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Bad beat/Moan/Venting Thread - BBV Archive 1

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    Was just thinking I am going to quit drinking. Hitchhiker has convinced me.


      @ HH
      marrige isn't all that bad it just basically means a few slight adjustments to your life

      1: no more going up to the pub with your mates
      2: carrying on from no. 1 no more mates
      2: you now only have "colleagues"
      4: extra bills
      5: you get to have kids
      6: carrying on from no. 5 you now have no free time
      7: 10 times more housework to be done
      8: any extra money you have is now placed iinto the "communal kitty"
      9: you now follow instead of lead
      10: you have no free time whatsoever
      11: you now have a seemingly endless list of very important jobs to do
      12: you get to have loads of quality conversations about her clothes, that bitch over the road and curtains to name but a few

      that will do for now but if you ever think of getting married again come to me because i can stay adding on to that list for the rest of the day

      "Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"


        Hitchhikers gonna Hitchhike!!


          HH, keep doing what you do.

          Last edited by Zuroph; 17-10-10, 11:02.

          donate to my hairy lip!


            Dig Up Hitchhiker. DIG UP.


              Ok HH. This is the woman's view on this, which FD isn't too far off.

              When girls get proposed to they get excited, they feel loved and want to share their excitement with people close like family and friends. Imagine what a cock you look if she has said on more than one occasion to friends/family that you had proposed and then had to explain that you have taken it back.

              I really think you have to look at yourself and your relationship. Are you ready for the commitment? if so then do it properly, stone cold sober over a meal (A nice African ) This might help in two ways, the flatmate gets the hint you def not interested and the g/f actually believes you.

              But seriously, you are fking with her emotions and to be honest it is down right cruel. I would have told you to take a hike by now as my friends would be telling me to tell you as well.

              Don't do any more TEXTS today, try the old phone if she isn't there and apologise when you haven't been drinking and hide your bloody phone next time you on a drunken bender


                Murray hammered Federer to win the Shanghai Masters. WP


                  Originally posted by MrsFlushdraw View Post
                  Ok HH. This is the woman's view on this, which FD isn't too far off.

                  When girls get proposed to they get excited, they feel loved and want to share their excitement with people close like family and friends. Imagine what a cock you look if she has said on more than one occasion to friends/family that you had proposed and then had to explain that you have taken it back.

                  I really think you have to look at yourself and your relationship. Are you ready for the commitment? if so then do it properly, stone cold sober over a meal (A nice African ) This might help in two ways, the flatmate gets the hint you def not interested and the g/f actually believes you.

                  But seriously, you are fking with her emotions and to be honest it is down right cruel. I would have told you to take a hike by now as my friends would be telling me to tell you as well.

                  Don't do any more TEXTS today, try the old phone if she isn't there and apologise when you haven't been drinking and hide your bloody phone next time you on a drunken bender


                  "Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"


                    Have a hazy memory from last night, but remember hitting facebook up and trash talking wih Icarus. Cliffnotes please...
                    Redbet at the Dublin Poker Invasion FTW


                      Poker after dark was class these two weeks, could really feel the table dynamics and mood changing along the way. Cant watch the WSOP this year.


                        c'mon the best team in liverpool


                          Coleman for Ireland.


                            Those chinese chaps know how to get shit done imo

                            Mine bosses in China who don't go underground with their workers will be severely punished under a new regulation that aims to improve a dismal safety record.


                              haven't paid any attention to the ipo over the weekend, so anyone notable still in/any ipber's still in?


                                "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                  Originally posted by Ace View Post
                                  haven't paid any attention to the ipo over the weekend, so anyone notable still in/any ipber's still in?
                                  Howard Finkle
                                  New Approach
                                  Surrinder Sunar, star of many werewolf games and theory threads


                                    everton, everton, everton..............


