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    I personally wouldnt bother with the running. Getting stronnnnnger is much more fun. AND in order to run a marathon you have to spend so so much time running, forever running, boring boring running.


    I'd like to do a marathon at some stage but I think only half wanting to do it and being worried about other goals will make it that much harder to bother.
    This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
    All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
    The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


      The fact that I've 3 months of building up volume behind me makes me think I should.
      On the other hand, I kinda want to give WW4SB a shot, I like the idea of singles weekly. But that rules out all other training though.


        Go for the strength training, cardio fitness is a lot easier to form than muscle mass imo. I genuinely think you should just try get bigger and stronger and then use the cut as a chance to build that cardio fitness and go from there...
        This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
        All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
        The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


          Well done B on a well executed and paced race. I only got your pm as i was away on holidays.
          On the "what next" question you already have built up to a decent distance on the running so the half marathon is easily doable in 30 days time and it should not affect you too much on the weights. You can then re-evaluate the goals after that and decide if a marathon attempt is something you want to do or stick to the weights.


            Congrats on the race. Great report.

            With regards to where you go from here, I'm obviously gonna be pro weights

            Your plan sounds quite good if you want to do all three and it seems like you really do. Once you have the time for all of them why not I suppose.


              Friday- Misc

              Barbell Complex
              30kg barbell

              Bent over Row x 8
              Upright row x 8
              Overhead press x 8
              Good mornings x 8
              Lunges x 8 (8 reps both legs)
              Squat and push presses x 8

              3 rounds with 1 min in between

              Just something a bit different I decide to lash out. All excercises one after the other then 1 min rest and repeat. Was defo harder on the shoulders and arms which ws intentional given my legs were only recovering.

              5 mins of sporadic skipping, generally terrible

              Kettlebells snatches
              20kg x 12 x 6 (3 right arm, 3 left arm)

              Was hoping to get a 18kn k'bell and attempt 100 reps in 5 mins, but 20kg was the next jump. 20kg x 100 is a bit off yet


                Tues - Legs/Shoulders

                Prisoner Squats 8 x 2
                Shoulder Dislocates 8 x 2

                20kg x 8
                60kg x 5
                100kg x 5
                120kg x 5
                130kg x 5

                Terrible sets tbh. The bar just wasn't sittign right, felt kinda heavy, it wasn't like I was struggling to lift it but rather it wasn't sitting rights and everything felt awkward

                Shoulder Press
                50kg x 5
                60kg x 4

                Ugh, missed a rep at 60kg, form was terrible so I cut it there and dropped to a small fixed barbell

                45kg x 8 x 3

                Just a light few sets to try get comfortable, form was better but I shouldn't need to drop to here.

                Overhead Squats
                45kg x 5 x 2

                Not sure what to make of these, legs were fine, shoulders were working hard to keep it stable. I like this excecise, but its bloody hard. I'll keep at it and hopefully if I can work up to 60kg+ it will help my press


                  Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                  1. Continue with the running for a month. There's a running festival in september (9km/half mara/marathon) and I'm considering the 21km half marathon.
                    Pros: I'm most of the day there with my training. Cons: More running
                  2. Go back to the weights, push for strength goals for 10-12 weeks, then a 4-6 week cut before xmas/summer.
                    Pros: 16 weeks if enough time to get in summer shape, 12 might not be after the half. Cons: same old same old.
                  3. Start BJJ/MT classes. keep up the strength and conditioning work.
                    Pros: I'd love to compete, even at League or C class level. Cons: Expensive.
                  BJJ: Once you start, you won't go back to anything else. Either, you wont want to, or you wont be able to. Training BJJ comes with alot of injuries that may stop you from doing other training. At the moment i get elevn hours of BJJ a week. This along with fatigue/injuries from BJJ only allow me to get two strength sessions done each week. My conditioing is done on the mats as well as cycling to work and training.
                  How expensive is BJJ is Oz?


                    Do you do BJJ in Dublin or elsewhere?


                      Originally posted by FeetMagic View Post
                      Do you do BJJ in Dublin or elsewhere?
                      Me? Yes, Glasnevin but if you're looking for a club anywhere in the country i can help with a few recommendations.


                        Sorry meant to write your name

                        Glasnevin sounds perfect, I'm going to be living in Drumcondra. I presume your not in beginners' classes but do you know when they're on and the cost? Thanks.


                          Originally posted by FeetMagic View Post
                          Sorry meant to write your name

                          Glasnevin sounds perfect, I'm going to be living in Drumcondra. I presume your not in beginners' classes but do you know when they're on and the cost? Thanks.
                          Obviously i think where i train is best, but you actually have three options. Legion, Kykoro and Kyuzo. You can find lots of information including links on all the clubs here.

                          Kyuzo, Where i train has classes ever night of the week.

                          Monday 7pm - 8.30pm NoGi BJJ
                          Tuesday 6pm Beginners BJJ
                          Wednesday 7pm - 8.30pm Gi
                          Thursday 6pm Beginners BJJ
                          Friday 6pm Open Mat and Rolling
                          Saturday 12pm Conditioing, Open Mat and rolling

                          The cost is €65 per month or €180 for three months. There is also a deal going at the moment where if you sign up, you get a free Gi which normally costs about €75.

                          I still go to the beginners classes when i can. I find them very helpful. The Monday and Wednesday classes are harder but still applicable to beginners.

                          Gimme a shout if you fancy coming up and i'll sort you out with a free class.


                            Cheers Tom that's brilliant. Won't be moving to Dublin for 2/3 weeks yet but should be in touch then.


                              Thurs - Boxing

                              Was planning a 10-12km run but wasn't in the mood. Hit the heavy bag instead.

                              Boxing - 40mins
                              Heavy bag - various combos, 20seconds of fast punches, etc
                              Press-ups - 30 pressups thrown in randomly
                              Burpees - 6 hard hooks, 1 burpee, repeat for 90 seconds x 2

                              Finished off with some ab work, crunches, leg raises etc, and finally;


                                Originally posted by TomD View Post
                                BJJ: Once you start, you won't go back to anything else. Either, you wont want to, or you wont be able to. Training BJJ comes with alot of injuries that may stop you from doing other training. At the moment i get elevn hours of BJJ a week. This along with fatigue/injuries from BJJ only allow me to get two strength sessions done each week. My conditioing is done on the mats as well as cycling to work and training.
                                How expensive is BJJ is Oz?
                                Can be pretty expensive, I imagine its due to cover the cost of renting a place in the city.

