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Bad beat/Moan/Venting Thread - BBV Archive 1

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    Originally posted by MrsFlushdraw View Post
    Howard Finkel said he will look after your wife while you are gone.
    he's nice that way
    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


      Originally posted by Moneymaker View Post
      I'm almost dreading another 90 minutes of play acting and cheating tonight tbh.

      All I want to see is the two best club sides in the world play football and not act like a bunch of tools. Is that so much to ask?
      I hope someone breaks Busquets legs and ends his career tbh. Harsh but fair.
      Hunter S Thompson 1937-2005 - "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro"


        Originally posted by Mike View Post
        followed by lots of male rape jokes
        In fairness we also gave him links on how to make friends in prison and how to make a shiv.
        Is that how you crash a wedding? yes it is, Bionic Barry, yes it is.


          Originally posted by RasTa View Post
          I hope someone breaks Busquets legs and ends his career tbh. Harsh but fair.
          I have the very man for the job, presumably you'd like him to be called a 'cheating cunt' while he lies there writhing in agony too?

          "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


            Originally posted by Kayroo View Post
            If I knew where he was being hauled off to I'd 100% go and see that.
            you should find out, turn up and represent him. Chewbacca defence obv.
            Is that how you crash a wedding? yes it is, Bionic Barry, yes it is.


              Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
              I have the very man for the job, presumably you'd like him to be called a 'cheating cunt' while he lies there writhing in agony too?
              Keane didn't end Haaland's career, also he berated him for Haaland calling Keane a cheat.
              Is that how you crash a wedding? yes it is, Bionic Barry, yes it is.


                Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                Ugh was so tilted this morning. Got very little sleep last night and was a bit tired when doing 3 point turn leaving the house. Forgot to check mirror and woman had to brake pretty hard not to hit me.
                I apologised profusely in the behind-glass-gesticulation manner of motoring and was me with nothing but a sustained scowl. The kind of scowl that women motorists make when they're thinking 'oh yeah, typical man, thinks he owns the road, we women are better drivers, look at me on my high horse, I'm a fucking bitch'. It was actually more annoying than if she had been shouting and screaming. I really wanted to get out and bounce her smug head off the steering wheel.

                Similar thing happened in Tesco a few weeks ago. The car park operates a one-way system, so I was swinging around in the correct direction down one of the aisles and nearly smack head-on into a woman coming up the aisle in the wrong direction. She of course adopts the 'knowing scowl' coupled with a slow shake of the head at ME, because she thinks I was coming around the corner recklessly! Drives off, smug as you like without even knowing she was at fault. I was left there gesticulating wildly to no-one.
                I very nearly rear ended a guy this morning vbut he was performing a highly illegal manoeuvre. If I had hit him and left him alive enough to try to claim against me would I have had any case for claiming from him? I 100% would have hit him from behind but he was being a total cnut.

                Here is the situation:
                Heaing in towards town on the Naas road and I'm heading up the slip road that goes up to the Luas car park. T is a hairpin turn at the end with blooards in the middle of the road to prevent smartarses from using it as a slip road onto the M50, you can still get to M50 by driving 50M to the roundabout and coming around but that wasn't good enough for the wankstain scumbag in the Blue 06 LH Passat this morning who stops dead to make the turn at the end of the bollards. I stopped within half a Meter was shaking with anger and the cnut gives me the fingers

                Turning millions into thousands



                    Originally posted by Zod View Post
                    Keane didn't end Haaland's career, also he berated him for Haaland calling Keane a cheat.
                    still pretty thuggish in fairness

                    no way anyone can defend that
                    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                      Originally posted by RasTa View Post
                      I hope someone breaks Busquets legs and ends his career tbh. Harsh but fair.
                      Yeah, even as a Barca fan I wouldn't object to that. He is an appalling human being.

                      Alves probably deserves it too.

                      Pep wasn't the most honest player in the world either back in his playing days. It's not at all a surprise a few of them act the way they do tbh. Great player and he's done amazing things while manager but he always had a negative streak.


