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Shut Up and Squat!

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    How strict was the 80kg x 1?
    Sick stuff. Suppose we are still racing to BW press.
    Better hit some singles


      Originally posted by Mellor View Post
      How strict was the 80kg x 1?
      Sick stuff. Suppose we are still racing to BW press.
      Better hit some singles
      80kg was a full strict press. No leg drive. It was very difficult though.

      Pretty sure you'll hit a BW press before me. Get a decent belt and I guarantee your press will go up.


        Sunday 20th May

        usual warm up

        Coan Phillipi - Week 10

        Deadlift (100%): 1 x 225 kg *PB*

        Speed deadlift (60%): 2x3 @ 137.5 kg

        Hip adduction and abduction machine + ab machine

        Warm ups felt good so I knew I had a legitimate shot at the desired max.

        225 was a proper grind. Got the bar to my knees and then it got real difficult real fast. Worked it up my thigh very very slowly. Inch by inch and just about managed to lock it out. Not pretty but definitely a good rep. Abs felt like they were about to explode after I set the bar down. Core needs more work.

        Delighted I finished the program without missing a dl rep. Great achievement. I think the key was setting a realistic target. It was either going to be 225 or 230. Glad I went for the 225 as 230 wouldn't have went up.

        Speed dl should've been 135kg. My mistake. Not a big deal.

        No energy to bench. At least that gives me an excuse to go during the week and stop studying for a little while.

        I'll try 227.5kg as my max attempt next week. I'm very happy with the outcome of the program anyhow whatever happens next week.


          Monday 28th May

          long warm up

          Sumo Deadlift Max Attempt

          70 x 5
          90 x 4
          110 x 3
          130 x 2
          <belt on>
          150 x 2
          170 x 1
          190 x 1
          205 x 1
          220 x 1
          227.5 x fail

          Bench Press
          60 x 5
          80 x 4
          100 x 3
          120 x 3
          100 x 8

          Didn't do this yesterday as I wasn't feeling great. Sucked it up and gave it a go today.

          Suppose I should share the fails as well as the good lifts. I haven't edited it down though. I'll only do that for the successes

          Pretty close. I think I can say for sure that 225kg is my max

          First thoughts, good speed off the floor. That's definitely due to Coan Phillipi. Lockout still sucks though.

          I've got a bit of excessive lumbar curve going on which I'd expect from a max attempt. Hips rise before my chest which is the main reason it occurs. Not saying I condone it but it's going to happen when you push yourself to your limit. My technique was fine during the warm ups. Up to 205 anyway. Not sure whether I went too close to my max with the 220 as last warmup but I didn't want to take a huge jump. 217..5 might've been better in retrospect. Took about 20mins between the 220kg rep and 227.5kg anyway.

          My stance is narrowish semi-sumo so it's kind of a cross between conventional and sumo. Perhaps as I get stronger I'll bring my stance out incrementally but I feel most comfortable with ankles about an inch away from the end of the knurling.

          I'll do a recap post on Coan Phillipi at some stage next week. Definitely toughest program I've ever completed. Time to get my squat on now though. Back to the comfort zone. Oh how I've missed you. I'll head up on Sunday and do a small bit of squatting to see how much my form and strength have deteriorated. All the lower back work on Coan Phillipi will improve my squat for sure.

          Next up Smolov for squat when I get back into the groove. Maybe 3-4 weeks. That'll be pretty disgusting and I'll be training more than once a week
          Last edited by Lurker23; 28-05-12, 20:39.


            Saturday 9th June

            Warm-up: small amount

            Dumbell Bench Press
            20 x 8
            28 x 8
            32 x 8
            36 x 8
            40 x 8
            44 x 7

            Parallel Bar Dips
            BW x 5
            BW + 5kg x 5
            BW + 10kg x 5
            BW + 15kg x 5
            BW + 20kg x 4
            BW + 15kg x 4

            Barbell Incline Bench
            40 x 8
            60 x 8,8

            Skull Crushers
            EZ bar + 20kg x 8
            EZ bar + 25kg x 8,8


            Got a small bit of time today to try to catch up on gym sessions. Squat tomorrow.


              Sunday 10th June

              Warm-up: usual

              Low Bar Squat
              Bar x 5
              60 x 5
              80 x 4
              100 x 3
              120 x 3
              <belt & wrist wraps on>
              140 x 2
              160 x 2
              180 x 2
              200 x 1
              140 x 8,8

              BW + 20kg x 8,8,7

              <supersetted with>

              Ab Rope Pulldown
              48 x 8
              55 x 8,8


              Bleugh. First time squatting since 4th March. Squatting confidence is shot and everything felt alien.

              To make things worse, felt a slight twinge in my back whilst putting on my squat shoes! I mean, come on, of all the ways to pick up an injury....Said I'd give it a go anyway and stop if I felt any pain. Managed to come through unscathed.

