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Bad beat/Moan/Venting Thread - BBV Archive 1

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    Originally posted by connie147 View Post
    Fcuking doctor had to wait until 9pm to come in and tell me I wasnt going home from the hospital (and theres me all packed ready for road). So not only am i gutted to now miss the IPB game tomorrow, but she also tells me that theres absolutely no way I'll be going to malta next week for the EMOP. Theres just no way of describing how disappointed I am.
    Really bad to hear Connie, hope you are better soon.

    Originally posted by bantee View Post
    Another query for the BBV.

    I will possibly have a medical next Wednesday for a job. I'm getting the fight on the box tomorrow night and having a game of cards after it with a few lads over.

    A couple of them always enjoy a few "smokes" during the game and sometimes the room gets a bit cloudy.

    As its passive smoke should I worry about this affecting the results of the medical?
    Careful now



      Originally posted by Ace View Post
      But you didn't do that for the 3rd one?
      Or the 4th due in January Time for some surgery otherwise I could write my own version


        Originally posted by hotspur View Post
        You will have levels in your body as a result of it but it won't be close to enough to fail a drugs test if that's what you are thinking about.

        To be honest I'm not sure why anyone would consider it a stupid question one way or the other. This very question has been the subject of a variety of scientific studies over the years.
        Thanks hotspur, thats exactly the constructive answer I was looking for.

        Probably should have googled it to avoid certain people lurking in the long grass to give a stupid one-liner in a thanks-whoring attempt.


          Originally posted by Jackyback View Post
          Or the 4th due in January Time for some surgery otherwise I could write my own version
          O right i assumed it was 2 and one due...


            Originally posted by bantee View Post
            Honestly, its a genuine question. I sometimes feel stoned from spending a few hours in the room with them.

            Do you just think its stupid because yes it will show up, or "no you imbicile thats OMG LOL you tard for thinking that it would!!!"?

            Edit: actually Morihei, do you know me personally as I just looked back at a rulings thread I made and it was full of smart/snide comments from you?
            Never intentionally smart/snide, Just to the point... sometimes via an adventurous route.

            Your question just made me laugh... (you could wear a painter's mask for the evening to be safe)

            Good luck with the job.


              Originally posted by Morihei View Post
              Never intentionally smart/snide, Just to the point... sometimes via an adventurous route.

              Your question just made me laugh... (you could wear a painter's mask for the evening to be safe)

              Good luck with the job.
              Ok appreciate the well wishes but just thought your comment was a bit OTT.


                Originally posted by bantee View Post
                Ok appreciate the well wishes but just thought your comment was a bit OTT.
                Are you going up to the IPB game tomorrow Bantee?


                  Originally posted by Jackyback View Post
                  Well man up the fuck with your girly flu and your 500 large and i will see you in the pub tomorrow
                  I'm not feeling too bad at the mo. 80% to be heading up.

                  I'll see in the morn, but i'd be def interested in your thoughts on how best to approach the ever increasing questions from my 8 year old about all things birds and bees!

                  2:30 in the Belvedere I believe.
                  We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.


                    Originally posted by bantee View Post
                    Thanks hotspur, thats exactly the constructive answer I was looking for.

                    Probably should have googled it to avoid certain people lurking in the long grass to give a stupid one-liner in a thanks-whoring attempt.
                    Not sure what history you two have but I didn't read his comment as snide.

                    I read it more as 'Jaysus, don't be silly', if there's history though it reads totally different.

                    Anyway, whatever you do, make sure you....

                    I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                      Originally posted by NewApproach View Post
                      Are you going up to the IPB game tomorrow Bantee?
                      No can't make it this weekend but hoping to get up to Galway in a couple of weeks.
                      Are you playing? GL again if you are!


                        Originally posted by bantee View Post
                        No can't make it this weekend but hoping to get up to Galway in a couple of weeks.
                        Are you playing? GL again if you are!
                        I'm donating yeah. For the IPC? Might see you there so.


                          Originally posted by bantee View Post
                          Ok appreciate the well wishes but just thought your comment was a bit OTT.
                          Yeah I s'pose it might've been, I know you're excited about your new path an'all, but go back and reread my original answer and consider it a reply from someone who skimmed past the inverted commas around the word 'smokes'. Kinda changes the context d'you think?