                                I've priced two places. Either $20/22 per class or $399 per 3 months. There are fortnightly options, but they are ridic.
                                That's on top of my regular gym which is $30 a week. I'm going to go back in and see if I can negoiate a better deal.


                                  Why did you bold ab work and stretching in the penultimate post?
                                  This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                  All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                  The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                    lol, not paying attention most likely, was meant to be something like

                                    Finished off with some ab work, crunches, leg raises etc, and finally a bit of stretching;

                                    I know i do next to no core work, but I also don't think its nearly as important as its made out to be. The major lifts will stengthen your core plenty, the only areas you might be lacking would be rotational strength. but's thats only an issue in sports, and in that cases you should be doing specific stuff that will cover it.
                                    Bugs the hel out of me to see a 'qualified' personal trainer having a overweight person doing endless crunches.


                                      Friday - Chest/Back

                                      Prisoner Squats 8 x 3
                                      Shoulder Dislocates 8 x 3

                                      Bench Press
                                      20kg x 5
                                      40kg x 5
                                      60kg x 5
                                      80kg x 5
                                      85kg x 5
                                      87.5kg x 4

                                      I hate missing reps, especially at a weight i already passed. It could be it down to a higher volume before it, a calorie deficit, reduced benching over the last month. Either way, they're all just excuses and I missed a rep.

                                      BW x 7/7/5/5

                                      Not great, pretty slow up and down, was strict for most though

                                      Incline Bsench press
                                      20kg x 5
                                      40kg x 5
                                      50kg x 5
                                      60kg x 5
                                      70kg x 5

                                      Back into my regular rotation, 80kg x 5 is the mini-target

                                      Kettlebell Snatches - 20kg - 50 reps in 4m40s

                                      I broke it into 10 x 30 second blocks, 5 reps per side per block, next time it will be 6 per block, hopefully work towards 100reps, then on to 24kg. Would be a lot easier with 18kg and 22kg bells


                                        Skipped saturday as I was feeling pretty tired.

                                        Tues - Legs/shoulders

                                        Prisoner Squats 8 x 3
                                        Shoulder Dislocates 8 x 3

                                        20kg x 8 x 2
                                        60kg x 5
                                        80kg x 5
                                        100kg x 5
                                        120kg x 5
                                        130kg x 5

                                        Shoulder Press
                                        50kg x 5 x 4

                                        Dropped the weight but kept the presses really strict. Slow, arms only, and full ROM

                                        Overhead Squat
                                        50kg x 5 x 2 *PB*

                                        That's the biggest fixed BB in the gym. Hopefully moving to an Oly bar is ok. Really hopign these improve my shoulder stability and squat depth.

                                        Kettlebell Snatches - 20kg - 60 reps in 4m35s *PB*

                                        Overall was much better today. I checked out a few videos and i'm controllign the K-bell much better. I've started passing from left to right without setting it down, and holding it overhead when I need some time. I managed 36 continous reps, set it down for a 10 secs, then 24 reps. Hopefully, I'll start to pace myself better and work towards 100reps without setting it down.


                                          Thurs - Cardio

                                          6km - 5min pace

                                          First reasonable run since the race. Was aiming for 80-10km, but the power went in the gym earlier and the music/tv wasn't back on yet. I was incredibly bored. Had to stop to answer nature, and decided to jsut leave it there.
                                          Planning 4 more runs, one every 2-3 days. Progressively adding distance peaking at 15-18km the week before the half-marathon


                                            Friday - Chest/Back

                                            Bench Press
                                            20kg x 8
                                            40kg x 5
                                            60kg x 5
                                            80kg x 5
                                            85kg x 5
                                            87.5kg x 5

                                            Kipping Pull-ups
                                            BW x 5/5/5/5

                                            Just woeful tbh...

                                            BW x 20 x 2 *PB*


                                              Saturday - Cardio

                                              12km - 59m54s - 6 min pace


                                                Tuesday - Legs/Shoulders

                                                20kg x 8
                                                60kg x 5
                                                100kg x 5
                                                120kg x 5
                                                130kg x 5
                                                135kg x 5

                                                A bit shakey by the last set, but was never near failing.

                                                Shoulder Press
                                                55kg x 5
                                                60kg x 5/5/4

                                                60kg felt much better, rushed my recovery rest before the last set and missed a rep

                                                Overhead Squats
                                                55kg x 3 *PB*
                                                50kg x 5 x 2

                                                Was hoping for 5 reps at 55kg, but shoulders were not steady enough. It'll get better though


                                                  Weds - Cardio

                                                  6km run - 27mins - 4.30 pace *PB*

                                                  I think I can maintain that pace for a good bit. Was planning on doing some K-Bell snatches afterwards, aiming for 70reps @ 20kg in 5mins, but decided to leave it was when i was less drained.

                                                  It looks like I'll have to re-arrange my plans. I went to sign up for the half-marathon on monday, and it was full. And only the half. The 4km, 9km and full marathon are still open. Kinda gutted but only myself to blame for wasting time "deciding" when I knew I was going to do it.
                                                  I signed up for the 9km and I'll be aiming to hit a PB. But no real suggestinos for a target yet.


                                                    Thurs - Chest/Back

                                                    Was pretty hungover, so just had a short session, weights were a bit lighter as I didn't have 87.5kg or 90kg in me

                                                    20kg x 8
                                                    40kg x 5
                                                    60kg x 5
                                                    70kg x 5
                                                    80kg x 5
                                                    85kg x 5

                                                    BW x 7/7/6

                                                    Kettlebell Snatches - 20kg - 70 reps in 5mins *PB*

                                                    alternating hands every 7 reps, I managed 56 reps before I set the weight down. The last 5 reps were really hard, was losing all momentum and left arm was dying. Had to go back to the right for the last rep. I'm hoping the hangover was the reason I found it tough and I can make it to 100reps over the next few weeks


                                                      Tues - Legs/Shoulders

                                                      Air Squats
                                                      Shoulder dislocates

                                                      60kg x 5
                                                      100kg x 5
                                                      120kg x 5
                                                      130kg x 5
                                                      135kg x 5

                                                      Much better than last week. I've read through the Squat section from Dave Tate's "The vault", trying to impliment what he describes. Will be a bigger help next week when I go to a WestSide

                                                      Shoulder Press
                                                      40kg x 5
                                                      50kg x 5
                                                      55kg x 5
                                                      60kg x 5

                                                      Was fine, 60kg is fine, anything crushes wrecks me.