                                      Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide to... View Post
                                      obv was being an idiot earlier. my bad. think I've made things whole again with the gf thank fck. we've agreed that my actual proposal has to be world-beating spectacular though.
                                      So you just told her you are defo going to propose
                                      and she has just told you she is defo going to accept

                                      er.. um.. mathematically speaking you are now engaged to be married and that was your proposal

                                      congrats btw


                                        Originally posted by KevIRL View Post
                                        Howard FinkleSmurph
                                        New Approach
                                        Surrinder Sunar, star of many werewolf games and theory threads

                                        no he asked about anyone "notable"



                                          New owners on seeing the squad play might want to tear up the contracts

                                          3-4 who belong in red, rest are what I call (to use a David Pleat/Graham Taylor -ism) Villa players

                                          ive defo grown up recently Happy to watch Ex-Sligo Rovers player play well against the team I have supported all my life
                                          Last edited by Guest; 17-10-10, 13:48.


                                            Originally posted by Elshambo View Post

                                            New owners on seeing the squad play might want to tear up the contracts

                                            3-4 who belong in red, rest are what I call (to use a David Pleat/Graham Taylor -ism) Villa players
                                            Pleat-ism of the day today...He referred to Sammy Lee earlier as 'another example of an inbred Liverpool player'


                                              Originally posted by KevIRL View Post
                                              Pleat-ism of the day today...He referred to Sammy Lee earlier as 'another example of an inbred Liverpool player'
                                              nearly spat up my lunch when he said it


                                                Originally posted by Ace View Post
                                                haven't paid any attention to the ipo over the weekend, so anyone notable still in/any ipber's still in?

                                                Originally posted by KevIRL View Post
                                                Howard FinkleSmurph
                                                New Approach
                                                Surrinder Sunar, star of many werewolf games and theory threads
                                                Originally posted by kakak1 View Post
                                                no he asked about anyone "notable"
                                                I also asked about IPBer's if you read my post


                                                  Originally posted by Ace View Post
                                                  I also asked about IPBer's if you read my post
                                                  jasus will you let me get at Richie when I can, I don't often get the chance


                                                    Jesus Masch must be a perpetual motion machine if that defense kept clean sheets for the last 2 years

                                                    every mistake I see the defense make I think
                                                    Javier would have been standing there last season

                                                    no wonder people thought he was crap at passing, he was too fucked from running 5 miles to get it back

                                                    Im going to turn off the interweb now, can't be having the Rafa boys claiming that the greatest squad in Liverpool's history have been turned bad overnight


                                                      Drunken proposals? Seriously man as entertaining as your stories can sometimes be you sound like a raging alcoholic at least! Can't believe you can hold down a job........




                                                          Originally posted by phantom_lord View Post
                                                          Those chinese chaps know how to get shit done imo

                                                          Who says communism doesn't work. That's just awesome
                                                          Turning millions into thousands


                                                            I've been thinking about the practicality of a new American revolution, and wondering if there's any way to do it without shooting people.

                                                            The American government has proven itself unable to govern, as evidenced by the fact that there's no plan for closing the budget deficit. If we had two rational and competing plans from the major parties, or even one imperfect plan, I would consider that some form of government. But no plan means we're effectively ungoverned.

                                                            You might argue that the government is mostly working, and the budget deficit is just one wrinkle that will get ironed out in time. But given that we're in a budget death spiral that will eventually derail every other function of society, I would say that all we're talking about is a timing issue. By analogy, maybe your brain can remain conscious for a second after your head gets chopped off, but as a practical matter, you're not less dead.

                                                            It's no surprise that our system doesn't work. It was designed hundreds of years ago, and it gradually worsened over time, just like everything else that was designed hundreds of years ago. It's the ultimate legacy system, bloated and hopelessly in need of replacement. And now, thanks to the brainwashing that all American kids get about the magic and wonder of our political system, and the near Godliness of our Founding Fathers, we're unable to see the system itself as entirely broken. Instead, we assume the problem is that the people within the system are corrupt or incompetent. Or maybe the problem is the Tea Party, or the crazy Liberals, or anything but the system itself. There's plenty of blame to spread around, but a good system should be excreting the crazies instead of embracing them. Why can't we have that system?