                            Originally posted by Lazare View Post
                            Not sure what history you two have but I didn't read his comment as snide.

                            I read it more as 'Jaysus, don't be silly', if there's history though it reads totally different.
                            Sorry but after reading his comments before, I didn't see it in the same light as yourself.

                            Either way I'll be getting pissed, at least I know that'll be out of the system by Wednesday


                              Originally posted by hotspur View Post
                              People aren't being asked about their level of happiness, they are being asked how they are feeling right now on a negative-positive scale of 0-100. So they being asked about current positive emotion, not the more complex and multifaceted concept of happiness.

                              Within positive psychology happiness or well being is considered to be a founded on these pillars:

                              So while you are correct that asking people about their "happiness" without operationalising the construct would lead to arbitrary and not very useful answers it is important to realise that this is not what people are being asked in this study. They are being asked to rate how they are currently feeling. Positive emotion is just one component of happiness. But this is not a happiness study.

                              In respect of the discrepancy I mentioned between how much people think they tend to enjoy something and how much they actually do in the experiencing itself I think it's important to understand the differences between memory and experiencing as explained by Daniel Kahneman here:
                              I still think that the number given by people about how positive they are feeling isn't all that useful. I mean generally if I am after coming from the gym the number I would give to stuff I am doing after this will be high but not caused by the activity. The base level at which I am setting my scale will be different from week to week. Maybe I am just more receptive on a given day and reading a book makes me feel really positive or maybe I am trying to force it and this leads to me not enjoying it, even the book itself will influence the amount of positivity I give for the activity.

                              I agree fully about the difference between memory and experiencing but I don't think that study gives any meaningful data towards anything.



                                Originally posted by Morihei View Post
                                Yeah I s'pose it might've been, I know you're excited about your new path an'all, but go back and reread my original answer and consider it a reply from someone who skimmed past the inverted commas around the word 'smokes'. Kinda changes the context d'you think?
                                Nothing to do with excitement, just wanted to know whether or not to ask the lads to stand outside the back door or just to tell them work away

                                Ok I'll drop it now, confusion over.


                                  Originally posted by bantee View Post
                                  Sorry but after reading his comments before, I didn't see it in the same light as yourself.

                                  Either way I'll be getting pissed, at least I know that'll be out of the system by Wednesday
                                  Which comments before? Refresh my memory.

                                  Is the above the smart/snide kind of thing you're talking about?

                                  Man up dude.


                                    Originally posted by Morihei View Post
                                    Which comments before? Refresh my memory.

                                    Is the above the smart/snide kind of thing you're talking about?

                                    Man up dude.
                                    Just thought it was a bit of a coincidence that's all. As I said, confusion cleared up so lets leave it at that.

                                    Edit: BTW, I knew I recognised your username from a previous comment but had to check it up. Nothing to do with "manning up".
                                    And obv a comment which reads "the silliest thing I've read all year" is going to get someone's back up
                                    Last edited by bantee; 12-11-10, 23:52.


                                      Workplace ettiquette.
                                      When your having a slash in the urinal versus someone simultaneously finishing in the bog surely its an unwritten rule for the player in the bog to wait a few seconds to let the urinal user leave before exiting the bog?.
                                      Whats with these people who come out contending the handwash and hand dryer before time with the more sanitary urinal user.
                                      Seems to me they are advertising they had a sh!t and are proud of it.


                                        Originally posted by dannydiamond View Post
                                        I'm not feeling too bad at the mo. 80% to be heading up.

                                        I'll see in the morn, but i'd be def interested in your thoughts on how best to approach the ever increasing questions from my 8 year old about all things birds and bees!

                                        2:30 in the Belvedere I believe.
                                        Getting close to that stage myself Danny. Was in the car last week with the 2 kids and someone pulled out in front of me and i had to jam on and forgetting about the kids, i called them a stupid cnut.

