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    Thurs - Workout B

    Warm up:
    Hip flexor stretch
    Wall Squat

    20kg x 5
    60kg x 5 @5
    100kg x 5 @ 8
    120kg x 5 @9
    130kg x 5 @10

    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5 @6
    50kg x 5 @8
    60kg x 3 ...ugh
    35kg x 15 (just want at least some volume out here)

    Wasn’t feeling super confidant coming into this session.
    Squats warm-ups felt heavy, and the 130kg set took it out of me.
    Pressing didn’t feel weak from the get go, and knew the minute I unloaded 50kg that 60kg wasn’t happening.
    I think part of the issue is that I’m not getting volume in on my press work sets.

    Will attempt again with a better warm up. Also, I start wearing wrist wraps today. Found them a bit distracting and uncomfortable, not sure if I’m wearing them correctly tbh.
    Last edited by Mellor; 19-03-15, 05:20.


      Thurs Night - Double session

      1 hour No-Gi BJJ

      MMA Sparring
      1 hour MMA sparring

      8 sessions in 4 days. Time for a few days off.
      Weekend away, private pool, jacuzzi, and some whiskey and wine.


        Sun - Night
        Mob 9.5
        Pigeon Pose
        Couch Stretch
        Butterfly stretch


          Mon- Workout B


          Warm-up/Mob 10.1
          Shoulder Dislocates
          Overhead Shoulder Stretch (cable)
          Shoulder distraction

          15kg x 5
          35kg x 5 @5
          45kg x 5 @6
          55kg x 5 @9
          60kg x 5 @10

          Pistols (alt. Right/Left)
          16kg x 6x 2

          Pull ups
          BW x 3 x 11/11

          Snatch Shrug
          72.5kg x 2 x 8

          Back on track. PR attempt coming up with 61kg, might need to stretch out the sessions from here.

          Mob 10.2
          Foam Roller T-spine/Beerkeg
          Lacrosse Ball Rib and scap
          Last edited by Mellor; 23-03-15, 22:41.


            Tues - Workout A

            Pigeon Position
            Hip flexor stretch
            3D Hip Stretch

            20kg x 5
            60kg x 5 @5
            100kg x 5 @7
            127.5kg x 5 @9
            *mixed grip*
            140kg x 3 @8
            165kg x 5 @10 *PR*

            Hip Thrust
            100kg x 2 x 8

            Bicep Curls
            24kg x 8
            31.5kg x 8
            32.5kg x 8

            Max effort on DLs. First rep I focused on hips low, went up slow but fine. But the 4th and 5th by back was collapsing a little. Made it grind through 5 reps though.
            Not quite sure if I'm hitting the limits of linear progression or the calorie deficit is starting to impede progress.
            127.5kg double over maxed out my grip again. Might need to cut that when I go for 170kgx5
            Last edited by Mellor; 24-03-15, 05:00.


              Tuesday - Mobility

              Mob 10.3
              Power Splits on rings - 3 x 10 w/10 second hold on last rep

              Pigeon Pose - 4 x 3 mins (2 per side)
              Frog Splits - 3 mins

              Splits (floor)
              Angle: 118°

              Not sure if the long rest periods over the even messed up final test.


                Weds - Workout A (cont...)

                Thoracic mobility
                Shoulder dislocates

                Bench Press
                20kg x 5
                40kg x 5
                60kg x 5 @5
                80kg x 5 @7
                87.5kg x 5 @8
                93.5kg x 5 @10 *PR*

                Pendlay Row
                60kg x 5
                77.5kg x 2 x 5

                Crossfit Open

                15.4 (Scaled)

                8min AMRAP:

                10 Push Press @ 43kgs
                10 Power Cleans @ 52.5kg
                84 Reps

                That was a good metcon. Was hoping for 4 rounds, completed the first in 1 min, was thinking 5 might be possible. But felt a sharp pain in my hand after the 3rd set of cleans, so took a slightly longer break to make sure it was ok.
                Could maybe make it to 5 rounds on repeat if I paced it better.

                Full disclosure: I racked the push press between sets. Completed each set of ten in one go though.


                  You big fat cheater. Is a good one though.
                  "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                    Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                    You big fat cheater. Is a good one though.
                    In my defense I only read that part after I got back.
                    Because I don't usually do ARAP type workouts, in never sure how to approach the pacing for these.
                    I was thinking afterwards that a steady pace might be best, say aim for 90 seconds per round to complete 5 rounds with 30 seconds to spare.


                      Weds Night

                      Sparring - 30 mins

                      Thurs - Cardio

                      Warm-up/Mob 10.4
                      Lateral Hip Distrction
                      Raised Hip Flexor Stretch
                      Raised Hamstring Stretch

                      Rowing Block
                      20sec row/60sec rest x 8

                      Didn't have the tank to go for more than 8 sets.
                      The was hitting 1:26 on the middle sets, but the lower pace of the first 5 strokes mean I struggled to average below 1:30.
                      Consistent stroke rate, but thats prob easier over short distances, just means a steady 14 strokes, 13 on last two.

