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4 years and counting...

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    4 years and counting...

    So I decided I'll give this fitness log a shot. For the next 9 weeks n I'll see from there. Why 9 weeks? No reason at all, it's just a decent length of time, and takes me right up to the end of October.

    For the last year or so, i've started eating well and going to the gym regularly. That said, I'm not in great shape ATM but a lot better than I was a few years ago. I still have plenty of weight on the midsection I'd like to shift.*

    Because I've no singular event or target, I've decided to set a goal in a number of areas, basically my weight, various weight excercises and cardio excercise times. My current list of targets is below, if anyone thinks of any others I'll add them in. I chose the weights for each just from bodyweight x1, x1.25 and x1.5. As i'm currently closer with deadlift and squat, I'm aiming for a full set of 8 reps. The targets for the weights aren't paticularly high, but I'm still pretty new to weight training and being on a calorie deficit won't make gains easy.

    Get my weight down to 76kg (12 stone)

    Run 4k in 18 mins
    Row 3k in 12mins

    Deadlift - 120kg for 8 reps
    Squat - 100kg for 8 reps
    Bench press - 80kg for 3 reps

    Some I'll hit easier or earlier than others, bodyweight will be the hardest and I'll need the full 9 weeks to make it.
    Last I checked (2 days ago) I was 81.5kg. *

    Best of luck man. If you want a little advice I think having a definite goal like a race to work towards is great for keeping up you dedicated when the motivation slips.

    Just out of interest, what are your starting stats - current weight, how much are you currently lifting and how fast are you running and rowing those distances?
    "I believe the target of anything in life should be to do it so well that it becomes art. You read a book and the writer touches something in you that you would not have brought out of yourself. He makes you discover something interesting in your life. If you are living like an animal, what is the point? What makes the day interesting is that we try to transform it into something that is close to art." - Arsene Wenger


      How tall are you Mellor?


        Currently 81.5 or so, 5'10" (just)
        I can deadlift 100kg, squat 90kg and bench 65kg all for 8 reps

        Run 4km in 19.30 or so
        And row 3k in 13mins.

        I know I look pretty close on row and run, but I'm not starting from scratch. I've running/rowing fairly flat out for a while now.
        I expect to hit some goals early, and I'll hopefully stick in new goals for week 9.


          So tonight is cardio.
          Normally, I run4k/cycle15min/row3k, but i'm going to do that triathalon every second cardio session and something else tonight. HIIT and some sort of metcon maybe.

          I'll prob not drink tonight, the drinking 3 days straight at the weekend is defo my biggest downfall


            Originally posted by Mellor View Post
            So tonight is cardio.
            ugh, nearly got sick in the gym,

            warm up - 1500m on treadmill
            MetCon - 1 min skipping, 1 min kettlebell swings, 1 minute wall balls, rest and repeat 4 times
            Row - 500m, 2 min rest, x4 (Pretty happy here, all my times were sub 2 mins)
            Hiit Bike - 15 mnis total,

            Crawl home curl up for about an hour...........

            Heading to gym again now, squat and deadlift day, some overhead press in there too. I'm going to try 110kg on the DL
            Last edited by Mellor; 28-08-10, 05:48.


              Was in the gym Saturday, was pretty tired, but managed 3 reps of 100kg squat and 110kg deadlift at the end of normal sets,

              chest and back tomorrow


                Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                me likey

                Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                Row - 500m, 2 min rest, x4 (Pretty happy here, all my times were sub 2 mins)
                Well done! 3k in 12 will be a doddle


                  Good stuff Mellor.


                    Thanks lads.
                    Tuesday night is always a bit mad in the gym so i'll try to get up early today.
                    Chest and Back, no spotter so i'll do dumbells for chest.

                    Prob basic enough workout.
                    flat bench
                    Incline bench
                    Chest flys
                    Inverted rows
                    Bent over rows
                    Hip Extensions

                    Sometimes throw in cable work, tricep push-down etc if I have time or energy at the end.


                      Off work today, so toying with the idea of getting in two gym sessions ahead of the weekend. I'm going skiing so i'll miss sat, sun, and maybe monday.

                      If I do it'll be cardio followed by weights, i'll probably keep both slighter lower volume than normal. Weights will be legs and shoulders, might have to keep leg volume down.

                      Diet for the day, planned anyway.
                      4 eggs, scrambled, with mushrooms mixed in.

                      Gym (Cardio)

                      Tuna & beans and soup

                      Whey shake

                      Whey shake afterwards if I go

                      Kangaroo sausages (yup), with cauliflower and broccolli and gravy

                      Prob a yogurt and some 70% chocolate


                        A bit sore today, but yesterday was pretty great results wise. Some PBs in a few areas, (in bold)
                        Went for two sessions, one early one late. tones it back slightly on each.

                        Warm-up - 12 minutes easy pace on bike
                        Treadmill - 4k in 19.00,
                        Rest (needed a few mins )
                        Row - 2k in 8.10

                        fell into the changing room, barely walking

                        Delighted with both times, taking 25 seconds off my 4k and being able to follow up with a solid enough 2k time. I reckon I'll up the general pace of the 4k and start the sprint earlier and earlier and will eventually make 18mins.
                        As for the row, i'll just stretch the distance trying to maintain 2min/500m pace.

                        Session 2 - Weights
                        Legs and shoulders
                        Left out deadlifts, as the legs are getting enough with cardio.

                        Squat - 60kg,80kg,90kg,90kg all by 8 reps
                        Overhead press - 40kgx8x2, 42.5x8, 42.5x6
                        Front squat - 40kgx5, 40kgx8, 45kgx8 (I can't get the bar comfortable on this one, any tips)
                        Upright row - 27.5kg x12 x4
                        DB Shoulder press - 17.5kgx12x2, 17.5x10, 15kgx10 (aiming for 4 sets of 4 @ 17.5 soon)
                        Front rasies - 15kgx12x4
                        Calf raises - 30kgx12x4

                        gonna try fit in a chest and back session tonight, then cardio tomorrow.
                        Will miss 2 or 3 days then, but maybe skiing will count for a bit of a workout


                          Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                          Front squat - 40kgx5, 40kgx8, 45kgx8 (I can't get the bar comfortable on this one, any tips)
                          Are you using a clean grip or an arms crossed grip? I use the clean grip. It's hard to get used to in the beginning. Try to keep your elbows up as much as possible. Also, you must open your hands when using this grip.