                                        Dropping the kids over to their friends house tonight, and someone in a hurry nearly took 3 cars out of it at the roundabout so i said "That idiot could have killed someone"

                                        So my 8 year old says "Dad, what didn't you call him a stupid cnut. What's a cnut anyway?" Before i got a chance, my 10 year old pipes up "It's a womans vagina. I heard someone saying that the baby came out of her cnut" "

                                        I have absolutely no idea where she heard that but had to nip that language in the bud asap!


                                          latest Fringe. Excellent, best so far all season.


                                          Going by the writing on the outside of the piece of the machine the dug up, burried millions of years ago by "The First People", do we assume their ancestors are the Observers ?
                                          This too shall pass.


                                            Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                            Workplace ettiquette.
                                            When your having a slash in the urinal versus someone simultaneously finishing in the bog surely its an unwritten rule for the player in the bog to wait a few seconds to let the urinal user leave before exiting the bog?.
                                            Whats with these people who come out contending the handwash and hand dryer before time with the more sanitary urinal user.
                                            Seems to me they are advertising they had a sh!t and are proud of it.
                                            I'm surprised you're even able to use a shared urinal. Thought you'd have some private arrangement, with someone to shake it off.
                                            Gone full 'Glinner' since June 2022.


                                              Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                              Workplace ettiquette.
                                              When your having a slash in the urinal versus someone simultaneously finishing in the bog surely its an unwritten rule for the player in the bog to wait a few seconds to let the urinal user leave before exiting the bog?.
                                              Whats with these people who come out contending the handwash and hand dryer before time with the more sanitary urinal user.
                                              Seems to me they are advertising they had a sh!t and are proud of it.

                                              paper towel dispensers ftw, far more hygenic, and i also open the door with spent paper towel, rather keep it my pocket till the nearest bin or the next time i use the loo then be touching the door handle.
                                              This too shall pass.


                                                Originally posted by Flushdraw View Post
                                                Getting close to that stage myself Danny. Was in the car last week with the 2 kids and someone pulled out in front of me and i had to jam on and forgetting about the kids, i called them a stupid cnut.

                                                Dropping the kids over to their friends house tonight, and someone in a hurry nearly took 3 cars out of it at the roundabout so i said "That idiot could have killed someone"

                                                So my 8 year old says "Dad, what didn't you call him a stupid cnut. What's a cnut anyway?" Before i got a chance, my 10 year old pipes up "It's a womans vagina. I heard someone saying that the baby came out of her cnut" "

                                                I have absolutely no idea where she heard that but had to nip that language in the bud asap!
                                                It's getting close now, gonna have to throw him a bone shortly, he's getting curious. My lad's well aware of 'boobs' ladies 'front bums' , 'how the fk does a baby squeeze through the front bum' and he's not buying the 'when a man and a woman love eachother....' for much longer.

                                                The Belvedere for you me and Fran tomorrow for a brainstorming session I think.

                                                The road rage stuff is funny, I jammed the brakes going around a roundabout this morning and my 8 year old got in before me and piped up 'look at that fkin clown!'
                                                I've got to learn to be cool with the kids in the car!
                                                Last edited by dannydiamond; 13-11-10, 00:17.
                                                We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.


                                                  Yeah but you have to act all professional and expediant when someone comes out of the cubicle. I feel vexed and confronted when this happens.
                                                  Turning the tables i gave some guy so much grace recently when i was in the bog because the guy around the outer urinals wasnt going away by the sounds. I came out and there he was shaving ffs!. Some balls eh!.
                                                  I came back later at theres stubble all over the sink, didnt even wipe it off pffft.
                                                  Last edited by rounders123; 13-11-10, 00:34. Reason: urinal changed to cubicle


                                                    Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                                    Workplace ettiquette.
                                                    When your having a slash in the urinal versus someone simultaneously finishing in the bog surely its an unwritten rule for the player in the bog to wait a few seconds to let the urinal user leave before exiting the bog?.
                                                    Whats with these people who come out contending the handwash and hand dryer before time with the more sanitary urinal user.
                                                    Seems to me they are advertising they had a sh!t and are proud of it.
                                                    I don't mind that (although I always wait the obligitory time).
                                                    I hate it when one of your collegues piss at the urinal and just go straight to the towel, wtf man?? wash yer fxcking hands.
                                                    Or the best one, I'm washing my hands and one of the guys come out of the cubicle, he says: "did you see Justyna coming back from her break?"