                        Cycling today and some mess of women walking towards me rufused to side step even slighlty to let me cycle trough (to my left traffic coming wrong way to my right wall). There was a ginger behemoth on the outside whom I deamed the worst offender as see looked at me as if to say "Lol, you think I'm moving?". When I realised that I would have to stop and wait what seemed like an eternity to let them passe raged built up to much and I called her a ginger cunt.

                        Think I ruined her day. Not sure how to feel about that.


                          Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                          I have the very man for the job, presumably you'd like him to be called a 'cheating cunt' while he lies there writhing in agony too?
                          Hunter S Thompson 1937-2005 - "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro"


                            Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                            Watched the Munster game beforehand in Smyths, full of genuinely sympathetic Leinster fans (I actually expected some wanker-ish gloating but not a bit of it). Dusatoir is some animal in the tackle.
                            I was shocked by that result I have to admit. Big knock for Munster but also a terrible result for Connaught as if they won the Amlin cup we got default Heiniken cup. Leinster should take down the Heiniken cup and give us our default entry.


                              Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post
                              I very nearly rear ended a guy this morning vbut he was performing a highly illegal manoeuvre. If I had hit him and left him alive enough to try to claim against me would I have had any case for claiming from him? I 100% would have hit him from behind but he was being a total cnut.

                              Here is the situation:
                              Heaing in towards town on the Naas road and I'm heading up the slip road that goes up to the Luas car park. T is a hairpin turn at the end with blooards in the middle of the road to prevent smartarses from using it as a slip road onto the M50, you can still get to M50 by driving 50M to the roundabout and coming around but that wasn't good enough for the wankstain scumbag in the Blue 06 LH Passat this morning who stops dead to make the turn at the end of the bollards. I stopped within half a Meter was shaking with anger and the cnut gives me the fingers
                              That spot there pisses me off no end, people just suddenly decide to do a U turn around the bollards just coming of the bend
                              The fucking roundabout is about 50 metres away!!!! Should have smashed him SP


                                So, have done a fair bit of reading and watching about the Osama Bin Laden killing. My determination is that it is 100% real, the conspiracy theories are utterly lol. The idea that they would instantly release pictures of a man shot in the head / of a body being buried is incredibly naive. And even when they release the photographs and official footage they claim to have taken, the crazies will claim they are doctored anyway.

                                Incredible story to be told in the lead up to the operation. Literally years of exhaustive intelligence work, training and preparation. Then to send in a group of Navy Seals out of jurisdiction to take out all the bad guys in one daring manoeuvre is the stuff of films. To be honest, fitting retribution - as cartoonish and outlandish an event as 9 / 11.

                                Have been reading some strands of opinion that are going on with the usual 'disgraceful behaviour from the US, shouldn't be going in to another country without approval, should have taken him alive for trial, blah, blah'. Go fuck yourselves. Pure justice, and when Osama and other residents of the compounds defended themselves in a fire fight, killing him on the spot was the way to go.

                                The conspiracy theory I can get on board with is that there is no way that Pakistan authorities were unaware of him living there. Local police or whatever would have to wonder who was living in the big fuck off secretive compound.
                                "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                  Originally posted by MegaSin View Post
                                  Think I ruined her day. Not sure how to feel about that.
                                  I really hate uncertainty in life also. Just to be sure if you ever see her again make sure and call her a ginger cunt again. Get some closure on this mater.


                                    Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                    The conspiracy theory I can get on board with is that there is no way that Pakistan authorities were unaware of him living there.
                                    Robert Fisk agrees with this

                                    Pakistan is the global centre of jihadism
                                    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                      Stopped in second place at lights one day, turning left. Lights are red so no worries. Driver behind me spots someone he knows and beeps to get their attention. Woman in first car thinks its me of course and points at the lights (still red). I point to the driver behind as in "its him beeping not me". Driver behind doesn't get his mates attention so beeps again. FML. This time the woman in front turns around and gives me the middle finger.