                          Basically, make your chest as big as possible, open your grip to allow your elbows to come up, bring your elbows up and let the bar rest on the meaty part of your shoulders. In the end, you should only have about 2-3 fingers on each hand resting underneath the bar - kinda like as an extension of your shoulders. The weight should be on your shoulders and the fingers are used just to balance the bar if that makes sense.


                            I started with a crossed arms grip, and could get it comfortable. the bar was really digging into my shoulders.

                            so i changed to a clean grip, but I'm not doing it right, I'm basically supporting the bar on my hands as if I was going to press it overhead, but squat instead.
                            Any videos or pic that might help me correct this. My front squat is bascially half my back squat, so a far bit out of proportion.

                            Gonna try get a quicking chest and back session in today. then have to dash to an interview, then I have to make a bus at 6pm to go skiing. The weekend will pretty much ruin any sensible diet, but i'm slightly ahead of target on the weight. But obviously the first few weeks are the easiest.


                              Something like this

                              There's a good article and vid on it over at Stronglifts. Apologies if you've read it before.
                              Last edited by Lurker23; 04-09-10, 23:38. Reason: link problems


                                thanks for them, haven't seen them, tend to use SS over SL, no reason why.

                                Back from skiing, body is a bit sore, very bruised, and my thumb is sprained, so that's gonna mess up anything with heavy weights, maybe a drop weight up reps week is an option


                                  Took last night off, just to give the thumb and legs a day extra to recover.

                                  Still a bit sore now. Not quite sure if it will affect chest and back tonight, might have to watch my grip on bench and flys. It's probably a good day to drop weights to work up, or even some press-up sets.

                                  Rows should be ok with the weight on my fingers.
                                  Hada chicken roll for BF, not great, and some beef for lunch. Meat and veg dinner, yogurt and two shakes over the day for snacks.

                                  Wanna hit 70 for 8 reps soon on bench


                                    The hand was fine, none of the excercises we putting weight on the joint.

                                    Bench press
                                    40kg x 15
                                    50kg x 10
                                    60kg x 8
                                    70kg x 5..........I'll get this to 8 reps soon I hopem, then 75/80kg gets added

                                    The rest was standard, Inverted rows, BORs, cable fly, lat pull downs, pull up.
                                    i missed a few days so didn't do all out, tonight is legs and shoulders, will put a lot in.

                                    Weight was dropping slightly, pretty much on target. Then I was way up yesterday.
                                    The weekend was excessive, but I was shocked to have added a few kilos, however, once I... em, clear the system ,I hope to be back on track.

                                    80kg on sunday 12th has me on target


                                      Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                      The hand was fine, none of the excercises we putting weight on the joint.

                                      Bench press
                                      40kg x 15
                                      50kg x 10
                                      60kg x 8
                                      70kg x 5..........I'll get this to 8 reps soon I hopem, then 75/80kg gets added

                                      The rest was standard, Inverted rows, BORs, cable fly, lat pull downs, pull up.
                                      i missed a few days so didn't do all out, tonight is legs and shoulders, will put a lot in.

                                      Weight was dropping slightly, pretty much on target. Then I was way up yesterday.
                                      The weekend was excessive, but I was shocked to have added a few kilos, however, once I... em, clear the system ,I hope to be back on track.

                                      80kg on sunday 12th has me on target
                                      Any particular reason why you up your weight on the becnh by 10kg at a time rather than 5kg?


                                        I'd normally go by 5kgs, say 60, 60, 65, 70 and the reps would all be the same, 8 for each, fail on 70 about 5 reps
                                        but it's good to change it up, so the idea is to use bigger 10kg jumps for a while, but push the reps out for the lighter weights,
                                        I trying to get to reps at 16, 12, 10, 8, so the weight jumps might become more random,


                                          Lsts nights weights session was good, was wrecked afterwards though.

                                          Legs 'n' Shoulder

                                          60kg x 16
                                          80kg x 12
                                          90kg x 8
                                          100kg x 5 *PB*

                                          Military Press

                                          42.5kg x 8, 3 sets
                                          completed all 3 sets, gonna keep this weight until I am a cleaner on form

                                          80kg x 8
                                          90kg x 8
                                          100kg x 8
                                          120kg x 4 (first time lifting 120kg)

                                          Upright Row
                                          25kg x 12, 3 sets (able for 27.5-30kg here)

                                          Shoulder Press
                                          17.5kg x 10, 4 sets, (aim for 12x2, 10x2 next time)

                                          Left it here, normally do a few isolation excercises here, but the squat and deadlift PBs had be wrecked here.


                                            Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                            Lsts nights weights session was good, was wrecked afterwards though.

                                            Legs 'n' Shoulder

                                            60kg x 16
                                            80kg x 12
                                            90kg x 8
                                            100kg x 5 *PB*

                                            Military Press

                                            42.5kg x 8, 3 sets
                                            completed all 3 sets, gonna keep this weight until I am a cleaner on form

                                            80kg x 8
                                            90kg x 8
                                            100kg x 8
                                            120kg x 4 (first time lifting 120kg)

                                            Upright Row
                                            25kg x 12, 3 sets (able for 27.5-30kg here)

                                            Shoulder Press
                                            17.5kg x 10, 4 sets, (aim for 12x2, 10x2 next time)

                                            Left it here, normally do a few isolation excercises here, but the squat and deadlift PBs had be wrecked here.
                                            Well done on the pb's.

                                            Why oh why are you doing so many reps man on the squat?? You did 36 reps before attempting the 100kg. I do two types of strength session, ME (max effort) where i lift heavy and go for pb's) and DE (dynamic effort) where i rarely go over 80% but do more reps (8s and 10s).

                                            Well done on the DL and stick with strict form military, it really pays off. Where's the pullups and superset btw??


                                              I have my military form a lot stricter now. Even as early as a few weeks ago I needed to switch to a push press and use my legs for end of sets 2 and 3, that was with 40kg too.
                                              I should of mentioned of on the squats, I propped my heels up on two thin 5kg plates. I feel I squat deeper, easier. Pretty sure my 100kgs were all cleanly to parallel.

