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Bad Beat/Moaning/Venting - pray for Lazare

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    Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post
    Looks to me like Racing won't be available to record on UTV which is the only ITV channel on the programme guide.

    ITV1 and ITV4 are going to be showing them and they are available only to watch live after about 25 menus and 250 key presses each time you want to switch it on
    TV3 seem to be coming to your rescue.


      Originally posted by Lazare View Post
      Remembering that equality and fairness are at the root of these issues, I actually see it as an illogical and counter-productive term.

      Illogical because it's descriptive of something that isn't rather than something that is. Like labelling people as 'not deaf'. I feel the issue is quite simple, there are males, and there are females. Some males are born female, and vice versa.

      It's counter-productive to the cause of equality because it labels and categorises people further and causes divisiveness. I feel society is (was) moving to an environment of acceptance and understanding of trans-sexuality, not near it yet, but the only way that can happen imo is if people see each other as equal. Terms such as cisgender move people the other way.

      My main problem with it though is it's use in discourse. It's always derogatory e.g 'as a cis-male, what would you know?' etc etc

      Sad thing for me is it's spouted by people I would have aligned myself with during the Marrieage ref, but feel polar opposite to now.

      Seems typical of the lefty liberals on twitter, they expend political capital and energy on things like creating new terms that in reality do very little other than make themselves feel like they've the moral high ground and give them a new way to be decisive. (if you don't use cis than obv you're a hateful transphobic person)

      Another reason why Trump will do more for transgender people than the left would


        Originally posted by hotspur View Post
        I don't know how common an experience it is but I bought a diffuser lamp like that this year and oils and the bloody scent just got stuck into the carpet and stayed. Owner of a therapy centre told me he doesn't allow scents for the same reason in the centre.

        But since it's probably a present for someone, fuck 'em.

        Lotus Pagoda in the Ilac Centre, Parnell Street Wing has such things, I dunno if Dervish on Aungier Street sells them or not.
        Cheers, was actually walking down Liffey St when I read your reply so was an easy walk! Pagoda has saved me a few times over the years for various items, surprised I hadn't thought of them.
        They do indeed have diffusers so thanks. Must admit they aren't particularly nice though, they are actually vaguely threatening in an oriental sort of way like something you'd expect to see at the entrance to a forbidden temple!
        May end up buying one yet though.

        Will check Dervish later.


          Vomiting bug. On an hourly cycle since midnight of sleep - wake up with cramp - throw up, repeat. Absolutely wrecked and no doubt Mrs H1 and kids will get it now.


            @Lazare: Identity politics is awful, but the word "cis" is at least useful as a piece of jargon. Just because it's frequently used as an insult, doesn't mean it is neccessarily an insult.

            Privilege is the same. It's almost impossible to say "check your privilege" to someone without making an ad hominem. Nevertheless, there are people out there who seem incapable of understanding how someone else's life might be more difficult than theirs. The term is situationally useful but is frequently misused.
            "I can’t find anyone who agrees with what I write or think these days, so I guess I must be getting closer to the truth." - Hunter S. Thompson



                Carlos Tevez moving to China on a £615,000 per week contract.

                That's almost £88,000 per day, £3.600 per minute, or £61 per second. Cnut goes to bed and puts in an 8 hour sleep and wakes up £29,000 richer. The world is gone mad!


                  Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                  So there was this kitty cat.... The cat was sooooo cute with fluffy hair. I called it fluffy!!! And when you went near it it would go meooow, but not an angry meooow, more a happy meooow. Did I mention the cat was in a box? Thats important. The box was made of wood I think or maybe tin. Maybe it was tin painted to look like wood. Why do they do that? Why not just use wood when you want something to look like wood? I hate that. You know what else I hate: homework. Ugh and getting my nails cut. Why do nails grow, they're useless! Ummm what was the question again?
                  So....Hitch is peaceandfire....well done
                  People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                  Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                    "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                      Anyone watching the OA on netflix?

