - I had never done either before - and never actually got around to picking grapes as I mistimed my arrival with the harvest. I had been in Montpellier for a few days and had booked a night train ticket to Bescanson near the German border. (Night trains are awesome when you're travelling like this on a low budget as you just wake up when you arrive and have saved a nights hotel/hostel or whatever.)

                                    So I had checked out of wherever I was staying at 12 or 2pm or whenever I had to and arsed about for the day and went down to the train station at about 10pm to get my train. There was much confusion as it had been very stormy and it turned out my train was cancelled but there was one going at 5.30am. I was walking back up the street with rucksack and guitar trying to figure out wtf to do when I was approached by a crazy looking Scottish guy of about 40 and an english girl maybe 30-35. They both looked fairly down and out. Jock put his hands on my shoulder and really slowly slurs out "DO - YOU - SPEAK - ENGLISH?". I do sez I. They were looking for money to buy wine and I reached in my pocket and pulled out about 7 or 8 euros in change. They were all about me then when I told them my train was cancelled and said they'd pool it ith what they had and get wine and tobacco and we'd all hang out. Fair enough sez I. So they went and got the cheapest pissiest wine available and brought me back to the station where we hooked up with the girls boyfriend - another english guy called Anthony maybe 35-40. He was waiting there with 2 big black mongrelly looking dogs. Turns out the three of them had just been deported from Italy for shoplifting or so they said.

                                    So we end up drinking and playing guitar and by eleven o clock there was about a dozen in the group - some french student types and some araby looking goons afair. Anthony spoke french fluently and a few of the french people could play guitar and it was all very good natured. By maybe 1 or 2am the crowd had dispersed and it was just the four of us again. Anthony annnounced he had found a good place to sleep for the night while the other 2 had recruited me. So, we haul ass about 5 mins from the train station to a wall in a carpark that was sheltered and relatively warm. Jock seemed to be one of those guys thats permanently locked and the girl was fairly drunk too and both were talking incoherently about God knows what -Anthony was talking to me about general shit. Telling me some places he had been and was very open about anything I asked him - like for example the dogs - I never realised why all the homeless people I had seen around France had a dog but its purely for protection he told me.

                                    Anyway next thing three araby looking guys approached us and they had very little english or french. They were germans. The guy that appeared to be the leader was wearing a bright red bomber jacket. He produced a pup that was only 3 or 4 weeks old and was trying to get the girl to take it. She's locked and all over the pup but Anthony is just saying no no no to her. We already have 2 dogs and its too young. One of the germans is trying to make friends with one of the english groups dogs and next thing Anthony flips out with him. Starts roaring at him in german - there's alot of finger pointing and shouting and the girl is crying and they're still trying to push the terrified pup on her. Over all the shouting between Anthony and the germans, the crying from the girl, the barking of the dogs and whimpering of the pup i was just sitting there thinking wtf-omg-fml etc, i hear this voice saying Entshuldigung,entshuldigung getting louder and louder. The arguing stops and everyone turns around to see Jock wobbling and pointing into space saying what seems to be the only german word he knows. Anthony ends up arguing with them some more and eventually they leave - with the pup - but they're not happy.

                                    So a little while later Jock and the girl are passed out and Anthony and me are talking again. He says that they were trying to make friends with the dogs and they'd come back later to rob them and the dogs wouldn't bark or anything. I ask him how he got so good at french and german and he says just from being in the countries for a while. Says he speaks Italian and Spanish just as well. I ask him what age he is and he tells me 29. Another while passes and Jock rises to his knees and has a bit of an attack and starts kind of climbing the wall and babbling. Anthony tells me not to worry about it - its standard(heh he prob didn't say standard). A couple of hundred metres away we can see a group of maybe 6 or 7 people approaching. One of them is wearing a very bright red jacket. Oh fuck says Anthony. Hope you can fight. I spend the next 20 seconds pretty much paralysed with fear. As they get a little closer we can see that its not our german arab friends returning but just some other group of youths out for a 4am stroll.
                                    They didn't bother us and after chatting for another while and finishing off the cheap wine and tobacco I shook Anthonys hand and caught the train to Besancon


                                      Not a huge fan of it but its decent here is their movie trailer.

