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Running (up that hill)

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    I'm trying to get back into the habit a bit now after being crazy at work the last few weeks. I suppose the sunshine isn't a help but found 7.3km at 5:45/k fairly tough yesterday which is fairly weak.

    Got out on the bike today and the legs were not great for the first 30 mins but found I was going relatively well after that.

    Hopefully I haven't lost too much ground, planning to do a local sprint tri next week so I'll have to try and get as much back as possible as quickly as possible!


      Originally posted by Keane View Post
      I'm trying to get back into the habit a bit now after being crazy at work the last few weeks. I suppose the sunshine isn't a help but found 7.3km at 5:45/k fairly tough yesterday which is fairly weak.

      Got out on the bike today and the legs were not great for the first 30 mins but found I was going relatively well after that.

      Hopefully I haven't lost too much ground, planning to do a local sprint tri next week so I'll have to try and get as much back as possible as quickly as possible!
      First one back can often be tough especially if you’re running slower as it’ll seemingly drag on for ages. Few more runs per week and you’ll be back at it


        Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post

        First one back can often be tough especially if you’re running slower as it’ll seemingly drag on for ages. Few more runs per week and you’ll be back at it
        Got out again today and did 7.8. It felt slow and tough but when I checked back it wasn't a huge amount off my 10k PB time. Now in fairness I've never really pushed myself to do a decent 10k time but potentially I'm not gone back as much as I thought I was.

        I might try and do a fast 5k in the next couple of days to see how I go and what I should target in the triathlon. I'd been hoping to do about 25 mins originally but not sure I'll manage that now. Race conditions will probably help.
        Last edited by Keane; 22-07-20, 14:58.


          Originally posted by Keane View Post

          Got out again today and did 7.8. It felt slow and tough but when I checked back it wasn't a huge amount off my 10k PB time. Now in fairness I've never really pushed myself to do a decent 10k time but potentially I'm not gone back as much as I thought I was.

          I might try and do a fast 5k in the next couple of days to see how I go and what I should target in the triathlon. I'd been hoping to do about 25 mins originally but not sure I'll manage that now. Race conditions will probably help.
          I think a flat out 5km is a great test of where you are fitness wise. If PB is 25 then anything in 26s after a long break is good place to start. My PB was 21.12 and after taking 6weeks off I could only muster 23:50, then after a series of efforts I was in 21:50 the following week. It’ll come quickly.


            Originally posted by BennyHiFi View Post
            It's not often I break a PB these days but clocked up my 7th 10Km in 7 days today to beat the previous 6-in-a-row in Lanzarote 5 or 6 years ago.

            Will probably try and rock on to 10 or until the weather gets the better of me or I wake up feeling too fat or stiff some day next week.
            14 in a row completed today. Getting easier and mostly faster too. Suppose I'll crack on until the weather stops me (all day heavy wind and rain probably the only blocker now.)

            Only able to do it cos WFH and very little working being done TBH but I'll take that as it's as close to endurance running as I'll get at this stage.

            Actually considering dropping a half marathon into the mix next week but not sure how sensible or realistic that is. We'll see.


              Was out Thurs Sat and Sun
              Did a nice mountain jog on Sat felt strong and coping with the hills better. Still just doing a slow steady pace.

              Went out Sun to the park and mixed in a few fast 150s and 100s with the jogging with lots of stretching after.

              Have what feels like a strained ligament or something back of leg (not the hammer or calf more level with the knee)

              Hopefully just a niggle that'll go away in a few days.


                Originally posted by dinekes View Post
                Was out Thurs Sat and Sun
                Did a nice mountain jog on Sat felt strong and coping with the hills better. Still just doing a slow steady pace.

                Went out Sun to the park and mixed in a few fast 150s and 100s with the jogging with lots of stretching after.

                Have what feels like a strained ligament or something back of leg (not the hammer or calf more level with the knee)

                Hopefully just a niggle that'll go away in a few days.

                Try a foam roller down the outside of your leg, up from the knee - your IT band, I find that helps my knees no end.


                  Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post

                  Try a foam roller down the outside of your leg, up from the knee - your IT band, I find that helps my knees no end.
                  Thanks, will give that a go


                    Lazare, how did we not see more hype on the race build up? Also where did it take place?