                                              I took out supersets for a few weeks. Pull ups are on chest day, looks like:
                                              Pull-ups to fail
                                              Chin up to fail
                                              A set of negitives pull ups x 2

                                              I trying to keep reps up for to keep energy expenditure up high.
                                              The diet wasn't great at the weekend, lots of beer and JimBean and cokes. Plus was away from home so didn't eat great.
                                              The scales said 83kg on tues, i was pissed off as I had been 80.4 previously. Now obviously, I know i didn't actually put on 2.5kg in a week. I knew at the time that it was mostly due to the fact that I was a bit backed up, plus I drank plenty of water that day. But it still has a psycological effect imo.

                                              I need to be 80kg on sunday to be on target.

                                              Cardio tonight,
                                              Metcon, row, HIIT on bike


                                                Originally posted by TomD View Post
                                                Why oh why are you doing so many reps man on the squat?? You did 36 reps before attempting the 100kg.
                                                Totally agree with this.


                                                  I'm gonna stick with high reps for a few more weeks then taper into a volume vs max lift split for the last 3 weeks before the deadline.
                                                  Looking at it, I'll prob aim to hit 8 reps of squat and deadlift two weeks before the end then maybe test a 1 rep maxs in each,

                                                  Last night was Cardio/Conditioning
                                                  I normally have oats n eggs for breakfast, was rushing yesterday and threw the oats into my shake for have later. As usual I had it on the bus home from work/to the gym, but when I hit the gym floor stomach wasn't the best. Grin and bear it.

                                                  I changed this session a bit and introduced a weight lifting complex, this is where you series of excercises back to back with no rest in between, basically you use the same weight for each and your hands don't leave the barbell. Obviously you use a weight that is lower than normal for your weight sessions.

                                                  Warm up - 5 mins on treadmill, stretch

                                                  Complex - Military press, squat, bent-over rows, stiff leg dead lifts, 8 reps each, one after the other no rest, hands don't move from barbell.
                                                  I started ith 40kg, then droped it to 30kg, then 20kg. The only rest I took was the 5 seconds or so to take two 5kg dumbells off, so its close to 100 reps with pretty much no rest.
                                                  Really gets the heart rate up, next time i might take a short breat and keep it at 40kg for 3.

                                                  Metcon (forgot my skipping rope)
                                                  1 min kettlebell swings, into
                                                  1 min 4kg wall balls,
                                                  2min rest
                                                  (repeat x3)

                                                  15 mins steady cycle,

                                                  3x 500m with 2 mins rest
                                                  Working on maintain my pace now, trying to drop it uniformly for each every week.
                                                  Times were;

                                                  Felt good afterwards. But the early was annoying. Won't have oats near training in future.

                                                  Have to do a medical next week in work as I'll be working on Sydney's historic railway buildings, basically to prove i'm of sound body and mind to be near a track. Wonder if it will include body comp, i'll post results here if it does.


                                                    Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                    I'm gonna stick with high reps for a few more weeks then taper into a volume vs max lift split for the last 3 weeks before the deadline.
                                                    Looking at it, I'll prob aim to hit 8 reps of squat and deadlift two weeks before the end then maybe test a 1 rep maxs in each,

                                                    Last night was Cardio/Conditioning
                                                    I normally have oats n eggs for breakfast, was rushing yesterday and threw the oats into my shake for have later. As usual I had it on the bus home from work/to the gym, but when I hit the gym floor stomach wasn't the best. Grin and bear it.

                                                    I changed this session a bit and introduced a weight lifting complex, this is where you series of excercises back to back with no rest in between, basically you use the same weight for each and your hands don't leave the barbell. Obviously you use a weight that is lower than normal for your weight sessions.

                                                    Warm up - 5 mins on treadmill, stretch

                                                    Complex - Military press, squat, bent-over rows, stiff leg dead lifts, 8 reps each, one after the other no rest, hands don't move from barbell.
                                                    I started ith 40kg, then droped it to 30kg, then 20kg. The only rest I took was the 5 seconds or so to take two 5kg dumbells off, so its close to 100 reps with pretty much no rest.
                                                    Really gets the heart rate up, next time i might take a short breat and keep it at 40kg for 3.

                                                    Metcon (forgot my skipping rope)
                                                    1 min kettlebell swings, into
                                                    1 min 4kg wall balls,
                                                    2min rest
                                                    (repeat x3)

                                                    15 mins steady cycle,

                                                    3x 500m with 2 mins rest
                                                    Working on maintain my pace now, trying to drop it uniformly for each every week.
                                                    Times were;

                                                    Felt good afterwards. But the early was annoying. Won't have oats near training in future.

                                                    Have to do a medical next week in work as I'll be working on Sydney's historic railway buildings, basically to prove i'm of sound body and mind to be near a track. Wonder if it will include body comp, i'll post results here if it does.
                                                    I like the pain of the highlighted bit, might give it a try.


                                                      Originally posted by Jackyback View Post
                                                      I like the pain of the highlighted bit, might give it a try.
                                                      me too, it kinda simulates hipoxia in the later reps.


                                                        Friday Session - Chest and Back

                                                        This session went well. Went to a new gym, moved house and the another branch of my gym is now closer. I like this one better, more free weights and barbells. Only one squat rack though. so might still go to the old one on leg day.
                                                        Started with bench as usual, worked up to 70kg, was hoping to get 6 reps (1 up on tuesday) but when I got to 6 I still had more left so I tried one more, and then another. Was not expecting to get 8 reps, was sittign there with a cheesy smile for a mn or two. Didn't have a spotter and the last was a push.

                                                        Naturally, I did the logical thing, I went for 80kg. Grabbed a spotter.
                                                        Often you see people on the bench with a spotter helping for every rep, which is ridic imo. for me the spotter is there to lift the bar when I fail, not help me. (there exceptions but you know what I mean).
                                                        the first rep was fine, the second a little slower and the guy spotting me was touching the bar, lifted a little. I'm not sure if the third was all me or not. I wasn't all out for any rep and I think I could of managed all 3 myself, was a bit annoyed that he was touching the bar, sort of diminishes the fact that I just benched my bodyweight. As I think i'm good for 80x3, i'm going to up that part of the challange to a full 8 reps.