                                                      Overhead Squats
                                                      50kg x 5
                                                      55kg x 5 *PB*

                                                      Felling more solid with the overhead snatch position. But I'm going to heit my max potential pretty soon. I just won't be able to add much more to the bar as I won't get it overhead. As it is I'm push pressing, then widening my grip and stance, when I should really be snatching.


                                                        Weds - Cardio

                                                        6km run - 26m30s - 4.25 pace *PB*

                                                        Another 6km PB. Trying to get a feel for a pace I can maintain on race day. I've no garmin or anything, so its just going to be based off how i feel I can go. It's going to be in the 4.00 to 4.30 range, which gives a time of 36min to 40m30s.
                                                        The course is approx 9km, but the target to beat is last years time of 39m49s
                                                        Last edited by Mellor; 15-09-11, 00:12.


                                                          Friday - Chest/Back

                                                          Incline Bench
                                                          40kg x 5
                                                          50kg x 5
                                                          60kg x 5
                                                          70kg x 5
                                                          75kg x 5
                                                          80kg x 3 *PB*

                                                          75kg equaled my 5 rep PB. 80kg is a PB for weight, pretty much bodyweight. 5 reps is there if I work up light.

                                                          BW x 7/7/7

                                                          Kipping Pullups
                                                          BW x 5

                                                          Another attempt to nail kipping pull-ups. I decide to try "Butterfly Kipping" over the normal way. Defo much easier for me. Much smoother rep to rep, no bounce at the bottom etc. Proper full kips are a total different exercise to pull-ups. I want to get good at them to string a good few at speed. Plus If I ever want to do a muscle up, kipping is the way forward.

                                                          Kettlebell Snatches - 20kg - 70 reps in 4mins *PB*

                                                          I went at it a different way this time, broke it up into 12L,12r,8L,8r,8L,8r,6L,8r,.
                                                          Messed up my counting and ended up with 10 reps short with a minute to go. I'll prob repeat this and hopefully work to 100reps in 5 mins in two weeks

                                                          The Bridge run was Sunday, race report on the way.
                                                          After that the plan is to go back to a strength cycle. This time its a WW4SB. A 4 day split with heavy singles everyweek on both max effort days


                                                            Harbour Bridge Run 2011

                                                            My second year doing this. 9km over the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
                                                            If I'm honest, my prep the day before was poor. I was stressed out over some other stuff and I should of been relaxing. I don't think I ate enough either.

                                                            On the morning, it didn't look good. The sun was blazing, ans the reports were looking like it was goign to be 27degrees or more during the race. Bollox.

                                                            I got down to the start line in good time, but there was a massive queue for the toilet. Pre-race I always have to go. Which meant I could only manage to push into the back of the A group. The runners. I look for some space as the crowd started off up to the start line. and broke into a nice pace as I crossed the timing strip.
                                                            The start was chaotic. This was the running group yet people were all over the place. Within 300 metres I had seen somebody who was walking already. I knew I couldn't break pace if I was to go sub 40 minutes. I tried my best to find a good line going up the steepish sliproad onto the bridge. And once I was the bridge the width of the course made it easier. There was a bit of moving from left to right to find space, which isn't ideal as it obvious makes the route longer.

                                                            Coming off the bridge was antoher nightmare, the course bottle necks and it was potentially dangers have people running the race trying to pass those jogging. It stayed tight like this for the next kilometre or so. I could feel the heat gettign to me at this stage, lips were salty, mouth dry. I had drank some water before but could hid from the sun.
                                                            At about the 3-4km mark there was a water station. It was much needed. sadly, everyone else was the same. A group of 20 in fron of me stopped dead at the first table and took up most of the course. I managed to push by and grab two cups of poweraid on the run. i threw them at my mouth and hoped for the best.
                                                            The course stayed pretty flat for the next section, up a city street to the park. I remeber the park being frustrating from last year. I seen the 7km marker and water station on the opposite side, and made a note to use that to judge my finish.
                                                            I seen a marked shortly after this, and was surprized to see it was 5km and not 6km. I thought the park was shorted than that. I amintained my pace for the next part. The toughest part is a short steep hill and I found it no problem. 6km into the race I was passing people constantly, I was wary of letting my pace drop off and was starting to feel the heat agsin as I lost the shelter of the trees. Water station, and 7km marker passed I left the park and made my way to the final bit straight. The crowds finaly started for move out now and I could stop running around people. I kept telling it was only a bit more. But at this stage I was starting to lose heart. I didn't know what was pace was like, or it I had been too fst or if the sun was too much. I blocked it out and mentally announced that none of that can be changed. I picked up the pace for the next 1km and got into a good position for the final few hundred metres. I pushed hard at the end and broke into a sprint a guy tried to pass me. I wasn't able to hold him off and he finished a few seconds ahead. i seen him after the race and I didn't mind as he was built liek a chinese olympic weight lifter.
                                                            I crossed the line pretty strong and did the usual jelly legs about to throw up walk.

                                                            I need to sit in the shade for a bit. But I was glad it was over.
                                                            The race clock read 44m30s, but I knew i was c.5mins behind the first person to cross the line. A little nervous waiting on the official time to be text to me.

                                                            It took a while but eventually i got my time, 1 minute faster than last year. I had hopped for me, but was happy given the weather and the fact that I started in such a poor position. I'm partly to blame, had I been towards the the front of the runners group it might of been easier. But still happy with sub 4m20s pace.
                                                            I do feel that the groups should be seeded better, as its not fair that some peopel have to run around others for 6-7km of a 9km race

                                                            Just under a minute quicker than last year, but my position in relation to total runners, male runners and male 20-29 runner is much better. Here's last year for reference.

                                                            Last edited by Mellor; 22-09-11, 01:24.