                      I'm not 100% what to make of it but its intriguing to say the least
                      People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                      Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                        Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                        Just in case anyone wants a small stocking filler. (an actual book)
                        Chuck tingle's twitter is a work of art and the story around his Hugo nomination is pathetic and hilarious


                          Originally posted by dobby View Post
                          60 Days In seems class after episode one. Great shout and looking forward to watching with the time off coming up.

                          No way the teacher dude and stay at home Mom make it. Female police officer and young black dude should be grand. Others not sure of yet, military guy could go either way
                          Just watched the first episode myself.

                          He must have some mental health issues, and they throw him into D-Wing with all the lunatics. He's going to get his shit fucked up! He'll probably be running the wing in 2 months!


                            "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                              "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                The 60 days in participants must be getting paid.
                                Turning millions into thousands


                                  Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post
                                  The 60 days in participants must be getting paid.
                                  Yeah I thought that was a given tbh.


                                    "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                      Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                      It's a slippery slope from here SatNav. Once you get hooked on Pinot, there's no going back to the muck!

                                      Be warned though; it can sometimes have a character that is quite...earthy. To illustrate this story, I once went to a very poncey wine tasting evening in the St Stephen's Green Club. Between each food course, a wine buff would stand up the front and pontificate at great length about the wine we were about to enjoy. Anyway, the turn of the Pinot Noir came and this small Indian guy who was one of the top surgeons in Dublin stood up to speak. He had clearly been enjoying the various offerings and was swaying slightly. He stood up, beamed at the audience and pronounced the following:

                                      "Good burgundy should smell of.......<long pause while he chuckled away to himself>......shit".

                                      The woman at the next table spat a full mouthful out. I creased myself.

                                      Anyway, that's what you're drinking. Have a good auld sniff.

                                      I'd recommend trying some New Zealand Pinot Noir if possible. Some South African too.
                                      I got a present of a six months subscription to First two bottles arrived this morning with the following accompanying note.

                                      Bit surprised there wasn't actually a good Burgundy among them.


                                        Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                        What actually happened there?


                                          Loving 60 days in just 4 episodes or so in.
                                          That Michael Keaton guy is an actor though, guaranteed. Doing everything wrong but 'staged wrong'. Reminds me of that CJ cnut from egg heads. Theres no way he can be for real, no way. Hes just a plant for divilment and to spice it up, getting great entertainment out of him nevertheless. His expressions and reactions are than of an actor.


                                            Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                            Loving 60 days in just 4 episodes or so in.
                                            That Michael Keaton guy is an actor though, guaranteed. Doing everything wrong but 'staged wrong'. Reminds me of that CJ cnut from egg heads. Theres no way he can be for real, no way. Hes just a plant for divilment and to spice it up, getting great entertainment out of him nevertheless. His expressions and reactions are than of an actor.
                                            I started watching it months ago and after a while I was thinking it must be all staged! That guy in particular is just too crazy to be real.


                                              SatNav for yourself I would suggest starting on any Chilean Merlot and any Argentinian Malbec(not french malbec. Even though the grape originates in France, French Malbec are usually shit but you wont see many of these anyway but just in case). Avoid Bordeaux or SA or 'reserves' in general for now as they can be too rich & stewy which is probably the reason why youve been putting coke in the wine in the first place. You will graduate onto these wines in time.

                                              Id regard Pino Noir as a pre. Pre as in pre Sunday dinner bottle as your watching your first big white hope at Naas or Punchestown. I dont mind it but still dont trust it, i feel it could be the con of wine imo!. Its surprisingly easy enough drinking and weak in colour(like ribena which isnt a plus) but as Raoul says you can get an earthy one but id describe it as a soil/clay taste, that Indian guy literally cant tell his arse from his elbow!.
                                              Last edited by rounders123; 21-12-16, 17:16.