                      Mob 10.5
                      Stretching and massage


                        Mob 10.6
                        Butterfly (weighted)

                        Sat - BJJ
                        45 mins light rolling, comp prep for tomorrow


                          No-Gi Comp

                          Competed today in nogi grappling.
                          Had two matches in a combined white/blue divison, won both by armbar to take the gold.

                          Had an ammy match afterwards, with headgear.
                          They put me in the 83kg division, so I was giving up a lot of height and reach. He connected on the feet a bit, I took him down, was winning the grappling, but we got stood up for the last minute. Could capitalize again and he took the decision.
                          Need to be in the correct division lower division next time.


                            [QUOTE=Mellor;884688]Mon- Workout B

                            Pigeon Position
                            Hip flexor stretch
                            3D Hip Stretch

                            20kg x 5
                            60kg x 5 @5
                            100kg x 5 @ 8
                            120kg x 5 @8
                            132.5kg x 5 @10 *PR*

                            I think depth was ok.

                            45kg x 13

                            Shoulder was sore so not up for straining under 61kg. Will repeat it later this week.

                            Pistols (alt. Right/Left)
                            16kg x 6 x 1

                            Mob 11.1
                            Pigeon Pose - 4 x 4 mins (2 per side)
                            Frog Splits - 8 mins

                            Splits (floor)
                            Angle: 121°

                            Man, I just can't increase this anymore. Grim


                              Tues - Handstands & Mobility

                              Shoulder dislocates,
                              Scap pull-ups

                              Hadstand holds
                              Back to wall x 60seconds x 2
                              One leg to wall x 30 seconds x 2

                              Mobility 11.2
                              Pigeon pose
                              Couch stretch
                              Hero pose (almost getting this to the floor now)
                              Butterfly (weighted - 2 x 14kg)

                              Weds - Workout A

                              Hip flexor stretch

                              20kg x 5
                              60kg x 5 @5
                              100kg x 5 @7
                              130kg x 3 @8 *PR*
                              *mixed grip*
                              150kg x 1 @8
                              170kg x 4 @10+ *PR*

                              Full grind on 4th rep. Didn't attempt a 5th. Disappointed to missed the fall short of 5reps.
                              A lot of slack on reps 2,3 & 4. Might of had it otherwise.
                              Shoulder and T-Spine still a bit tight from the weekend, so might be a factor in loose set up.
                              Decision now, do I up the weight next week anyway and hope for 3-5 reps. Or repeat the 170kg to get the 5s.


                              Bicep Curls
                              32.5kg x 12/12/10/8

                              No time, no energy for much else.
                              Last edited by Mellor; 01-04-15, 06:51.


                                Lots of back movement during the pull. On the third and fourth reps you actually get a decent enough setup in that your back Is flat just before you kick off the rep but it rounds out as you exert. I mean they're gritty reps and fair balls for knocking them out but it's hard to cheer you on towards 175 off that video.

                                I think people are obsessed with pre pull setup and a neutral spine but really, so long as your lumbar is set and there's no back movement during the pull it's all good imo. I think you need to reevaluate a little - you've made great progress on this lift in the space of a year already remember.

                                Sorry for being negative mate!
                                "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                  Hips a little lower will get your back straighter, and give you a better starting position for the drive and pull.

                                  Bicep curls 32.5kg though!!


                                    Don't take it as negative at all guys. It's all spot on. I was really losing it between reps there, actively resetting was draining.
                                    PR was 160 a year ago, I maxed out at a 170kg single 6 months ago. I'm happy with progress, I was never expecting 170+ to be pretty.
                                    I'll repeat the weight on Tuesday. Prob take an age on warm up and get fully mobilised.

                                    I need a tighter back, but I'm not sure hips liver is the fix. I can see that resulting in hips rising before the bar and wasting power.
                                    I do think my hips are too high setting down though. Need to reverse the movement better.
                                    Last edited by Mellor; 01-04-15, 09:32.


                                      Yeah, would probably disagree Tom on hips bring lower to start. I actually think your setup is fine. What I think you should do is video each warmup set and - with a big focus on air into your stomach and pushing the floor away - see at what weight your back is starting to change its shape during the pull. That's where the focus needs to be imo.
                                      "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                        It's more down to bodyshape difference and my bad explanation. I get my hips low and drive up straight till the bar reaches my balls and then pull back. Either of you tried sumo deadlifting?

                                        Good article from a very knowledgable guy


                                          Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                          What I think you should do is video each warmup set and - with a big focus on air into your stomach and pushing the floor away
                                          as I reset each rep I found it harder to take forceful breaths into my belly. Back failing could be completely down to that.
                                          I think I'll do record them all nest week. I have an extra day off work so can take a long session to make it work.

                                          Originally posted by TomD View Post
                                          It's more down to bodyshape difference and my bad explanation. I get my hips low and drive up straight till the bar reaches my balls and then pull back. Either of you tried sumo deadlifting?