                                                              Fri - Conditioning/Abs

                                                              Air Squats
                                                              Shoulder dislocates

                                                              Kettlebell Snatches
                                                              Warm-up 12kg x 12 x 2

                                                              20kg - 80 reps in 4m35s *PB*

                                                              Broke it up as 10/10/8/8/8/8/6/8/6/8 (starting with the left). Started off nice and slow taking the full 30 seconds per hand. About half way I sped up to give me a few seconds at the end of the minute to rest, and agsin for the last two. Powered through the last ones to finish almost 30 seconds early. 90 in 5 minutes next week.

                                                              Hanging leg raises
                                                              Straight legs, 12 x 3

                                                              Back Extensions
                                                              BW x 12
                                                              15kg x 12 x 2

                                                              Glute Ham Raise
                                                              BW x 8

                                                              I've noticed a new back extension in the gym. Its not quite a proper GHR, but its much closer than most. The first sets where normal back extension with the pad at my hips. The GHR set I shorted the support so the pad was at my knee. It's at about a 45degree angle, so not pulling up fully to 90degrees knee bend. But the pad angled like a proper GHR.
                                                              GHR is a lot tougher than back extension


                                                                Sat - Chest/Back

                                                                Shoulder dislocates

                                                                Bench Press
                                                                20kg x 5
                                                                40kg x 5
                                                                60kg x 5
                                                                70kg x 3
                                                                80kg x 3
                                                                85kg x 3
                                                                90kg x 3
                                                                92.5kg x 3 *PB*

                                                                BW x 8 x 2

                                                                Kipping Pull-ups
                                                                BW x 8

                                                                Pull-ups were good. I decided to try butterfly kips again, best set yet. In terms of speed they are so much faster, 8 reps in half the time. The only issue at the min is that afer 5 or 6 reps, my hips not fire as much (slower and not high enough). So that means that some of the more is being transfered horizontally and not vertically, which in turn means I start swinging instead of rise and fall. Something to work on.

                                                                Left it at that as I was off to a BBQ.
                                                                I think i'm going to book a dexa scan for this week.

                                                                Bench was good, some reps a little high, but comfortable going into new program next week. (See below)

                                                                Running goals complete, I'm going to start a new strength cycle this week.
                                                                Basically 4 days a week in the follow format.

                                                                Tues - Max Effort Lower body - (main set = max effort singles in squats or deadlifts*)
                                                                Weds - Repetition sets - Upper Body (5-8 rep sets of bench/incline bench*)
                                                                Fri - Repetition sets - Lower Body (5-8 rep sets of squats or deadlifts*)
                                                                Sat - Max Effort Lower body - (main set = max effort singles in bench/incline bench*)

                                                                *The main set changes between the two listed every 3 weeks. IE I do bench and squat singles for 3 weeks, then change to incline bench and deadlifts for 3 weeks

                                                                Anybody have any suggestions, or questions?
                                                                All main sets are followed with an assistance movements, and 2-4 supplementary lifts.


                                                                  Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                  GHR is a lot tougher than back extension
                                                                  Amen to that.

                                                                  Originally posted by Mellor View Post

                                                                  Tues - Max Effort Lower body - (main set = max effort singles in squats or deadlifts*)
                                                                  Weds - Repetition sets - Upper Body (5-8 rep sets of bench/incline bench*)
                                                                  Fri - Repetition sets - Lower Body (5-8 rep sets of squats or deadlifts*)
                                                                  Sat - Max Effort Lower body - (main set = max effort singles in bench/incline bench*)

                                                                  *The main set changes between the two listed every 3 weeks. IE I do bench and squat singles for 3 weeks, then change to incline bench and deadlifts for 3 weeks

                                                                  Anybody have any suggestions, or questions?
                                                                  Yeah. I wouldn't do singles three weeks in a row - unless they're not true max effort singles i.e. not to failure. Triple, double, single would be better imho.


                                                                    Originally posted by Lurker23 View Post
                                                                    Yeah. I wouldn't do singles three weeks in a row - unless they're not true max effort singles i.e. not to failure. Triple, double, single would be better imho.
                                                                    It's not to failure. It's 4 heavy singles, say 90%, 95%, 98%, 95%. With a point made of not goign to failure.
                                                                    The aim is to go up and break my 1RM over the three weeks, using the 95-98% reps to gauge strength. Obviously its a fine line between nailign a 98% lift and failing a 101% lift

                                                                    I do see where you are coming from. I was skeptical about using that many singles too. But that's DeFranco's program. Although he does say he prefers 3 rep sets for beginners i like to think i'm a little past that stage now. Dave Tate also recomended it for maximal strength training.
                                                                    There's a pretty decent thread on boards about it, that's what got me thinking about it. The singles are only in two lifts, once a week each, as far apart as possible. My biggest concern is gettign all the assessory work correct.


                                                                      Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                      I do see where you are coming from. I was skeptical about using that many singles too.
                                                                      Ah you're grand. I was worried it was a true max single each week, should be fine then. GL with it.


                                                                        The idea is you get use to the strees of 4 heavy singles and as a result they get easier. I haven't done much putre strength work lately so hoping the auto-response is pretty good.
                                                                        Day 1 over last night

                                                                        Week 1 - Max Effort Lower

                                                                        Ankle, knee, hip stretches
                                                                        Thoracic mobility with a foam roller
                                                                        Air squats, shoulder dislocates

                                                                        Trying to cover all bases before heavy singles.

                                                                        ME Squats
                                                                        20kg x 8
                                                                        60kg x 5
                                                                        100kg x 3
                                                                        120kg x 3
                                                                        130kg x 1
                                                                        140kg x 1
                                                                        145kg x 1 x 2

                                                                        Pretty happy with the first set. Didn't push too hard with the singles. Was thinking of going to 147kg for the last rep, but felt 145kg was a bit high and decided to repeat the weight.

                                                                        One issue I've noticed with my squats is that when attempting max singles, or even approaching 100%. Becasue of the distraction of the weight, I skip some of the finer point of squat technique. I focused on this last night and developed some mental cues to help.
                                                                        Found it a major help, and would be interested if anyone else did something similar.

                                                                        Bulgarian split Squats
                                                                        30kg x 12 x 4 (two sets each leg)

                                                                        My first time doing BS-squats (). Jesus they're tough, the previous singles obviously had me drained, but unilateral work always surprisingly taxing. I'll move up a little onvce I get used to the weights. But aiming to keep it at 12 reps

                                                                        Improv. GHR
                                                                        BW x 10 x 3

                                                                        As previous session, the name is just to reflect that its not a true GHR. Would love a go on one of them.