                                                        The rest went well, incline bench was strong, as were flys. rows were good too.

                                                        Bench press
                                                        40kg x 8
                                                        60kg x 8
                                                        70kg x 8 *PB*
                                                        80kg x 3 *PB* (assisted)
                                                        60kg x 12

                                                        Incline dumbell bench
                                                        25kg x 8 x 4

                                                        Decline dumbell bench
                                                        25kg x 8 x 3

                                                        Chin ups, hammer grip (if that makes sense), two sets to failure,
                                                        7 reps, 5 reps,

                                                        Inverted rows, feet elevated
                                                        8 reps x 4

                                                        Bent over rows
                                                        55kg x 12
                                                        50kg x 12 x 4

                                                        DB Chest Flys
                                                        16kg x 12 x 3 (flat/incline/higher incline)

                                                        Lat pull down machine
                                                        12 reps, 4 sets

                                                        32.5kg x 12 x 3

                                                        Going to the old gym tonight, squat day. Volume session. Too hung over to try big lifts. Prob cut it short as I've a poker game at 7.30


                                                          Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                          Only one squat rack though.

                                                          Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                          I think I could of managed all 3 myself, was a bit annoyed that he was touching the bar, sort of diminishes the fact that I just benched my bodyweight.
                                                          I hate it when they do that. I always say, whatever you do, do NOT touch the bar unless I say so. Yet half the time they do. So infuriating. Don't worry about the fact he touched the bar. You know you were good for the 3 reps all by yourself - that's all that matters. Congrats on the benchmark PB.


                                                            Thanks, I really didn't I'd get here this early on bench, hopefully I'll hit 8 reps by the end


                                                              Didn't make the gym last night, was running late after work. I'll get it in tonight.
                                                              Plan is to switch squats and deadlifts, jsut so I am fresh for the DLs, normally i've already done few sets of squats and military press* befroe I get to DL.
                                                              I'm gonna attempt a 120kg for reps.
                                                              Session will look something like;

                                                              Legs 'n' Shoulder

                                                              60kg x 8
                                                              80kg x 8
                                                              100kg x 8
                                                              120kg x 4+

                                                              Military Press *
                                                              42.5kg x 8, 4 sets

                                                              60kg x 8
                                                              80kg x 8 x 2
                                                              90kg x 8 x 2

                                                              Upright Row
                                                              30kg x 12, x4

                                                              Shoulder Press
                                                              17.5kg x 12, x2
                                                              17.5kg x 10, x2 (aim for 12 here)

                                                              Calf Raises
                                                              12 reps, 4 sets

                                                              Shoulder Raises
                                                              Front - 15kg x 12
                                                              Lateral - 7.5kg x 12


                                                                Gym was packed tonight, was a bit annoying but once I hot in to the squat rack, lashed out the 3 main ones

                                                                60kg x 8
                                                                80kg x 8
                                                                100kg x 8
                                                                120kg x 5 *PB*

                                                                the bar I used for these was a little on the smooth side
                                                                so it sort of slipped a little on 120kg, but 5 reps is a new best. Will try a rougher bar next week

                                                                Military Press
                                                                42.5kg x 8, 4 sets
                                                                First time finishing set 4 at 42.5kg, so 45kg introduced soon

                                                                60kg x 8
                                                                80kg x 8
                                                                90kg x 8

                                                                was going to do 4 or 5 sets here, but was wrecked.
                                                                Wasn't so much my legs but my back/body. Deadlifts had me too wrecked to keep my body upright under the bar

                                                                Upright Row forgot about these

                                                                Shoulder Press
                                                                17kg x 12, x4
                                                                Got out 4 sets for 12 reps, was 17 not 17.5 though, new gym has 1kg increments not 2.5

                                                                Calf Raises and Shoulder Raises to finish as above

                                                                Also, today I signed up for a run at the weekend (as suggestef). It's this Sunday, so I've got less than 5 days notice.
                                                                It's only 9k, across the Sydney Harbour Bridge, but I've never ran past 5k before. Bordom gets to me.
                                                                Cardio tomorrow, prob do a 7k prep run hopefully I'll focus long enough to finish 7k in 40 mins. Would like to do 9k in 45-50 mins

                                                                EDIT: Weighed myself too, tipped the scales ae 80.5kg, a little behind target but not bad considering I took a trip up to 83 at one stage. 79 by friday week I hope.
                                                                Last edited by Mellor; 14-09-10, 23:32.


                                                                  Took it handy enough tonight,

                                                                  7k run in 37:34
                                                                  Some light work

                                                                  Had more in me for the run but happy enough with 5.30 a k for my first run over 5k.
                                                                  Hoping to go sub 45mins on sunday.
                                                                  Last edited by Mellor; 16-09-10, 07:00.


                                                                    Thurs 16th
                                                                    Chest n Back

                                                                    Bench Press
                                                                    Barbell x 8
                                                                    40kg x 8 (I knew instantly here that I wasn't 100% today, equalling last week would be tough)
                                                                    60kg x 8
                                                                    70kg x 8 (losked it out, but took everything)
                                                                    *got a spotter*
                                                                    8xkg x 2, failed on 3

                                                                    My spotter was an irish lad, told him not to touch the bar and he wasn't near it until i called him, So all me for 2 reps, my form is less than perfect on my max lifts, I concentrate too much on giving it everything and forget some of the minor stuff. Need to correct that. I'll have to add a rep a week to hit 8, but this was second target, original will be next week imo

                                                                    Neutral Grip Chin ups
                                                                    8 reps x 2
                                                                    6 reps (should get 8x3 soon)

                                                                    Dumbell incline press
                                                                    22.5kg 4 x 8 (was no 25 or 27kg free, find 22.5 easy now)

                                                                    Dumbell flys
                                                                    18kg x 12 x 4

                                                                    Bent over rows
                                                                    60kg x 12 x 2
                                                                    50kg x 12 x 2

                                                                    Lat Pull down machine
                                                                    3 sets, 50-60kg, varying grip width

                                                                    V-Bar Dips
                                                                    8 reps x 2
                                                                    7 reps (almost got 8x3)

                                                                    27.5kg x 12 x 4

                                                                    I'm gonna go light tonight, no dead lifts, take a shot at 100kg squat for one set, no other legs, just all my shoulder stuff.
                                                                    Current shoulder excercises are;
                                                                    Overhead press, dumbel press, upright row (narrow), front raise, lateral raise

                                                                    Anybody got any suggestions for other shoulder work?