              Got to be happy with the outcome. Don't have the drive that I'd normally have coming out of the hole or the solidness/stablity in terms of my rack and hand positioning but that'll come back in time.

              Could feel the lactic acid build up in my legs too. First time that's happened in quite a while.

              Good to be back squatting


                Sunday 17th June

                Warm-up: usual

                Low Bar Squat
                Bar x 5
                60 x 5
                80 x 4
                100 x 3
                120 x 3
                <belt & wrist wraps on>
                140 x 2
                160 x 2
                180 x 5,5,5,5,5 *PB*

                Barbell Bench Press
                60 x 5
                80 x 4
                100 x 3
                110 x 3


                Angry man today. Just not getting the time to hit the gym during the week. Getting out of work really late. Rat race sucks

                Could've done 180 for five sets of 7 imo. Difference between last week and this week was amazing. Probably down to benching on the Saturday before squatting on the Sunday last week.

                Confidence is back. Token 5 x 5 PB.


                  Wednesday 20th June

                  5-a-side: 1hr 30mins



                    Saturday 23rd June

                    Warm-up: usual

                    Low Bar Squat
                    Bar x 5
                    60 x 5
                    80 x 4
                    100 x 3
                    120 x 2
                    <belt & wrist wraps on>
                    140 x 1
                    155 x 1
                    170 x 1
                    185 x 5,5,5,5,5 *PB*


                    Legs were not 100% due to soccer on Wednesday so to set a PB in the manner that I did is very encouraging. Time for pizza.


                      Sunday 24th June

                      Warm-up: about 10mins of the essentials

                      Barbell Bench Press
                      Bar x 5
                      60 x 5
                      80 x 5
                      100 x 2
                      115 x 1 x bleh
                      100 x 5,5,5 <all paused>

                      Dumbell Preacher Curls
                      14 x 8,8
                      15 x 6

                      Ab Machine
                      85 x 8,8,8

                      EZ Curl Bar + 22.5kg x 8
                      EZ Curl Bar + 30kg x 8
                      EZ Curl Bar + 35kg x 8

                      Seated Hammer Curl
                      14 x 8
                      15 x 8,7

                      Tricep Pushdown (Cable)
                      32.75 x 8
                      39.25 x 8,7

                      + some rotator cuff work

                      Learned today that I can't bench heavy the day after squatting. Elbow tendons on fire. Need moar fish oils.

                      Surprised myself that I actually had the sense to back off. Maybe I'm growing up.

                      Turned it into a bicep and tricep session after that.


                        Originally posted by Lurker23 View Post
                        Big 3 Goals 2012
                        Bench - 140
                        Squat - 240 250
                        Deadlift - 240
                        Changing my squat goal to 250kg. Smolov should get me there. Confident I can crush it. I've never felt as strong under the bar as I currently do.

                        Should get close to the bench goal. Might fall 2.5kg short.

                        I wont hit the DL target. I won't be deadlifting for the next 3 months. I'd need to run another Coan Phillipi to get close and the squat means so much more to me.

                        2012 Progress on Big 3 - half year update
                        Bench - 125 to 130 (+5kg)
                        Squat - 220 to 230 (+10kg)
                        Deadlift - 210 to 225 (+15kg)

                        Happy that they're all going the right way. I really haven't worked on my bench at all and the reason I'm +5kg is due to the back work in Coan Phillipi.

                        Squat shot up 10kg early in the year. Not squatting for 3 months and working on my back, particularly lower back, should pay dividends going forward.


                          Tuesday 26th June

                          Warm-up: not much

                          BW x 5
                          BW + 5kg x 5
                          BW + 8kg x 5,5
                          BW + 5kg x 4
                          BW x 4

                          Wide Grip T-Bar Row Machine
                          40 x 8
                          60 x 8
                          70 x 8,8,7

                          BW x 12,12,12

                          Facepulls (Cable)
                          27 x 12,12,12

                          Dumbell Lateral Raise
                          10 x 10,10,10

                          4km walk to astro

                          5-a-side: 1hr 30 mins


                            Sunday 1st July

                            Warm-up: loads

                            Low Bar Squat
                            Bar x 5
                            60 x 5
                            80 x 4
                            100 x 3
                            120 x 3
                            <belt & wrist wraps on>
                            140 x 2
                            160 x 1
                            175 x 1
                            190 x 5,5,5,5,5 *PB*

                            One word - brutal. Can't push myself much harder than that. Felt like puking after set 3 onwards. All reps were good depth.

                            The last set was the most difficult one I've ever done. Mentally exhausted. Found it hard to convince myself to get under the bar. Literally missed my bus because I couldn't move out of the dressing room for 15 mins.

                            Great sense of achievement. Promised I'll never push myself that hard again....

                            until next week


                              Great stuff and some good reading keep up the good work.
                              Whats your current body weight??
                              Also what vitamins, shakes, pills,creatine etc are you taking??