                                                                        Hanging leg raise
                                                                        Straight legs 12 x 3

                                                                        This will prob be one of the main core exercises. But open to suggestinos to others.
                                                                        I'm also planning on doing some work on bent knees raises, aiming to build more speed there which should carry over to butterfly kips.

                                                                        Left it at that, ME day will prob be 4-5 exercises exeryweek.


                                                                          Week 1 - Repetition Lower

                                                                          Foam rolling my hamstrings and glutes which are in bits from yesterday. Still sore now 48 hours later.
                                                                          Shoulder dislocates and thoracic mobility.

                                                                          RE Bench
                                                                          20kg x 12
                                                                          40kg x 12
                                                                          60kg x 12 x 3 (last set all reps were paused)

                                                                          Felt good. The benefit to RE chect work doesn't reall start until next week as I haven't done ME chest yet. But the secondary benefit is technique and establishing my bench cues. Squeezing glutes is one I may be neglecting a little

                                                                          BW x 8/8/6

                                                                          Overhead press
                                                                          40kg x 12 x 3

                                                                          Sort of missed the vert last rep, dropped body at knees to get the lockout. I didn't rest enough for the last set, but i'm not going to be pushing this excercise much past 40kg for now. Maybe 50kg for 12 is a decent goal.

                                                                          Chest Dips
                                                                          BW x 12 x 3

                                                                          Reps were low compared to PB, but triceps hated me at this stage.
                                                                          I had planned to attempt 90 reps of 20kg kettlebell snatches, but there was no chance it was happening.

                                                                          I had a DEXA scan yesterday. While the last 6 months haven't been focus on losing weight and my goals have been getting stronger (which I have) I was a buit surprised that i've only lost 1kg of fat, and replaced it with 1.2kg on muscle. Considerign that I feel my appearance it better.


                                                                            Week 1 - Repetition Lower

                                                                            Shoulder Dislocates
                                                                            Air Squats

                                                                            Squats - RE
                                                                            20kg x 12
                                                                            60kg x 12
                                                                            80kg x 12
                                                                            90kg x 12 x 2

                                                                            Ugh, high reps are annoying. But 90kg was fine, working towards 100kg.

                                                                            Bulgarian split Squats
                                                                            BW x 12 x 2
                                                                            30kg x 12 x 4 (two sets each leg)

                                                                            Improv. GHR
                                                                            BW x 10 x 3

                                                                            Hanging leg raise
                                                                            12 x 3

                                                                            Here come the DOMS.
                                                                            Was planning on some kettelbel snatches, but was in a hurry. Organising a BBQ and was Le chef.


                                                                              Week 1 - Sun - Max Effort Upper

                                                                              Shoulder Dislocates
                                                                              Plyometric press-ups

                                                                              Bench Press
                                                                              20kg x 5
                                                                              40jg x 5
                                                                              60kg x 3
                                                                              70kg x 2
                                                                              80kg x 1
                                                                              90kg x 1
                                                                              95kg x 1
                                                                              97.5kg x 1

                                                                              Equaled my PB in week one. So happy with that, hoping to get the elusive 100kg bench soon.

                                                                              Dumbell Bench Press
                                                                              25kg x 12 x 3

                                                                              Wasn't sure what weight to use for this, 25 was fine, increase it next week

                                                                              16kg x 12
                                                                              18.5kg x 12
                                                                              21kg x 12
                                                                              23.5kg x 12
                                                                              26kg x 12

                                                                              First time doing these, I like them.
                                                                              For some reason, I skipped the bent over rows set, no idea why, but thoguht I was done there.
                                                                              Week one over, I have my 4 sessions planned out a bit better. 4 exercises each day. Glutes were killing me on monday. A little worrying seeign as tuesday is ME squat!!! Squatting and benching twice a week should be fun


                                                                                Week 2 - ME Lower

                                                                                Foam-rolling: hamstrings, quads, glutes, lower back, thoracic mobility
                                                                                Shoulder dislocates
                                                                                Air Squats

                                                                                20kg x 8
                                                                                60kg x 5
                                                                                100kg x 3
                                                                                120kg x 2
                                                                                130kg x 1
                                                                                140kg x 1
                                                                                145kg x 1
                                                                                150kg x 1
                                                                                130kg x 1

                                                                                Bulgarian split Squats
                                                                                32.5kg x 12 x 4 (two sets each leg)

                                                                                Hanging Leg Raises
                                                                                12 x 3

                                                                                Glute Raise Machine
                                                                                35kg x 12 x 4 (2 reps both legs)

                                                                                Equaled my Squat PB. Was pretty smooth, hopefully break it next week.
                                                                                The improv. GHR was taken so I used a glute machine. Not a fan tbh. It's not that natural a movement, sort of jerky. But, It will do from time to time. Want to keep up unilateral work too.


                                                                                  Wed - Repetition Upper

                                                                                  Shoulder dislocates
                                                                                  (should of foam rolled too tbh)

                                                                                  RE Bench
                                                                                  20kg x 12
                                                                                  40kg x 12
                                                                                  60kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                  Comfortable, easy and bar speed was good.
                                                                                  Might move it up a notch next week.

                                                                                  BW x 8/8/6

                                                                                  Overhead press
                                                                                  40kg x 12
                                                                                  42.5kg x 12 x 2

                                                                                  Raqck was taken so I used a fixed bar and power cleaned it to shoulders.
                                                                                  The first set at 40kg was easy, so grabbed 42.5kg. Slowly working up is the idea here.

                                                                                  Chest Dips
                                                                                  BW x 12 x 3

                                                                                  Blurgh. Triceps dying now also, prob good as means the chest fibres engage a bit more.

                                                                                  Bicep Curls
                                                                                  27.5kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                  Hate curls, but have to stop neglecting them. 27.5 was fines even though I was wrecked.
                                                                                  Thurs is a well deserved rest day


                                                                                    Fri - RE Lower

                                                                                    Shoulder Dislocates
                                                                                    Air Squats

                                                                                    Squats - RE
                                                                                    20kg x 12
                                                                                    60kg x 12
                                                                                    80kg x 12
                                                                                    90kg x 12
                                                                                    92.5kg x 12

                                                                                    That's a 12 rep best. Form and depth was good throughout

                                                                                    Bulgarian split Squats
                                                                                    32.5kg x 12 x 4 (two sets each leg)

                                                                                    Legs were dying by the end of this. Could really feel in in my glutes and lower back, decided to do a set of regular hyper extensions before the GHR to stretch it out and help the feeling return.