                                      "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                        Originally posted by BobSloane View Post
                                        As a follow on to Dokes blog entry and others tales of homeless bum living..(TL;DR)

                                        About 9 years ago I quit my job spontaneously in Intel one day and went to France to busk and pick grapes - I had never done either before - and never actually got around to picking grapes as I mistimed my arrival with the harvest. I had been in Montpellier for a few days and had booked a night train ticket to Bescanson near the German border. (Night trains are awesome when you're travelling like this on a low budget as you just wake up when you arrive and have saved a nights hotel/hostel or whatever.)

                                        So I had checked out of wherever I was staying at 12 or 2pm or whenever I had to and arsed about for the day and went down to the train station at about 10pm to get my train. There was much confusion as it had been very stormy and it turned out my train was cancelled but there was one going at 5.30am. I was walking back up the street with rucksack and guitar trying to figure out wtf to do when I was approached by a crazy looking Scottish guy of about 40 and an english girl maybe 30-35. They both looked fairly down and out. Jock put his hands on my shoulder and really slowly slurs out "DO - YOU - SPEAK - ENGLISH?". I do sez I. They were looking for money to buy wine and I reached in my pocket and pulled out about 7 or 8 euros in change. They were all about me then when I told them my train was cancelled and said they'd pool it ith what they had and get wine and tobacco and we'd all hang out. Fair enough sez I. So they went and got the cheapest pissiest wine available and brought me back to the station where we hooked up with the girls boyfriend - another english guy called Anthony maybe 35-40. He was waiting there with 2 big black mongrelly looking dogs. Turns out the three of them had just been deported from Italy for shoplifting or so they said.

                                        So we end up drinking and playing guitar and by eleven o clock there was about a dozen in the group - some french student types and some araby looking goons afair. Anthony spoke french fluently and a few of the french people could play guitar and it was all very good natured. By maybe 1 or 2am the crowd had dispersed and it was just the four of us again. Anthony annnounced he had found a good place to sleep for the night while the other 2 had recruited me. So, we haul ass about 5 mins from the train station to a wall in a carpark that was sheltered and relatively warm. Jock seemed to be one of those guys thats permanently locked and the girl was fairly drunk too and both were talking incoherently about God knows what -Anthony was talking to me about general shit. Telling me some places he had been and was very open about anything I asked him - like for example the dogs - I never realised why all the homeless people I had seen around France had a dog but its purely for protection he told me.

                                        Anyway next thing three araby looking guys approached us and they had very little english or french. They were germans. The guy that appeared to be the leader was wearing a bright red bomber jacket. He produced a pup that was only 3 or 4 weeks old and was trying to get the girl to take it. She's locked and all over the pup but Anthony is just saying no no no to her. We already have 2 dogs and its too young. One of the germans is trying to make friends with one of the english groups dogs and next thing Anthony flips out with him. Starts roaring at him in german - there's alot of finger pointing and shouting and the girl is crying and they're still trying to push the terrified pup on her. Over all the shouting between Anthony and the germans, the crying from the girl, the barking of the dogs and whimpering of the pup i was just sitting there thinking wtf-omg-fml etc, i hear this voice saying Entshuldigung,entshuldigung getting louder and louder. The arguing stops and everyone turns around to see Jock wobbling and pointing into space saying what seems to be the only german word he knows. Anthony ends up arguing with them some more and eventually they leave - with the pup - but they're not happy.

                                        So a little while later Jock and the girl are passed out and Anthony and me are talking again. He says that they were trying to make friends with the dogs and they'd come back later to rob them and the dogs wouldn't bark or anything. I ask him how he got so good at french and german and he says just from being in the countries for a while. Says he speaks Italian and Spanish just as well. I ask him what age he is and he tells me 29. Another while passes and Jock rises to his knees and has a bit of an attack and starts kind of climbing the wall and babbling. Anthony tells me not to worry about it - its standard(heh he prob didn't say standard). A couple of hundred metres away we can see a group of maybe 6 or 7 people approaching. One of them is wearing a very bright red jacket. Oh fuck says Anthony. Hope you can fight. I spend the next 20 seconds pretty much paralysed with fear. As they get a little closer we can see that its not our german arab friends returning but just some other group of youths out for a 4am stroll.
                                        They didn't bother us and after chatting for another while and finishing off the cheap wine and tobacco I shook Anthonys hand and caught the train to Besancon
                                        Too much for me tonight. Will read it tomorrow. No need for the spoilers ( some may skip it. thinking it will be a bouncing bottom gif)
                                        Gone full 'Glinner' since June 2022.


