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    Originally posted by Mellor View Post
    The guys who get help on all 5 or 8 reps are wasting thier time imo
    Nothing tilts me more.

    Except maybe the lads that come in and spend their entire "workout" bullshitting to each and doing half arsed sessions. It's a workout, not a hangout you tossers. That's why I always go alone and just plug the ipod in and get shit done.


    Keep up the good work Mellor. 20km a week is pretty excellent.


      Tues - Legs/Shoulders

      Dynamic warm-up
      Shoulders Dislocates 10 x 2
      Prisoner Squats 10 x 2
      Single Leg deadlifts 12kg x 8 x 2

      60kg x 5
      100kg x 5
      140kg x 5
      150kg x 5 *PB*
      100kg x 5

      I know I have 150kg x 5 marked as a PB from a few weeks ago, but last rep lockout was a concern. This time I nailed it. Re-gripped for the 5th rep and had to grind it out, went soem shade of red , held it at lockout for a second or two just to be sure i had it solid. Felt a little dizzy and sick afterwards. Looking towards a single soon, have a min figure in my head atm.

      Shoulder Press
      60kg x 5 x 4

      Pretty solid. Stil don't drop the bar all the way to collar bone, mouth is about the level. I find that a wide grip just stalls at the bottom too easily. Narrow grip can't lockout the last few

      Front Squats
      60kg x 5
      80kg x 5
      100kg x 5
      120kg x 1
      60kg x 5

      Didn't want to push these too much, legs will thank me in the nar future. 100kg was fine except for the weight slipping on fingers, finished with only two on the bar. I want to get shoulders to fully support weight if i'm going to progress further.
      Qucik single at 120kg to test the weight, I'm not happy with form so didn't mark it as a PB just yet. I was too concern with keeping the bar back on shoulders and as a result I ended up leaning back a little and hips too far forward. 60kg x 5 wasa response to this, arse out, arse out!!

      Treadmill - 3km - 5min pace

      Surprisingly easy after heavy leg work.

      Shoulder stablity
      Handstand hold - 60 seconds

      Wall assisted to keep balance. You can feel all the small muscles itching as hold up your bodyweight

      Week 8: 3km/20km

      Originally posted by Moneymaker View Post
      Keep up the good work Mellor. 20km a week is pretty excellent.
      Thanks MM, 20km is the first week were I really have to plan it out to get it all in and not miss strength training. Was planning of splitting a 10km run into two today, but slept in. Prob break it up as 3/7.5/3.5/6
      Last edited by Mellor; 22-06-11, 14:00.


        Weds - Cardio

        1km - easy pace


        4km - 5m30s pace

        500m x 3
        Times: 2m19s/2m03s/1m53s

        1500m Easy pace

        Week 8: 11km/20km


          Thurs - Chest/Back

          500m easy pace


          Bench Press
          20kg c 8
          40kg x 5
          60kg x 3
          80kg x 2
          90kg x 4
          80kg x 5 x 2 (each one paused on my chest for 1 sec)

          Pissed off not to get the 90kg, 80kg wasn't smooth and once that happens I start thinking 90kg isn't happening. I even realise that my negetive attitude won't help but the seed id planted. Bench seminar next week, might have one more crack then swicth to dumbells for a while

          BW x 8 x 5 *PB*

          Ship ship, 5 sets of 8 for a PB. The last 2 reps in sets 4 and 5 were total grinds. There was a bit od swinging, but nothing too bad. this was purely a case of improved strength and progress, as I wasn't paticularly strong today.

          2.5km - 5m30s pace

          Week 8: 14km/20km


            Swinging = Kipping or do what do you mean?
            This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
            All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
            The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


              No where near a kip tbh. Both times on the last rep I stopped for a second at the bottom in dead hand. Adjusted grip and just small swing of body/legs to get momentum going again.

              Kipping done right looks like the best way to get reps out at speed, look at some of the crossfit guys lashing out huge reps, seen Chris Spealer do 96 one time.
              I just can't get it to flow smooth any time I tried, end up looking like I'm having a fit. Wouldn't mind knowing how to do it proper to mix it up, but not a huge concern


                I've learned it. Its a big help. If you can imagine yourself rolling your shoulders. Or.. imagine you are rowing. The hardest part is getting the motion consecutively.
                This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                  Saturday - Oly/Cardio

                  500m easy

                  Oly Lifts
                  Snatch warm-up

                  30kg x 3
                  49kg x 3
                  45kg x 3
                  50kg x 1 *PB*

                  Power Cleans
                  50kg x 3
                  60kg x 3
                  60kg x 3 Jerk
                  70kg x 1 Clean and Jerk

                  Didn't go too heavy on the cleans, was tired enough from the snatches.
                  After 3 cleans at 60kg I decided to throw up a few jerks, straight into them without a rest. THe 70kg is a clean and jerk best,

                  5.5km Easy pace

                  Week 8: 20km/20km

                  The next 5 weeks are going to be tough


                    Do you've a coach or are you learning the Oly lifts yourself?

                    Also, good work. 20km a week and adding more, its gonna start to be more about a trade off pretty soon.
                    This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                    All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                    The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                      Originally posted by Theresa View Post
                      Do you've a coach or are you learning the Oly lifts yourself?

                      Also, good work. 20km a week and adding more, its gonna start to be more about a trade off pretty soon.
                      No coach, pretty much self teaching. It's pretty hard to get info online, you really need a coach there to correct. I prob have terrible form, but if I can get to 100kg clean and 80kg snatch I'll be delighted. Even clsoe will do me.

                      Yeah, the trade off is gonna hit soon. 5 weeks plus race week left. I'm pretty that i've maintained my numbers on bench and squat, plus PBs on front squat, deadlift, clean and snatch.