                                          Good article from a very knowledgable guy
                                          I've never tried sumo, doesn't feel right for me at all.
                                          I've read a good few articles on that site, I like it a lot.
                                          Thought this one was good also; (diff site)
                                          Over the past few years, I’ve delved heavily into the field of biomechanics, which has helped me achieve a much greater understanding of resistance training. I’ve worked my way through...

                                          I think my hip height is ok, as long as I maintain tension in my back and don't let hips rise on their own.


                                            What about just doing singles? Reset properly after each rep type of thing. Or is that counter productive to what your goal is?


                                              Originally posted by Teddie View Post
                                              What about just doing singles? Reset properly after each rep type of thing. Or is that counter productive to what your goal is?
                                              That's essentially what I'm doing.
                                              For each rep, the bar is fully resting on the ground, the tension is out of my muscles, and I'm trying to reset into a good position again. Sometimes, this only takes 1 second, sometimes longer. I took 7 seconds between the 3rd & 4th reps.
                                              I still consider it one whole set though, as the seconds between reps isn't recovery time.


                                                Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                That's essentially what I'm doing.
                                                For each rep, the bar is fully resting on the ground, the tension is out of my muscles, and I'm trying to reset into a good position again. Sometimes, this only takes 1 second, sometimes longer. I took 7 seconds between the 3rd & 4th reps.
                                                I still consider it one whole set though, as the seconds between reps isn't recovery time.

                                                Personally I find it much easier to stand up and just do the full movement again. It's almost like my brain re-starts over again and then the process seems simpler. I still take the same amount of time as I between reps but it makes it easier, from a mental stand point I suppose.

                                                I find letting go of the bar and standing up just clears out my mind. Hard to describe really. I always found that when I stayed finished a rep and stayed gripping the bar at the bottom I just rushed everything so the next rep went to shit. I was out of breathe and because I was in the bottom position I constantly felt like I needed to lift the weight so I couldn't really think about all the steps I needed to do properly.


                                                  Thurs - Workout A cont.

                                                  Shoulder Dislocates
                                                  T-Spine mobility

                                                  Bench Press
                                                  20kg x 5
                                                  40kg x 5
                                                  60kg x 5
                                                  80kg x 5
                                                  87.5kg x 5 @ 8
                                                  95kg x 5 @10 *PR*

                                                  Hip Thrust
                                                  110kg x 2 x 8

                                                  Pendlay Row
                                                  80kg x 2 x 5

                                                  A couple of rounds of sparring

                                                  Mob 11.3
                                                  Butterfly (weighted - 2 x 14kg)
                                                  Power Splits on rings - 3 x 10 w/10 second hold on last rep


                                                    Sat - BJJ

                                                    1 hr going over grading drills

                                                    Advanced BJJ
                                                    1hr in the advanced lass going over Kimura

                                                    Mob 11.4
                                                    Pigeon Pose - 3 sets each side - 3/4/5 mins


                                                      Mon- Workout B

                                                      Pigeon Position
                                                      Hip flexor stretch
                                                      3D Hip Stretch

                                                      20kg x 5
                                                      60kg x 5 @5
                                                      100kg x 5 @8
                                                      125kg x 3 @9

                                                      Felt shit coming in. A bit run down.
                                                      Squats felt heavy warming up. Pulled up after 125kg.

                                                      60kg X ...ugh

                                                      Left it there. Just not there today.
                                                      Need a good week or ekse the wheels could fall off the strength cycle here


                                                        Tues - Handstands & Mobility

                                                        Shoulder dislocates,

                                                        Mobility 12.1
                                                        Pigeon pose
                                                        Couch stretch
                                                        Hero pose

                                                        Very light session at lunch.

                                                        I also remembered I did a Concept2 piece I never logged.
                                                        Was last Thursday I think

                                                        Rowing Block
                                                        20sec row/10sec rest x 8

                                                        Obvious target from here is to get all sets over 100m


                                                          Weds - Workout A

                                                          Hip flexor stretch

                                                          20kg x 5
                                                          60kg x 5
                                                          100kg x 3
                                                          120kg x 1
                                                          *mixed grip*
                                                          140kg x 1
                                                          155g x 1
                                                          170kg x 4 @10+

                                                          Not sure if that was 3 or 4 reps.
                                                          I was sure I was halfway up on the 5th when i failed. But the merged video only has 3 reps. but I might messed up the clipping tryign to keep it short as possible and didn't keep originals.

                                                          My setup for 170kg isn't as tight as 140kg or 155kg. So I'm pretty that's the 2nd rep and the first is missing.

                                                          All things considered. Linear progression is stalling. Time to wrap up, test maxes and deload.


                                                          Bench Press
                                                          20kg x 5
                                                          40kg x 5
                                                          60kg x 3
                                                          80kg x 2
                                                          90kg x 1 @ 8
                                                          96kg x 4 @10 *PR*

                                                          4th rep was slow so didn't attempt a 5th. I should have had this. Just a bit run down I think.
                                                          Feeling better I think I make the 5s here and also with the 170kg.
                                                          Last edited by Mellor; 08-04-15, 11:59.