                                          Originally posted by Iago View Post
                                          Take United to the cleaners for what?

                                          Nasri: "We're miles apart on terms, I'm not signing a new contract, in fact I'm going to buy out what's left of my contract and tout myself to clubs"
                                          Wenger: "Have you been tapped up?"
                                          Nasri: "of course not"

                                          Now either Wenger agrees to sell him in which case Nasri can choose the club he wants or Nasri buys-out his contract and 4 weeks later after meeting a number of clubs decides to sign for United.

                                          What exactly would the FA charge United with?

                                          Well if Wenger says Nasri threatened them with it then they will look into. First they ask where he got the £4m to buy his contract, slim to none he has it saved. He could get a loan for it, alot of hassle though. The FA wouldn't need strong evidence, and then would come down so heavily on United because of the implications.


                                            Originally posted by michelle SatNav View Post
                                            I am now the proud owner of a HTC sensation and wow what can I say its well.....sensational!
                                            Now gillian I have to agree you right all along, just drag and drop movies and music straight onto phone !!! wow

                                            Apple are dirt in comparasion

                                            now saddled with a 60 euro bill every month ugh!!! lol
                                            I've been trying to convince myself that the HTC HD7 was the right one to get instead of the iphone as a business phone... jury is still out.. it has loads of positives but some negs as well.. in particular the battery never lasts a full day and some times only until lunch time.. calls just eat it!

                                            My last phone was a samsung wave and I loved it... wonder is there a way of getting it unlocked?
                                            Spray Foam Insulation


                                              Originally posted by CourierCollie View Post
                                              Too much for me tonight. Will read it tomorrow. No need for the spoilers ( some may skip it. most will press it thinking it will be a bouncing bottom gif)
                                              Spray Foam Insulation


                                                a second cousin got a real bad beat today... He died in Poland while mountain climbing .... he was struck by lightening! LHM
                                                Spray Foam Insulation


                                                  Originally posted by Teddie View Post
                                                  Well if Wenger says Nasri threatened them with it then they will look into. First they ask where he got the £4m to buy his contract, slim to none he has it saved. He could get a loan for it, alot of hassle though. The FA wouldn't need strong evidence, and then would come down so heavily on United because of the implications.
                                                  united actually dont need nasri look at all the hassle he caused with gallas a while back with giggsy and all the trouble going on now fergie dosnt need the hassle ...


                                                    Originally posted by Macspower View Post
                                                    a second cousin got a real bad beat today... He died in Poland while mountain climbing .... he was struck by lightening! LHM
                                                    jesus.. condolences.
                                                    donate to my hairy lip!


                                                      Originally posted by Zuroph View Post
                                                      jesus.. condolences.

                                                      TBH I never met the guy.. he lived in wales but I know his parents.. his mother phoned my father this evening with the news... terrible luck
                                                      Spray Foam Insulation


                                                        Originally posted by Macspower View Post
                                                        a second cousin got a real bad beat today... He died in Poland while mountain climbing .... he was struck by lightening! LHM

                                                        I read the above post ~11 times trying to figure out the joke before I realised it was sincere.


                                                          Originally posted by Teddie View Post
                                                          Well if Wenger says Nasri threatened them with it then they will look into. First they ask where he got the £4m to buy his contract, slim to none he has it saved. He could get a loan for it, alot of hassle though. The FA wouldn't need strong evidence, and then would come down so heavily on United because of the implications.
                                                          I think you're being a bit naive. Tapping up is almost impossible to prove and happens to some degree on pretty much every transfer, he could easily just say his agent paid for it or something.

                                                          Although I don't believe this'll happen, there's an agreement between the major clubs not to use that rule and I believe it's been fairly stuck too so far.
                                                          "In the world, there are many kings but there is only one God. I am God, I am El Tren" :{)


                                                            Teddie give it a rest. Naive to think that tapping up isnt going on all over the football world. I'm pretty sure United tapped up Stam and Van Nistelrooy, I think Stam has admitted it and Ive read about the VN thing. I'm sure there has been loads more.