                      Gonna do some triples this week, then test singles next week. Half way thropugh the year seems to be a good spot as any. I have numbers in my head that I'd like to hit, but we'll have to see how I go.


                        Doing well to up the cardio each week as well as making progress on the weights. Much respect.

                        I have numbers in my head that I'd expect you to hit too


                          Tues - Legs/Shoulders - Triples

                          1000m - easy pace

                          Calf stretches
                          Shoulder dislocates
                          Prisoner Squats

                          60kg x 5
                          100kg x 3
                          120kg x 1
                          130kg x 3
                          135kg x 3
                          140kg x 3 *PB*

                          Triples felt pretty good. I had 140kg on the bar a while ago but depth was no good, even though I thought it was a good set at the time. Today was solid. I was planned out my warm up reps and weights, x5 x3 x1, but looking at it now, doing 120x1 instead of x3 isn't a huge difference.

                          Overhead Press
                          40kg x 5
                          50kg x 3
                          60kg x 3
                          65kg x 2
                          70kg x fail

                          The warm-up sets were done as strict presses paused on the chest.
                          Knew i wasn't going to hit anything special in this once I tried 60. Was expecting an easy triple, but was tough. Thought I 'd grind a triple at 65 but the 3rd rep got stuck 3/4 of the way up. 70kg single push press failed too.
                          I felt my core was just was struggling to stablise after heavy squats.

                          Front Squat
                          60kg x 5
                          80kg x 3
                          100kg x 3
                          110kg x 3 x 2

                          Wanted to try 115kg x 3, but the first set at 110kg was sloppy. I went low, but knees were dropping and hips forward. It wasn't the weight, just me being wrecked. So I decide to repeat the weight and try nail the form for my final set. Really happy with the last set. Even if I was shakey coming up.

                          2km - 5m30s pace

                          Week 9: 3km/22km

                          8km run tonight to get to the halfway point of the week.
                          I messed my dates up, and it looks like i'll miss the bench seminar this friday. Kinda disappointed, but it my own fault. It's clashing with some plans, and I'd be a total prick if I cancelled.
                          Looking forward to singles next week.


                            Weds - Cardio

                            Light stretching

                            8km - moderate pace - 5.27 per km - 44m40s total

                            500m easy

                            Week 9: 11.5km/22km

                            Longest session to date, was easy enough, hardest part was the bordom. I'm starting to establish a goal for race day. I'm also starting to get ahead of myself. I really think i may be underestimating the hills.

                            Heartbreak hill is ta notorious section of the race.
                            It's 1.5km long, and runs from the 6km to 8km points.
                            The average gradient is 6% and it peaks at about one metre rise for every 8.5 metres. Which is about 11-12% gradient
                            I need to get on to the road soon, and on to some actuall hills


                              Thurs - Chest/Back

                              Treadmill - 500m
                              Light stretching

                              Bench Press
                              20kg x 10
                              60kg x 5
                              70kg x 3
                              80kg x 1
                              90kg x 3 x 3

                              Pretty sure, 3 x 3 @ 90kg is my max workload at the min, was tough to lock out last rep of last set.

                              BW x 9/9/6 *PB*

                              Ship ship, was really hoping to get 9 reps, was prob good for 10 on the first. Really felt in control of them, no swinging, slow movement. Got a bit ahead of myself on the third. Should of brought in some swinging to make it 9 x 3

                              3km - 5min per km

                              Week 9: 15km/22km

                              Short enough session as I had to head off.
                              Missing the bench session tonight, dissappointed, but nothing I can do.


                                Sat - Oly/Cardio

                                1000m easy pace

                                Dymanic stretching
                                Shoulder dislocates 10 x 3
                                *supersetted with*
                                Prisoner Squats 10 x 3

                                Oly Lifts
                                Warm-up - snatch drill - 15 reps

                                Power Clean
                                40kg x 3
                                50kg x 3
                                60kg x 3 x 3
                                65kg x 3 x 2 *PB*

                                Cleans felt good. THere was another guy doing them too, I think he said either he was on the police tactical squad or he trains with them. Advised be to keep my feet closer together to get more power from the jump. Attempt a single 1RM next week.

                                5km run - 5m30s pace
                                1km cooldown

                                Week 9: 22km/22km


                                  Singles week - Low rep, high intensity

                                  Tues - Squats/Overhead Press

                                  1000km easy

                                  Dymanic stretching
                                  Shoulder dislocates 10 x 2
                                  *supersetted with*
                                  Prisoner Squats 10 x 2

                                  20kg x 10
                                  40kg x 8
                                  60kg x 5
                                  100kg x 3
                                  120kg x 1
                                  140kg x 1
                                  150kg x 1 *PB*

                                  Nailed it. Was way faster up than I expected and I potentially more in me. But was happy with 150kg and wanted to keep something in the tank for Overhead presses.

                                  Overhead Presses (pushed)
                                  20kg x 8
                                  50kg x 3
                                  60kg x 1
                                  65kg x 1
                                  67.5kg x 1 *PB*
                                  70kg x fail x 2

                                  Disappointed not to get 70kg up. I unloaded and walked away from the bar after the first fail. Then stopped and said fuck it I have this. But no joy. Was a combo of form failing due to load and beign wrecked.

                                  2km cooldown - 5m30s pace

                                  Week 10: 3km/24km

                                  Week 10 already. Less than 6 weeks to race day. But still c.160km to go before the start line. I probably shouldn't of added that up


                                    Weds - Cardio

                                    10km run - 55 minutes - 5m30s pace

                                    Week 10: 13km/24km

                                    Purely done to get some kilometres underfoot. My longest run ever, previous longest being the 9km bridge run. Pace was fine, never even felt it. Feeling good about the City2Surf next month
                                    Last edited by Mellor; 08-07-11, 01:20.