                                Originally posted by Hooch View Post
                                Great stuff and some good reading keep up the good work.
                                Whats your current body weight??
                                Also what vitamins, shakes, pills,creatine etc are you taking??
                                BW = 95.5kg this morning.

                                Vitamins - None. I should be taking them and I do have some but keep forgetting tbh. Pure laziness on my part. I've got the ones from the myprotein website. I also have around 2k fish oils which I take sporadically. Must sort that out.

                                Shakes - Just ordered 35lbs of protein yesterday! Gaspari Nutrition Myfusion / ON 100% Whey / BSN Syntha 6. Syntha 6 post-workout as it's carb heavy. Others during the day if I don't have time to eat whole food. Usually have 3 shakes a day. One of which is taken going to bed with 500ml of milk.

                                Energy - Jack3d - 2 scoops if squatting or deadlifting. I just use it once a week.

                                Creatine - Just pure creatine monohydrate - about 20g. Again, only bother to take if squatting or deadlifting.


                                  Extract from an article I found very interesting on elitefts. Looks a bit extreme but he definitely has a point.

                                  Originally posted by Frank Butty;
                                  Now I can (and will) write more detailed articles expanding on the nutritional side of powerlifting, but let me outline it here. If you’ve been experiencing lackluster results while following a reputable training progression, the problem is your diet. It needs to be fixed end of story.

                                  If you’re a novice lifter, you can get away with a novice meal plan—some standard protein and vegetables and healthy this and healthy that and omega whatever and blah, blah, blah. I’m not knocking it. For the purposes of health and wellbeing, bodybuilding, cutting, or whatever, that’s a great approach. But for a natural lifter, becoming seriously large requires a completely different game plan. Luckily, you don’t need a prescription to get your hands on world class anabolics. They serve it up hot and fresh at your local fast food joint of choice.

                                  Processed foods are the most anabolic foods on the planet. Don’t be fooled by those who claim that meat and nuts are the holy grail. They’re wrong and weak. No, the most powerful anabolic agents are in the food court, killing your average sedentary human and empowering the above average power athlete.

                                  A couple slices of pizza and a milkshake post-workout will give you the insulin tsunami you need to get better. But you have to be smart about it unless you want to develop your very own fat guy wheeze. The key is to eat as much as you can during the hours that follow your workout. The number of hours depends on your training and your goals.

                                  Just to give you an idea of what I mean, here’s an average day of eating for a 215-lb guy with an early afternoon lift:
                                  • Breakfast—6 eggs scrambled in olive oil, 2 slices of toast with nutty peanut butter
                                  • Snack—50 grams whey, some almonds, and a large coffee
                                  • Workout—a sip of 50 grams whey while training; a snack of 10 Timbits (equivalent to 3–4 donuts) while lifting.
                                  • Post-workout—50 grams of whey with creatine, something really sweet (dates or candy or baked goods)
                                  • 30–60 minutes post-workout—2 slices of pizza drenched in olive oil and parmesan with a can of Coke or a chocolate milk
                                  • 2–3 hours post-workout—50 grams of whey and a couple muffins or protein bars
                                  • Dinner—a lot of meat and starchy carbohydrates
                                  • Pre-bedtime—yogurt and whey, eggs, or whatever else is available

                                  The idea is to eat a ton of insulin spiking foods while providing a massive influx of nutrients in the time that immediately follows your lift, whatever time of day that may be. Outside of a four- to eight-hour window, it’s probably best to eat less crap. It will have limited usefulness and probably just make you softer. However, within that timeframe, anything goes. Box of Oreos? Yes. Extra large Blizzard and a pretzel? Yes. An entire pizza? Hell, yes (ideal).

                                  You get the idea. Eat big not because you want to but because you have to.

                                  Hopefully, I’ve peaked your interest. This type of training definitely isn’t for everyone. If you have glaring deficiencies or horrible joints or don’t like pizza, this may not be a great idea. However, if you enjoy maxing, pushing the limit, and eating, this may become your new BFF. Be smart with this. Never miss a rep and within no time you’ll be crushing PRs day after day.


                                    yo, posted this in BBV

                                    Originally posted by Emmet
                                    @ Mellor, Lurker, Theresa (if you're about), Moneymaker, TomD or any of the other gym freaks.

                                    What make you of this?

                                    I've been looking for some Olympic Weight lifting lessons, I don't have a gym buddy here, and there's only two cages at at a pretty busy gym so haven't really made a lot of progress. I actually lost tonnes and tonnes of strength when I took weeks off in order to train for the half-marathon. As a result, my lifting's gone to shit, am pretty bored doing what I'd been doing previous, little motivation - no excitement building back up to where I was before with lifts etc..

                                    This looks like it's fucking gruelling but pretty much exactly what I need to kickstart me back into training. 6:30am kick offs before work will be pretty interesting.

                                    What do we think? It's pretty damn cheap to be honest...


                                      You had me at Caveman. Looks really good Emmet.