                                                            Ashely Cole was tapped up by Chelsea.

                                                            Also, if Arsenal get 5mil for Clichy they should take the hand off the person. Get that space cadet out of the back 4.
                                                            This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                            All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                            The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                              Originally posted by Theresa View Post

                                                              Also, if Arsenal get 5mil for Clichy they should take the hand off the person. Get that space cadet out of the back 4.
                                                              Agreed, he's awful. Baines or Enrique(obv I don't want this to happen but it seems inevitable he's leaving) are far better players.


                                                                "I can’t find anyone who agrees with what I write or think these days, so I guess I must be getting closer to the truth." - Hunter S. Thompson


                                                                  Originally posted by Percy007 View Post
                                                                  Gooners...... Clichy to Liverpool 5mill????
                                                                  Hope not, he's crap.


                                                                    boss man


                                                                      Originally posted by Sledgejammer View Post
                                                                      I think you're being a bit naive. Tapping up is almost impossible to prove and happens to some degree on pretty much every transfer, he could easily just say his agent paid for it or something.

                                                                      Although I don't believe this'll happen, there's an agreement between the major clubs not to use that rule and I believe it's been fairly stuck too so far.

                                                                      Originally posted by Theresa View Post
                                                                      Teddie give it a rest. Naive to think that tapping up isnt going on all over the football world. I'm pretty sure United tapped up Stam and Van Nistelrooy, I think Stam has admitted it and Ive read about the VN thing. I'm sure there has been loads more.

                                                                      Ashely Cole was tapped up by Chelsea.

                                                                      There is a massive difference between this and tapping up. Arsenal received compensation in the form of money and a player after Ashley Cole was tapped up. If the FA/FIFA allowed this to happen it would basically make transfers completely redunant as no club would bother buying a player as they would simply ring him up and ask him to buy himself out of his contract instead of them having to buy him from his club.
                                                                      Last edited by Teddie; 10-06-11, 00:29.


                                                                        Just watching the replay of the Sunday Million Final Table and they looked at a deal. I'm not sure what the orignal numbers were, but there was $300k for the top 2 places so it would have been something $190k/$110k

                                                                        When the numbers came up, they both agreed in the space of 10 seconds. Surely a 14m chip lead is worth more than a $6k pay difference? Was eamsie a clown not to look for more?



                                                                          "I can’t find anyone who agrees with what I write or think these days, so I guess I must be getting closer to the truth." - Hunter S. Thompson


                                                                            Had a nice few pints in Kehoes tonight and managed to get a free budvar in that the table next to us ordered and then left there, amateurs. Thankfully didnt bring the bankroll with me to make it to the Sporting. I did lose my phone along the way tho


                                                                              United might now be very tempted to take the risk of buying out Nasri contract if they are after him. £16m for Young and giving him £130k a week, ouch.


                                                                                such a pity it goes off page but worth following through



                                                                                  Originally posted by AndyFatBastard View Post
                                                                                  Today's Google Doodle is amazing. Drag your mouse over the strings.
                                                                                  Best use of it so far:

                                                                                  2024 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup! #GoogleDoodle
                                                                                  "I can’t find anyone who agrees with what I write or think these days, so I guess I must be getting closer to the truth." - Hunter S. Thompson


                                                                                    Originally posted by Flushdraw View Post
                                                                                    Just watching the replay of the Sunday Million Final Table and they looked at a deal. I'm not sure what the orignal numbers were, but there was $300k for the top 2 places so it would have been something $190k/$110k

                                                                                    When the numbers came up, they both agreed in the space of 10 seconds. Surely a 14m chip lead is worth more than a $6k pay difference? Was eamsie a clown not to look for more?
                                                                                    Eamsie is a moron.

                                                                                    With a 190k/110k split, a fair chop is 150k/130k and play on for 20k (obv the prizepool is about 2.5k less than this but you get the idea)


                                                                                      Originally posted by michelle SatNav View Post
                                                                                      I am now the proud owner of a HTC sensation and wow what can I say its well.....sensational!
                                                                                      Now gillian I have to agree you right all along, just drag and drop movies and music straight onto phone !!! wow

                                                                                      Apple are dirt in comparasion

                                                                                      now saddled with a 60 euro bill every month ugh!!! lol
                                                                                      I'm not disputing the fact that HTC are better, but i had to LOL at he feature that was your WOW moment.