                                      Thurs - Bench/Deadlift

                                      500m run - easy pace

                                      Shoulder dislocates x 10 x 2
                                      Prisoner squats x 10 x 2

                                      Bench Press
                                      20kg x 10
                                      40kg x 5
                                      60kg x 3
                                      80kg x 1
                                      92.5kg x 1
                                      97.5kg x 1 *PB*
                                      100kg x fail

                                      Ugh. Don't know what happen here. Chose 92.5kg over doing both 90kg and 95kg. Felt fine all along. 97.5kg was fine. Was hard but not a grind. I was fully certain I was getting 100kg up. I don't know if I rushed my recovery time cos it was busy, or if I wasn't set up perfectly, I think both of these apply. But either way I was gutted. I don't mid missign 100kg (97.5kg is still a PB), but I hate missing it when I know I'm good for it.
                                      If it was empty, i would of sat there for 5-10 mins getting focused and retaken it.

                                      60kg x 5
                                      100kg x 3
                                      140kg x 1
                                      160kg x 1

                                      I stopped there. My back wasn't at 100%, still a bit tender after the 150kg squat and heavy benching had it stiff. I was dwelling on the missed 100kg, couldn't focus at all. 160kg is equal to my PB. Kinda wondering what I'd pull when fresh.

                                      Treadmill - 2.5km - 5m30s pace

                                      Week 10: 16km/24km

                                      Leaves 8km for saturday


                                        Good work Mellor.

                                        Very very close to some big milestones now. 100kg bench and 2BW squat should fall soon enough. Your obv good for the bench when your fresh.

                                        Any plans on getting a belt?


                                          Saturday - Oly/Cardio

                                          1km easy pace

                                          Dynamic Stretching
                                          Shoulder dislocates 10 x 3
                                          Prisoner Squats 10 x 3

                                          20kg barbell snatch warm-up - 15 reps

                                          Power Cleans
                                          40kg x 3
                                          50kg x 3
                                          60kg x 1
                                          70kg x 1
                                          75kg x 1
                                          77.5kg x 1 *PB*
                                          80kg x fail

                                          Another PB on the singles. 75 was far better than the last time, still not getting low on the max attempts though, which means i'm not efficient at all

                                          5km - 5 min pace

                                          This was pretty easy tbh

                                          Interval run
                                          200m easy (7.5km)
                                          400m fast (5km)
                                          Repeat 3 times for 2km total

                                          Week 10: 24km/24km


                                            Originally posted by Lurker23 View Post
                                            Good work Mellor.

                                            Very very close to some big milestones now. 100kg bench and 2BW squat should fall soon enough. Your obv good for the bench when your fresh.

                                            Any plans on getting a belt?
                                            Woukd of been nice to get the nice round numbers, 100kg, 80kg etc, but they'll come soon.

                                            Pretty happy with the week. PBs in 4 out of 5 lifts - and was prob good for a deadlift had I went first at it.
                                            I also noticed that my total (squat/bench/deadlift) has broken 400kg - I came in 407.5kg for a 5 x bodyweight total (81.5kg at the min).

                                            Edit: Oh and I've thoguh about a belt a few times. Might be time to get one, also considering lifting shoes. Would be pretty sweet to add some weight lifts instantly
                                            Last edited by Mellor; 11-07-11, 04:49.


                                              Have not been on here in a good while but you seem to be flying, some impressive weights your lifting would put me to shame
                                              On the running front try get a hard hills interval session in during the week. Ideally you want something with a steep gradient and about 100-200mtr in distance, try do about 20 repeats or so (or to failure) Given the profile of that course you need to get some hill work in.
                                              If you can also try get a tempo run in once a week something like 2km @ 5:30km pace, 4km @ tempo pace (run this as you would a 5k race pace) and 2km @ 5:30km pace. This will help build some speed into the legs and with the hill work and building the longer runs will help with endurance.


                                                Jaysus you must be a bit of a tank Mellor.


                                                  Originally posted by Jackyback View Post
                                                  Have not been on here in a good while but you seem to be flying, some impressive weights your lifting would put me to shame
                                                  On the running front try get a hard hills interval session in during the week. Ideally you want something with a steep gradient and about 100-200mtr in distance, try do about 20 repeats or so (or to failure) Given the profile of that course you need to get some hill work in.
                                                  If you can also try get a tempo run in once a week something like 2km @ 5:30km pace, 4km @ tempo pace (run this as you would a 5k race pace) and 2km @ 5:30km pace. This will help build some speed into the legs and with the hill work and building the longer runs will help with endurance.
                                                  I had them in at the start and dropped them for a while. Gonna get them into for the run up to race day. Pretty with my lifting along side cardio. There is a pretty steep hill outside my place that should do the trick - Prob give it a lash tomorrow. Either that or a longer run with hills included. I'll map something tomorrow.

                                                  But I've lots of free time for the next two weeks, so the plan is to tighten up on the diet. Up the distances leading up and then, and cut out the beer leading up to the race.
                                                  Originally posted by Moneymaker View Post
                                                  Jaysus you must be a bit of a tank Mellor.
                                                  Body shape is so much better compared to 2009 when I left ireland. Still carrying extra body fat though.
                                                  I'd like to weight in around 77kg, its not really the weight I care about just the definition that goes with a lower bf%


                                                    Tues - Legs/Shoulders

                                                    Shoulder dislocates 10 x 2
                                                    Prisoner Squats 10 x 2

                                                    Overhead Press
                                                    40kg x 8
                                                    50kg x 5
                                                    60kg x 5
                                                    62.5kg x 3 *PB*
                                                    62.5kg x 2

                                                    Front Squats
                                                    60kg x 8
                                                    80kg x 5 x 2
                                                    100kg x 5 x 2