                                                                    Progress - 6 weeks to go

                                                                    Weight - 80kg

                                                                    Run 4k in 19:00
                                                                    Row 3k in 12:58

                                                                    Deadlift - 120kg for 5 reps
                                                                    Squat - 100kg for 5 reps
                                                                    Bench press - 80kg for 2 reps


                                                                      Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                      My form is less than perfect on my max lifts
                                                                      Could be the fact that your focusing on lots of high rep work beforehand. Also, unless there's some major form issues, I wouldn't worry too much about being perfect for max lifts. If it's a true max there's gonna be some kind of natural compromise by the body between form v weight.

                                                                      Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                      Anybody got any suggestions for other shoulder work?
                                                                      I really like this article that I've read about shoulders recently.

                                                                      I think I need to incorporate inverted rows and cable Ls into my routine somehow. Also, I despise upright rows tbh. Through personal experience and research I think they're an injury waiting to happen.


                                                                        Originally posted by Lurker23 View Post
                                                                        Could be the fact that your focusing on lots of high rep work beforehand. Also, unless there's some major form issues, I wouldn't worry too much about being perfect for max lifts. If it's a true max there's gonna be some kind of natural compromise by the body between form v weight.
                                                                        i knew I'd have sort of issues with that. Goes with the fact that goals are in cardio, weight lifting and weight loss.

                                                                        Cardio would be easier if I wasn't doing weights 66% of the time,
                                                                        Weights would be easier if I was on a deficit to loss weight, or doing higher rep for weight loss
                                                                        Weight loss is going pretty much on track, but i'm not too concerned about the number on the scales, over the last few months, my weight has been pretty static, but my body fat is down and muscle mass up. I know you can't do two at the same time, but put it down to nob gains and the fact that prob in very short cut/bulk cycled most of the time rather than constant deficit.

                                                                        I really like this article that I've read about shoulders recently.

                                                                        I think I need to incorporate inverted rows and cable Ls into my routine somehow. Also, I despise upright rows tbh. Through personal experience and research I think they're an injury waiting to happen.
                                                                        I love inverted rows, the problem is its very hary to find somewhere to do them when busy. Only optiions I have are squat rack or smith machine. Plus there are fixed BBs to 650kg now, so I don't even use the rack for BB BORs afterwards.

                                                                        I like upright rows, but I don't go very high weight on them. I getnerally go hard on DB press befroe hand then do 12 reps on rows and raises


                                                                          Sydney Harbour Bridge Run
                                                                          Ran the 9km bridge run yesterday. Was a great experience, being my first "event".
                                                                          I've never really ran much on the road. A 5km run a few months ago was about it. So all my prep was in the gym, on the treadmill as above.
                                                                          I was pretty comfiortable running for 5km at 12km/h (5 min pace) and on weds I did a 7km run at 5.5 pace, with this in mind I had my sights set on a 45min race time. The usual banter started with the house mates, "it's much easier on a treadmill", "the road will be hills" etc, negociations began for an over/under prop bet. I wanted 50mins, house mate wanted 45. I was going to take the middle 47.5, but the comment about hills made me bottle it. The night before, he gave in and agreed on 50mins.

                                                                          On race day, I was in group A, front runners. I slept in a little and forgot an ipod and a watch. I could live without the ipod, but was concerned about not have a timer for pace. Oh well. There were 15,846 runners so the start area was a little hectic. A number of the B group were in front of me, as well as a lot of people who clearly weren't going to be able to run at a reasonable pace. Don't get me wrong, everyone is welcome to run at what ever pace suits them, I'm hardly top class, but people shouldn't be in front if they can't keep up. The first km was spent weaving around various runners until we got to the crest of the bridge.
                                                                          It's the only day of the year when you can cross the bridge on foot and it was quite an experience. People have asked me about the view, but tbh I didn't really look at much else except the road ahead.
                                                                          The km markers ticked by and I was a little concerned that I was behind pace. I was still generally passing others and at the half way point I was feeling pretty good. The section from 5-7km was the toughest, a hilly path through the bothanical gardens, one in paticular was painfully steep for about 100m, it took a lot to keep moving here. A big flat straight followed and I knew I was heading towards the finish. Although due to my novice mistake, I was actually 100% sure of the route and where the finish was exactly. I was waiting for a 8km marker to get ready to pick up the last km. It never appeared, as I got over the last hill I seen a crowd and the stand at the finish. A few hundred metres away, I picked up the pace and past out anyone who was immediately ahead of me and aimed to catch the group ahead. I crossed the line and as soon as I stopped started seeing stars. I could barely open the free bottle of water I was given.

                                                                          I still didn't know my time. I didn't know when I started either so asking the current time was useless too. I reckoned my time was between 45-55. Probably pretty clsoe to the bet. I'd have to wait for the timing chips to be collected and the results to be posted online. My bag wasn't over yet so I took a stroll around the recovery village, some fruit, a cup of cereal and free blood pressure testing. Sure why not. It was something like 106/61, which is very good apparently especially after the run.

                                                                          I finally got my bag and headed home. I'd have to wait to check results online. Just as I jumped on the bus I got a text;
                                                                          Congradulations, you completed the bridge run in 39:49
                                                                          Shocked and delighted all at once. A bit of mental maths and I figured I was sub 4.30/km pace. Which means, my goal off 18mins for 4km has been hit (must of been at some point). I knew I'd make it, just didn't think it'd be part of a 9k run.

                                                                          Got my placing this morning online.

                                                                          It was a great experience and like most who try out these runs, I've already decided to do a half-marathon.