                                      Lights go green and she takes off. About 100 yards down the road she is turning right and stuck in traffic. There is no one behind me, so I stop and roll down the window. I very politely say to her "for your information that was the driver behind me beeping at someone he knew". "Ok" she said and nothing else.

                                      I then told her she was a thick cunt and drove off laughing my arse off all the way home.


                                        Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                        car ferry to Wales for the HC final, 4 peeps + car is only 400 quid

                                        these lads need to take some lessons from Michael O'Leary
                                        5 of us and a camper van for 530. The boat is a great way to travel. Much more relaxing and comfortable and on a rugby trip with a good gang it can be great craic.

                                        Are you on the 20.45 on Friday from rosslare perchance? Live pokers on the way across?
                                        ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                          Was sent this poem by a friend. I thought I'd pay a rare visit into the BBV to share it, I think it is brilliant.

                                          DUBLIN - by Louis MacNiece.

                                          DUBLIN - by Louis MacNiece.

                                          Grey brick upon brick,
                                          Declamatory bronze
                                          On somber pedestals -
                                          O'Connell, Grattan, Moore -
                                          And the brewery tugs and the swans
                                          On the balustraded stream
                                          And the bare bones of a fanlight
                                          Over a hungry door
                                          And the air soft on the cheek
                                          And porter running from the taps
                                          With a head of yellow cream
                                          And Nelson on his pillar
                                          Watching his world collapse.

                                          This never was my town,
                                          I was not born or bred
                                          Nor schooled here and she will not
                                          Have me alive or dead
                                          But yet she holds my mind
                                          With her seedy elegance,
                                          With her gentle veils of rain
                                          And all her ghosts that walk
                                          And all that hide behind
                                          Her Georgian facades -
                                          The catcalls and the pain,
                                          The glamour of her squalor,
                                          The bravado of her talk.

                                          The lights jig in the river
                                          With a concertina movement
                                          And the sun comes up in the morning
                                          Like barley-sugar on the water
                                          And the mist on the Wicklow hills
                                          Is close, as close
                                          As the peasantry were to the landlord,
                                          As the Irish to the Anglo-Irish,
                                          As the killer is close one moment
                                          To the man he kills,
                                          Or as the moment itself
                                          Is close to the next moment.

                                          She is not an Irish town
                                          And she is not English,
                                          Historic with guns and vermin
                                          And the cold renown
                                          Of a fragment of Church latin,
                                          Of an oratorical phrase.
                                          But oh the days are soft,
                                          Soft enough to forget
                                          The lesson better learnt,
                                          The bullet on the wet
                                          Streets, the crooked deal,
                                          The steel behind the laugh,
                                          The Four Courts burnt.

                                          Fort of the Dane,
                                          Garrison of the Saxon,
                                          Augustan capital
                                          Of a Gaelic nation,
                                          Appropriating all
                                          The alien brought,
                                          You give me time for thought
                                          And by a juggler's trick
                                          You poise the toppling hour -
                                          O greyness run to flower,
                                          Grey stone, grey water,
                                          And brick upon grey brick.


                                            Originally posted by V for Vendetta View Post
                                            Are you on the 20.45 on Friday from rosslare perchance? Live pokers on the way across?
                                            awaiting (a) bookage and (b) permission to board!

                                            (b) is the tricky one
                                            "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                              Originally posted by Gilligan-Black View Post
                                              I really hate uncertainty in life also. Just to be sure if you ever see her again make sure and call her a ginger cunt again. Get some closure on this mater.
                                              Thanks Gilligan.

                                              I was I am now happy and content with my choice of words with the cunt.


                                                Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                So, have done a fair bit of reading and watching about the Osama Bin Laden killing. My determination is that it is 100% real, the conspiracy theories are utterly lol. The idea that they would instantly release pictures of a man shot in the head / of a body being buried is incredibly naive. And even when they release the photographs and official footage they claim to have taken, the crazies will claim they are doctored anyway.