                                                    Justyna is the gorgeous well endowed Polish receptionist and she was wearing a white blouse on a cold day.

                                                    I giggle like a schoolboy and say "fxck yeah....I mean wow....jeez....yeah" Do the old universal cupping sign and mention where you could hand yer coat etc.

                                                    And he goes " I saw her walking across the yard and I had to go and crack one off"


                                                      norhing like some guinness and a smoke cod .

                                                      Blues fans bbc4 now.

                                                      if I was asked if I'm happy now I'd say after that belch I just had, I'm smoking man, smoking. now for some 12 bar tales.


                                                        Originally posted by Flushdraw View Post
                                                        So my 8 year old says "Dad, what didn't you call him a stupid cnut. What's a cnut anyway?" Before i got a chance, my 10 year old pipes up "It's a womans vagina. I heard someone saying that the baby came out of her cnut" "

                                                        I have absolutely no idea where she heard that but had to nip that language in the bud asap
                                                        Tony my moneys on that nephew you were telling us about a while back


                                                          Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                                          Yeah but you have to act all professional and expediant when someone comes out of the urinal. I feel vexed and confronted when this happens.
                                                          Turning the tables i gave some guy so much grace recently when i was in the bog because the guy around the outer urinals wasnt going away by the sounds. I came out and there he was shaving ffs!. Some balls eh!.
                                                          I came back later at theres stubble all over the sink, didnt even wipe it off pffft.
                                                          Where I work and when they had production guys on their break the jacks was like the brass section in the London philharmonic orchestra and the sound of daily mirrors turning over akin to changing the music sheet page. no place for the sensitive urinator unless he had a musical imagination


                                                            Originally posted by dannydiamond View Post
                                                            I'm not feeling too bad at the mo. 80% to be heading up.

                                                            I'll see in the morn, but i'd be def interested in your thoughts on how best to approach the ever increasing questions from my 8 year old about all things birds and bees!

                                                            2:30 in the Belvedere I believe.
                                                            I will here none of this malarky!! Yeah I have been getting the same questions along with other mad questions.


                                                              Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                                              Yeah but you have to act all professional and expediant when someone comes out of the cubicle. I feel vexed and confronted when this happens.
                                                              Turning the tables i gave some guy so much grace recently when i was in the bog because the guy around the outer urinals wasnt going away by the sounds. I came out and there he was shaving ffs!. Some balls eh!.
                                                              I came back later at theres stubble all over the sink, didnt even wipe it off pffft.
                                                              He was shaving his balls in the sink ? ?
                                                              This too shall pass.


                                                                Originally posted by Flushdraw View Post
                                                                Getting close to that stage myself Danny. Was in the car last week with the 2 kids and someone pulled out in front of me and i had to jam on and forgetting about the kids, i called them a stupid cnut.

                                                                Dropping the kids over to their friends house tonight, and someone in a hurry nearly took 3 cars out of it at the roundabout so i said "That idiot could have killed someone"

                                                                So my 8 year old says "Dad, what didn't you call him a stupid cnut. What's a cnut anyway?" Before i got a chance, my 10 year old pipes up "It's a womans vagina. I heard someone saying that the baby came out of her cnut" "

                                                                I have absolutely no idea where she heard that but had to nip that language in the bud asap!
                                                                I blame it all on the mother Tony


                                                                  Fran, Tony and Danny...did your parents sit you down and have the chat ?

                                                                  They will find out the birds and the bees the same way we did, when they come with questions, answer them in an obscure fassion as possible, that or..."talk to the mother"
                                                                  This too shall pass.


                                                                    Originally posted by oleras View Post
                                                                    Fran, Tony and Danny...did your parents sit you down and have the chat ?

                                                                    They will find out the birds and the bees the same way we did, when they come with questions, answer them in an obscure fassion as possible, that or..."talk to the mother"
                                                                    Nah, but we live in different times!
                                                                    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.