                                      I see tyres and prowlers which can only be positive. Those strongman training sessions I did last year were very enjoyable and that looks like something similar.

                                      Very early start alright but the team ethos and the variety of the workouts will definitely get you excited about training again.

                                      I say go for it and let us know how you get on.


                                        How acceptable is crying and puking at these things?

                                        At least for the first few weeks...


                                          Puking would be the norm for newbies I'd presume. Just means you're working hard. I'm sure they'll have a bucket in the corner or something.

                                          Please do it so you can experience prowler flu. Everyone should experience prowler flu at least once in their lives....

                                          You won't be crying btw. You'll be waaaay too tired for that.


                                            signed up to 5 sessions. Have convinced someone to join me for the 6:30 starts.

                                            He's a 6foot3 cage fighter. I imagine we'll both be in severe pain for quite a number of weeks. But then be ALIVE!


                                              Looks good.
                                              Kettlebells, log presses, chains, prowler, that mask thing, barbell lifts - all lots like win to me.
                                              Expect to be sore.


                                                Originally posted by Lurker23 View Post
                                                Extract from an article I found very interesting on elitefts. Looks a bit extreme but he definitely has a point.
                                                The way I'd look at it is that the pursuit of your sport should shape how you look if you're fully committed to it. You lads on here clearly work very hard, but aesthetics seems to be a big motivator to varying degrees. And that is a brilliant reason to train and eat well - the desire to look better naked. But so long as a specific body composition is a goal (primary or no) you won't get as strong as possible.

                                                Say a very good football player thought 'I'd like to gain weight and pack on a bit of muscle' and adapted his training / diet as so, would he remain as good a footballer?

                                                Great read this log is, as always.
                                                "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                  Good points Lloyd.

                                                  I find it funny when people set weight reduction goals because my mind works the opposite way. I'm always thinking "I'm strong now but imagine how much stronger I would be if I was carrying an another X kg. That extra mass would really come in handy." Interesting how the mind works and how we're all wired differently. Personally though, if I'm cutting (usually while deloading), I'll look at my waist measurement rather than weight as this makes much more sense imo.

                                                  Speaking of aesthetics, I heard a conversation in the gym tonight from two lads (early 20s) about how much darker they are than all their mates because of the load of sunbeds they're doing. God help us all.


                                                  On another note, went to the gym tonight and it was an utter shambles. Worked up to a 115 x 1 on the bench and called it quits as I had nothing left to give. Elbows still haven't recovered from last Sunday.

                                                  Tried to do some chins. Got 4 and scrapped that. Ended up doing a small bit of biceps and triceps to aid blood flow around the elbow and left the gym early.

                                                  My experience tonight has made my mind up. I'm starting smolov at the weekend. Nothing but squats for the forseeable future. Actually I may be able to do some maintenance benching in the early weeks depending on how my elbows feel but definitely nothing else.

                                                  I'll plan it out and post up what my schedule will look like for the whole cycle before the first session at the weekend.

                                                  I'll also be upping my food intake accordingly. 100kg and new work pants here I come....


                                                    Originally posted by Lurker23 View Post
                                                    I find it funny when people set weight reduction goals because my mind works the opposite way. I'm always thinking "I'm strong now but imagine how much stronger I would be if I was carrying an another X kg. That extra mass would really come in handy." Interesting how the mind works and how we're all wired differently. Personally though, if I'm cutting (usually while deloading), I'll look at my waist measurement rather than weight as this makes much more sense imo.
                                                    I think it depends on the start point too. When I started training I was carrying over 25% BF, at a guess. That much excess fat is useless mass imo. My goal was a combo of getting leaner and stronger. But I always had the priority of at least maintaining strength, which might of slowed weight loss but i'm not bothered. I've more or less gotten from 83kg to 75kg while maintaining or even increasing lifts - to me that's an increase in relative strength.

                                                    I don't particularly care about a final weight, and I'm equallly happy with 72kg @10% and 82kg @10%. The reason for wanting to be leaner comes from improving power to weight ratio and a fleeting ambition to compete in MMA and BJJ. Aesthetics are obviously a benefit, but completely secondary.


                                                    Speaking of aesthetics, I heard a conversation in the gym tonight from two lads (early 20s) about how much darker they are than all their mates because of the load of sunbeds they're doing. God help us all.

                                                    lol there's a guy in my gym who I see a lot. Quite strong, but interested in upper body only. I'm convinced he's changing colour weekly.

                                                    Also, Smolov, lol, enjoy attempting to kill yourself with squats


                                                      Yep Mellor. Definitely depends on your start point and level of experience / understanding of how the body works. I suppose lower bf and smaller waist go hand in hand which would result in weight loss anyhow.


                                                        So Smolov eh?

                                                        Originally posted by
                                                        The Russian Smolov Squat routine is split into 3 phases for a total of 13 weeks. As always, start with a weight you're 100% sure you can Squat instead of starting too heavy and hitting plateaus. The 4 Smolov cycles...