                                                Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                                Loving 60 days in just 4 episodes or so in.
                                                That Michael Keaton guy is an actor though, guaranteed. Doing everything wrong but 'staged wrong'. Reminds me of that CJ cnut from egg heads. Theres no way he can be for real, no way. Hes just a plant for divilment and to spice it up, getting great entertainment out of him nevertheless. His expressions and reactions are than of an actor.
                                                Which guy is he? The teacher?


                                                  Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                                  SatNav for yourself I would suggest starting on any Chilean Merlot.
                                                  "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                    Also, SatNav is on the right track here.

                                                    "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                      Got a bottle of Barolo there yest. Never had one before.


                                                        Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide To... View Post
                                                        Seven biggish tasks to do before the end of the day. Feels like the late stages of a chess game where you know you've lost but have to keep moving the pieces around for the sake of it. Best guess: there will be seven biggish tasks delayed until January.
                                                        My boss just quit. Seems like I have assumed a large chunk of his responsibilities (without any corresponding benefits). Christmas cancelled.
                                                        "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                          Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                          Got a bottle of Barolo there yest. Never had one before.
                                                          Heavy drinking imo

                                                          You will need some meaty food, not that this is a bad thing
                                                          "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                            Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                            Heavy drinking imo

                                                            You will need some meaty food, not that this is a bad thing
                                                            Grand, also bought carpaccio and big lump of mature parmesan!


                                                              Originally posted by Raoul Duke III View Post
                                                              hahah i laughed my ass off at that. Love that film but forgot that part, thats exactly like my brother with his anti merlot rants. ''Its all the same''.


                                                                Valpolicella>ripasso> amarone is a good progression path from crowd pleasing easy to drink to the more substantial reds.
                                                                Low fee Euro/UK money transfer, 1st transfer free through my referral


                                                                  Originally posted by eoghan104 View Post
                                                                  I started watching it months ago and after a while I was thinking it must be all staged! That guy in particular is just too crazy to be real.
                                                                  Halfway through episode 3, so no spoilers Heading out shortly, but i'm kinda in agreement, but i'm fully trusting hotspurs judgement that it's the shit, and think it will be interesting to say the least.

                                                                  Their editing and piecing the scenes together needs some work though. Some rolling scenes aren't done at the same time. e.g When the inmate comes over to attack D'Aundre at the end of Ep 2, he does/doesn't/does/doesn't have glasses on. Well i say attacked, but the pussy couldn't even land a blow on a fat guy sitting down. Looked like the weakest punches i've ever seen!

                                                                  Zac seems to be bossing it at the moment with not an ounce of trouble. A little too easy, so there must be something going to happen.

                                                                  Robert is on another cloud. It's not going to end well for him. The camera stunt that landed him in segregation should be seen by the inmates as a 'fix' to get him out of the situation. Realistically, not too many inmates would know whether he spent the 23 hours in his cell or not. He could be parked up on coach, watching TV and eating the best of foods and nobody would be any wiser (unless all officers ARE really in the dark).

                                                                  I'm not sure why they thought it's a good idea to throw 3 guys into the less intimidating Pod C, but throw a guy who will obviously look out of place and be a danger to himself and others in D Pod which has all the fully hard bastards in it.

                                                                  The police officer in the women's Pod has turned into B from Prisoner Cell Block H and is almost running the joint after 2 days! How can she go into a place like that and just act the Billy Big Balls and not have any reservations at all.

                                                                  Also, how can you not get your back story straight?? Surely they all have enough time to know it inside out and back to front and cover all angles. WTF at slipping up so much?

                                                                  Too early to pass judgement on the other 3, but a lot of it does seem contrived, but i really hope it's not. Still gonna be good though!


                                                                    "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                      Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                      Got a bottle of Barolo there yest. Never had one before.
                                                                      Open it at least 5hrs in advance and decant it twice in a row, from a height as soon as you do. Barolo can be undrinkable if you dont decant!. Some people love it but i havent grown a taste for it at all, far too rich for me and i avoid it. This one is for the elite wine wankers which is probably why the brudder loves it.