                                                Incredible story to be told in the lead up to the operation. Literally years of exhaustive intelligence work, training and preparation. Then to send in a group of Navy Seals out of jurisdiction to take out all the bad guys in one daring manoeuvre is the stuff of films. To be honest, fitting retribution - as cartoonish and outlandish an event as 9 / 11.

                                                Have been reading some strands of opinion that are going on with the usual 'disgraceful behaviour from the US, shouldn't be going in to another country without approval, should have taken him alive for trial, blah, blah'. Go fuck yourselves. Pure justice, and when Osama and other residents of the compounds defended themselves in a fire fight, killing him on the spot was the way to go.

                                                The conspiracy theory I can get on board with is that there is no way that Pakistan authorities were unaware of him living there. Local police or whatever would have to wonder who was living in the big fuck off secretive compound.
                                                trying to explain to people why a picture wasn't released was like trying to teach a dog a card trick. I've just given up and nod vaugely when it's mentioned again.
                                                People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                                                Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                                                  by the way, we have hit the bottom of the property market
                                                  "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                    Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post
                                                    I very nearly rear ended a guy this morning vbut he was performing a highly illegal manoeuvre. If I had hit him and left him alive enough to try to claim against me would I have had any case for claiming from him? I 100% would have hit him from behind but he was being a total cnut.

                                                    Here is the situation:
                                                    Heaing in towards town on the Naas road and I'm heading up the slip road that goes up to the Luas car park. T is a hairpin turn at the end with blooards in the middle of the road to prevent smartarses from using it as a slip road onto the M50, you can still get to M50 by driving 50M to the roundabout and coming around but that wasn't good enough for the wankstain scumbag in the Blue 06 LH Passat this morning who stops dead to make the turn at the end of the bollards. I stopped within half a Meter was shaking with anger and the cnut gives me the fingers

                                                    Originally posted by MegaSin View Post
                                                    Cycling today and some mess of women walking towards me rufused to side step even slighlty to let me cycle trough (to my left traffic coming wrong way to my right wall). There was a ginger behemoth on the outside whom I deamed the worst offender as see looked at me as if to say "Lol, you think I'm moving?". When I realised that I would have to stop and wait what seemed like an eternity to let them passe raged built up to much and I called her a ginger cunt.

                                                    Think I ruined her day. Not sure how to feel about that.
                                                    Originally posted by careca View Post
                                                    Stopped in second place at lights one day, turning left. Lights are red so no worries. Driver behind me spots someone he knows and beeps to get their attention. Woman in first car thinks its me of course and points at the lights (still red). I point to the driver behind as in "its him beeping not me". Driver behind doesn't get his mates attention so beeps again. FML. This time the woman in front turns around and gives me the middle finger.

                                                    Lights go green and she takes off. About 100 yards down the road she is turning right and stuck in traffic. There is no one behind me, so I stop and roll down the window. I very politely say to her "for your information that was the driver behind me beeping at someone he knew". "Ok" she said and nothing else.

                                                    I then told her she was a thick cunt and drove off laughing my arse off all the way home.
                                                    Is it National Road Rage day?


                                                      Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                      awaiting (a) bookage and (b) permission to board!

                                                      (b) is the tricky one
                                                      My mrs had booked a cheap sun trip to lanzarote for that week with a friend and I didn't mention the final date just that I'd have to stay at home working. Sob sob.

                                                      In the meantime the bro had provisionally booked the camper with his father in law. I love it when a plan comes together!!
                                                      ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                        Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                        by the way, we have hit the bottom of the property market
                                                        I don't know. You'll look a little silly if that hits €12 in a few months.
                                                        Profit before people.


                                                          Originally posted by V for Vendetta View Post
                                                          My mrs had booked a cheap sun trip to lanzarote for that week with a friend and I didn't mention the final date just that I'd have to stay at home working. Sob sob.