                                                    Back Squat
                                                    60kg x 20

                                                    BB Behind Neck Press
                                                    27.5kg x 12
                                                    32.5kg x 12 x 2

                                                    3km - 5min pace

                                                    Week 11: 3km/26km

                                                    Bit of a different session. Started a low carb cut yesterday, so was expecting a little drop off in power. So I lowered the weight a little, and decreses rest time for a higher tempo.
                                                    Press was ok. 62.5 was sloppy with made me waste energy. Only managed 2 reps on the second due to short rest.
                                                    F.Squats were fine. Dropped back on weight and rest. But solid.
                                                    I jsut decided to stick in the 20 reps after my last front squat set. 60kg feeld ridic light after front squats. But still the last 5 reps I ahd to focus on form. Strength was fine to lift.
                                                    I've been think that maybe the lack of overhead press assistance work is causing the stall. Threw in 3 sets of behind the neck high reps just to hit it from a different angle. Kept the weight low as delts were going to fatigue quickly after the OHP, plus its not a lift you want to strain on.


                                                      Weds - Cardio

                                                      Tempo Run
                                                      2km @ 6min pace
                                                      4km @ 4m40s pace
                                                      2km @ 6min pace

                                                      My first time doing somethign like that. 6min pace is really handy, but towards the end of the first 2km I was comfortable, when the speeds kicks up 30%, it feels fast. After 2km @ 4m40s I was fine again. The run home at 6min felt like a walk.
                                                      One thing I did notice was that I was checking the time/distance much more, prob due to the fact that it's in stages.

                                                      Week 11: 11km/26km

                                                      Oh and on the cut/diet

                                                      Started eating Keto on Tues, tested today (thursday) and in Ketosis. So hopefully I can strip a bit off and have a few Kg less to carry on the run.
                                                      Last edited by Mellor; 14-07-11, 07:21.


                                                        Thurs - Chest/Back

                                                        1km easy pace

                                                        Shoulder dislocates 10 x 2
                                                        Prisoner Squats 10 x 2

                                                        Bench Press
                                                        40kg x 8
                                                        60kg x 5
                                                        80kg x 3
                                                        90kg x 4 + failed 5th
                                                        90kg x 3 + failed 4th
                                                        80kg x 5

                                                        Should of went for 4 x 3, attempting the 5th messed me up for the other sets

                                                        BW x 9/9/7
                                                        Kipped x 3

                                                        Pull-ups were ok. Gave kipping a shot, I am lol bad at these, I somehow bounce right into the bottom and drag myself off the bar.

                                                        Incline DB Bench Press
                                                        25kg x 8
                                                        30kg x 7

                                                        Cable Flys
                                                        12 reps x 3 sets, weight increasing

                                                        Some light chest assistance, was due

                                                        2.5 km 5m30s pace

                                                        Week 12: 14.5km/26km

                                                        edit: went out on the beer last night. Couldn't of been avoided, aroudn 11am this morning tested for ketosis ans it came up. so not sure if the alcohol didn't affect it, or if it was a false positive. also, Ketosis makes you a cheap date
                                                        Last edited by Mellor; 15-07-11, 03:24.


                                                          Fri - Oly/Cardio

                                                          1km easy pace

                                                          Dynamic Stretching

                                                          Shoulder dislocates 10 x 3
                                                          Prisoner Squats 10 x 3

                                                          20kg barbell snatch warm-up - 15 reps

                                                          Power Cleans
                                                          40kg x 3
                                                          50kg x 3
                                                          60kg x 3
                                                          65kg x 3
                                                          70kg x 1

                                                          Was a bit tight after yesterday, plus its been 4 days on the trot (will be 5 tomorrow), so I left it at 70kg. Felt like I was getting under the bar better on the lower sets.

                                                          5km - 5m30s pace

                                                          Week 11 - 20.5km/26km

                                                          (the awkward looking 5.5km left for tomorrow, was left for a reason, and its not pretty)

                                                          On a positive note, weighed in at 80.4 tonight, which is the lowest i've been in a while. Hopefully its actually fat loss and not water/glyco


                                                            Saturday - Cardio - Hills

                                                            The hill outside my house,
                                                            275m long
                                                            41m rise, the bulk of which is in the first half, which means the gradient averagtes 15% and hits 20% in places

                                                            Run up, jogg/walk back down x 10 = 5,500m

                                                            This was unbelievably tough, about 3/4 of the way up everytime it became a struggle.
                                                            Keeping momentum going was tough. Total distance was only 5,500m but it was so much tougher than a 5-6km run, Calves are in bits today

                                                            Week 11 - 26km/26km

                                                            5 sessions this week, I need my two days off now
                                                            Last edited by Mellor; 18-07-11, 04:12.


                                                              Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                              Saturday - Cardio - Hills

                                                              The hill outside my house,
                                                              275m long
                                                              41m rise, the bulk of which is in the first half, which means the gradient averagtes 15% and hits 20% in places

                                                              Run up, jogg/walk back down x 10 = 5,500m

                                                              This was unbelievably tough, about 3/4 of the way up everytime it became a struggle.
                                                              Keeping momentum going was tough. Total distance was only 5,500m but it was so much tougher than a 5-6km run, Calves are in bits today

                                                              Week 11 - 26km/26km

                                                              5 sessions this week, I need my two days off now
                                                              Good man Mellor they are very tough sessions and you should feel fcked after them. Make sure when you are ascending that you shorten your stride considerably and increase the run cadence to offset the shortened stride, also lean into it a bit. 10 reps was good for a start just build it up and enjoy the pain Do you have a foam roller? If not they are a good investment and it helps the calf/ham/quad pain after tough sessions.


                                                                Yeah uphill runs are horrendous. Well done for getting them done though.