                                                            I think your setup on the very last rep is the only one that isn't really acceptable and it is because you are clearly goosed. Honestly? Your back begins to move a little as it gets heavier...because it's fucking heavy!

                                                            Regarding your overall programming, lots of 10s and 10+s in your recent lifting sessions. Sounds like time alright.
                                                            "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                              Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                              I think your setup on the very last rep is the only one that isn't really acceptable and it is because you are clearly goosed. Honestly? Your back begins to move a little as it gets heavier...because it's fucking heavy!

                                                              Regarding your overall programming, lots of 10s and 10+s in your recent lifting sessions. Sounds like time alright.
                                                              was definitely better than last week, I really thought I had it. But 4th drained me. Even If I got the 5th up it would have been an ugly, ugly set.
                                                              I benched after work (added above) 96kg x 4. Should if had a 5th tbh. Still not feeling 100%. But I think these were close to max potential anyway.
                                                              I'll squat and press on Friday and test soon.
                                                              Miss a rep or two at the end of 10 week linear progression is fine with me.


                                                                Somebody's going to smash all their PBs very very soon

                                                                Great work. Keep it up.


                                                                  Wednesday to Friday training

                                                                  Wed night

                                                                  Mob 12.2
                                                                  Pigeon Pose - 4 x 2 mins (2 per side)
                                                                  Front Splits - 2 mins each side
                                                                  Frog Splits - 4 mins

                                                                  Splits (floor)
                                                                  Angle: 118° really felt like it was more - maybe its my legs growing

                                                                  Thurs - Mobility 12.3

                                                                  Couch stretch - 4 x 2mins, each side, each position
                                                                  Hero pose - just off the floor
                                                                  Butterfly - 2 x 3 mins
                                                                  (weighted - 2 x 15kg plates)

                                                                  Friday Workout B

                                                                  Pigeon Position
                                                                  Hip flexor stretch

                                                                  20kg x 5
                                                                  60kg x 5 @5
                                                                  100kg x 3 @7
                                                                  125kg x 2 @8
                                                                  135kg x 5 *PR*

                                                                  Good set, slightly high but not much

                                                                  15kg x 5
                                                                  35kg x 4
                                                                  45kg x 3
                                                                  55kg x
                                                                  61kg x 2

                                                                  Lost stability a bit at the top of the second rep, took too long to regain it and lost the 3rd rep halfway up. Disappointing but press has been consistent. Will target press triples fresh next week.

                                                                  Bicep Curls
                                                                  34kg x 8
                                                                  39kg x 5

                                                                  Mob 12.4
                                                                  Squat hold - 18 mins
                                                                  Last edited by Mellor; 11-04-15, 06:01.


                                                                    Mob 13.1
                                                                    40 mins of Pilates

                                                                    Splits (floor)
                                                                    Holding on to a barbell - 10 mins

                                                                    60 mins

                                                                    Originally posted by Lurker23
                                                                    Somebody's going to smash all their PBs very very soon

                                                                    Great work. Keep it up.
                                                                    Hopefully, this week will say a lot about where I should aim for.


                                                                      Tues - Workout A

                                                                      Jefferson Curls (20kg)
                                                                      Pigeon Position
                                                                      Hip flexor stretch
                                                                      T-Spine Mobility

                                                                      60kg x 5 @4
                                                                      100kg x 4 @6
                                                                      *mixed grip*
                                                                      140kg x 3 @7
                                                                      160kg x 1 @8
                                                                      T-Spine, Hip Flexors
                                                                      175kg x 3 *PR* @9++

                                                                      Hit my target for the sessions. Test next week
                                                                      Still being pulled into a slightly bad position, but its well over double BW at this stage.

                                                                      Hip Thrust
                                                                      120kg x 3 x 8

                                                                      Bicep Curls
                                                                      35.5kg x 8/8/5 *PR*

                                                                      I was supposed to bench triples today too. But forgot my wrist wraps, only started using them recently, but should probably take the small edge at this stage.
                                                                      Better off approaching it fresh anyway.
                                                                      Curls aren't something I've included much, but lots of heavy pressing lately, so felt I should balance it.


                                                                        Weds - Workout A cont.

                                                                        Shoulder Dislocates
                                                                        T-Spine mobility

                                                                        Bench Press
                                                                        20kg x 5
                                                                        40kg x 5
                                                                        60kg x 4
                                                                        80kg x 3
                                                                        90kg x 1 @ 8
                                                                        100kg x 3 @10 *PR*
                                                                        101.5kg x 3 @10++ *PR*

                                                                        Pendlay Row
                                                                        60kg x 5
                                                                        80kg x 2 x 5

                                                                        Knew I had 100kg. Was planning attempting heavier. Glad I has my .5kg's as 102.5kg was just too far. Hips lifted a little on the last rep, but I don't care this isn't a PL comp. +4kg on last year, and I'm about 2 or 3 kg lighter now

                                                                        Mob 13.2
                                                                        Couch Stretch
                                                                        - About 40 mins total before bed
                                                                        Last edited by Mellor; 15-04-15, 23:49.