                                                          In the meantime the bro had provisionally booked the camper with his father in law. I love it when a plan comes together!!
                                                          what shirt were you wearing on Saturday by the way? I didn't recognise it.
                                                          "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                            Originally posted by The Situation View Post
                                                            I don't know. You'll look a little silly if that hits €12 in a few months.
                                                            I'm going to lowball them with a €10 offer
                                                            "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                              Originally posted by DeadParrot View Post
                                                              trying to explain to people why a picture wasn't released was like trying to teach a dog a card trick. I've just given up and nod vaugely when it's mentioned again.
                                                              case in point
                                                              On May 1st, 1945 Hamburg radio announced Hitler was dead. On May 1st, 2011 Osama announced dead....
                                                              I'm just sayin' something just doesn't seem right!
                                                              People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                                                              Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                                                                Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                Have been reading some strands of opinion that are going on with the usual 'disgraceful behaviour from the US, shouldn't be going in to another country without approval, should have taken him alive for trial, blah, blah'. Go fuck yourselves.
                                                                LOL at the idea of calling up anyone in Pakistan government to give them even one minutes notice, the place would never have been taken.

                                                                Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                Robert Fisk agrees with this

                                                                Pakistan is the global centre of jihadism
                                                                Global centre of retarded macho tribalism IMO
                                                                Turning millions into thousands


                                                                  Ah cage drivers, always getting worked up over nothing.
                                                                  Hunter S Thompson 1937-2005 - "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro"


                                                                    Hey guys. New Blog and a quick mention for JP's Masters.

                                                                    Sup folks. Since last weeks posts I've played two tourneys. Really shitty volume but I was very busy. I chopped the Tuesday Voodoo and fin...


                                                                      Originally posted by V for Vendetta View Post
                                                                      My mrs had booked a cheap sun trip to lanzarote for that week with a friend and I didn't mention the final date just that I'd have to stay at home working. Sob sob.

                                                                      In the meantime the bro had provisionally booked the camper with his father in law. I love it when a plan comes together!!
                                                                      I'll be in Nigeria that week and due back home on the Saturday morning, probably coming through Heathrow so I could grab a train to Cardiff.
                                                                      Unfortunately I am running about 0 from 25 for getting home on time about the tuesday or Wednesday there will be almost inevitably be a conversation that starts 'There's a little problem in..."

                                                                      Did you see that for Heaslip's try Jamie was the only one who even thought he might have got it down, the Ref had blown for the penalty and Jamie was Roaring that he'd scored and Leo went to the ref and asked him to go upstairs with it.
                                                                      Turning millions into thousands


                                                                        Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                        So, have done a fair bit of reading and watching about the Osama Bin Laden killing. My determination is that it is 100% real, the conspiracy theories are utterly lol. The idea that they would instantly release pictures of a man shot in the head / of a body being buried is incredibly naive. And even when they release the photographs and official footage they claim to have taken, the crazies will claim they are doctored anyway.

                                                                        Incredible story to be told in the lead up to the operation. Literally years of exhaustive intelligence work, training and preparation. Then to send in a group of Navy Seals out of jurisdiction to take out all the bad guys in one daring manoeuvre is the stuff of films. To be honest, fitting retribution - as cartoonish and outlandish an event as 9 / 11.

                                                                        Have been reading some strands of opinion that are going on with the usual 'disgraceful behaviour from the US, shouldn't be going in to another country without approval, should have taken him alive for trial, blah, blah'. Go fuck yourselves. Pure justice, and when Osama and other residents of the compounds defended themselves in a fire fight, killing him on the spot was the way to go.

                                                                        The conspiracy theory I can get on board with is that there is no way that Pakistan authorities were unaware of him living there. Local police or whatever would have to wonder who was living in the big fuck off secretive compound.
                                                                        I read that the Navy Seals had scouted the compound so well they had built a full scale replica to practice on in some base they were operating out of. Quality.

                                                                        The US could never have taken Osama alive. It would have been a complete disaster if they had. The legalities of the trial would have been a nightmare and his incarceration would have been a beacon to radicals to try and free him. If they did eventually find him guilty then 2 things would have happened that the US would have to deal with:

                                                                        1. An execution would have been incredibly inflammatory to much of the Muslim world.

                                                                        2. They have to reveal a lot of their intelligence work to make the case. Given OBL was pretty much a non-entity in Al Qaeda by the time they got him this would have been a pretty big sacrifice for relatively small real world gain.

