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Bad beat/Moaning/Venting thread - BabyforV

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    "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


      "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


        Oh dear


          That's just wierd. Is he now disclaiming all responsibility?
          "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


            Originally posted by Lord Sir Business View Post
            Go watch nightcrawler.

            Speaking of which, stuck £5 on nightcrawler at 33/1 for best screenplay or some shit a couple of weeks ago.

            Heart over head. it clearly has no hope as it hasn't received a glut of other minor awards like some of the leading contenders in the category which seems to be a pre-curser in these things.
            Saw nightcrawler. Thought it was very good.
            His rival it seems, had broken his dreams,By stealing the girl of his fancy.Her name was Magill, and she called herself Lil,But everyone knew her as Nancy.


              Originally posted by PSV58 View Post
              Ugh, house of cards S3 out next week, there go 13 hours of my life. I know its empty ludicrously plotted trash but won't be able to stop myself.
              Do we know if its the last series, think I'll just skip it if not. I cared little or nothing for it by the end of season 2 other than some interest in how it ultimately ends.


                Where oh where oh where is WhiteKnight,
                Where oh where oh where is WhiteKnight,
                Where oh where oh where is WhiteKnight,
                Where could WhiteKnight beeeeeeeee.

                On another note, been waiting for a week for dublin bikes card to arrive!! Hurry up dublin bikes!!
                I am paying for you right now and can't use you, some bastards!! Gonna email and complain and get an extra few days now . When is that curse jar coming into effect riggs?
                Go big or go homeless.


                  Yeah it's the last series
                  (think you can just read the synopsis of the UK version if you just want to know how it finishes).
                  Last edited by Denny Crane; 17-02-15, 09:54.


                    Originally posted by ArmaniJeans View Post
                    Do we know if its the last series, think I'll just skip it if not. I cared little or nothing for it by the end of season 2 other than some interest in how it ultimately ends.
                    Do people hold it in high regard? I enjoyed the first season.

                    I feel the same as the above statement. Didn't watch the last episode of season 2 and went a back a while ago to do so. Couldn't do it.

                    I'm not sure the releasing the whole season works for everyone.


                      Originally posted by ArmaniJeans View Post
                      Do we know if its the last series, think I'll just skip it if not. I cared little or nothing for it by the end of season 2 other than some interest in how it ultimately ends.
                      No idea, hopefully it is the last, might be a chance of it being half decent/having a little bit of dramatic tension then. Binge watched s2 during the miserable January we had, struggle to remember much of iT. I'll bail on S3 the first time Frank uses basic reverse psychology to get his way / gambles everything on someone else refusing his offer to resign resign/confess.
                      What annoys me most is I had it pegged 4 episodes into season 1 when it first came out (that awful big peach episode) and gave up on it. Just have it another shot in jan.


                        Was looking at some tips/betting on the Cricket WC at the weekend.

                        A team to be bowled out 1st Innings in the NZ v Scotland game was 6/1 (before the toss was made) and that romped home last night.

                        In the last World Cup, 16/20 of the David v Goliath type meetings resulted in one team getting bowled out. If the toss falls on our side ~50% of the time, or on the occasion where the strong team puts the weaker into bat, then that seems like pretty good value? I haven't a clue if the gulf is still there between the top/bottom teams (Ireland beat WI, and Scotland beat Ireland in a warmup I remember) so just thinking out loud.

                        PP were 9/1 on a team to be bowled out 1st Innings in the game between Australia and Bangladesh. Aussies have beaten Bangladesh 18/19 meetings and bowled them out 7/9 ODI so surely if the toss falls our way,surely this was a great price? The 9/1 is now 11/2 this morning so maybe still value, but it could be a market to keep an eye on.


                          Saw that JTI (Benson and Hedges) have sent a warning shot to the Irish Government regarding plain packaging. Was watching this last night which gives some background

                          Thanks to tobacco industry regulations and marketing restrictions in the US, smoking rates have dropped dramatically. John Oliver explains how tobacco compan...
                          His rival it seems, had broken his dreams,By stealing the girl of his fancy.Her name was Magill, and she called herself Lil,But everyone knew her as Nancy.


                            Thought this was so sad it was hilarious. So work gave me a new phone yesterday evening and I had a screen protector waiting on my desk this morning. I opened it up to put on the phone, used a wipe to clean the screen fully, a sticker to remove any dust and then peeled the protector off to put on my phone. I dropped the protector and my chair wheeled over it.


                              Originally posted by Lord Sir Business View Post
                              shit 5p
                              fuck 10p
                              cunt 15p
                              bastard 10p
                              cunce 4p
                              bitch 10p
                              Got so caught up reading on Greek in/out of Euro, hadn't noticed that'd we'd left it already.

                              Or does this swear lark only cost people who still have coins from back when we pretended to be a Sovereign people who could demonstrate their Independence by issuing their own currency?


                                HoC would be a superior show if Frank Underwood was outmaneuvering capable opponents rather than the bunch of dummies we're meant to believe made it to the upper echelons of power.


                                  Another grim Bray tale.

                                  Gardaí in Bray are searching for three men who tied up and robbed an elderly couple at their home in Wicklow last night.

                                  The gang broke into the home of the couple at Briarwood, Vevay Road at around 8.15pm last night

                                  They tied up the 85-year-old man and the 83-year-old woman in a study and ransacked the house before leaving with a quantity of jewellery.

                                  The woman managed to raise the alarm by breaking a window.

                                  Gardaí say both have been traumatised by their ordeal and their appealing for anyone with information to contact them at Bray Garda Station


                                    What's the story with dreams? I have been having mad dreams of late, last nights being the highlight

                                    I was with a bunch of English soldiers in Belfast in the 70’s. I wasn’t a soldier but for some reason I was with them as they were out on patrol. There was one street in Belfast that was badly flooded and they couldn’t get down so they decided to float an empty raft down it instead in case it was a trap.

                                    Sure enough, IRA snipers started to shoot at the raft once it got down the street and eventually it started to drift back to them. They went around to the other side of the block which wasn’t flooded and did some manoeuvres but there was no snipers around there so they decided to call it a day, get changed out of their army gear in houses that were nearby and go to the pub.

                                    One changed and started walking down the road when two IRA lads came towards him with hand guns. He managed to talk his way out of it as he hadn’t got an English accent and they let him go on. I was standing around the corner with another soldier who didn’t know what to do, he wasn’t sure if he should chance it or go back and hide in the house.

                                    The IRA lads were about 50 feet away from us and he still didn’t decide. I told him, “you need to decide quick, I’m grand, I’m Irish and have a Dublin accent, they won’t harm me”

                                    Then I woke up

                                    Seriously WTF???


                                      Originally posted by Denny Crane View Post
                                      HoC would be a superior show if Frank Underwood was outmaneuvering capable opponents rather than the bunch of dummies we're meant to believe made it to the upper echelons of power.

                                      You are technically correct...the best kind of correct
                                      World Record Holder for Long Distance Soul Reads: May 7th 2011