                                                                  Originally posted by Jackyback View Post
                                                                  Good man Mellor they are very tough sessions and you should feel fcked after them. Make sure when you are ascending that you shorten your stride considerably and increase the run cadence to offset the shortened stride, also lean into it a bit. 10 reps was good for a start just build it up and enjoy the pain Do you have a foam roller? If not they are a good investment and it helps the calf/ham/quad pain after tough sessions.
                                                                  Yeah, Kept my strid to short steps, almost stamps.
                                                                  I don't have a foam roller, but I use he ones in the gym. Will be giving the legs a roll tonight. Hopign this tightness goes befroe squats later


                                                                    Tues - Legs/Shoulders

                                                                    1km run - 6min pace

                                                                    Shoulder Dislocates 10 x 2
                                                                    Prisoner Squats 10 x 2
                                                                    Calf Raise/Stretching

                                                                    Calves were still a bit tight during run, but after the stretching they felt really good

                                                                    20kg x 10
                                                                    40kg x 8
                                                                    60kg x 5
                                                                    100kg x 3
                                                                    120kg x 2
                                                                    130kg x 5
                                                                    135kg x 5 x 2

                                                                    135kg felt great. Was tempt to try 140kg x 5, but decided to repeat and if its easy try 14kg next week

                                                                    Overhead Press
                                                                    20kg x 8
                                                                    40kg x 5
                                                                    50kg x 5
                                                                    62.5kg x 5 *PB*
                                                                    62.5kg x 4
                                                                    60kg x 5

                                                                    Rom wasn't perfect, and I still pushed the first one, but shoulders finally getting stronger. I'd rather work them up that way by gradual rom increases, as the 2.5kg jumps are a lot on this lift (does this make sense?)

                                                                    BB Behind Neck Press
                                                                    35kg x 8 x 2
                                                                    40kg x 8

                                                                    Upright Row
                                                                    35kg x 8
                                                                    40kg x 8 x 2

                                                                    Just some more shoulder assistance

                                                                    2km - 5min pace

                                                                    Legs were a bit tired after squats so didn't want to push it too far. Prob try and get 2 10km runs in this week and hit 28km total

                                                                    Week 12 - 3km/28km


                                                                      Wed - Cardio

                                                                      1km run - 6min pace

                                                                      Foaming Rolling
                                                                      Calves, Hams, Quads, Glutes, lower bacl

                                                                      10km - 5min pace
                                                                      Time: 49m57s

                                                                      That's a 10km PB. Pretty happy to go sub 50mins, wasn't close to 100% effort. I realised at about 8km that the pace was feeling quite easy. I upped it a little for the last 1500m, and gave a burst for the last 200m go take off the 15-20 seconds lost getting treadmill up to speed.

                                                                      Speed between 15km/h and 20km/h

                                                                      Just to get the legs used to upping the pace for the finishline. A bit sore now tbh.

                                                                      Week 12 - 15km/28km


                                                                        Thurs - Chest/Back

                                                                        Today's workout was brought to you by your Scapula

                                                                        1km - 6min pace

                                                                        Shoulder dislocates - 10 x 2

                                                                        Scap push-ups - 20 x 2

                                                                        Hanging Scap hold - c.30 secs

                                                                        Bench Press
                                                                        20kg x 10
                                                                        40kg x 5
                                                                        60kg x 3
                                                                        80kg x 2
                                                                        90kg x 4/4/3

                                                                        Something clicked today.
                                                                        As you can see from the warm-up, I was focusing on my scap today. Hav a feeling this may be a tiny issue in my bench and overhead press.
                                                                        Warm-up sets were fine. But on the first work set I focused on my scap and noticed that on heavy sets i release the tension when unracking the bar. Basically, the J-hooks are a tiny bit high, so i need to roll my shoulders forward a bit to unrack the top sets. Which means I can't retract my scap properly with 90kg pressing down.
                                                                        Set 2 + 3: Unracked with a sligtly narrow grip so i could keep back tight, the widened (only 1 or 2 inches) for pressing. Set 2 was much easier, set 3 the final rep stalled on the way up. A gym helper nearby jumped over to help me with the bar. I just threw it back on the bottom hook when he grabbed it. I know he was only helping, but I'd liked to have try grind it.
                                                                        Also, I know using narrow grip to unrack isn't ideal, but i don't want to try explain to a guy that I want a hand with unrack only.

                                                                        BW x 7/7/7

                                                                        Scap pull-ups - BW x 20

                                                                        Starting to fade a bit here. Wasn't recovering from bench or between sets. This is pretty much 100% down to the fact I'm on a decent deficit mid-week.

                                                                        4km - 5min pace

                                                                        Week 12: 20km/28km


                                                                          Sat - Long Jog/Walk

                                                                          Calves were sore so decided to change my planned run into a long slow walk/jog. Not sure on time and distance was about 8 km.

                                                                          Week 12: 28km/28km
                                                                          Last edited by Mellor; 24-07-11, 23:58.


                                                                            Tues - Legs/Shoulders

                                                                            1.5km run - 6min pace

                                                                            Calf Raise/Stretching
                                                                            Shoulder Dislocates 10 x 3
                                                                            Prisoner Squats 10 x 3

                                                                            20kg x 10
                                                                            60kg x 5
                                                                            100kg x 5
                                                                            120kg x 3
                                                                            130kg x 2
                                                                            140kg x 5 *PB*

                                                                            140kg was wierd, the 3rd rep was hard, but the last two didn't get much harder. Depth was good throughout. was wrecked afterwards, slight head rush and stood there breathign heavy for a bit. Decided to leave squats there to save energy

                                                                            Overhead Press
                                                                            20kg x 8
                                                                            50kg x 5
                                                                            62.5kg x 3
                                                                            50kg x 5
                                                                            50kg x 8

                                                                            Meh, absolutely nothing left in the tank for 63.5kg, would of needed ages to recover from squats and didn't want to hold up the rack. Dropped to 50kg, two sets with minimal rest. Also increased ROM a lot so bar was back down to collarbone each rep

                                                                            BB Behind Neck Press
                                                                            32.5kg x 8 x 2
                                                                            37.5kg x 8

                                                                            2.5km - 5min pace

                                                                            Week 12 - 4km/30km

                                                                            Thinking about getting a BF% test done again soonish
                                                                            Last edited by Mellor; 28-07-11, 00:52.