                                                                          That's awesome


                                                                            Thurs - Workout B

                                                                            Pigeon Position
                                                                            Hip flexor stretch

                                                                            20kg x 5
                                                                            60kg x 5 @5
                                                                            100kg x 3 @7
                                                                            120kg x 2 @8
                                                                            wrist wraps
                                                                            130kg x 1 @9
                                                                            155kg Walk out
                                                                            140kg x 3 @10 *PR*

                                                                            Warm-ups felt heavy. Confidence was low-ish. Loaded up 155kg and walked it out. Held for 5 sec. Felt so heacy. Said fuck it, got angry and got under 140kg.
                                                                            Unracked it and it felt fine. Three plate triple in the bag

                                                                            Pll ups
                                                                            BW x 3 x 11 *PR*

                                                                            Mob 13.3
                                                                            Hip Flexor Stretch
                                                                            Frog Splits
                                                                            Wall Splits

                                                                            Sent a while on these, but didn't feel like that were close to my widest.
                                                                            Last edited by Mellor; 17-04-15, 06:00.


                                                                              Friday Workout B cont

                                                                              Shoulder dislocates
                                                                              Cable overhead stretch - something I came up with myself, quite happy with it

                                                                              15kg x 5
                                                                              35kg x 4 @5
                                                                              45kg x 3 @6
                                                                              55kg x 2 @7
                                                                              60kg x 1 @8
                                                                              62.5kg x 2.5 @10
                                                                              62.5kg x 2.7 @10+
                                                                              deep breaths, roll lats
                                                                              62.5kg x 3 @ 9+

                                                                              Missed the 3rd rep passed halfway on 62.5kg twice. Was really pissed off as I knew it was there. Rolled out and attacked it again, held breath throughout and made a difference. Got the 3, and it was easier than the other two, I briefly went for a 4th - optimistic.
                                                                              A bit annoyed that it took me 3 sets to get my shit together. If I got it first time I'd have tried a 63.5 PR.
                                                                              Apparently 62.5 equals my triple PR last year, press hasn't went well, but that is still surprising.

                                                                              Mob 13.4


                                                                                Friday night
                                                                                Mob 13.4
                                                                                Butterfly pose

                                                                                Sat - BJJ
                                                                                Spent about 4 hours in the gym saturday morning.
                                                                                Not too intense, 3 sets of mins wok with a lot of technique stuff.

                                                                                No-gi - 1 hour

                                                                                Drills - 1 hour

                                                                                Grading - 1 hour


                                                                                  I was looking forward to testing this week, but its not looking good.
                                                                                  I was fairly sick all day sunday, didn't eat at all. Headaches didn't go away monday but I made the effort to get some high cal food into my body.
                                                                                  An awful nights sleep later and I woke up weighing 76.2kg, down about 2kg. Made a conscious effort to eat lots this morning, drink lots of water and give deadlifts a shot. Didnlt go well.

                                                                                  Usual warm up, followed by

                                                                                  60kg x 5 @4
                                                                                  100kg x 3 @6
                                                                                  *mixed grip*
                                                                                  120kg x 1 @7
                                                                                  140kg x 1 @8
                                                                                  170kg x F

                                                                                  Started ok, but 120kg onwards felt really heavy.

                                                                                  Fairly annoyed as I had my whole week planned. Have a few options from here.
                                                                                  Take a full week of rest, repeat next week
                                                                                  Deload to 60% and repeat next week
                                                                                  Few days rest, and repeat when I feel 100%. (Thursday maybe?)


                                                                                    These things happen. Deload week with 50-60% and go again next week


                                                                                      Definitely deload and give it a go next week but...don't like your progressions there.

                                                                                      I go:

                                                                                      5 @ 60
                                                                                      5 @ 100
                                                                                      3 @ 120
                                                                                      2 @ 140
                                                                                      1 @ 160

                                                                                      every time as a warm up and never jump more than 20kgs between lifts from 100kgs on. A 30kgs jump to 170 and a mere 3 reps over 100kgs is very aggressive, too aggressive imo. Sure, you want to conserve strength but you also need to get into the groove and prep the CNS before a heavy pull.
                                                                                      "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                                                        Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                                        Definitely deload and give it a go next week but...don't like your progressions there.

                                                                                        I go:

                                                                                        5 @ 60
                                                                                        5 @ 100
                                                                                        3 @ 120
                                                                                        2 @ 140
                                                                                        1 @ 160

                                                                                        every time as a warm up and never jump more than 20kgs between lifts from 100kgs on. A 30kgs jump to 170 and a mere 3 reps over 100kgs is very aggressive, too aggressive imo. Sure, you want to conserve strength but you also need to get into the groove and prep the CNS before a heavy pull.
                                                                                        Yeah I switch to a more aggressive warm up on the fly as I felt I wasn't gonna play the full match. I'd usually go with my warm up last week. Which was close your suggestion above.
                                                                                        Decided to deload and eat up this week. I reckon I'll be alright next week.