                                                                                    Hyper Extension
                                                                                    BW x 12

                                                                                    Improv. GHR
                                                                                    BW x 10 x 2

                                                                                    Swiss Ball Cable Crunches
                                                                                    50kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                    Expecting to be sore tomorrow. Hopefully not as I'd like to try 100kg bench if the first few singles go well.


                                                                                      Sat - Max Effort Upper

                                                                                      Foam Rolling legs, hips & back (FU Squats)
                                                                                      Shoulder Dislocates

                                                                                      Bench Press
                                                                                      20kg x 5
                                                                                      40kg x 5
                                                                                      60kg x 3
                                                                                      70kg x 2
                                                                                      80kg x 1
                                                                                      90kg x 1
                                                                                      95kg x 1
                                                                                      100kg x 1 *PB*

                                                                                      Just over 80kg walk around weight. It's been a long time coming, but DELIGHTED to lock it in

                                                                                      Dumbell Bench Press
                                                                                      30kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                      Missed the last rep of the last set with the left arm only.
                                                                                      Haven't DB benched much in ages, think that might be a PB

                                                                                      T-Bar Rows
                                                                                      Bar+40kg x 12
                                                                                      Bar+50kg x 12
                                                                                      Bar+55kg x 8

                                                                                      Back felt good. Never sure how much the bar weighs on there. Obviously not the 20kg if one end is one the ground.

                                                                                      10kg x 12 x 2
                                                                                      18.75kg x 12
                                                                                      21.25kg x 12
                                                                                      23.75kg x 12

                                                                                      The first two sets were weird. The adjustable stack was taken so rigged up the "arms" cable. After 2 sets realised that 20-25 was too light so obv the numbers were in lbs. 3 sets at a decent weight.

                                                                                      Seen a sick freak in the gym tonight pull 4 plates (180kg) for a handy 5 reps then loaded 5 plates (220kg) and bang out a triple.

                                                                                      All in a great session. Good week, and now two days off to rest.
                                                                                      Tomorrow should be good with the UFC LW and FW belts on the line. Aldo gonna Aldo, but Florian will make it hard. Edgar and Maynard is ridiculously close, Edgar is pure heart, but I think Maynard wants this so much. My heart says Edgar, but the value bet is Maynard as a slight underdog


                                                                                        Looking good so far. Squatting and benching 2 x per week will really improve your technique and strength.

                                                                                        Glad you like the facepulls and the BSS. Some of my favourites.

                                                                                        Congrats on joining the 100 club.

                                                                                        Oh and with regards you mentioning slight technique issue with the ME squats , it's a whole different ball game than the 5 rep and above sets. Once you have a few weeks of this type of squatting under your belt, you should see an improvement. You just need to get the practice in.


                                                                                          Thanks Lurker,
                                                                                          Getting much more comfortable with the technique now. Only been two weeks but feel it's helped.
                                                                                          The high rep RE days are helping me get every muscle firing as I tire, which in turn means I get make sure i'm using these for the ME lifts.

                                                                                          Week 3 starts tonight, then its a switch to deadlifts and incline bench. Should probably get chalk for deadlifts soon.


                                                                                            Week 3 - ME Lower

                                                                                            Hip Mobility - fire Hydrants
                                                                                            Shoulder dislocates
                                                                                            Air Squats

                                                                                            20kg x 8
                                                                                            60kg x 5
                                                                                            100kg x 3
                                                                                            125kg x 2
                                                                                            140kg x 1
                                                                                            150kg x 1
                                                                                            155kg x 1 *PB*
                                                                                            140kg x 1

                                                                                            Bulgarian split Squats
                                                                                            32.5kg x 12 x 2 (1 set each leg)
                                                                                            35kg x 12 x 2

                                                                                            Hanging Leg Raises
                                                                                            14 x 2

                                                                                            Improv GHR
                                                                                            14 x 2

                                                                                            Didn't feel great at the start. 125kg onwards felt heavy. 150kg was a bit rushed, but I knewI had more.
                                                                                            The bar nearly got stuck on the way up for 155kg, for a second I thought I'd have to dump it but kept my form, weight on heels and drove my head back to the bar and got it up.
                                                                                            The rest was as per usual, BSS a bit heavier, I'm liking the unilateral work. Glutes were burning by the GHR and I just wanted to get out. No more heavy squats for a month, one more 60% session.


                                                                                              Wed - RE Upper

                                                                                              Shoulder dislocates
                                                                                              Thoracic Mobility

                                                                                              RE Bench
                                                                                              20kg x 12
                                                                                              40kg x 12
                                                                                              60kg x 12
                                                                                              62.5kg x 12
                                                                                              65kg x 12

                                                                                              BW x 8/8/8

                                                                                              Overhead press
                                                                                              42.5kg x 12
                                                                                              45kg x 12/8

                                                                                              Rack was taken again. I think cleaning it up took a toil by last set. 45kg next week in the rack. Hoping for 12 x 3

                                                                                              Chest Dips
                                                                                              BW x 14 x 2

                                                                                              Bicep Curls
                                                                                              32.5kg x 12 x

                                                                                              Couldn't remember the weight I was to move to so accidently skipped 30kg. Was prob a bit of swing, but not much towards the end.


                                                                                                Sat - RE Lower

                                                                                                Fire Hydrants
                                                                                                Shoulder Dislocates
                                                                                                Air Squats

                                                                                                Squats - RE
                                                                                                20kg x 12
                                                                                                60kg x 12
                                                                                                80kg x 12
                                                                                                90kg x 12
                                                                                                100kg x 12 x 2

                                                                                                Thought I had 95kg on thr bar last week. So jump to 100kg, a bit bigger than planned but it was fine.

                                                                                                Bulgarian split Squats
                                                                                                35kg x 12 x 4 (two sets each leg)

                                                                                                Improv. GHR
                                                                                                BW x 16 x 2

                                                                                                Swiss Ball Cable Crunches
                                                                                                23.75kg x 12
                                                                                                26.25kg x 12 x 2

                                                                                                The set-up was a bit better this week.