                                                                              Weds - Cardio

                                                                              8km - varible pace - 5.40-5.00

                                                                              Terrible session, stomach cramping up, had to stop after 2km. Got back on and did 6km.
                                                                              Had planned on getting through 10km this session, When I decided to only do 8km, I mentally added another day this week. I suppose its a good sign when I'm not happy with only 8km

                                                                              Week 12 - 4km/30km

                                                                              Exactly on target for 30km @ 6km a session


                                                                                Thurs - Chest/Back

                                                                                1km - 6min pace

                                                                                Scap push-ups - 20 x 2

                                                                                Bench Press
                                                                                20kg x 8 x 2
                                                                                40kg x 5
                                                                                60kg x 3
                                                                                80kg x 2
                                                                                90kg x 4/4/4 *PB*

                                                                                Very minor pb in locking out 90kg for 4 x 3, sorely want 5 resp now. giving it a bash next week, then a deload if i miss

                                                                                BW x 7/7/6

                                                                                Pull-ups were lol bad again, a combination of lats being shot from bench, arms bolloxed and not resting enough. There was a guy jumping in between rounds doing kipped muscle ups, he made them look easy. I need to learn proper kipping using legs

                                                                                3km - 5min pace

                                                                                Week 14: 16km/30km
                                                                                Last edited by Mellor; 28-07-11, 23:38.


                                                                                  Go mellor!
                                                                                  Official Head Marshall of Waterford Gay Pride Festival 2015


                                                                                    Thanks for the support Iccy


                                                                                      Friday - Cardio/KBs

                                                                                      1km 6min pace

                                                                                      Shoulder dislocates 10 x 2

                                                                                      Kettlebell snatches
                                                                                      16kg KB snatch - 100 reps - 4m45s

                                                                                      100 reps was pretty gruling, alternated 10 right, 10 left, continously. Target was 5 mins, so hit this pretty easily. 100 reps in 5mins with a 24kg is a requirement for RKC certs, so thats a target. Will br ridic hard imo

                                                                                      3km - 5 min pace

                                                                                      Week 14: 20km/30km


                                                                                        Sat - Cardio

                                                                                        10km - 5min pace
                                                                                        Time: 49m45s

                                                                                        Fastest treadmill 10km yet, bordom is the hardest part to get over imo

                                                                                        Week 14: 30km/30km

                                                                                        Two weeks till race day


                                                                                          Weds - Cardio

                                                                                          Tempo Run
                                                                                          2km @ 5m13s pace
                                                                                          4km @ 4m30s pace
                                                                                          2km @ 5m30s pace

                                                                                          8km in 39m30s

                                                                                          Another tempo run, I set up the distances, and speeds beforehand so it made the changes automatically. I kept the display covered during the run as I find it a distraction. I made a mistake, which is kinda obvious in the above. The first 2km was suppsoed to be at 5m30s, I set the speed half a km/hr too fast. Kinda had a knock on effect to the 4km @ 4m30s. But tbh, still prob one of my best runs so far.

                                                                                          Included in it were treadmill PBs for 4, 6 and 8km, The fact that I did this as part of a tempo session, where I wasn't pushing for decent portion is a good reflection of my fitness improvements.

                                                                                          Took tuesday off this week, and will only do one weights session tonight, then a LSR on friday, and a fast 12km on saturday. That one's gonna be a PB for distance, at hopefully race pace.
                                                                                          This will be the week were I cover the most training distance at 32km, with 34km, inc race, the following week.

                                                                                          Week 15: 8km/32km
                                                                                          Last edited by Mellor; 04-08-11, 00:43.


                                                                                            Thurs - Weights

                                                                                            Bench Press
                                                                                            20kg x 8
                                                                                            40kg x 5
                                                                                            60kg x 3
                                                                                            80kg x 2
                                                                                            90kg x 5 *PB*

                                                                                            Finally!!! The last rep was so so slow, a spotter was defo grabbign it, but i kept going and got it up. To be completely honest, My arse lifted off the bench for the rep, and i'm not sure if I should could count it because of that. Either way, it's progress.

                                                                                            60kg x 20
                                                                                            100kg x 5

                                                                                            Front Squats
                                                                                            60kg x 5

                                                                                            Bent over Rows
                                                                                            60kg x 12
                                                                                            80kg x 5

                                                                                            A few quick sets to hit everywhere else. Weights were lower than normal, and took little rest between sets. I'm keeping resistance work light this wek and next, it's basically just to keep ticking over. I don't want any DOMs or tight muscle approching the race.

                                                                                            4km - 5 min pace

                                                                                            Week 15: 12km/32km


                                                                                              Friday - Cardio

                                                                                              8km - 5m27s pace

                                                                                              Wound back the pace a little so as not to be sore for the 12km Saturday. Prob should of been slower, as calves are a bit tight. One long run left then taper for the race!!!

                                                                                              Week 15: 20km/32km


                                                                                                Saturday - Cardio

                                                                                                12km - 5min pace - 60min exactly

                                                                                                My longest run ever. Went perfect, 10km in to the run and I was moving along fine. I was sweating plenty, but I wasn't breathing heavy or anything of the sort. I'm pretty sure there was a far bit left in the tank at the end. This was my last training week, and I'm delighted with how it went. I'm under no illusions about the race, it'll be a lot different with all the hills. But I'll be happy if i can keep that pace over the lot.