                                                                                          Wednesday - Mobility
                                                                                          Hip Flexor stretch
                                                                                          calf stretch
                                                                                          Power Splits on rings - 3 x 10 w/10 second hold on last rep

                                                                                          Wednesday Night
                                                                                          60mins of movement and sparring

                                                                                          Thursday - Deload session A

                                                                                          P-chain machine
                                                                                          A-chain machine
                                                                                          Jefferson curls x/20kg

                                                                                          I only found out about these stretching machines in the corner today. Thay were quite good to stretch with, and it gives you you ROM as a number on a dial, so good to check range over time.

                                                                                          20kg x 8
                                                                                          60kg x 8
                                                                                          100kg x 8
                                                                                          100kg x 10

                                                                                          Bench Press
                                                                                          20kg x 8
                                                                                          40kg x 8
                                                                                          50kg x 8
                                                                                          60kg x 10
                                                                                          Dead stop Bench (bottom position)
                                                                                          60kg x 8

                                                                                          Pendlay Row
                                                                                          50kg x 2 x 8

                                                                                          Bicep Curls
                                                                                          20kg x 20

                                                                                          Deadlifts felt good, start position felt near perfect. Hamstrings been hit stretched a lot lately. Bench felt very fast too. Time will tell.


                                                                                            Don't get too stressed about it Mellor.

                                                                                            It's unfortunate you were sick in the wrong week but it's quite obvious that your strength is progressing well even if it doesn't show up when you test next time.

                                                                                            Being honest I might just start another cycle and skip the testing as it's clear you would've smashed it. It's a toughie to decide as obviously everyone wants that positive feedback in terms of actual one rep PBs. Something to think about anyway.


                                                                                              Friday - Deload session B

                                                                                              Air squats

                                                                                              15kg x 8
                                                                                              35kg x 8
                                                                                              75kg x 2 x 8
                                                                                              75kg x 10

                                                                                              20kg x 8
                                                                                              35kg x 2 x 8
                                                                                              35kg x 10

                                                                                              35kg x 2 x 3

                                                                                              35kg x 2 x 3

                                                                                              Squats were uncomfortable on my shoulder starting off but got better. Depth was really comfortable.
                                                                                              Oly lifts were just for something a bit faster. Smooth, but that's always the case until I start upping the load.


                                                                                                Originally posted by Lurker23 View Post
                                                                                                Being honest I might just start another cycle and skip the testing as it's clear you would've smashed it. It's a toughie to decide as obviously everyone wants that positive feedback in terms of actual one rep PBs. Something to think about anyway.
                                                                                                Ah get away outta here with your logic.
                                                                                                To be fair, you've solid point there. Testing isn't going to make me stronger.
                                                                                                I've my next cycle half worked out, might need to finalise my %'s during the week.
                                                                                                Testing only serves to establish loads.


                                                                                                  Screw it, Test Week is here.

                                                                                                  I weighed myself a few time over the last two days to establish a BW for the week.
                                                                                                  Weight: 77.5kg


                                                                                                  Mob 14.1
                                                                                                  Deep tissue massage - Ouch!, felt like she was trying to inflict scoliosis on me

                                                                                                  40mins of stand up sparring after work
                                                                                                  Last edited by Mellor; 28-04-15, 00:52.


                                                                                                    Tues - Deadlift

                                                                                                    P-chain machine
                                                                                                    A-chain machine
                                                                                                    Pigeon Position
                                                                                                    Jefferson curls x/20kg
                                                                                                    T-Spine Mobility
                                                                                                    Hip Flexor stretch

                                                                                                    20kg x 5
                                                                                                    60kg x 5
                                                                                                    100kg x 5
                                                                                                    120kg x 3
                                                                                                    140kg x 1
                                                                                                    160kg x
                                                                                                    160kg x 1
                                                                                                    180kg x F

                                                                                                    Meh, not good, but to be expected tbh. I knew warming up that it wasn't my day.
                                                                                                    Could be any number of reasons; Being sick last week, wheels coming off training a bit the last few weeks. Probably wasn't the best idea stretching hamstrings before hand. It definitely allow be to get into a "better" start position, I felt really mobile but it also felt like I lost tension is my start position.
                                                                                                    Lurkers suggestion was prob a better option. But its only one week delay til I start a new program.
                                                                                                    Only question is whether I base number off 185kg at xmas, or heaviest DL recently. 175kg (x3).