                                                                            Great time Mellor. Careful with the half marathon, next thing you know you will be running full marathons


                                                                              Lol yeah I know.
                                                                              I've always planed to do a marathon, then very so often I think cop on, you not actually going to do one, its a dream like the north pole.
                                                                              But I think I might, half definitely. Just need to rake up another entry level ones, 10k/15k/half I think


                                                                                Chest and Back

                                                                                Bech press
                                                                                20kg x 5
                                                                                60kg x 8
                                                                                70kg x 8
                                                                                75kg x 5 (failed on 5th)
                                                                                70kg x 7
                                                                                60kg x 8

                                                                                Neutral Grip Chins
                                                                                8 x 3 (only 6 on last set)

                                                                                Incline Bench
                                                                                40kg x 8
                                                                                50lg x 8 x 3

                                                                                Inverted rows
                                                                                8 x 3

                                                                                Decline Bench
                                                                                50kg x 8
                                                                                70kg x 5 *PB*
                                                                                60kg x 8
                                                                                (was using a cheaper oly bar, wasn't 20 kg, hence I had to play around with the weights to get it right, was told after it was 10kg)

                                                                                Bent Over Rows
                                                                                50kg x 12 x 4

                                                                                Chest Dips
                                                                                8 x 3

                                                                                Lat pull down
                                                                                12 x 4

                                                                                Squat volume session tonight, aiming for 8 x 8, leaving out DLs, maybe some lunges at end


                                                                                  WED - SQUATS AND SHOULDERS

                                                                                  Did only squats for legs. Always find it hard to think of a leg assistance excercise, with pricking about with some stupid leg curl machine. so decided to do a load of squats only, then all my shoulder work back to back.

                                                                                  Squats - 8 x 8
                                                                                  20kg x 8
                                                                                  60kg x 8
                                                                                  80kg x 8
                                                                                  90kg x 8 x 5 *PB*

                                                                                  I plannign on droping back to 80 and then 60 for the last few, but was lifting 90 well and felt i could it all out without dropping back.

                                                                                  Military press
                                                                                  45kg x 8 x 3

                                                                                  Used a fixed BB, was nowhere to rack it so had to clean it up for the first rep. Failed the very last rep, i'm good for 8 x 3 if its racked. One concern I have is that I may be hyper-extending my back, as I always feel it there after doing presses.

                                                                                  Upright rows
                                                                                  30kg x 12 x 4

                                                                                  Was a bit all over the place here, missed a rep or two throughout, changing grip etc. Don't like using EZ-curls. Straight bar in future.

                                                                                  DB Shoulder Press
                                                                                  18kg x 12 x 4

                                                                                  Missed 2 reps on the lasts. Supersetting all the shoulder stuff together was taking its tole now.

                                                                                  Shoulder Lateral Raise
                                                                                  7kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                  Arms about to come off by the end of the raises, barely able for the small weights. Surprised I managed to wash myself afterwards. All-in all, felt good afterwards, esp the PB on squats, feel good about hitting 100kg x 8. I'm looking to but chalk at the weekend to have a big deadlift day to gauge progress.



                                                                                    Stretch/foam rolling

                                                                                    500m - 1:44.1 (PB, flat out)
                                                                                    2k easy pace - 9:01

                                                                                    Some skipping to keep active while I got my breath

                                                                                    4k - 17:58 *PB*
                                                                                    Ship, ship the running target of 4k in less than 18min
                                                                                    Wasn't planning on aiming for this tonight, but started of at 13km/h and felt pretty good
                                                                                    so kept going, up'd it to 13.5 and for the last few hundred I noticed I was close
                                                                                    done some maths in my head figured I could finish at 16km/h and make it
                                                                                    I think it's the new runners

                                                                                    couldn't do much else after that, was short but tough session

                                                                                    weighed in at 80kg again, not on target there, needed to be 79kg
                                                                                    weight was always the hardest target

                                                                                    walked home on jelly legs


                                                                                      Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                                      Military press
                                                                                      45kg x 8 x 3

                                                                                      Used a fixed BB, was nowhere to rack it so had to clean it up for the first rep. Failed the very last rep, i'm good for 8 x 3 if its racked. One concern I have is that I may be hyper-extending my back, as I always feel it there after doing presses.
                                                                                      Not sure i understand this.

                                                                                      Drop the weight back and keep the form super strict and tight (scaps engaged) and go from there. I've gotten far more benefits from keeping the form super strict on the military rather than lapsing into a push press on the later tired sets.

                                                                                      Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                                      Upright rows 30kg x 12 x 4
                                                                                      DB Shoulder Press 18kg x 12 x 4
                                                                                      Shoulder Lateral Raise 7kg x 12 x 3
                                                                                      Good stuff, i like the push/pull/push breakdown. Maybe another pull excercise is needed.

                                                                                      Personally i'm not keen on lateral raises because i dont really see a huge benefit or need for them.

                                                                                      Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                                      500m - 1:44.1 (PB, flat out)


                                                                                        Originally posted by TomD View Post
                                                                                        Not sure i understand this.

                                                                                        Drop the weight back and keep the form super strict and tight (scaps engaged) and go from there. I've gotten far more benefits from keeping the form super strict on the military rather than lapsing into a push press on the later tired sets.
                                                                                        I've stopped switching to a push press now that I can get 8x3 out at 40-45 kg. I agree that its much better. I could be just paranoid on the back hyper-extension, i'm not bent over very far, just cautious as weight progresses.

                                                                                        Good stuff, i like the push/pull/push breakdown. Maybe another pull excercise is needed.

                                                                                        Personally i'm not keen on lateral raises because i dont really see a huge benefit or need for them.
                                                                                        Not a huge fan either, there a bit dicky and I don't think lifting small weights has a benefit in terms of strength/size. But it's a good way to get every last bit out of a group. After a big shoulder day I can barely manage to clean my hair in the shower.