                                                                        Killing him was absolutely the best option.
                                                                        You are technically correct...the best kind of correct
                                                                        World Record Holder for Long Distance Soul Reads: May 7th 2011


                                                                          Good posts Lloyd and Kayroo.

                                                                          This was the best article on the mission I've read so far.

                                                                          The raid in Pakistan was the culmination of years of painstaking intelligence.


                                                                            Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                            So, have done a fair bit of reading and watching about the Osama Bin Laden killing. My determination is that it is 100% real, the conspiracy theories are utterly lol. The idea that they would instantly release pictures of a man shot in the head / of a body being buried is incredibly naive. And even when they release the photographs and official footage they claim to have taken, the crazies will claim they are doctored anyway. Incredible story to be told in the lead up to the operation. Literally years of exhaustive intelligence work, training and preparation. Then to send in a group of Navy Seals out of jurisdiction to take out all the bad guys in one daring manoeuvre is the stuff of films. To be honest, fitting retribution - as cartoonish and outlandish an event as 9 / 11.

                                                                            Have been reading some strands of opinion that are going on with the usual 'disgraceful behaviour from the US, shouldn't be going in to another country without approval, should have taken him alive for trial, blah, blah'. Go fuck yourselves. Pure justice, and when Osama and other residents of the compounds defended themselves in a fire fight, killing him on the spot was the way to go.

                                                                            The conspiracy theory I can get on board with is that there is no way that Pakistan authorities were unaware of him living there. Local police or whatever would have to wonder who was living in the big fuck off secretive compound.
                                                                            of course just to keep the conspiracey theory alive, i agree with everything you said except the bolded part. i heard on the news this morning that the us are considering never releasing the video footage or pictures of the event.

                                                                            "Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"


                                                                              Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post
                                                                              Global centre of retarded macho tribalism IMO
                                                                              "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                Originally posted by DeadParrot View Post
                                                                                case in point

                                                                                On May 1st, 1945 Hamburg radio announced Hitler was dead. On May 1st, 2011 Osama announced dead....
                                                                                I'm just sayin' something just doesn't seem right!
                                                                                yes there is something suspicous about may 1st allright

                                                                                "Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"


                                                                                  Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post
                                                                                  Did you see that for Heaslip's try Jamie was the only one who even thought he might have got it down, the Ref had blown for the penalty and Jamie was Roaring that he'd scored and Leo went to the ref and asked him to go upstairs with it.
                                                                                  literally no-one in the stadium saw it

                                                                                  no-one, was hilarious when they put it up on the big screen
                                                                                  "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                    What I find funny about the whole Osma thing is people believing it will actually make a difference to terrorism or the world is really now a safer place. Even bigger lol is believing he had a big involvement in 9/11.


                                                                                      I wonder if they did capture him alive would they just execute him on the sot anyway and say he died in a fire fight


                                                                                        Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                                        by the way, we have hit the bottom of the property market

                                                                                        I read that as large manure site to confirm the asking price


                                                                                          Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                                          literally no-one in the stadium saw it

                                                                                          no-one, was hilarious when they put it up on the big screen
                                                                                          Commentary was great too, first the arm went up for the penalty, then they were all why is he going to the video ref, next was do you jknow what that could be a try ... OMG that is a try

                                                                                          Jamie's Father brings my Dad Communion after Mass on Sundays (its a Catholic thing he listens to Mass on the radio and then they come down to him because he doesn't go out anymore) so I had him retelling the story quoting Jamie word for Word at the top of his voice " Threre's no F****n Penalty, I've scored the F****n try... Ref, Where are you I got the F****n thing down".
                                                                                          Turning millions into thousands


                                                                                            on the rte news just there, they said that john higgins broke down at the mention of his fathers death "the late alex hurricane higgins who died in febuary, the man who guided and mentored his career"


                                                                                              Originally posted by nicnicnic View Post
                                                                                              on the rte news just there, they said that john higgins broke down at the mention of his fathers death "the late alex hurricane higgins who died in febuary, the man who guided and mentored his career"
                                                                                              Oh Jesus... Standard RTE fuck up.