                                                                                                      Weds - Bench Press

                                                                                                      Shoulder Dislocates
                                                                                                      T-Spine mobility

                                                                                                      Bench Press
                                                                                                      20kg x 5
                                                                                                      40kg x 5
                                                                                                      60kg x 5
                                                                                                      80kg x 3
                                                                                                      90kg x 1
                                                                                                      95kg x 1 @6
                                                                                                      100kg x 1 @8
                                                                                                      103.5kg x 1 @9
                                                                                                      106kg x 1 @9.5 *PR*
                                                                                                      107.5kg x 1 @10+ *PR*

                                                                                                      77.5kg x 10

                                                                                                      DB Bench Press
                                                                                                      30kg x
                                                                                                      32.5kg x 3
                                                                                                      37.5kg x 2

                                                                                                      Small 1kg PR in 106 first, I wanted to make sure I was taking that at least.
                                                                                                      Felt good getting under 107.5kg, but it was a slow ugly rep. Touched chest, but I'm not sure about it. Will post video later
                                                                                                      77.5kg for reps and the DB Was a bit rushed. Pretty sure i can go heavier there.
                                                                                                      Last edited by Mellor; 29-04-15, 12:51.



                                                                                                        Mob 14.2
                                                                                                        Splits (floor)
                                                                                                        Butterfly pose

                                                                                                        Wednesday night
                                                                                                        60mins of stand up sparring after work


                                                                                                          Use 180 as your 1rm imo
                                                                                                          "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                                                                            Thurs - Squats

                                                                                                            Pigeon Position
                                                                                                            Hip flexor stretch
                                                                                                            Shoulder dislocates
                                                                                                            Monster Band walks

                                                                                                            20kg x 5
                                                                                                            60kg x 5
                                                                                                            100kg x 5 @5
                                                                                                            120kg x 3
                                                                                                            wrist wraps
                                                                                                            130kg x 1 @6
                                                                                                            140kg x 1 @8
                                                                                                            145kg x 1 @9
                                                                                                            160kg walkout
                                                                                                            147.5kg x 1 @10 (PR-ish)

                                                                                                            I rushed 145kg a bit and was thrown forward a little near the bottom, and missed depth.
                                                                                                            Walked outed 160kg, held as long as comfortable. Focused on 147.5kg, strong, wide base. Felt light unracking*. At the time I felt like I was fast in and out of the bottom and hit depth, but on review it was high. Disappointed.
                                                                                                            Had intended to try 150kg, but no point.
                                                                                                            I'm going to based my next phase off those 147kg anyway as I feel the strength is there.


                                                                                                            Pull ups
                                                                                                            BW x 5
                                                                                                            5kg x 3
                                                                                                            10kg x 2
                                                                                                            15kg x 1
                                                                                                            20kg x 1
                                                                                                            22.5kg x 1
                                                                                                            25kg x 1
                                                                                                            28kg x 1
                                                                                                            30.5kg x 1
                                                                                                            33kg x 1 *PR*

                                                                                                            It's been a while since I tested these. Previous best was 20kg (c.18 months ago)
                                                                                                            13kg PR really exceed expectations though.

                                                                                                            Squat Videos

                                                                                                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                                                                                                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                                                                                                            Also, here's the bench from yesterday. Not perfect either.

                                                                                                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                                                                                                            Last edited by Mellor; 30-04-15, 07:46.


                                                                                                              Sat - Final test session

                                                                                                              BW overhead squats
                                                                                                              Shoulder dislocates
                                                                                                              Overhead band mobility

                                                                                                              20kg x 5
                                                                                                              35kg x 5
                                                                                                              45kg x 3
                                                                                                              55kg x 2
                                                                                                              60kg x 1 @7
                                                                                                              65kg x 1 @9
                                                                                                              66.5kg x 1 @10

                                                                                                              I thought my PR coming in was 65, but I just checked and it was 67.5kg.
                                                                                                              So 1kg short of a PR on the press, but im lighter now so its a very small BW relative increase.
                                                                                                              Gonna really focus on press for the next while. 70kg is the target.

                                                                                                              15kg x 5
                                                                                                              35kg x 3
                                                                                                              45kg x 2,1
                                                                                                              50kg x 1 @7
                                                                                                              52.5kg x 1 @8 *PR*
                                                                                                              55kg x 1 @9 *PR*

                                                                                                              58kg x F

                                                                                                              I forgot my micro plates, would have probably tried 56.5kg instead.
                                                                                                              I'm getting enough height, just not getting low enough under the bar.

                                                                                                              Power Clean
                                                                                                              55kg x 3
                                                                                                              65kg x 1
                                                                                                              70kg x 1 @6
                                                                                                              75kg x 1 @8
                                                                                                              77.5kg x 1 @9 *PR*

                                                                                                              Bodyweight powerclean.
                                                                                                              I really could have gotten this a long time ago, but technique just isn't there.
                                                                                                              Still though, its a benchmark. And I'd say I had a fair bit in the tank there.

                                                                                                              Not exactly amazing test week. But numbers more or less going up, weight going down. And baseline for nest cycle set.


                                                                                                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                                                                                                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                                                                                                              Power Clean
                                                                                                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                                                                                                              Last edited by Mellor; 04-05-15, 04:23.


                                                                                                                Sick press grinds!!

                                                                                                                And that power clean looked great, more there imo. Great work in here as always.