                      Running has been going really well for me over these months. Have been getting out every other day since the start of March all the time building up the Kms.
                      Today I hit 200 Km for July which included a few sub 60 10K's , a half and my longest ever run of 30K in better times than I was doing 10K a few months ago, 750k since March is more than I did last year
                      I'm mostly kind of amazed at how well I'm holding up and how much I'm enjoying it. Had a couple of niggles that I thought might become serious but so far just stretching, rolling, icing and an occasional difene are keeping me on track. Had one visit to the physio and will hopefully be getting back to a regular monthly massage again from next week.
                      Had been struggling since autumn with an extremely painful frozen shoulder that had stopped me swimming, I was getting some very aggressive treatment for wh n it all shut down leaving me with just the exercises to do myself but this last couple of weeks it seems to be getting to where I might try swimming again. If I was to do that and a lot more on the bike I could possibly aim at getting a late season tri in now that the wetsuit fits again!

                      I was probably very lucky that i had flipped that hideously inaccessible eat clean eat less switch in my head in January so that when the world changed I was already well in my stride on it. Altogether I'm down 18Kg to 80 but am now struggling to stay off the bread and those two squares of chocolate a night have become four but hopefully I can fend off the crisps and cakes phase for a while yet and maybe get rid of another few Kg and aim to make 80 a ceiling instead of a floor.
                      Last edited by Strewelpeter; 30-07-20, 21:14.
                      Turning millions into thousands


                        Originally posted by Strewelpeter View Post
                        Running has been going really well for me over these months. Have been getting out every other day since the start of March all the time building up the Kms.
                        Today I hit 200 Km for July which included a few sub 60 10K's , a half and my longest ever run of 30K in better times than I was doing 10K a few months ago, 750k since March is more than I did last year
                        I'm mostly kind of amazed at how well I'm holding up and how much I'm enjoying it. Had a couple of niggles that I thought might become serious but so far just stretching, rolling, icing and an occasional difene are keeping me on track. Had one visit to the physio and will hopefully be getting back to a regular monthly massage again from next week.
                        Had been struggling since autumn with an extremely painful frozen shoulder that had stopped me swimming, I was getting some very aggressive treatment for wh n it all shut down leaving me with just the exercises to do myself but this last couple of weeks it seems to be getting to where I might try swimming again. If I was to do that and a lot more on the bike I could possibly aim at getting a late season tri in now that the wetsuit fits again!

                        I was probably very lucky that i had flipped that hideously inaccessible eat clean eat less switch in my head in January so that when the world changed I was already well in my stride on it. Altogether I'm down 18Kg to 80 but am now struggling to stay off the bread and those two squares of chocolate a night have become four but hopefully I can fend off the crisps and cakes phase for a while yet and maybe get rid of another few Kg and aim to make 80 a ceiling instead of a floor.
                        Jeez that's some going SP. Really well done.

                        I'm struggling to get from 87kg to 80kg (and then 77kg as my next target) despite running nearly every day and intermittent fasting in July and part of June.

                        Still on the bread and cakes mind you so that might be it. Getting to sub 60 min 10km is a great achievement also. I think that ship has sailed for me, I'm stuck at 61.5 mins at best but if I lost another 4 or 5 kg maybe it could be possible.

                        Anyway, inspiring stuff. Was wavering on doing a half marathon this morning - mind saying do it, body saying no - but this post has me rearing to go now!

                        Congrats again.


                          13.1 miles done in 2:19. Very happy I read SPs post at exactly the right time!

                          So that's 18 10kms and a 22km completed in 19 days straight. Probably take tomorrow off as I have a 5 hr car journey to north Donegal but plenty of beach running for the week then.

                          Feel like I could run forever at the minute.


                            Pain I had in back of knee from Mon I think is hamstring.
                            Left it a few days doing nothing on it but it's not improving.

                            I'm definitely carrying too much weight which is putting too much stress on the ole bod. Was delighted when the calf injury improved so probably did a bit too much too quick.

                            So running is out for a few weeks at least if it's hamstring.
                            Shedding a few lbs and conditioning I can at least work on in the meantime.

                            Deciding what to cut down on will be key I guess plus replacing with healthy stuff. I cook a fair bit with takeaway max twice a week
                            Booze is the obvious choice to cut back on.
                            Bread I probably could cut down a bit too.
                            Reduce portion size of pasta/etc
                            Dont eat cakes etc and very little chocolate.
                            Do enjoy tayto binge every now and again.

                            Any tips welcomed!