                                                            If you want to bring a social gathering to a full stop, suggest that the Chinese system of government is the best model for our modern age. Contrary to popular belief, their system is not a dictatorship, because the top guy only keeps his job if the guys below him think he's doing it well. It's more like a corporate structure in which smart and knowledgeable people choose the best within their ranks based on ability. You can fault the Chinese leadership for a lot of things, but you can't fault them for being impractical. They have a political system that, as far as I can tell, puts science over superstition. And over time, I would expect their human rights issues to improve simply because doing so is smart government.

                                                            [Disclaimer: What I know about China would fit in a very small Tupperware container while leaving plenty of room for a sandwich. So if you disagree with my characterization of China's government, please correct me in the comments below.]

                                                            Obviously a bloodless revolution in America wouldn't get far with a slogan such as "Be More Chinese!" And our government is too constipated to make incremental improvements in itself. I've already ruled out killing people. So how can you get there from here?

                                                            Suppose, just as a mental exercise, a new set of geniuses, call them the Founding Fathers Version 2.0, hold a convention and come up with a new form of government that fits the challenges of the modern age. Then, after a lengthy public debate, a constitutional vote is held in which every citizen can decide on keeping the old system or moving to the new one. If the new one wins, a transition plan is drawn up, and the move is made over maybe five years, so there is limited shock to the system.

                                                            Let's agree that this scenario is hugely unlikely. But can we afford to not try it when the alternative is no government at all? What would Thomas Jefferson and my cousin John Adams say if they were here today?


                                                              Hitchhiker is a slightly less composed, slightly less verbose, slightly more alcohol dependent, Irish version of Hank Moody.
                                                              This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                              All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                              The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                                "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                  Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide to... View Post
                                                                  I'm going to take that as perhaps the greatest compliment have ever been given. Hank Moody is an aspirational target!

                                                                  but think we should just agree that am an idiot. .... an idiot abroad, to make it topical.
                                                                  btw any chick that takes a drunken proposal seriously is dodge, retract by facebook status update imo


                                                                    Marlon Harewood =Hero
                                                                    Double-decker bus enthusiast


                                                                      Used the wildcard last week, changed most of team, have tevez as captain, 60 so far, bonus points to come and also got adam's coming off the bench and got robinson in goals to play... good week.


                                                                        Originally posted by the aul switcharoo View Post
                                                                        Have a hazy memory from last night, but remember hitting facebook up and trash talking wih Icarus. Cliffnotes please...
                                                                        The usual latenightdrunkfacebookaments.Did you get off with a caution for guard/teabagging incident?
                                                                        Official Head Marshall of Waterford Gay Pride Festival 2015


                                                                          Is there any upside to getting married for a male bar the alleviating of social/family/girfriend's expectations and pressures which you may feel and aside from the associated tax breaks (which is a disgrace imo)?
                                                                          X can be anything, any number, that is what’s CRAZY about X.
                                                                          Because X doesn’t roll like that, because X can’t be pinned down!

                                                                          $ Free Travel Credit with Airbnb $


                                                                            Originally posted by View Post
                                                                            Is there any upside to getting married for a male bar the alleviating of social/family/girfriend's expectations and pressures which you may feel and aside from the associated tax breaks (which is a disgrace imo)?
                                                                            short answer: no

                                                                            "Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"


                                                                              @zuroph/zuutroy (whichever of you is the hypnotist) and hotspur

                                                                              Is this -

                                                                              Pure shite, or could it be a decent deal? One of my aunties has been trying and failing miserably to quit smoking for as long as I can remember. Are these therapies useless without proper willpower, ie, people would've quit almost as easily without them?


                                                                                Is there an online satt tonite for the IWF?



                                                                                  Originally posted by View Post
                                                                                  Is there any upside to getting married for a male bar the alleviating of social/family/girfriend's expectations and pressures which you may feel and aside from the associated tax breaks (which is a disgrace imo)?
                                                                                  If you want to get married, it's all upside.