                                                                                                Week 15: 32km/32km
                                                                                                Last edited by Mellor; 06-08-11, 11:59.


                                                                                                  Finally!!! The last rep was so so slow, a spotter was defo grabbign it, but i kept going and got it up. To be completely honest, My arse lifted off the bench for the rep, and i'm not sure if I should could count it because of that. Either way, it's progress.

                                                                                                  you should bench with your feet in the air crossed at the means u can never arch your back or use your legs to help with the push..


                                                                                                    Correct form means you should have an arch in your back Charlie. You should be able to fit a hand in under the arch in the lower back. That arch also helps you pin your shoulders to the bench. Theres also nothing wrong with using your legs when benching. If you have your legs in the air your a lot less stable and can't lift as much.
                                                                                                    This may or may not be an original thought of my own.
                                                                                                    All efforts were made to make this thought original but with the abundance of thoughts in the world the originality of this thought cannot be guaranteed.
                                                                                                    The author is not liable for any issue arising from the platitudinous nature of this post.


                                                                                                      Originally posted by Charlie Harper View Post
                                                                                                      you should bench with your feet in the air crossed at the means u can never arch your back or use your legs to help with the push..


                                                                                                        I think Theresa describes it pretty well, the arch is desirable. Creates a much tighter base and keeps shoulder blades pressed down. As per power lifting competition rules, you have to keep your arse in contact with the bench, which is why I included the comment about counting it.


                                                                                                          Originally posted by Charlie Harper View Post
                                                                                                          you should bench with your feet in the air crossed at the means u can never arch your back or use your legs to help with the push..


                                                                                                            Tues - Cardio

                                                                                                            8km - 5m30s pace

                                                                                                            Just a slow run to stretch the legs out. 4 days to go!!!


                                                                                                              Wed - Weights

                                                                                                              1km - 6 min pace

                                                                                                              Bench Press
                                                                                                              20kg x 20
                                                                                                              40kg x 20
                                                                                                              60kg x 20
                                                                                                              80kg x 5

                                                                                                              Just a bit different to mix it up, was happy to get 60kg x 20, was good for more. I originally wanted to get 80kg x 10+ but took a short rest and went for 5 instead.

                                                                                                              BW x 9/8 *PB*

                                                                                                              I think 9 is a PB. Ship ship

                                                                                                              Overhead press
                                                                                                              50kg x 10

                                                                                                              Bicep curls
                                                                                                              30kg x 8/12

                                                                                                              Three quick sets at the end, not resting between sets was starting to tire me now. But I didn't mind, wasn't anything clsoe to a strength session. Purely just to hit everywhere once or twice as I'd feel like I missed something if i didn't, LOL workout-mentality

                                                                                                              2km - 5 min pace

                                                                                                              I'm debating if I should get another session in before Friday. Something light, like an esy 5km. But might be better to just take the 3 days off to recover for sunday


                                                                                                                city2Surf completed yesterday, I'll do a race report tomorrow once i have official results



                                                                                                                  Trip report!
                                                                                                                  First some details on the race. The City2Surf is the 4th biggest race in the world, and the largest individually timed race. 2011 saw a record breaking 86,695 entrants.

                                                                                                                  The course is 14km long from Sydney CBD out to Bondi Beach. It's quite a tough course given the amount an severity of the hills. Here's the elevation map, and tbh its prob even a bit worse, a 500m flat section is made up of a series of small hills.

                                                                                                                  This video is roughly the course, it ends a bit early and doesn't show the corner and home straight on the beachfront
                                                                                                                  Virtually run the Sun-Herald City2Surf fun run in Sydney with this flipbook video made entirely from still images from Google Map's Street View feature. To ...

                                                                                                                  Race morning
                                                                                                                  Woke up at 6:45 after an average enough sleep. One looked out the window and my heart sank. I caugth a glimpse of lightening and it was raining. I didn't have much to do to prepar so threw on a hoodie and tracksuit pants over my shorts and singlet and grabbed a banana and water bottle and headed for the train. The rain had stopped so i was hoping for it to stay that way.
                                                                                                                  The bad luck continued as the train was delayed by 15 mins which meant i was cutting it close to the bag drop. I was pretty sure they'd keep it open a bit longer than the 7.30 cut off, but it didn't help the nerves. I took my hoodie and bottoms off now to save a bit of time. I made it there at 7.45 to see them closing up the trucks, I quickly grabbed a plastic bag, scribbled my number on it and threw my bag over the head of a protesting volunteer and into the back of the truck. In my rush I forgot to grab my energy bar, but I don't think its hugely important over a short distance. A quick toilet stop and then down to the start line.

                                                                                                                  Before the start
                                                                                                                  The queues for the toilets were slow so i got down to the start line about 7.55, 5 mins to the start. I was in the first group, but as I was late, I was pretty far back. iPod in, a few stretches and we were off before I knew it. I didn't even hear the gun, just noticed the crowd moving. I walked along slowly and tried to get in a good position with some space in front or behind guys who looked liked they were there to run, which should of been most people as this group had have a previous run and be aiming for at least 75mins. I was aiming for 70mins. Iit took a minute or two to get to the timing gate at the start line, but just as i did a bit of space opened up to the left and I broke into a jog along the rail.

                                                                                                                  We're off
                                                                                                                  The start was a bit of a scramble, I was told about this before hand. I just kept to the edge and used the footpaths where I could, they had less people on them but the rain had made them a lot more slippy the road.
                                                                                                                  After the first kilometre I was breathing hard and my heart was racing. I knew enough about my ability after training to know this was just adrenaline/excitement/nerves, so i reassured my self and settled down shortly afterwards.
                                                                                                                  The first 4km was tougher than I expected, a few surprise hills thrown in and and the fact that I had to do a bit of maneuvering to pass people or get a good line. one thing i noticed was the lack of distance markers, there was none in the first half, annoying at the time but in hindsight a good thing imo. I used the next 2km, as it was flat enough, as a recovery of sorts and prepared for the big hill. I had a pretty good idea when it was coming and it was confirmed when I seen a spectator holding an "8km to Bondi" sign - around the next bend is heartbreak hill.