                                                                        "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                                                                          I got them. Tried a pinot last night from aldi same ingredients but heavier taste. Not as nice. I love this one
                                                                          It's a lovely little spot if any of you into wines. On Facebook Brown's vineyard

                                                                          Currently now enjoying MS mulled wine
                                                                          Her sky-ness
                                                                          © 5starpool


                                                                            Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                                                            Open it at least 5hrs in advance and decant it twice in a row, from a height as soon as you do. Barolo can be undrinkable if you dont decant!. Some people love it but i havent grown a taste for it at all, far too rich for me and i avoid it. This one is for the elite wine wankers which is probably why the brudder loves it.
                                                                            Only an aspiring wine wanker at the moment but will take your advice on board.


                                                                              Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                                                              hahah i laughed my ass off at that. Love that film but forgot that part, thats exactly like my brother with his anti merlot rants. ''Its all the same''.
                                                                              It is gold. Think I need to re-watch.

                                                                              "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                Only an aspiring wine wanker at the moment but will take your advice on board.
                                                                                I really wouldn't!
                                                                                "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                  Anyone know where I could get pisco in Dublin? Celtic Whiskey Shop are all out.


                                                                                    Originally posted by dobby View Post
                                                                                    Episode 4. Happy enough with above predictions so far.

                                                                                    Mall security guy. He shouldn't have even made it past the application process tbf. Ali's daughter should be grand.
                                                                                    Originally posted by gorrrr72 View Post
                                                                                    Everyone has a degree of racism in them.

                                                                                    That being said, I took the test and the result was:

                                                                                    Here is your result:

                                                                                    Your data suggest no automatic preference between Black people and White people.
                                                                                    prefer black folk me, that quiz was weird.

                                                                                    Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                                                                    Loving 60 days in just 4 episodes or so in.
                                                                                    That Michael Keaton guy is an actor though, guaranteed. Doing everything wrong but 'staged wrong'. Reminds me of that CJ cnut from egg heads. Theres no way he can be for real, no way. Hes just a plant for divilment and to spice it up, getting great entertainment out of him nevertheless. His expressions and reactions are than of an actor.
                                                                                    watched about 6 episodes then tuned out as it got samey and shite

                                                                                    the short haired one Tami is an absolute psycho. She drank the koolaids koolaid.
                                                                                    X can be anything, any number, that is what’s CRAZY about X.
                                                                                    Because X doesn’t roll like that, because X can’t be pinned down!

                                                                                    $ Free Travel Credit with Airbnb $


                                                                                      I think thats a Christmas evening watch, after the famed trivial pursuit. We take records from previous years for bragging rights and chalk up prices pre game. 5 players usually!.


                                                                                        I hope you've been playing the long con.
                                                                                        X can be anything, any number, that is what’s CRAZY about X.
                                                                                        Because X doesn’t roll like that, because X can’t be pinned down!

                                                                                        $ Free Travel Credit with Airbnb $


                                                                                          Spent the day with connacht rugby today. hail storm during the unit sessions, ive been out of ireland too long. was absolutely freezing while the local lads running around like it;s a nice summer day. the dublin/galway drive is a real delight these days as well.


                                                                                            had a bottle of this the other day during a very boozy lunch. it was only the second bottle of the lunch so was still very much compos mentis, but definitely one to shortlist. fantastic blend


                                                                                              Originally posted by Denny Crane View Post
                                                                                              Anyone know where I could get pisco in Dublin? Celtic Whiskey Shop are all out.
                                                                                              not 100% but i think obriens stocked it in donnybrook (just past kielys)


                                                                                                Originally posted by Trippie View Post
                                                                                                Spent the day with connacht rugby today. hail storm during the unit sessions, ive been out of ireland too long. was absolutely freezing while the local lads running around like it;s a nice summer day. the dublin/galway drive is a real delight these days as well.