                                                                                                was thinking does whoever was writing it have a fucked up sense of humor


                                                                                                  Originally posted by ghostface ste View Post
                                                                                                  But not a huge sopranos fan.... not sure on that one.

                                                                                                  Attempting to watch at least 1 ep of Nikita while slightly intoxicated, could go wrong
                                                                                                  Nikita is quality, last few episodes have been really good. Only thing is the gaps between maybe the last 5 episodes due to holidays etc have been a massive pain in the arse.


                                                                                                    I do love the conspiracy theories coming out about Osama now. He died weeks after 9-11 and the us kept his body is my favourite type.

                                                                                                    So strange that Conspiracy theorists will believe anything without any proof so long as it doesn't come with a govt stamp of approval.


                                                                                                      Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                                                      literally no-one in the stadium saw it

                                                                                                      no-one, was hilarious when they put it up on the big screen
                                                                                                      Yeah,,and i was down at that end! In the first half when toulouse got the try from the missed Skrela penalty i couldnt see the bounce of the ball and assumed someone knocked on and was ready to berate them until i saw the replay! Strange match...


                                                                                                        Originally posted by Kayroo View Post
                                                                                                        I read that the Navy Seals had scouted the compound so well they had built a full scale replica to practice on in some base they were operating out of. Quality.

                                                                                                        The US could never have taken Osama alive. It would have been a complete disaster if they had. The legalities of the trial would have been a nightmare and his incarceration would have been a beacon to radicals to try and free him. If they did eventually find him guilty then 2 things would have happened that the US would have to deal with:

                                                                                                        1. An execution would have been incredibly inflammatory to much of the Muslim world.

                                                                                                        2. They have to reveal a lot of their intelligence work to make the case. Given OBL was pretty much a non-entity in Al Qaeda by the time they got him this would have been a pretty big sacrifice for relatively small real world gain.

                                                                                                        Killing him was absolutely the best option.
                                                                                                        Couldn't agree more. A trial would have been a complete circus and all that murdering bastard deserved was a bullet in the head and to rot in the sea quite frankly.


                                                                                                          Free at last, Free at last, lord above I'm free at last.

                                                                                                          Brought Stringer Bell along in case there were any witnesses needing eyeballing.

                                                                                                          Serious though, the detective was the soundest guy I've ever met, chatting about the Wire and that with him, told me how much of a pain in the hole CSI is, can't get a murder charge past a jury as they're always demanding ridiculous forensics.

                                                                                                          Getting arrested was surprisingly a lot of fun.

                                                                                                          Guess I won't have to experience the man sex afterall, Boo.
                                                                                                          I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                                            "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                                                                              Originally posted by ghostface ste View Post
                                                                                                              I survived 2 eps, Nikita is a good watch. As is her sidekick

                                                                                                              Yeah its been pretty good so far

                                                                                                              Originally posted by Moneymaker View Post
                                                                                                              Yeah, even as a Barca fan I wouldn't object to that. He is an appalling human being.

                                                                                                              Alves probably deserves it too.

                                                                                                              Pep wasn't the most honest player in the world either back in his playing days. It's not at all a surprise a few of them act the way they do tbh. Great player and he's done amazing things while manager but he always had a negative streak.
                                                                                                              What kinda managerial chops does Pep have, did he not just handed a truly spectacular team?