                                                                                          Friday - Chest/Back

                                                                                          60kg x 8
                                                                                          70kg x 8
                                                                                          75kg x 5
                                                                                          70kg x 6 - 60 kg x 4 (superset, spotter droped weights)

                                                                                          8/7/7 reps

                                                                                          Inverted Rows
                                                                                          8 x 3

                                                                                          DB Bench
                                                                                          25kg x 8 x 3 (ready to move to 27.5 now)

                                                                                          DB Flys
                                                                                          18kg x 12 x 3
                                                                                          (flat/15/30 degrees)

                                                                                          Bent over rows
                                                                                          45kg x 12 x 3 (dropped weight and slowed down speed, basically repping really slow)

                                                                                          BW 8 x 3

                                                                                          BB Curls
                                                                                          25/30kg x 12 x 3
                                                                                          (never really bother with curls, goona give them a shot for a while to see if it helps chins/rows)


                                                                                            Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                                            Not a huge fan either, there a bit dicky and I don't think lifting small weights has a benefit in terms of strength/size. But it's a good way to get every last bit out of a group. After a big shoulder day I can barely manage to clean my hair in the shower.
                                                                                            I know that feeling! Try adding a few sets of 20 pushups at the end if you really want to burn them out, widen the hand position to hit the shoulders more.


                                                                                              Tues - Legs/Shoulders

                                                                                              60kg x 8
                                                                                              80kg x 8
                                                                                              100kg x 8 x 3 (grip was starting to fail on the 5th set, I had to adjust my hands twice for the last 4 reps)

                                                                                              40kg x 8 x 3

                                                                                              60kg x 8
                                                                                              80kg x 8 x 3

                                                                                              Upright Row
                                                                                              25kg x 12 x 3
                                                                                              (bit of a weird feeling in my left arm, inside elbow, not painful, just weak feeling, been ther since fri on and off)

                                                                                              Shoulder press
                                                                                              15kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                              As you can see, not a huge session, was in a hurry.
                                                                                              DLs left me wrecked so I wound back the weights on all the others and took short rests.

                                                                                              Cardio later. 500m sprint for PB. Treadmill easy and then maybe some intervals, 2x row 3x bike
                                                                                              Nearlt half way so might do the next 3 sessions at max weights to see where I am.
                                                                                              Last edited by Mellor; 29-09-10, 03:32.


                                                                                                Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                                                grip was starting to fail on the 5th set
                                                                                                Mixed grip no?

                                                                                                Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                                                Nearlt half way so might do the next 3 sessions at max weights to see where I am.
                                                                                                You talking about 1 rep maxes or multiple rep maxes? I'd love to see how you get on with 1 rep maxes. It's great fun too. I'm living vicariously through other people's squats and deadlifts at the mo


                                                                                                  Currently using mixed grip.
                                                                                                  tried hook, but it doesn't work.

                                                                                                  Was talking about max for reps, ie taking 80, 100, 120 for B, S, DL and seeign how close I get to 8 reps. estimate 3-6. I'll do it. Monday - fri next week

                                                                                                  I'll try 1-rep max too at some stage soon after that.
                                                                                                  Armed with a 1RM calc and the results from the above.


                                                                                                    Thurs PM - Cardio
                                                                                                    Was working late, so decide to have a shortish, intense session.
                                                                                                    Also to give my 500m row sprint another go as the last wasn't my best.

                                                                                                    500m flat out - 1:38.5 *PB*
                                                                                                    Knew I was good to beat 1:44, the lst machine was goosed, no resistance at all.
                                                                                                    I also seen the WR 500m on youtube and notice some differences with his stroke when sprinting. Incorporating these made my stroke much more powerful over the 500m.

                                                                                                    3k easy pace - 16mins
                                                                                                    Straight on to the treadmill after the rower, legs were jelly at first, but ploughed on. Its fuuny to thing that I consider 16mins easy pace, when I started my first few 2.5k were in this ball park

                                                                                                    2 mins rest
                                                                                                    Rower was acting up, display was showing funny units so didn't get my time for the first. Second was in the 1:50 ballpark.

                                                                                                    HIIT - 15mins
                                                                                                    2mins easy/1min hard
                                                                                                    Like to finish with this as the 2mnis rest is never long enough and as a result the 15mins goes by quickly.


                                                                                                      Friday AM - Chest/Back

                                                                                                      Runnign a little late so had to cut this short too. Plus arm was at me again so didn't want to go over board.

                                                                                                      20kg x 5
                                                                                                      40kg x 5
                                                                                                      75kg x 5 *PB*
                                                                                                      70kg x 5
                                                                                                      60kg x 8

                                                                                                      Was hoping to get more than 5 on 75kg, seeing as I kept it light and low rep before hand. But my arm was acting up, like a weakness in my inner left arm. My the fifth I was compensating by twisting and thats not good for the back. Can't figure it out, hopefully it goes as i'm not benching for another week or so.

                                                                                                      Pull-ups - Neutral grip
                                                                                                      8 x 3 *PB*
                                                                                                      Can't figure out my arm at all. Inner arm (bicep?) feels weak during benching (which isn't a bicep excercise) then I finally get to 8 x 3 in pull-ups, which does involve biceps. No pain/weakness here at all.

                                                                                                      Bench Incline
                                                                                                      40kg x 8
                                                                                                      50kg x 8 x 2
                                                                                                      Invcline was fine. Tried 40kg first to gauge then up to regular weight.

                                                                                                      Bent Over Rows
                                                                                                      50kg x 12 x 8

                                                                                                      Let it as this, on the train to work arm was sore, but now 2 hours later its fine. It's a weakness/pain in my left arm where it bends, where the bicep would attach. Yet bicep appears fine.

                                                                                                      confused. Good idea to rest it anyway I think. Weekend off, squat, then cardio. Maybe skip bench and do back only, then see how it is by early following week.


                                                                                                        End up takign a few days off over the weekend, was a bank holiday here so was a little hectic,
                                                                                                        Was wrecked tues so only got back to gym on weds.

                                                                                                        Weds PM - Legs/Shoulders - Gym was packed so the session was a little all over the place

                                                                                                        Stiff Leg Deadlifts
                                                                                                        50kg x 8 - One set just to warm up/stretch out while waiting for the rack to free up

                                                                                                        40kg x 8
                                                                                                        50kg x 8
                                                                                                        100kg x 4
                                                                                                        100kg x 5 x 2
                                                                                                        - there was a guy curling in the rack (superseted with situps ) so the first two sets were at low weights. I didn't want to do too much before trying 100kg so just went for it. Happy with 5 reps form was a little shaky.