                                                        Weeks 1-2 - introduction cycle to prepare your legs. Week 1 you Squat 3 day in a row working up towards heavy singles, rest of the week is stretching to speed up leg recovery. Week 2 you Squat every other day.

                                                        Week 3-6 - the base cycle where you'll Squat 4x/week for 3 weeks. 4 sets of 9 reps Monday, 5x7 Wednesday, 7x5 Friday, and 10x3 reps Saturday. The weight increases each workout, each week. Week 4 is a rest week where you'll only Squat once and attempt to break your PR.

                                                        Week 7-8 - the switching cycle is a 2 week deload to give you a well deserved physical and mental break before the next cycle.

                                                        Week 9-13 - the intensity cycle where you'll only Squat 3x/week, but 44% of the time it will be using weights between 81 and 90% of your maximum... and for 4 weeks on. Most guys agree this is the hardest part of Smolov. Week 5 you attempt to break your previous Squat PR.
                                                        It's recommended to take around 10% off your max. I've set my max as 212.5kg. I've gone for a little over 92%, working off my old 230kg max. I'd probably be a little under this atm anyhow.

                                                        First six weeks as follows. It's sets x reps format - e.g. 3x8 is 3 sets of 8reps.

                                                        INTRODUCTORY MICROCYCLE (wks 1-2)
                                                        Sat - 3x8x137.5, 5x150, 2x2x160, 1x170

                                                        Sun - 3x8x137.5, 5x150, 2x2x160, 1x170

                                                        Mon - 4x5x150, 3x160, 2x2x170, 1x192.5

                                                        Tue - lunges 3x8

                                                        Wed - Bulgarian lunges 3x8

                                                        Thu - lunges 3x8

                                                        Sat - 2x2x180

                                                        Mon - 3x180

                                                        Wed - 5x180

                                                        BASE MESOCYCLE (wks 3-6)
                                                        wk1 4x9x150 5x7x160 7x5x170 10x3x180

                                                        wk2 4x9x160 5x7x170 7x5x180 10x3x190

                                                        wk3 4x9x165 5x7x175 7x5x185 10x3x195

                                                        wk4 - 1 rep max test @ end of week

                                                        I'll be using a Sat Mon Wed Thu schedule. So 4x9x150 on Sat, 5x7x160 on Mon, etc. You then use your new max (I'll probably go with 92% of it again) to calculate the schedule for rest of the program.

                                                        I'm attempting Smolov on a best efforts basis. I'm sure there'll be a few days where I'm late out of work and won't get the time to fully commit. In this case, I'll reschedule the workout. There's no point in rushing through a session and risking injury. I think there's the August bank hol in there somewhere too. No point worrying about that yet.


                                                          Saturday 7th July

                                                          Smolov Week 1 Day 1 - Intro Microcycle - Workout 1

                                                          Low Bar Squat
                                                          Bar x 5
                                                          60 x 5
                                                          80 x 4
                                                          100 x 3
                                                          120 x 2
                                                          137.5 x 8,8,8
                                                          150 x 5
                                                          160 x 2,2
                                                          170 x 1

                                                          Seated Hammer Curls
                                                          16 x 8,8,8

                                                          Harder than I thought it would be. The highish reps on 137.5 takes a good deal out of the tank. Plain sailing after the 150 set.


                                                            Sunday 8th July

                                                            Smolov Week 1 Day 2 - Intro Microcycle - Workout 2

                                                            Low Bar Squat
                                                            Bar x 5
                                                            60 x 5
                                                            80 x 4
                                                            100 x 3
                                                            120 x 2
                                                            137.5 x 8,8,8
                                                            150 x 5
                                                            160 x 2,2
                                                            170 x 1


                                                            Much better today. Very solid.

                                                            Only problem is my left elbow is already giving me issues. Had to keep it totally straight in between sets and could only use my other arm to take the plates on and off. Not good. I've applied some difene and eaten a large pizza among other things. Hopefully that does the trick.


                                                              Monday 9th July

                                                              Smolov Week 1 Day 3 - Intro Microcycle - Workout 3

                                                              Low Bar Squat

                                                              Bar x 5
                                                              60 x 5
                                                              80 x 4
                                                              100 x 3
                                                              120 x 2
                                                              <belt & wrist wraps on>
                                                              135 x 1
                                                              150 x 5,5,5,5
                                                              160 x 3
                                                              170 x 2,2
                                                              192.5 x 1


                                                              Got out of work pretty late so had to up the pace tonight.

                                                              150 felt heavier than it usually would. Could really feel the heaviness in my glutes as I pushed out of the hole. 192.5 flew up though.

                                                              Widened my grip to take some of the pressure off my left elbow. Still painful but more manageable.

                                                              I wont bother logging the next 3 days of lunges. No real point.