                                                                                                How's Connacht doing compared to the other regions for facilities and backroom?

                                                                                                Any team surprises for Friday you can share?


                                                                                                  Originally posted by rounders123 View Post
                                                                                                  Open it at least 5hrs in advance and decant it twice in a row, from a height as soon as you do. Barolo can be undrinkable if you dont decant!. Some people love it but i havent grown a taste for it at all, far too rich for me and i avoid it. This one is for the elite wine wankers which is probably why the brudder loves it.
                                                                                                  How is it possible to be served in a restaurant then?
                                                                                                  I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                                    Jaysus. Got engaged and picked picked up the keys of the house 5 years ago today. Feels closer to 5 minutes!


                                                                                                      Originally posted by zuutroy View Post
                                                                                                      Jaysus. Got engaged and picked picked up the keys of the house 5 years ago today. Feels closer to 5 minutes!
                                                                                                      yea but....

                                                                                                      Her sky-ness
                                                                                                      © 5starpool


                                                                                                        Fact. Totally obsessed!


                                                                                                          Originally posted by Mike View Post
                                                                                                          How's Connacht doing compared to the other regions for facilities and backroom?

                                                                                                          Any team surprises for Friday you can share?
                                                                                                          Gym looked well equipped with variety of simple equipment, good layout combined with running track area for speed, skills and clarity sessions. Not the same amount of fancy things(magnetic bikes, grinders, position specific equipment etc) . main locker room was very nicely laid out. training pitch is a bit overused and like glass in some parts when wet. Pales in comparison to Rory's backed Ulster for facilities (they have a protein shake dispenser, don't even have to mix their own shakes, just hit a button ffs)

                                                                                                          Yeah there's some surprises but cannot say. Team named tomorrow.
                                                                                                          Last edited by Trippie; 21-12-16, 22:04.


                                                                                                            Grand stretch in the evenings all the same.
                                                                                                            I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                                                                                              Originally posted by Lazare View Post
                                                                                                              Grand stretch in the evenings all the same.
                                                                                                              For about the last week or so it's a noticeable stretch indeed!



                                                                                                                Her sky-ness
                                                                                                                © 5starpool


                                                                                                                  Did you sell him sky?
                                                                                                                  X can be anything, any number, that is what’s CRAZY about X.
                                                                                                                  Because X doesn’t roll like that, because X can’t be pinned down!

                                                                                                                  $ Free Travel Credit with Airbnb $


                                                                                                                    Leave Icky alone SatNav.


                                                                                                                      Originally posted by Lord Sir Christmas View Post
                                                                                                                      Did you sell him sky?
                                                                                                                      nah he couldnt reach it
                                                                                                                      Her sky-ness
                                                                                                                      © 5starpool


                                                                                                                        Anyone who followed the WSOP coverage, will know all about William Kassouf and his antics, but he just took down the €10k high roller in Prague for €532k. That's not as straight forward as it seems though.

                                                                                                                        The original payouts were €766k for the winner, and €486 for the runner up. When he got headsup with Patrick Serda, he had a 4-1 chip deficit. Without playing a hand of headsup, he offered the other guy the deal where he takes €719k, and Kassouf takes €533k and the trophy.

                                                                                                                        If money is your primary goal, the it's a snap deal for Serda, but i'm guessing the title and winners photo etc mean more to Kassouf and his brand.

                                                                                                                        Should you really be declared a champion when you go into headsup a 4-1 dog and don't even play a hand?


                                                                                                                          Originally posted by mdoug View Post
                                                                                                                          If you're legit going to the superbowl because of him scoring the 1st touchdown, WELL FUCKING DONE M8!

                                                                                                                          Else, enjoy the money ya made
                                                                                                                          Hi m8,

                                                                                                                          Zeeek was the final leg of my trixie for a sexual win.

                                                                                                                          Booked flights this morning.

                                                                                                                          Tickets will be impossible and way outta my range. However, tailgating and craic will be fantastic.