                                                                                                  Sun - Max Effort Upper

                                                                                                  Foam Rolling - Thoracic Mobility
                                                                                                  Shoulder Dislocates

                                                                                                  Bench Press
                                                                                                  20kg x 5
                                                                                                  40kg x 5
                                                                                                  60kg x 3
                                                                                                  80kg x 2
                                                                                                  90kg x 1
                                                                                                  95kg x 1
                                                                                                  100kg x 1 x 2

                                                                                                  Was considering trying 102.5kg, but the first single was a bit high. So I kept it at 100kg and repeast. Second was far better.

                                                                                                  Dumbell Bench Press
                                                                                                  30kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                                  Locked out the final rep this week

                                                                                                  T-Bar Rows
                                                                                                  Bar+40kg x 12
                                                                                                  Bar+50kg x 12
                                                                                                  Bar+55kg x 12

                                                                                                  +4 reps on 55kg. Total weight is prob 62-65kg.
                                                                                                  Bar+60kg will be tough


                                                                                                  21.25kg x 12
                                                                                                  23.75kg x 12
                                                                                                  26.25kg x 12

                                                                                                  So that's the first stage over. Should prob post a round-up.

                                                                                                  Weeks 1-3 round-up

                                                                                                  Main lifts: Bench press and Squats

                                                                                                  Weekly Program:
                                                                                                  ME Lower
                                                                                                  RE Upper
                                                                                                  RE Lower
                                                                                                  ME Upper

                                                                                                  Bodyweight Range

                                                                                                  Initial max lifts;
                                                                                                  BP: 97.5kg
                                                                                                  Sq: 150kg

                                                                                                  Weekly Maxes;
                                                                                                  BP: 97.5kg/100kg/100kgx2
                                                                                                  Sq: 147.5kg/150kg/155kg

                                                                                                  So my first run at a Westside program. The first week was testing the water, and was pretty confidant by week 3. 1RM increases in both lifts. Steady increases in split squats, dumbell bench etc. THat's obviously got to slow soon. I'm finding the lifts of GHR and the RE sets in general are helping. Glutes tend to be still a bit tight by Squat ME day, but warm-up sets deal with this fine.
                                                                                                  Mobility is generally good. Always needs to be better.
                                                                                                  I neglected shrugs and kettel bell swings. Should try to include them for the next stage, Deadlifts and Incline press.
                                                                                                  Last edited by Mellor; 17-10-11, 01:36.


                                                                                                    Tues - ME Upper

                                                                                                    Foam Rolling - Thoracic Mobilty
                                                                                                    Fire Hydrants
                                                                                                    Prisoners Squats

                                                                                                    20kg x 8 (RDL)
                                                                                                    60kg x 5
                                                                                                    100kg x 3
                                                                                                    120kg x 2
                                                                                                    140kg x 1
                                                                                                    150kg x 1
                                                                                                    160kg x 1

                                                                                                    First time deadlifting in 3 months. Got chalk so dumped the straps. Equaled my PB. I think I've pulled 160kg 3 times over the last year. This was my far my best pill. Pro had a bit more there. Hopefully hit 170kg over these 3 weeks.

                                                                                                    Single Leg Deadlifts
                                                                                                    30kg x 12 x 4 (2 set each leg)

                                                                                                    Keep it light to get used to it.

                                                                                                    Hanging Leg Raises
                                                                                                    16 x 2

                                                                                                    Improv GHR
                                                                                                    BW x 16 x 2


                                                                                                      Wed - RE Upper

                                                                                                      Thoracic Mobility
                                                                                                      Shoulder dislocates

                                                                                                      RE Incline Bench
                                                                                                      40kg x 12
                                                                                                      50kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                                      BW x 10/9/7

                                                                                                      Overhead press
                                                                                                      40kg x 12 x 2

                                                                                                      Chest Dips
                                                                                                      BW x 16 x 2

                                                                                                      Went ok. 50kg incline was prob a bit much, but i finished ok. 45kg with more speed would of been better.
                                                                                                      Chins were ok. Overhead press was shocking. But shoulders were smoked from incline presses. not sure if I should accept it or program around it. Leaving out curls as chins hit biceps enough.


                                                                                                        Thurs - RE Lower

                                                                                                        Foam rolling
                                                                                                        Air Squats
                                                                                                        (Not nearly enough done here)

                                                                                                        Good Mornings - RE
                                                                                                        20kg x 12
                                                                                                        40kg x 12 x 2
                                                                                                        60kg x 12

                                                                                                        Form was woeful. Lower back rounding, i'm hoping it was down to hips being too tight. More dynamic stuff next week.

                                                                                                        Kettlwbell Swings/Snatchs
                                                                                                        16kg x 8 x 2 Snatch - 1 set each arm
                                                                                                        16kg x 18 Swings
                                                                                                        24kg x a8 x 3 Swings

                                                                                                        Improv. GHR
                                                                                                        BW x 16 x 2

                                                                                                        Swiss Ball Cable Crunches
                                                                                                        23.75kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                                        I need to google some proper form on GMs and hip stretches.


                                                                                                          Fri - ME Upper

                                                                                                          Foam Rolling - Thoracic Mobility
                                                                                                          Shoulder Dislocates

                                                                                                          Incline Bench Press
                                                                                                          20kg x 8
                                                                                                          40kg x 5
                                                                                                          60kg x 3
                                                                                                          70kg x 2
                                                                                                          80kg x 1
                                                                                                          82.5kg x 1 *PB*
                                                                                                          85kg x 1 *PB*

                                                                                                          First time doine a 1RM on the incline, so hit two PBs easily enough, hopefully hit 87.5 and 90kg this cycle.