                                                                                                                  The hill was tough, it was pretty steep, but the hardest part was that it just didn't seam to end. It hits the steepest pretty early, but after that its just a constant climb. It leveled out for a second, but before you have time to ask if its the end it climbs again for another 500m.
                                                                                                                  Towards the end of the hill I passed a clock, I assumed it was the halfway mark. I miscalcuated that I was 2 mins behind target, (I worked off 6.5km not 7km for some reason), when I was actually ahead of pace. But i was still happy as the hardest section was complete.

                                                                                                                  Split 7km time - 34m40s
                                                                                                                  (this was the time on the race clock and not my timed 7km time)

                                                                                                                  There was advertising signs from RSVP all along it and I was pretty happy to read the final one that said "you've made it up". I didn't miss the irony of "Heartbreak" being sponsored by a dating website. The next 3km passed quite quickly. Before I knew it I passed the next clock and the 10km mark.

                                                                                                                  Split 10km time - 48m10s
                                                                                                                  (again race time, actual splits at the end)

                                                                                                                  From here I kept saying only 20 minutes left, and started to push it a bit more. There was another longish hill around here and it caught me off guard, I though it would be much easier, but I could see the water in the distance and I just blocked everything else out.
                                                                                                                  2km to go - Up the pace a little and start passing more and more people. I had been passing people all race, but I didn't get a chance to play JackyBacks's counting game.
                                                                                                                  1km to go - I gave a burst for 30 seconds to get passed a crowd then got into position for the sprnt finish. I know the road layout bondi beach so was able to time my finish pretty well. A sharp hairpin corner and 300m to the end. I gave everything I had for this last 60 seconds, it probably didn't have a huge impact on my time, but I wouldn't of been happy if I didn't push it. I crossed the line and the legs nearly gave up, could barely manage to take those shakey steps to the water. I was delighted to finish, so much so that I was about a minute late checkign the clock. I estimated that I crossed the line at about 65minutes. I knew my time was going to come down by a minute or two when my start was allowed for, but I didn't care. I was well inside my target of 70minutes.

                                                                                                                  A few hours later my chip time came in to my phone...

                                                                                                                  And the results site gives me the timed splits and race splits for 10km. Pretty happy with pace and times throughout.

                                                                                                                  sorry about the shitty picture


                                                                                                                    Well done man, all your hard work paid off


                                                                                                                      Weds - Chest/Back

                                                                                                                      Bench Press
                                                                                                                      20kg x 12
                                                                                                                      60kg x 5
                                                                                                                      80kg x 5
                                                                                                                      85kg x 5

                                                                                                                      BW x 7/7/6/5

                                                                                                                      BW x 12 x 2

                                                                                                                      *supersetted with*

                                                                                                                      Bicep curls
                                                                                                                      27.5kg x 12 x 2

                                                                                                                      Just a light session to work the muscles, was still a bit stiff on weds. That said I think the weights help speed on recovery.

                                                                                                                      So the big question from here is what next, I have a few ideas that and I'll probably go down one of these options.
                                                                                                                      1. Continue with the running for a month. There's a running festival in september (9km/half mara/marathon) and I'm considering the 21km half marathon.
                                                                                                                        Pros: I'm most of the day there with my training. Cons: More running
                                                                                                                      2. Go back to the weights, push for strength goals for 10-12 weeks, then a 4-6 week cut before xmas/summer.
                                                                                                                        Pros: 16 weeks if enough time to get in summer shape, 12 might not be after the half. Cons: same old same old.
                                                                                                                      3. Start BJJ/MT classes. keep up the strength and conditioning work.
                                                                                                                        Pros: I'd love to compete, even at League or C class level. Cons: Expensive.

                                                                                                                      Thoughts guys?
                                                                                                                      Last edited by Mellor; 19-08-11, 00:45.


                                                                                                                        Really depends on what you love and enjoy most!

                                                                                                                        I'd be a big believer in Variety, unless theres something crying out to you that you want to do.

                                                                                                                        If you continued the running, it wouldnt mean you'd have to rule out weights. Perhaps just divide the time evenly.
                                                                                                                        You said your body fat is in the high teens. Considering the amount of professionalism you put into your programme along with thought and effort, there's no reason that by having a high level of cardio mixed with Gym work you couldnt have a very adequate "Summer Body". You may not be able to lift AS much, or be AS big, but this isnt necessarily a bad thing IMO. Yet again is up to what you want to achieve yourself
                                                                                                                        GAA News Website


                                                                                                                          I think my problem is I want all three.
                                                                                                                          I've always wanted to do a marathon at some stage. I'm in a perfect position to get the half out of the way, and tbh its only 30 days away.
                                                                                                                          A decent level of MMA or even just BJJ has been a goal for ages, just getting it sorted has been hard.
                                                                                                                          I don't think 4 weeks would destroy my lifts. My goal over the last few months was get to a sub 70 C2S time but try to maintain strength.
                                                                                                                          I was 10% quicker than target and I hit PBs in most lifts over the course of my training. In that regard, I think its been pretty successful few weeks.

                                                                                                                          I could give all three a shot I suppose. Maybe something like;
                                                                                                                          4 weeks for the half maraton.
                                                                                                                          6 Weeks strength phase, with BJJ/MMA classes 1-2 times a week
                                                                                                                          6 Week cut, with BJJ/MMA classes 1-2 times a week