                              Yes I figured you can’t outrun a bad diet when I made no gains last year. If you don’t believe me start tracking your calorie burn from strava running and then look seriously at everything you eat that has a calorie Courtney, every bun every beer every coke etc. I’m close on 10kg lighter now after about 8 months of steady decreases from 87 to 77, all based on cutting out shit food. I still eat the odd bag of crisps, but cut out chips and spuds and eat way more spicy chicken salads instead of pasta and also cut out a lot of snacking. I found I was eating way too much at lunchtime probably out of boredom, but find eating way less doesn’t make me hungrier later in the day, I’m always hungry at 5pm anyway and equally full at 2pm, I’m actually more productive after a smaller lunch.


                                Agree fully that you can't outrun a bad diet. I've done 1000km a year for six or seven years now and only ever lose weight when I change my diet (reduced carbs/reduce refined sugar/intermittent fasting being the various dietary changes over the last 3 or 4 years). The fasting currently working well - no food from 8pm to noon the next day, only black, sugarless coffee and water in the morning - with slow and hopefully sustainable loss on two meals a day. Not really a snacker anyway but do love biccies and tea after lunch/dinner. Starting to occasionally avoid these now too though but can reduce further if I feel I'm hitting a flat spot I suppose.


                                  'I ran out of excuses': lockdown raises the bar for UK ultrarunners


                                    Originally posted by BennyHiFi View Post
                                    Agree fully that you can't outrun a bad diet. I've done 1000km a year for six or seven years now and only ever lose weight when I change my diet (reduced carbs/reduce refined sugar/intermittent fasting being the various dietary changes over the last 3 or 4 years). The fasting currently working well - no food from 8pm to noon the next day, only black, sugarless coffee and water in the morning - with slow and hopefully sustainable loss on two meals a day. Not really a snacker anyway but do love biccies and tea after lunch/dinner. Starting to occasionally avoid these now too though but can reduce further if I feel I'm hitting a flat spot I suppose.
                                    Well with that amount of exercise it could only be diet, that’s some mileage to do consistently. What weight are you now?


                                      Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post

                                      Well with that amount of exercise it could only be diet, that’s some mileage to do consistently. What weight are you now?
                                      Oh it is for sure diet. I eat what I want which means plenty of bread and biscuits. Was 87kg in Jan but down to 81kg now with the intermittent fasting, hardly any drinking and the miles. So when the weight loss bottoms out I'll probably change my diet again to push a few more easy kilos off.

                                      Have done some nice runs in Donegal since Saturday, not least of all the Horn Head loop which was spectacular but quite challenging with a 700ft elevation in a couple of miles.

                                      Ate an extra bun that evening cos I earned it


                                        Originally posted by BennyHiFi View Post

                                        Oh it is for sure diet. I eat what I want which means plenty of bread and biscuits. Was 87kg in Jan but down to 81kg now with the intermittent fasting, hardly any drinking and the miles. So when the weight loss bottoms out I'll probably change my diet again to push a few more easy kilos off.

                                        Have done some nice runs in Donegal since Saturday, not least of all the Horn Head loop which was spectacular but quite challenging with a 700ft elevation in a couple of miles.

                                        Ate an extra bun that evening cos I earned it
                                        For someone who grew up in donegal I’m annoyed I didn’t see more of it when I was there. Running is a great way to see a place I think, even more so than cycling as you’re not watching the road as much. Have you been to Portsalon?


                                          Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post
                                          Lazare, how did we not see more hype on the race build up? Also where did it take place?
                                          Sorry, haven't popped my head in here in ages. I really miss the homepage of the old site prompting me of new posts.

                                          Myself and HJ were communicating over pm about it. I didn't want to be the one hyping it in case I won comfortably and looked like a bit of a dick.

                                          We both ran it separately and pm'd each other our times.

                                          I had totally forgotten there was a wager. €25 of beer and €25 to charity.

                                          I told him to forget about the wager, it was a bit of fun, but he made a donation to Féileacáin.

                                          I hold silver in tit for tat, and I love you for that


                                            Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post

                                            For someone who grew up in donegal I’m annoyed I didn’t see more of it when I was there. Running is a great way to see a place I think, even more so than cycling as you’re not watching the road as much. Have you been to Portsalon?
                                            Agree totally. Things go by at just the right pace while running. Would have passed through Portsalon on trips to Fanad over the years but never run there. The running in Donegal last week was really spectacular. Did 10km this morning around Seamus Heaney country in south Derry. Beautiful day for it too.