                                                                      Originally posted by Jackyback View Post
                                                                      I will here none of this malarky!! Yeah I have been getting the same questions along with other mad questions.
                                                                      As Has been suggested, I have indeed man'ed the fk up, I'll se you tomorrow.
                                                                      We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.


                                                                        On the toilet etiquette thingy I think it is really inconsiderate of people when they go into the next cubicle when your dropping the kids off....takes away all the enjoyment of finishing the job off.

                                                                        Ok conference at 2.30 in the Belvedere with Tony and Danny. Feck I better get to bed soon up for a run in 7 hours
                                                                        Last edited by Jackyback; 13-11-10, 01:07.


                                                                          Originally posted by dannydiamond View Post
                                                                          Nah, but we live in different times!
                                                                          Some things never change though ! All the information children have these days, my young fellow came home with english homework last week, he is in 6th class btw, and it was a story about parents divorcing and how the child felt about it, long way from when we were growing up eh !

                                                                          Every generation tries to beat the last one, as the song

                                                                          Dont beat them, dont let them sleep after a row without explaining what they did was wrong and how you still love them. Job done.
                                                                          This too shall pass.


                                                                            Originally posted by Jackyback View Post
                                                                            Hard to believe my two lads are 4 and 8 on Sunday the years are flying by to quick.
                                                                            I better not be hungover on Sunday from the IPB poker/drinks.
                                                                            Originally posted by Dannydiamond;
                                                                            My 2 lads are 5 and 8, we should have a beer and a chat Fran, we can compare notes! .
                                                                            Mine are 6 and 8. Lets get the 6 of them together for a UFC type winner takes all
                                                                            One of these days I am either going to quit poker or learn how to play the damn game


                                                                              Originally posted by oleras View Post
                                                                              Fran, Tony and Danny...did your parents sit you down and have the chat ?

                                                                              They will find out the birds and the bees the same way we did, when they come with questions, answer them in an obscure fassion as possible, that or..."talk to the mother"
                                                                              No I found my own way when i was 15 in the back of the Grove playing fiddle on some poor young wan from Artane


                                                                                Originally posted by 40something View Post
                                                                                Mine are 6 and 8. Lets get the 6 of them together for a UFC type winner takes all
                                                                                Give me odds on my 5 year old v your 8 year old.
                                                                                We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.


                                                                                  Originally posted by Connie147
                                                                                  Fcuking doctor had to wait until 9pm to come in and tell me I wasnt going home from the hospital (and theres me all packed ready for road). So not only am i gutted to now miss the IPB game tomorrow, but she also tells me that theres absolutely no way I'll be going to malta next week for the EMOP. Theres just no way of describing how disappointed I am..
                                                                                  Man alive, sorry about that Connie.

                                                                                  I miss our $50 Stars 10pm game when we used to swop 20%. We must get that back up and running again.

                                                                                  Speaking of which, as I type, 3 to the money but I just got fckud over and have gone from 2 x avg stack to 10 bbs. Tourney # 339010685, T 5 for the rail.
                                                                                  One of these days I am either going to quit poker or learn how to play the damn game


                                                                                    brag - but feels like a beat

                                                                                    Just ht the cross bar in a good few MTTs for about 600 quid. still cant manage to bink the big one though. first time I was in simultaneous final tables for holdem and Omaha

                                                                                    but yeah - ship the 600 quid


                                                                                      Was close to folding the river but meh its too hard to fold a set.

                                                                                      Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (5 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from

                                                                                      Hero (SB) ($33.07)
                                                                                      BB ($20)
                                                                                      UTG ($31.40)
                                                                                      MP ($29.62)
                                                                                      Button ($33.18)

                                                                                      Preflop: Hero is SB with 4, 4
                                                                                      UTG bets $0.85, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.75, BB raises to $2.50, UTG calls $1.65, Hero calls $1.65

                                                                                      Flop: ($7.50) 7, 4, J (3 players)
                                                                                      Hero checks, BB bets $4, UTG calls $4, Hero calls $4

                                                                                      Turn: ($19.50) Q (3 players)
                                                                                      Hero checks, BB checks, UTG bets $7, Hero calls $7, BB raises to $13.50 (All-In), UTG calls $6.50, Hero calls $6.50