                                                                                        Any degen gamblers fancy buying a percent of me in the horse $1500 wsop event tomoro? Im not great at some of the games but Id say I ust about have an edge, maybe... will sell up to 500$ worth if anyone wants a rail


                                                                                          Originally posted by smoothcall View Post
                                                                                          Any degen gamblers fancy buying a percent of me in the horse $1500 wsop event tomoro? Im not great at some of the games but Id say I ust about have an edge, maybe... will sell up to 500$ worth if anyone wants a rail
                                                                                          1% for 15? If so Ill buy 5%.

                                                                                          Will MB transfer do?
                                                                                          This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                                                          All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                                                          The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                                                            hmm stars would be better, dont have money bookers. screen names da69kid if ya can.


                                                                                              Originally posted by smoothcall View Post
                                                                                              hmm stars would be better, dont have money bookers. screen names da69kid if ya can.
                                                                                              Dont have a stars account. WillHill? If not its cool and GL.

                                                                                              Or if someone wants to ship you the 75 on stars for me, Ill ship to them on MB? please
                                                                                              This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                                                              All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                                                              The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                                                                Originally posted by smoothcall View Post
                                                                                                Any degen gamblers fancy buying a percent of me in the horse $1500 wsop event tomoro? Im not great at some of the games but Id say I ust about have an edge, maybe... will sell up to 500$ worth if anyone wants a rail
                                                                                                go on so I'll take 10% and can ship on stars now


                                                                                                  Originally posted by Theresa View Post
                                                                                                  Dont have a stars account. WillHill? If not its cool and GL.

                                                                                                  Or if someone wants to ship you the 75 on stars for me, Ill ship to them on MB? please
                                                                                                  I'll do it, my mb email is my IPB handle


                                                                                                    ugh dont have will hill sorry, stars or boyles is the only good one for me


                                                                                                      Sound reg just leaving work now so will ship in later tonight.
                                                                                                      This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                                                                      All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                                                                      The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                                                                        Alright just shipped 225 for me and steve.


                                                                                                          Just hopped on the scales this morning - I knew I had put on a little bit of weight but Fcuk me need to cop on and get myself back fit starting now.

                                                                                                          3.5 stone to lose ASAP


                                                                                                            Originally posted by cardshark202 View Post
                                                                                                            go on so I'll take 10% and can ship on stars now
                                                                                                            ty, da69kid


                                                                                                              I'll take 2% plz, I can ship when I get home from work later if thats ok?


                                                                                                                I'll take 10% or whatevers left smoothcall.
                                                                                                                "Don't overcomplicate a straight forward game with mathematical bullshit and dicussing different lines with your geeky friends" Chris Olaafson


                                                                                                                  Shipped $275 there on stars, that will cover digimans 2% as well, he is sorting me out after. gl.
                                                                                                                  "Don't overcomplicate a straight forward game with mathematical bullshit and dicussing different lines with your geeky friends" Chris Olaafson


                                                                                                                    Latest rumour coming from Spain about Arsenal is that Barca have offered 30m + Bojan + Thiago for Fabregas. So much unrest in the camp with Fabregas, Nasri, Clichy, Wilshere and lolDenilson all subject to transfer speculation. No doubt Van Persie is next to top it all off!


                                                                                                                      Originally posted by Loopz View Post
                                                                                                                      Youtube version
                                                                                                                      Turning millions into thousands


                                                                                                                        Originally posted by Flushdraw View Post
                                                                                                                        Latest rumour coming from Spain about Arsenal is that Barca have offered 30m + Bojan + Thiago for Fabregas. So much unrest in the camp with Fabregas, Nasri, Clichy, Wilshere and lolDenilson all subject to transfer speculation. No doubt Van Persie is next to top it all off!
                                                                                                                        you need Mourinho imo
                                                                                                                        "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                                          bit of a shake-up in the next President market overnight

                                                                                                                          just as one gay seems to have done irretrievable damage to himself with the auld man-boy love comments, another Gay steps in (9/2 from 12/1)

                                                                                                                          McGuinness still 11/1. Cox outright fav. at 6/4
                                                                                                                          "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."