                                              I'd fallen out of my running schedule about 4 weeks ago but managed to get back out this morning to get back into a groove, got 3k done in a local park but I was all over the place, couldn't focus and my breathing was awful.

                                              I sent Lazare a message as according to my Samsung Health I'm in the maximum zone for the majority of my instead of being anaerobic I'm assuming is the best?
                                              "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                                Originally posted by tylerdurden94 View Post
                                                I'd fallen out of my running schedule about 4 weeks ago but managed to get back out this morning to get back into a groove, got 3k done in a local park but I was all over the place, couldn't focus and my breathing was awful.

                                                I sent Lazare a message as according to my Samsung Health I'm in the maximum zone for the majority of my instead of being anaerobic I'm assuming is the best?
                                                My biggest struggle was with the breathing.
                                                A wheeze may have had something do with it for me, GP put me on Ventolin so take a blast before a run. Think it helps a bit.

                                                Doing better now but anytime I struggle I just slow right down to a comfortable level sometimes even to a walk and pick up later.

                                                Had a nice run out towards Roundwood yesterday, felt really strong for most of it. Usually this is when I do myself a mischief so going to just go real easy for the next few runs.


                                                  I went up Carrauntoohil today for the first time ever (to my minor shame), it's a tough hike but what a way to spend a day.

                                                  I see Strewel is out on the bike a bit lately, you love to see it

                                                  Heading for Kenmare this weekend, was meant to be the rescheduled Ring of Beara but it's been cancelled again since. Hoping to do some of the route anyway. Its beautiful down there.


                                                    Spent the week in Kenmare and didn’t get out running once, views were phenomenal to be fair but ended up driving mostly.


                                                      Was up the mountains again yesterday
                                                      Hilly terrain but did 3k in 18mins. It's slow I know but happy with that due to the terrain. Have the brakes on going downhill as my knees hurt. It's like the cartilage is worn down and there's grating going on.
                                                      Did another 2k in bursts plus a good bit of walking for a good solid workout.

                                                      Love the scenery and views jogging along. Always seem to do better sessions there than down the park for some reason.


                                                        Was out running Saturday in the local park and was in the Phoenix Park at 6am this morning but both my heels are cut from my runners, been running in Asics for awhile. Seems to be okay for a while but then it will flare up. Should I be buying runners bigger than the size I'd normally wear, any pointers greatly appreciated.
                                                        "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                                          Originally posted by tylerdurden94 View Post
                                                          Was out running Saturday in the local park and was in the Phoenix Park at 6am this morning but both my heels are cut from my runners, been running in Asics for awhile. Seems to be okay for a while but then it will flare up. Should I be buying runners bigger than the size I'd normally wear, any pointers greatly appreciated.

                                                          Feet do swell during running so it could be as simple as getting nexr size up.

                                                          I got a pair of Asics in Amphibian King last year €75 (sale)
                                                          They did a gait analysis with my normal size but she made me try the next size up (she was saying that Asics were tight fitting)
                                                          I was perfectly happy with the first pair but was glad she had the experience and took the time to do it right.
                                                          Haven't suffered any abrasions yet luckily
                                                          I used to have a habit of trying the laces tight now I just tie em loose as Asics almost mould themselves to the feet.
                                                          Also they threw in a pair of special running socks that may help.

                                                          Bit of vaseline and bandage should do in the short term.

                                                          Not affiliated to Amphibian King just like their service.


                                                            Hit a 41:19 10km PB yesterday. Think I shaved off at least 2 mins. Was all flat or downhill but delighted with it. Will prob test 5km later this week to see if 18:xx is possible.


                                                              Originally posted by FeetMagic View Post
                                                              Hit a 41:19 10km PB yesterday. Think I shaved off at least 2 mins. Was all flat or downhill but delighted with it. Will prob test 5km later this week to see if 18:xx is possible.


                                                                Originally posted by FeetMagic View Post
                                                                Hit a 41:19 10km PB yesterday. Think I shaved off at least 2 mins. Was all flat or downhill but delighted with it. Will prob test 5km later this week to see if 18:xx is possible.
                                                                It shouldn’t make as big a difference as you’d imagine but i can only recommend Balega hidden comfort socks. It’s all I run in now, they’re €12/pair and trust me they’re class. A mate recommended them to me and I nearly lol’d in his face but bought a pair to appease him - game changer!