                                                                Saturday 14th July

                                                                Smolov Week 2 Day 1 - Intro Microcycle - Workout 4

                                                                Low Bar Squat
                                                                Bar x 5
                                                                60 x 5
                                                                80 x 4
                                                                100 x 3
                                                                120 x 3
                                                                <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                140 x 2
                                                                160 x 1
                                                                180 x 2,2



                                                                Roll on the base mesocycle next Saturday. Chomping at the bit to get properly started.


                                                                  Monday 16th July

                                                                  Smolov Week 2 Day 2 - Intro Microcycle - Workout 5

                                                                  Low Bar Squat
                                                                  Bar x 5
                                                                  60 x 5
                                                                  80 x 4
                                                                  100 x 3
                                                                  120 x 3
                                                                  <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                  140 x 2
                                                                  160 x 1
                                                                  180 x 3

                                                                  Other Stuff

                                                                  Barbell Bench Press
                                                                  Bar x 5
                                                                  40 x 5
                                                                  60 x 4
                                                                  80 x 3
                                                                  90 x 2
                                                                  100 x 5
                                                                  110 x 2
                                                                  115 x 1

                                                                  Dumbell Preacher Curls
                                                                  15 x 8,8,8

                                                                  Rope Tricep Pulldown
                                                                  27 x 8,8,8

                                                                  + some rotator cuff work

                                                                  No bother.

                                                                  Forgot to mention I've been using a thick bar (about double the thickness of an oly bar) for squatting and benching the past while. Reasoning behind it is that I hope I'll find it easer to get my shoulders and arms into the correct position when I go back to the standard bar.


                                                                    Do you not find it harder to get a solid position on your back with a thick bar?
                                                                    Or is it only because you are currently are a good bit below your PB


                                                                      Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                      Do you not find it harder to get a solid position on your back with a thick bar?
                                                                      Or is it only because you are currently are a good bit below your PB
                                                                      Yep and yep. Definitely a lot harder. Makes a big difference.

                                                                      Did it to stretch out my shoulders a bit. Went back to the standard bar tonight and it was much easier to get into position as planned.


                                                                        Wednesday 18th July

                                                                        Smolov Week 2 Day 3 - Intro Microcycle - Workout 6

                                                                        Low Bar Squat
                                                                        Bar x 5
                                                                        60 x 5
                                                                        80 x 4
                                                                        100 x 3
                                                                        120 x 3
                                                                        <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                        140 x 2
                                                                        160 x 1
                                                                        180 x 5


                                                                        Easy peasy. I was good for 9 or 10.

                                                                        No elbow pain either. Long may it continue.


                                                                          Would be awesome to see another vid if possible Lurker. Some man.

                                                                          You reckon 200 will be doable soon?


                                                                            I'd say I could manage 200 x 5 atm.

                                                                            Sure. I'll tape a set or two for you in the next few weeks.


                                                                              Saturday 21st July

                                                                              Warm up: usual

                                                                              Smolov Week 3 Day 1 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 1

                                                                              Low Bar Squat
                                                                              Bar x 5
                                                                              40 x 5
                                                                              60 x 4
                                                                              80 x 4
                                                                              100 x 3
                                                                              120 x 3
                                                                              <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                              135 x 2
                                                                              150 x 9,9,9,9


                                                                              Nice and easy.

                                                                              My squatting feels really solid lately. Probably best ever.


                                                                                Monday 23rd July

                                                                                Warm up: usual

                                                                                Smolov Week 3 Day 2 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 2

                                                                                Low Bar Squat
                                                                                Bar x 5
                                                                                40 x 5
                                                                                60 x 4
                                                                                80 x 4
                                                                                100 x 3
                                                                                <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                120 x 3
                                                                                140 x 2
                                                                                160 x 7,7,7,7,7


                                                                                First set was most difficult. Had an Aero caramel in between worksets. Seemed to keep the energy levels up.


                                                                                  Wednesday 25th July

                                                                                  Warm up: none

                                                                                  Smolov Week 3 Day 3 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 3

                                                                                  Low Bar Squat
                                                                                  Bar x 5
                                                                                  60 x 5
                                                                                  80 x 4
                                                                                  100 x 3
                                                                                  <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                  120 x 3
                                                                                  140 x 2
                                                                                  160 x 1
                                                                                  170 x 5,5,5,5,5,5,5


                                                                                  Got out of work late so had to get a taxi down to the gym. No time for a warm up.

                                                                                  Obviously felt a lot tighter in my hips on the worksets but never felt like missing a rep.


                                                                                    Thursday 26th July

                                                                                    Warm up: usual

                                                                                    Smolov Week 3 Day 4 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 4

                                                                                    Low Bar Squat
                                                                                    Bar x 5
                                                                                    60 x 4
                                                                                    100 x 3
                                                                                    <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                    120 x 3
                                                                                    140 x 2
                                                                                    160 x 1
                                                                                    180 x 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3


                                                                                    Elbow pain got pretty bad towards the end. Suppose it's to be expected with tht amount of sets smolov involves. I counted I'm doing 200+ reps a week including warm up sets.