                                                                                                        Overhead Press
                                                                                                        40kg x 8
                                                                                                        45kg x 8
                                                                                                        45kg x 6 - too short a rest too cos somebody was waiting, then lost momentum and couldn't get it back,

                                                                                                        Seated Calve raises
                                                                                                        20kg x 8
                                                                                                        30kg x 8
                                                                                                        40kg x 8

                                                                                                        Upright rows
                                                                                                        25kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                                        Ring Dips
                                                                                                        5 x 2
                                                                                                        - Gym go a new steel frame with 3 sets of suspension straps. More suited to incline/decline pressups as it was too little room for dips - first time trying ring dips FML

                                                                                                        Shoulder Press
                                                                                                        17.5kg x 12
                                                                                                        17.5kg x 8 x 2

                                                                                                        Tricep push down
                                                                                                        12 x 3

                                                                                                        Weigh myself too, was suppose to hit 79kg by monday to get back on target.
                                                                                                        Tipped the scales at 78.65kg - could be dehydration after the weekend, but its always good to get a improvent


                                                                                                          Cardio - ship ship session

                                                                                                          Time to give the 3k a shot on the rower. Have been workign on technique and sprints the last few sessions, so time to see how its progressed with 3k.
                                                                                                          I set up and plug in 2:05 pace for the boat. I start off short enough build a lead and work into 2:00 pace.
                                                                                                          The 1st k goes past pretty much bang on pace at 4:00. I was expecting to hit a wall around the halfway mark, but when I got there I was only 2 seconds behind target pace, which had only grown to 4s by 2k point (2k in 8:04) it was around here that I decide I might as well go for it. The next 750m I manage to maintain 2:00 pace and I was constantly watching the time v distance and checking target. It would of been handier to have the projected finish or avg 500m time on, but didn't expect to be pushing for it.
                                                                                                          I was only a few seconds behind with 125m when I started to sprint, the whole body was burning and I knew it was going to be close,
                                                                                                          Final time - 3k in 11:59.1 (1:59.85/500) - Fell off the rower, and couldn't do anything for a while, paced about and lay down in the stretch area. Pleasure/pain at the highest.

                                                                                                          Bike - 10 minutes easy enough. Heart/sweat was still pumping despite the pace

                                                                                                          Run - 2k in c.11mins

                                                                                                          The whole session was basically, burst of hard work folowed by rest. Was happy to make the row goal, wasn't expecting the cardio goals to come first but thats them both out of the way now.



                                                                                                            About 3 and a half weeks to go.


                                                                                                              Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                                                              About 3 and a half weeks to go.
                                                                                                              Almost there!!


                                                                                                                Great job on the rower


                                                                                                                  Saturday - Chest and Back

                                                                                                                  Elbow/bicep still at me, think its down to flaring my elbow on heavy bench presses

                                                                                                                  20kg x 5
                                                                                                                  60kg x 5
                                                                                                                  72.5kg x 6 *PB*
                                                                                                                  60kg x 8
                                                                                                                  60kg x 8

                                                                                                                  Pulls ups
                                                                                                                  BW x 8 x 3 (neutral grip)
                                                                                                                  Plams out x 4 + 4 negitives

                                                                                                                  Inverted rows
                                                                                                                  8 x 3

                                                                                                                  Bent over rows
                                                                                                                  50kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                                                  Reverse Flys
                                                                                                                  12.5kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                                                  50kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                                                  sundany monday off, then give the squat max reps at 100kg.


                                                                                                                    Tuesday - Legs/Shoulders

                                                                                                                    Squats - I noticed I was flaring my hips up on squats, beside being bad form, it also makes it harder as the bar travels more to parallel, so no more of that;

                                                                                                                    20kg x 5
                                                                                                                    60kg x 8
                                                                                                                    100kg x 8 *PB*
                                                                                                                    80kg x 8

                                                                                                                    8 reps @ 100kg, I did it in the outdoor rack so didn't have a mirror, but i'm pretty sure my depth was good, defo on later reps. I kept the 2 previous light to give it 100%, took a lot out of me tbh.

                                                                                                                    Deadlifts - Chlak arrived today, so hopefully that helps grip
                                                                                                                    60kg x 5
                                                                                                                    100kg x 5
                                                                                                                    110kg x 8 x 2 *PB* (made made it twice before, chalk helps)

                                                                                                                    Military Press
                                                                                                                    45kg x 8 x 3 *PB* (slight arch towards end, stay at this weight for a few weeks I think)

                                                                                                                    Calf Raise
                                                                                                                    40kg x 12 x 2
                                                                                                                    40kg x 18 (no more walking today )

                                                                                                                    (Bradford) Shoulder Press
                                                                                                                    25kg x 12 x 3
                                                                                                                    (seats were all taken, so swapped this in for DB shoulder press. Light weight as its my first time doing the movement, hopefuly it helps military press form)

                                                                                                                    Upright Row
                                                                                                                    30kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                                                    ..and home

                                                                                                                    Happy with the session, delighted to hit my squat goal, knew it was close once I was fresh enough. big lunck prob helped, was starved last night though. Deadlifts felt good. Prob good for 120kg x 8 soon, hopefully by target date.


                                                                                                                      Weds AM session - Cardio/Conditioning

                                                                                                                      300 Workout
                                                                                                                      (if peopel aren't familar, its a metcon type workout that did the rounds after the 300 film. 300 reps for time)

                                                                                                                      25 Pull-ups
                                                                                                                      50 Deadlifts @ 60kg
                                                                                                                      50 Push-ups
                                                                                                                      50 Box Jumps
                                                                                                                      50 Floor wipers w/60kg
                                                                                                                      50 Kettlebell clean and jerk @ 16kg (25 each arm)
                                                                                                                      25 Pull ups

                                                                                                                      Total time = 49mins

                                                                                                                      Comments: I used neutral grip for pull-ups, and reversed the order for push-ups/box jumps by mistake, prob harder that way. I don't mind DLs @ 60kg, but floor wipers are tough, i'm prob lighter than average so might scale back to 50kg. Second 25 pull ups was a crawl.
                                                                                                                      all in i liked it, but was tough.


                                                                                                                        Whats a floor wiper?