                                                                  Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post

                                                                  It shouldn’t make as big a difference as you’d imagine but i can only recommend Balega hidden comfort socks. It’s all I run in now, they’re €12/pair and trust me they’re class. A mate recommended them to me and I nearly lol’d in his face but bought a pair to appease him - game changer!
                                                                  Nice one, I've become accustomed to shelling out on running socks the past year or two, after years of running in tattered Pennys' yokes. Definitely reduces the volume of blisters. I have a bunch of Feetures stock atm but will check them out!


                                                                    Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post

                                                                    It shouldn’t make as big a difference as you’d imagine but i can only recommend Balega hidden comfort socks. It’s all I run in now, they’re €12/pair and trust me they’re class. A mate recommended them to me and I nearly lol’d in his face but bought a pair to appease him - game changer!
                                                                    Meant to quote Dinkes for that too!


                                                                      Originally posted by Goodluck2me View Post

                                                                      Meant to quote Dinkes for that too!
                                                                      Must get some new gear!
                                                                      Will look out for that brand cheers.

                                                                      Haven't got out as much as I would like the past couple of weeks, in fairness the lashing rain didnt help.

                                                                      Was up the mountains again at the w/e, bit of running but more hill climbing, it's all good.


                                                                        Had a nice session yesterday.
                                                                        4k run
                                                                        5 x 100 80% sprints (with jog/walk 100 metre recovery)
                                                                        Sit ups, squats (1 legged)
                                                                        Lots of stretching

                                                                        Back at it later today
                                                                        Probably just a long easy jog and some upper body and core work.

                                                                        My go to slow gear is producing a 6min per K pace or 10 min mile but it allows me to run further without struggling too much with breathing.
                                                                        Want to up that a bit at some stage but happy enough just laying down mileage at the minute.

                                                                        Today in park..
                                                                        Started a jog with the plan being to just do a 5k or so.
                                                                        Only got less than 1.5k in and changed my mind..just wasnt in the humour so switched to intervals of 150M x about 10 or so. Good workout with tricep dips, sit ups and plank, loads of stretching again.
                                                                        Warm down jog about 1k.

                                                                        Working on keeping the spine straight and shoulders relaxed with good arm movement. Frees up the chest for better breathing and keeps the tension out of the upper body (which keeps tension out of lower)
                                                                        Theres a good yoga stretch for that. Fingers interlaced with arms straight behind your back and bending forward forehead to knees.

                                                                        Next run though will be long, need to push through that "dont feel like doing it" barrier that pops up every now and again. Dont get it as much in the mountains for some reason maybe its the distraction of the scenery.

                                                                        Last edited by dinekes; 20-09-20, 14:42.


                                                                          Wasnt going to go out today as had 2 in.a row done but such a fantastic evening said fuck it. Glad I did ...park was packed ..the only good thing about this virus is it seems to be getting people out and about.
                                                                          Did about 3.5k or so ..(forgot my fitbit)
                                                                          Some sprints too with push ups/sit ups.

                                                                          Lots of stretching, really working the spine.
                                                                          Trying to get out and do something fitnessy 5 times a week.

                                                                          Cut back on booze at the W/E and kind of feeling the difference straight away.

                                                                          If anyone has any updates I'm always interested in hearing about progress/tips etc.



                                                                            Full year goal of 1,000km completed today thanks to WFH, a short period of redundancy and then WFH again. Probably running an average of 4 times a week these past 2 months and maybe 3 times a week for the couple of months before that.

                                                                            Down just over a stone in weight now in conjunction with intermittent fasting and am only 3kg more than I weighed when I started running again 8 years ago.

                                                                            I will tag on another 250km to my official target for the year now but might even surpass that if work remains flexible enough that I can do most of my running at lunchtime.

                                                                            I'm closing in on 8,000km tracked now and while this year I didn't set any speed records, it's certainly the most consistent I've been and the most I've enjoyed it so tonight I shall drink wine, tomorrow I shall go into town and buy some records and Monday i start running again.


                                                                              Originally posted by BennyHiFi View Post

                                                                              Full year goal of 1,000km completed today thanks to WFH, a short period of redundancy and then WFH again. Probably running an average of 4 times a week these past 2 months and maybe 3 times a week for the couple of months before that.

                                                                              Down just over a stone in weight now in conjunction with intermittent fasting and am only 3kg more than I weighed when I started running again 8 years ago.