                                                                                    Weight itself was manageable. I'd give it 7/10 in terms of exertion.


                                                                                      Saturday 28th July

                                                                                      Warm up: usual

                                                                                      Smolov Week 4 Day 1 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 5

                                                                                      Low Bar Squat

                                                                                      Bar x 5
                                                                                      60 x 4
                                                                                      100 x 3
                                                                                      120 x 3
                                                                                      <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                      140 x 2
                                                                                      160 x 9,9,9,9


                                                                                      No problems.


                                                                                        Is there such a thing as going TOO low when you're squatting? I've been trying to go "ass to the ground" as they say and find i'm obviously blasting glutes and upper hamstrings but I'm not feeling it in my quads at all. Should i just aim to get my thighs parallel to the ground or is it the lower the better?


                                                                                          Originally posted by colquhom View Post
                                                                                          Is there such a thing as going TOO low when you're squatting? I've been trying to go "ass to the ground" as they say and find i'm obviously blasting glutes and upper hamstrings but I'm not feeling it in my quads at all. Should i just aim to get my thighs parallel to the ground or is it the lower the better?
                                                                                          No such thing as too low once you don't lose the arch in your back (also known as butt wink). No harm going as low as you can whilst maintaining proper form unless you are training for a comp to lift as much as possible then you can go to just below parallel.

                                                                                          D above is correct. You want to get your hip crease below your knee.

                                                                                          Tbh without a video can't tell but it sounds like you are squatting correctly. Most of the tension should be on you glutes and hammies as that's where you are strongest. The more you sit back the more you bring them into it and the more elasticity/tension/bounce you'll get as you drive out of the hole.

                                                                                          Feel free to post a vid or pm me a vid if you want me to take a look.


                                                                                            Monday 30th July

                                                                                            Warm up: usual

                                                                                            Smolov Week 4 Day 2 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 6

                                                                                            Low Bar Squat
                                                                                            60 x 5
                                                                                            80 x 4
                                                                                            100 x 3
                                                                                            <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                            120 x 2
                                                                                            140 x 2
                                                                                            160 x 1
                                                                                            170 x 7,7,7,7,7


                                                                                            Grand. Bit of a rush towards the end as late out of work. Did the last 3 sets in about 12 mins when I'd rather take closer to double that.

                                                                                            Starting to feel tired now in the evenings. Usually get home around 11pm on gym nights after work and then by the time I get something to eat and relax it's 1am before I'm asleep. Then back up at 7am so not really getting enough sleep but I'm coping so far. Nobody said it'd be easy!


                                                                                              Originally posted by colquhom View Post
                                                                                              Is there such a thing as going TOO low when you're squatting? I've been trying to go "ass to the ground" as they say and find i'm obviously blasting glutes and upper hamstrings but I'm not feeling it in my quads at all. Should i just aim to get my thighs parallel to the ground or is it the lower the better?
                                                                                              Don't worry about where you are feeling it. It largely means nothing. Sometimes I feel squats in my elbows.

                                                                                              How low you can comfortable go depends on high bar verses low bar too.
                                                                                              Low bar physically restricts you from going really deep. High bar makes it easier to go "ass to grass", but you generally can't manage as heavy a load.


                                                                                                Wednesday 1st August

                                                                                                Warm up: usual

                                                                                                Smolov Week 4 Day 3 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 7

                                                                                                Low Bar Squat
                                                                                                Bar x 5
                                                                                                60 x 5
                                                                                                80 x 4
                                                                                                100 x 4
                                                                                                <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                                120 x 3
                                                                                                140 x 2
                                                                                                160 x 1
                                                                                                180 x 5,5,5,5,5,5,5


                                                                                                All day baby. I could do that all day.

                                                                                                So confident in my squatting at the moment. 190 for 10 sets of 3 tomorrow - bring on the pain!


                                                                                                  A photo compilation with motivational speech and music!If you like this vid please support me and view my first comp vid.


                                                                                                    Thursday 2nd August

                                                                                                    Warm up: usual

                                                                                                    Smolov Week 4 Day 4 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 8

                                                                                                    Low Bar Squat
                                                                                                    Bar x 5
                                                                                                    60 x 4
                                                                                                    100 x 3
                                                                                                    <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                                    120 x 3
                                                                                                    140 x 2
                                                                                                    160 x 1
                                                                                                    175 x 1
                                                                                                    190 x 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3


                                                                                                    Nut check day. All sets were really strong.

                                                                                                    I'm talking to myself a lot more on this program. The positive reinforcement seems to be working. It's difficult to explain just how demanding mentally and physically this squat cycle is.

                                                                                                    Also my back is starting to bleed from the bar. The wear and tear of Smolov is starting to show.


                                                                                                      Sudocrem on the back. Had a lot of problems with that myself and I wasn't doing 1/10 of the squatting volume you are.

                                                                                                      In other news, more motivational shit.