                                                                                      River: ($60) 9 (3 players, 1 all-in)
                                                                                      Hero checks, UTG bets $11.40 (All-In), Hero calls $11.40

                                                                                      Total pot: $82.80 | Rake: $3

                                                                                      Hero had 4, 4 (three of a kind, fours).
                                                                                      BB had A, A (one pair, Aces).
                                                                                      UTG had Q, Q (three of a kind, Queens).
                                                                                      Outcome: UTG won $79.80


                                                                                        Originally posted by dannydiamond View Post
                                                                                        Give me odds on my 5 year old v your 8 year old.
                                                                                        I will take even money on my 4 year old against your two, savage pure savage


                                                                                          Originally posted by Jackyback View Post
                                                                                          On the toilet etiquette thingy I think it is really inconsiderate of people when they go into the next cubicle when your dropping the kids off....takes away all the enjoyment of finishing the job off.

                                                                                          Ok conference at 2.30 in the Belvedere with Tony and Danny. Feck I better get to bed soon up for a run in 7 hours
                                                                                          Yep sound. Off to bed myself in a few mins because we've to drive from Letterkenny in the morn. Nice little session there and finished up 8buyins


                                                                                            Originally posted by Dannydiamond
                                                                                            Give me odds on my 5 year old v your 8 year old.

                                                                                            Originally posted by Jackyback View Post
                                                                                            I will take even money on my 4 year old against your two, savage pure savage
                                                                                            Sadly, my 6 y/o kills my 8 year old. No contest really, ballet v rubgy!

                                                                                            Mind you, as I said to the wife, better he gets it out of his system now, rather then ....
                                                                                            One of these days I am either going to quit poker or learn how to play the damn game


                                                                                              Originally posted by shano_88 View Post
                                                                                              Was close to folding the river but meh its too hard to fold a set.

                                                                                              Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (5 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from

                                                                                              Hero (SB) ($33.07)
                                                                                              BB ($20)
                                                                                              UTG ($31.40)
                                                                                              MP ($29.62)
                                                                                              Button ($33.18)

                                                                                              Preflop: Hero is SB with 4, 4
                                                                                              UTG bets $0.85, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.75, BB raises to $2.50, UTG calls $1.65, Hero calls $1.65

                                                                                              Flop: ($7.50) 7, 4, J (3 players)
                                                                                              Hero checks, BB bets $4, UTG calls $4, Hero calls $4

                                                                                              Turn: ($19.50) Q (3 players)
                                                                                              Hero checks, BB checks, UTG bets $7, Hero calls $7, BB raises to $13.50 (All-In), UTG calls $6.50, Hero calls $6.50

                                                                                              River: ($60) 9 (3 players, 1 all-in)
                                                                                              Hero checks, UTG bets $11.40 (All-In), Hero calls $11.40

                                                                                              Total pot: $82.80 | Rake: $3

                                                                                              Hero had 4, 4 (three of a kind, fours).
                                                                                              BB had A, A (one pair, Aces).
                                                                                              UTG had Q, Q (three of a kind, Queens).
                                                                                              Outcome: UTG won $79.80
                                                                                              Goddamn it man get your money in on the turn!


                                                                                                Most people probably wont like this but I loved it.
                                                                                                Safe but long.


                                                                                                  Originally posted by Jackyback View Post
                                                                                                  I will take even money on my 4 year old against your two, savage pure savage
                                                                                                  Never mind that, my wife v yours in a mud pit, in bikinis.

                                                                                                  No bet required, should be value in itself.
                                                                                                  We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.