                                                                                  If you don't want to get married, none of the above should influence you to do so.
                                                                                  Join the IPB Fantasy Football League 19/20



                                                                                    Originally posted by View Post
                                                                                    Is there any upside to getting married for a male bar the alleviating of social/family/girfriend's expectations and pressures which you may feel and aside from the associated tax breaks (which is a disgrace imo)?
                                                                                    Chris Rock says its a simple trade off between boredom and loneliness


                                                                                      Originally posted by connie147 View Post
                                                                                      Is there an online satt tonite for the IWF?

                                                                                      Think there is 3 ticks guar on ppp tonight. Think it was 150 FO


                                                                                        Anybody available to swap me €165 on PP? I can return on Boyles or Irish Eyes.


                                                                                          Reeling in the Years 2000 just starting on RTE1


                                                                                            Originally posted by emmet02 View Post
                                                                                            @zuroph/zuutroy (whichever of you is the hypnotist) and hotspur

                                                                                            Is this -

                                                                                            Pure shite, or could it be a decent deal? One of my aunties has been trying and failing miserably to quit smoking for as long as I can remember. Are these therapies useless without proper willpower, ie, people would've quit almost as easily without them?
                                                                                            A prerecorded hypno session is gonna be pretty low on the success scale, as it works better once personalising the experience and adapting to the reactions. Willpower is still required, and its the first thing I'd say to people. not worth the €11 IMO. Hotspur can answer better than me on the therapy side of things, as I'm only beginning my road down that path, but I know a pre-record is gonna be pretty much bollox.

                                                                                            hypnotherapy, when done right, has a higher success rate than nicotine replacement AFAIK. The problem is finding someone to do it right, too many out there just reading from a script and not adapting.

                                                                                            I've gotten a few friends to quit while practising it for myself. But its definitely a Willpower required path. Although it may help ease the pressure.
                                                                                            donate to my hairy lip!


                                                                                              Originally posted by emmet02 View Post
                                                                                              @zuroph/zuutroy (whichever of you is the hypnotist) and hotspur
                                                                                              Ffs seriously!?


                                                                                                Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                                Ffs seriously!?


                                                                                                  Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                                  Ffs seriously!?
                                                                                                  zuutroph. the twos of youse could merge into one being.


                                                                                                    Beat - still in bits

                                                                                                    Brag - xfactor time. Diana vickers is horrible here - crap song


                                                                                                      On the John Lennon statue at Liverpool Airport it says "Above us only sky".

                                                                                                      Apparently someone has written on it, "Below us only West Ham".


                                                                                                        Anyone know the player transfer code for paddypower?




                                                                                                            Just finished the wire. FML, thats other tv ruined forever now. Magnificent.
                                                                                                            donate to my hairy lip!


                                                                                                              Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                                              Ffs seriously!?
                                                                                                              you have been assimilated.


                                                                                                                Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                                                Ffs seriously!?
                                                                                                                This is more than a year old. Must have missed it first time 'round.

                                                                                                                Funnily enough I've been able able to think of the 2 Zeds as separate entities, ever since you explained where your name came from(and the avatar helps too).
                                                                                                                Gone full 'Glinner' since June 2022.


                                                                                                                  Originally posted by Zuroph View Post
                                                                                                                  Just finished the wire. FML, thats other tv ruined forever now. Magnificent.

                                                                                                                  you have also been assimilated.


                                                                                                                    that katy perry song is beyond awful ( and i imagine that was playback which makes it even worse), and whoever decided she looked good in a catsuit should reconsider their career options


                                                                                                                      Originally posted by Zuroph View Post
                                                                                                                      Just finished the wire. FML, thats other tv ruined forever now. Magnificent.
                                                                                                                      Ha snap I finished it today - it's possibly the greatest series ever written. I love the way it ended too


                                                                                                                        Originally posted by PaddyPowerPoker View Post
                                                                                                                        Ughh got this too late to try and sort out a transfer for Connie to play the IWF. Thanks anyway


                                                                                                                          Cher loyd is getting a bit annoying