                                                                                                        Saturday 4th August

                                                                                                        Warm up: usual

                                                                                                        Smolov Week 5 Day 1 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 9

                                                                                                        Low Bar Squat
                                                                                                        Bar x 5
                                                                                                        60 x 5
                                                                                                        80 x 4
                                                                                                        100 x 3
                                                                                                        <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                                        120 x 3
                                                                                                        135 x 2
                                                                                                        150 x 1
                                                                                                        165 x 9,9,9,9


                                                                                                        Never in danger of missing a rep but really starting to feel the cumulation of the workouts starting to catch up with me.

                                                                                                        It takes my achilles and knees a good 10-15 mins to get going in the mornings when I get out of bed. Just some slight limping. Suppose it's to be expected with this crazy volume.

                                                                                                        Bank holiday Monday so gym closed but I'm in work anyway so no big deal. I'll prob do Tue, Thurs, Sat to finish the base cycle. Can't do the 2 days in a row as the gym closes early on a Friday.


                                                                                                          How tired are your legs?? Hows your general cardio fitness??


                                                                                                            Originally posted by Hooch View Post
                                                                                                            How tired are your legs?? Hows your general cardio fitness??
                                                                                                            Legs are perfectly fine. Could've added another 5 reps onto each set today. They are definitely growing too as my pants are getting tighter It'll be interesting to do a measurement after the cycle is finished to see just how much they've grown.

                                                                                                            Cardio? Does not compute I sweat sitting down at this stage.

                                                                                                            Ah no seriously though, if you're asking me could I go out and do a 5k run tomorrow and not be in bits. I could most definitely. I always preferred sprints coming from my American Football background though. I'd much rather do some strongman training as general cardio as I think you get much more out of it. Plus I'm not built for long distances and I like it that way.


                                                                                                              Tuesday 7th August

                                                                                                              Warm up: usual

                                                                                                              Smolov Week 5 Day 2 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 10

                                                                                                              Low Bar Squat
                                                                                                              Bar x 5
                                                                                                              60 x 5
                                                                                                              80 x 4
                                                                                                              100 x 3
                                                                                                              120 x 3
                                                                                                              <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                                              140 x 2
                                                                                                              160 x 1
                                                                                                              175 x 7,7,7,7,7


                                                                                                              Plenty more in the tank. Vicious back pump when I was finished though.

                                                                                                              Looking forward to next week's rest after workout 12 this weekend.


                                                                                                                Thursday 9th August

                                                                                                                Warm up: usual

                                                                                                                Smolov Week 5 Day 3 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 11

                                                                                                                Low Bar Squat

                                                                                                                Bar x 5
                                                                                                                60 x 5
                                                                                                                80 x 4
                                                                                                                100 x 4
                                                                                                                <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                                                120 x 3
                                                                                                                140 x 2
                                                                                                                155 x 1
                                                                                                                170 x 1
                                                                                                                185 x 5,5,5,5,5,5,5


                                                                                                                Just another day at the office

                                                                                                                Leg strength is through the roof at the minute. Cannot wait to test my max.


                                                                                                                  Cardio is for girls.

                                                                                                                  Squatting is for bosses.

                                                                                                                  I look forward to seeing a 1RM video


                                                                                                                    Saturday 11th August

                                                                                                                    Warm up: usual

                                                                                                                    Smolov Week 5 Day 4 - Base Mesocycle - Workout 12

                                                                                                                    Low Bar Squat

                                                                                                                    Bar x 5
                                                                                                                    60 x 5
                                                                                                                    80 x 4
                                                                                                                    100 x 3
                                                                                                                    <belt and wrist wraps on>
                                                                                                                    120 x 3
                                                                                                                    140 x 3
                                                                                                                    160 x 2
                                                                                                                    180 x 1
                                                                                                                    195 x 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3


                                                                                                                    Well, that took a while. Could've done another 10 in fairness. I got stronger as the sets went on.

                                                                                                                    Base Mesocycle completed. This is what your back looks like after 408 workset reps in the space of 3 weeks.

                                                                                                                    I'll probably wait until next Sunday to test my max. Nothing to do now except eat like a horse and rest up. Looking forward to smashing my PB.

                                                                                                                    I've also broken the 100kg mark in terms of bodyweight
                                                                                                                    Last edited by Lurker23; 11-08-12, 18:05.


                                                                                                                      No pain no gain eh! Well done.

                                                                                                                      I was reading this article and thought you might enjoy it in light of your program.
                                                                                                                      ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                                                                                        found this baby photo of you


                                                                                                                          Originally posted by Lurker23 View Post
                                                                                                                          Big 3 Goals 2012
                                                                                                                          Squat - 240

                                                                                                                          Originally posted by Lurker23 View Post
                                                                                                                          Changing my squat goal to 250kg. Smolov should get me there. Confident I can crush it. I've never felt as strong under the bar as I currently do.

                                                                                                                          Last edited by Lurker23; 19-08-12, 16:21.