                                                                                                    Back in it

                                                                                                    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 55 Tournament, 500/1000 Blinds 100 Ante (9 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

                                                                                                    saw flop | saw showdown

                                                                                                    MP3 (t15818)
                                                                                                    CO (t5171)
                                                                                                    Hero (Button) (t8215)
                                                                                                    SB (t33230)
                                                                                                    BB (t10470)
                                                                                                    UTG (t8733)
                                                                                                    UTG+1 (t15899)
                                                                                                    MP1 (t25427)
                                                                                                    MP2 (t19959)

                                                                                                    Hero's M: 3.42

                                                                                                    Preflop: Hero is Button with 8, J
                                                                                                    6 folds, Hero bets t8115 (All-In), 1 fold, BB calls t7115

                                                                                                    Flop: (t17630) Q, 9, 4 (2 players, 1 all-in)

                                                                                                    Turn: (t17630) 6 (2 players, 1 all-in)

                                                                                                    River: (t17630) 10 (2 players, 1 all-in)

                                                                                                    Total pot: t17630
                                                                                                    Main pot: t17630 between Hero and BB, won by Hero

                                                                                                    Hero had 8, J (straight, Queen high).
                                                                                                    BB had A, K (high card, Ace).
                                                                                                    Outcome: Hero won t17630
                                                                                                    One of these days I am either going to quit poker or learn how to play the damn game


                                                                                                      Originally posted by Flushdraw View Post
                                                                                                      Goddamn it man get your money in on the turn!
                                                                                                      possibly should have but im always stacking qq-aa either way and by calling i can represent a much wider range. Raising flop and I think my hand is pretty face up. Turn, Im actually worried im beat!


                                                                                                        Need some serious Karma here lads
                                                                                                        One of these days I am either going to quit poker or learn how to play the damn game


                                                                                                          i should get some sleep if i want to own souls tomorrow


                                                                                                            Originally posted by 40something View Post
                                                                                                            Need some serious Karma here lads
                                                                                                            sn for the rail?


                                                                                                              Originally posted by 40something View Post
                                                                                                              Need some serious Karma here lads

                                                                                                              Ty, Ty

                                                                                                              PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 55 Tournament, 600/1200 Blinds 125 Ante (8 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

                                                                                                              saw flop | saw showdown

                                                                                                              UTG (t20788)
                                                                                                              UTG+1 (t15245)
                                                                                                              Hero (MP1) (t14830)
                                                                                                              MP2 (t30930)
                                                                                                              CO (t11000)
                                                                                                              Button (t10132)
                                                                                                              SB (t30634)
                                                                                                              BB (t12988)

                                                                                                              Hero's M: 5.30

                                                                                                              Preflop: Hero is MP1 with K, A
                                                                                                              UTG bets t20663 (All-In), 1 fold, Hero calls t14705 (All-In), 5 folds

                                                                                                              Flop: (t32210) 5, K, 10 (2 players, 2 all-in)

                                                                                                              Turn: (t32210) J (2 players, 2 all-in)

                                                                                                              River: (t32210) 9 (2 players, 2 all-in)

                                                                                                              Total pot: t32210
                                                                                                              Main pot: t32210 between UTG and Hero, won by Hero

                                                                                                              UTG had J, A (one pair, Jacks).
                                                                                                              Hero had K, A (one pair, Kings).
                                                                                                              Outcome: Hero won t32210
                                                                                                              One of these days I am either going to quit poker or learn how to play the damn game


                                                                                                                Originally posted by Bubbleking View Post
                                                                                                                sn for the rail?
                                                                                                                T5, Tourney # 339010685, guess which one I am
                                                                                                                One of these days I am either going to quit poker or learn how to play the damn game


                                                                                                                  Originally posted by 40something View Post
                                                                                                                  T5, Tourney # 339010685, guess which one I am
                                                                                                                  cool have you up - no $$$ on stars so cant chat at the table


                                                                                                                    Attached Files
                                                                                                                    One of these days I am either going to quit poker or learn how to play the damn game


                                                                                                                      nh - that villain is terrible. he shipped Q7 to isolate a shorty push and only min raised you there - what was that all about??


                                                                                                                        Attached Files
                                                                                                                        One of these days I am either going to quit poker or learn how to play the damn game


                                                                                                                          Originally posted by Bubbleking View Post
                                                                                                                          i should get some sleep if i want to own souls tomorrow
                                                                                                                          I'm still in 5 tournies and have a train to get at 11 from Waterford.

                                                                                                                          Still pretty confident of making you Dublin lads weep.
                                                                                                                          We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.