                                                                                                                qq: what do you use to edit your videos? I think I should spend five minutes putting lifts together in the one video.
                                                                                                                "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                                                                                  If I were you I'd throw some pause squats into your next squat cycle so you'll feel a little bit more comfortable and confident hitting depth and coming out of the hole. It should also help you keep a better position too.


                                                                                                                    I'd suggest high bar squatting tbh. You are doing all of this for Athletic carryover so high / parallel low bar squatting doesn't make as much sense in my mind as upright torso full depth high bar squats...even if there is as much as 20% off the bar. Your Deadlift is to a level that training it will give you that lower body and trunk strength, but I'd switch the focus on squatting to establishing good positions consistently. My two cents anyway.
                                                                                                                    "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally." - John Maynard Keynes


                                                                                                                      Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                                                                      qq: what do you use to edit your videos? I think I should spend five minutes putting lifts together in the one video.
                                                                                                                      I used used windows movie maker for those. It comes pre -install on a lot of windows packs, but if not its a free download. Pretty easy to use too.
                                                                                                                      I felt it was a easier for people to review whole sessions that way.

                                                                                                                      Originally posted by Lurker23 View Post
                                                                                                                      If I were you I'd throw some pause squats into your next squat cycle so you'll feel a little bit more comfortable and confident hitting depth and coming out of the hole. It should also help you keep a better position too.
                                                                                                                      Pause squats are something I've thought about before. I hear them recommended a lot.
                                                                                                                      Originally posted by LuckyLloyd View Post
                                                                                                                      I'd suggest high bar squatting tbh. You are doing all of this for Athletic carryover so high / parallel low bar squatting doesn't make as much sense in my mind as upright torso full depth high bar squats...even if there is as much as 20% off the bar. Your Deadlift is to a level that training it will give you that lower body and trunk strength, but I'd switch the focus on squatting to establishing good positions consistently. My two cents anyway.
                                                                                                                      I keep saying I'll switch to high bat for a while. There was a thread on boards that talking about the merits of training both, that made a lot of sense.
                                                                                                                      One of the reasons I've stuck with low bar is that it closely replicates a wrestling stance , more so than high bar. See the universal stance here. But I haven't found much on which is better for MMA/Wrestling, which is surprising given how big wrestlign is in the states, and how much has been written on high bar v low bar in general.

                                                                                                                      I can't see the downside to running low bar for a few weeks. I'm going to run my 6 week program starting next week. Might take a few weeks to adjust to high bar, then run it again with a high bar.


                                                                                                                        Tuesday - Session A

                                                                                                                        Something a bit diferent this week

                                                                                                                        A-chain machine
                                                                                                                        P-chain machine - making it into the 80s now, up from 70s two weeks ago

                                                                                                                        Snatch Grip Deadlifts
                                                                                                                        20kg x 8
                                                                                                                        40kg x 5
                                                                                                                        60kg x 5
                                                                                                                        80kg x 5
                                                                                                                        80kg x 5 2" deficit

                                                                                                                        Such a tough DL variation. The deficit felt fine, no issue getting into position.
                                                                                                                        I find the hardest part of SGDL's is about 1/3 of the way up

                                                                                                                        Box Jumps
                                                                                                                        24" x 3
                                                                                                                        36" x 2
                                                                                                                        38" x 2
                                                                                                                        40" x 1
                                                                                                                        42" x 1

                                                                                                                        Bench Press
                                                                                                                        20kg x 8
                                                                                                                        40kg x 5
                                                                                                                        60kg x 5
                                                                                                                        77.5kg x 15 *PR*

                                                                                                                        BW on the bar for 15 reps. The last was an ugly grinder.

                                                                                                                        DB bench Press
                                                                                                                        32kg x 5
                                                                                                                        35kg x 3
                                                                                                                        40kg x F

                                                                                                                        37.5kg was AWOL. Not entirely comfortable maxing out on DBs solo

                                                                                                                        Pendlay Row
                                                                                                                        60kg x 5
                                                                                                                        70kg x 3
                                                                                                                        80kg x 1
                                                                                                                        85kg x 1
                                                                                                                        90kg x 1 *PR*

                                                                                                                        Max single for programming purposes. If I went any higher ROM would suffer and it would get hard to not use leg drive.


                                                                                                                          Thurs - Session B

                                                                                                                          Hip flexr stretch

                                                                                                                          Pause Squats (2-3 seconds ATG pause)
                                                                                                                          20kg x 8
                                                                                                                          40kg x 5
                                                                                                                          60kg x 5
                                                                                                                          80kg x 5
                                                                                                                          100kg x 5

                                                                                                                          So slow out of the hole, but solid depth.

                                                                                                                          20kg x 8
                                                                                                                          40kg x 5
                                                                                                                          60kg x 5
                                                                                                                          70kg x 3
                                                                                                                          78kg x 1 *PR*

                                                                                                                          Body weight thruster. Happy.
                                                                                                                          Heaviest thruster before today was a 62.5kg set 2 years ago.
                                                                                                                          That BW Jerk and thruster, next I suppose I'll hit the push press.

                                                                                                                          Hamstring stretch machine (P-Chain)