                                                                                                          Incline Dumbell Press
                                                                                                          25kg x 12 x 3

                                                                                                          T-Bar Rows
                                                                                                          Bar+40kg x 12
                                                                                                          Bar+50kg x 12
                                                                                                          Bar+60kg x 8 *PB*

                                                                                                          23.75kg x 12
                                                                                                          26.25kg x 12
                                                                                                          28.75kg x 12


                                                                                                            Tues - ME Upper

                                                                                                            Foam Rolling - Hips, Glutes, Thoracic Mobilty
                                                                                                            Fire Hydrants

                                                                                                            20kg x 8 (RDL)
                                                                                                            60kg x 5
                                                                                                            100kg x 3
                                                                                                            130kg x 2
                                                                                                            150kg x 1
                                                                                                            160kg x 1
                                                                                                            165kg x 1 *PB*

                                                                                                            150kg and 160kg both felt harder than last week. I wasn't surprised. It was around 34 degrees today. So hot ans sweaty walking into the gym, so felt a little drained. Plus I never lift on a monday, I was drinking fri-sun (BBQ weather ) so doubt I was 100%, so all tyhing considered, delighted with 165kg.

                                                                                                            Single Leg Deadlifts
                                                                                                            35kg x 12 x 4 (2 set each leg)

                                                                                                            Balance still the biggest limiting factor here.

                                                                                                            Hanging Leg Raises
                                                                                                            17 x 2

                                                                                                            Improv GHR
                                                                                                            BW x 17 x 2 (still adding to these each week)


                                                                                                              Tues - RE Upper

                                                                                                              Thoracic Mobility
                                                                                                              Shoulder dislocates

                                                                                                              RE Incline Bench
                                                                                                              40kg x 12
                                                                                                              50kg x 12
                                                                                                              52.5kg x 12 x 2 *PB*

                                                                                                              BW x 10/10/8

                                                                                                              Overhead press
                                                                                                              40kg x 12
                                                                                                              42.5kg x 12 x 2

                                                                                                              Chest Dips
                                                                                                              BW x 17 x 2

                                                                                                              Increases all round.
                                                                                                              I'm flying to Melbourne tomorrow night, so goign to try get in a RE Lower session tonight, and ME Upper tomorrow morning. Then 4 day weekend of no lifting.


                                                                                                                Weds - RE Lower

                                                                                                                Foam rolling
                                                                                                                Fire Hydrants

                                                                                                                Good Mornings - RE
                                                                                                                20kg x 12
                                                                                                                40kg x 12
                                                                                                                55kg x 12
                                                                                                                65kg x 12

                                                                                                                Form ws better. I'm nowhere near failing, but if I push higher form breaks down. I think this is due to the strength beign there but the mobility lacking.

                                                                                                                Kettlwbell Swings
                                                                                                                20kg x 18
                                                                                                                24kg x 18
                                                                                                                28kg x 18 *PB*

                                                                                                                Kettlebell Snatches (supersetted after each swing set)
                                                                                                                20kg x 3
                                                                                                                24kg x 3
                                                                                                                28kg x 3 *PB*

                                                                                                                28kg was tough getting overhead and keep it steady. Was catching in a 1/4 squat

                                                                                                                Improv. GHR
                                                                                                                BW x 17 x 2

                                                                                                                Left it at that. Had to go home to find out why my electricty was shut off.
                                                                                                                Has planned to get up this morning and get a ME Upper session in, but it will ahve to wait until monday.


                                                                                                                  Tue - ME Upper


                                                                                                                  Shoulder Dislocates

                                                                                                                  Incline Bench Press
                                                                                                                  20kg x 8
                                                                                                                  40kg x 5
                                                                                                                  60kg x 3
                                                                                                                  70kg x 2
                                                                                                                  80kg x 1
                                                                                                                  85kg x 1
                                                                                                                  87.5kg x 1

                                                                                                                  That was the first tough single on the incline. I find it harder to keep a solid base coming out of the bottom.

                                                                                                                  Incline Dumbell Press
                                                                                                                  27.5kg x 12 x 3 *PB*

                                                                                                                  Bent over Rows
                                                                                                                  50kg x 12
                                                                                                                  60kg x 12
                                                                                                                  65kg x 12

                                                                                                                  23.75kg x 12
                                                                                                                  26.25kg x 12 x 2
                                                                                                                  28.75kg x 12

                                                                                                                  Into the final week now, prob make it thurs-sun to get back on top of the week.


                                                                                                                    Give me some of your strenght.... Bought a multigym few months ago not used it very often....


                                                                                                                      Tues - ME Upper

                                                                                                                      Foam Rolling - Hips, Glutes, Thoracic Mobilty
                                                                                                                      Fire Hydrants

                                                                                                                      20kg x 8 (RDL)
                                                                                                                      60kg x 5
                                                                                                                      100kg x 3
                                                                                                                      130kg x 2
                                                                                                                      145kg x 1
                                                                                                                      157.5kg x 1
                                                                                                                      160kg x fail (see below)

                                                                                                                      Single Leg Deadlifts
                                                                                                                      35kg x 12 x 4 (2 set each leg)

                                                                                                                      Hanging Leg Raises
                                                                                                                      18 x 2

                                                                                                                      Improv GHR
                                                                                                                      BW x 18 x 2

                                                                                                                      Not really sure what happen here. Was feeling good, but from 100kg up I was question form, elbow shoving my knee in. I'm not sure if I always do it, or I just noticed it today. But 145 felt suddenly tougher. 157kg, which should fly up, was a grind at this point i lost heart. I tried 160 and just failed.
                                                                                                                      To be fair, its not unexpected, i've been on a reasonable big deficit this week (trip home planned obv). Normally cuts don't effect my lifts, or amybe i'm just cutting properly this time.


                                                                                                                        Sat - RE Lower (last two sessions were thurs and fri, got days mixed)

                                                                                                                        Foam rolling
                                                                                                                        Fire Hydrants

                                                                                                                        Good Mornings - RE
                                                                                                                        20kg x 12
                                                                                                                        40kg x 12
                                                                                                                        60kg x 12 x 12 x 3

                                                                                                                        Hanging Leg Raises
                                                                                                                        18 x 3

                                                                                                                        Kettlwbell Swings
                                                                                                                        24kg x 12 x 3
                                                                                                                        28kg x 12
                                                                                                                        32kg x 12 *PB*

                                                                                                                        Kept it back a litle on this one. ME deadlifts were great so want to rest a bit before starting Squats, i have to check the canender, but i'll prop do another 2 or 3 week cycle before going home.


                                                                                                                          still rocking onwards I see.

                                                                                                                          Managed to get signed into a gym today for first time since August. Squatting felt good but I'm going to be in absolute rag order tomorrow. DOMS gonna own my ass.

                                                                                                                          Any tips other than man up?