                                                                                                              Originally posted by coillcam View Post
                                                                                                              Nikita is quality, last few episodes have been really good. Only thing is the gaps between maybe the last 5 episodes due to holidays etc have been a massive pain in the arse.
                                                                                                              Yeah big head wreck alright, The Event for example was a little shaky then takes like a 4 month break and loses so much ground, fucking stupid American stations although I cant wait for it to be cancelled.
                                                                                                              "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                                                                                                Originally posted by Lazare View Post
                                                                                                                Getting arrested was surprisingly a lot of fun.
                                                                                                                sounds like it might be the best thing that ever happened to you
                                                                                                                "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                                  Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                                                                  stay classy America
                                                                                                                  "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                                    Originally posted by tylerdurden94 View Post
                                                                                                                    What kinda managerial chops does Pep have, did he not just handed a truly spectacular team?
                                                                                                                    Hard to say, he grew up in the system etc and that's a huge advantage. But he was not handed a truly spectacular team as such, he was handed a team that had two trophyless years behind them, had finished third the previous season (And was only a few points off missing out on the CL, iirc, and miles off the title) and the dressing room was all over the place. On top of that, his first order of business was to gut the team of the players who had been the focal point of the team for the past 6 years and had been their best players and essentially start from scratch. Scratch was a hell of alot of talent, but that's not exactly ideal, and his record with all that in mind without any real experience behind him is pretty spectacular. Also it's easy to say he had a talent like Messi, but Messi prior to him coming in was barely 21 and had an injury hit start to his career, his development into the player he is shouldn't go without any credit to his manager. He went from uber-promising boy genius to best in the world almost straight away when Guardiola took over.

                                                                                                                    But, I still wouldn't be super confident of giving Pep say the Manchester United job. No telling how he'd do outside of the comfort zone of the system he knows so intimately. And if Busquets is guilty of what he's being accused of and Guardiola leaves him unpunished I'll lose a hell of alot of respect for him. But the job he's done since taking over is incredible, I can't imagine there's ever been a better managerial debut three seasons.
                                                                                                                    "In the world, there are many kings but there is only one God. I am God, I am El Tren" :{)


                                                                                                                      Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                                                                                      what shirt were you wearing on Saturday by the way? I didn't recognise it.
                                                                                                                      It's an Ireland training jersey. At least its a sort of blue!

                                                                                                                      It's not made of the horrible material that some of the test jerseys are.
                                                                                                                      ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                                                                                        Originally posted by Gilligan-Black View Post
                                                                                                                        I do love the conspiracy theories coming out about Osama now. He died weeks after 9-11 and the us kept his body is my favourite type.

                                                                                                                        So strange that Conspiracy theorists will believe anything without any proof so long as it doesn't come with a govt stamp of approval.
                                                                                                                        it's gas, it's mostly american conservatives that this story is popular with.
                                                                                                                        Totally ignoring the fact that if this was the case, the Republicans would have trotted out the body in reposnse to massive polls against Bush.
                                                                                                                        Also, a dead Bin Laden before the last election would have waltzed McCain into the White House.
                                                                                                                        People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                                                                                                                        Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                                                                                                                          Originally posted by Sledgejammer View Post
                                                                                                                          Hard to say, he grew up in the system etc and that's a huge advantage. But he was not handed a truly spectacular team as such, he was handed a team that had two trophyless years behind them, had finished third the previous season (And was only a few points off missing out on the CL, iirc, and miles off the title) and the dressing room was all over the place. On top of that, his first order of business was to gut the team of the players who had been the focal point of the team for the past 6 years and had been their best players and essentially start from scratch. Scratch was a hell of alot of talent, but that's not exactly ideal, and his record with all that in mind without any real experience behind him is pretty spectacular. Also it's easy to say he had a talent like Messi, but Messi prior to him coming in was barely 21 and had an injury hit start to his career, his development into the player he is shouldn't go without any credit to his manager. He went from uber-promising boy genius to best in the world almost straight away when Guardiola took over.

                                                                                                                          But, I still wouldn't be super confident of giving Pep say the Manchester United job. No telling how he'd do outside of the comfort zone of the system he knows so intimately. And if Busquets is guilty of what he's being accused of and Guardiola leaves him unpunished I'll lose a hell of alot of respect for him. But the job he's done since taking over is incredible, I can't imagine there's ever been a better managerial debut three seasons.
                                                                                                                          Cheers for the insight really appreciate that
                                                                                                                          "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)