                                                                              I will tag on another 250km to my official target for the year now but might even surpass that if work remains flexible enough that I can do most of my running at lunchtime.

                                                                              I'm closing in on 8,000km tracked now and while this year I didn't set any speed records, it's certainly the most consistent I've been and the most I've enjoyed it so tonight I shall drink wine, tomorrow I shall go into town and buy some records and Monday i start running again.
                                                                              Fantastic, I met my 600k goal a few weeks back and have been really poor since. I still very active playing tennis 6/week but only run once in September which is very unusual for me. Will get back on the horse for October but it seems my 1000km new target is gone.


                                                                                Still flying along went out yesterday morning intending to do 10 and ended up doing 30, not finding much time for cycling or swimming I'd like to be doing a bit more of both

                                                                                September will be the first month this year that I didn't run farther than the previous month!

                                                                                Turning millions into thousands


                                                                                  Some going!


                                                                                    Getting out fairly consistently. Still mostly going slow and putting the effort in on form. Mixing in some intervals to break it up a bit usually 100 to 150 at a fast clip with jog/walk recovery over same distance.
                                                                                    Today was up Dub mountains did about 2k slow then looped back and did hill runs fast. 400m hill - broke that down to 3 runs with walking rest between each, x 3 repeats.
                                                                                    Jogged/walled the 2k ish back

                                                                                    Fairly handy session and had a fair bit in the tank but the goal is to stay injury free (touch wood) and keep building.

                                                                                    Form feels good with foot strike under body.


                                                                                      Hitting a bit of consistency with getting out running Monday/Wednesday/Friday been hitting 5k's but last Friday got out in a group run and we had planned on doing 5.5k but I fell behind and when I caught up they pushed me on to do 6k and ended up with 6.08k by the time I'd lopped back to the group, my mate had done 8k in the time it took me to 5k it just seems so effortless with him.

                                                                                      Myself the missus & our friend have been running in the park at 6am and at times it's a fucker trying to roll out of bed but once you get into the rhythm and by 7ish I'm well over 50% of my daily goal of 10,000 steps the sense of accomplishment does be immense.

                                                                                      Our friend posted into the group chat about increasing our weekly goals by half a kilometer a week and she reckons by Christmas we'll be able to do 10k, I'm down for giving it a blast as when starting out I'd no real idea of where I'd end up but running 6k the other day was quote the achievement.

                                                                                      Any tips/tricks/pointers on the best way to go about this increase in distance & endurance? Instead of doing 5/5/5 thinking maybe 5/fast 3k/5 thoughts?
                                                                                      "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                                                                        Originally posted by tylerdurden94 View Post
                                                                                        Hitting a bit of consistency with getting out running Monday/Wednesday/Friday been hitting 5k's but last Friday got out in a group run and we had planned on doing 5.5k but I fell behind and when I caught up they pushed me on to do 6k and ended up with 6.08k by the time I'd lopped back to the group, my mate had done 8k in the time it took me to 5k it just seems so effortless with him.

                                                                                        Myself the missus & our friend have been running in the park at 6am and at times it's a fucker trying to roll out of bed but once you get into the rhythm and by 7ish I'm well over 50% of my daily goal of 10,000 steps the sense of accomplishment does be immense.

                                                                                        Our friend posted into the group chat about increasing our weekly goals by half a kilometer a week and she reckons by Christmas we'll be able to do 10k, I'm down for giving it a blast as when starting out I'd no real idea of where I'd end up but running 6k the other day was quote the achievement.

                                                                                        Any tips/tricks/pointers on the best way to go about this increase in distance & endurance? Instead of doing 5/5/5 thinking maybe 5/fast 3k/5 thoughts?
                                                                                        Fair play TD, hope the blisters are healing up

                                                                                        You might want to look at incorporating some interval training, hill running and body conditioning like squats/planks etc into your routine with stretching/foam rolling at some point. Strengthening and conditioning the systems that are going to carry you over the longer and longer distances you will be going for eventually. Take it handy with this though and read up on it first. You dont want to pump out 8 x 150 and tear a calf muscle or hammer.
                                                                                        A bit of consolidation wouldnt hurt to get comfortable and in control of your form and breathing over your current distance.
                                                                                        It's all very subjective though but I did too much too quick and hurt myself last year.
                                                                                        Joined running club and even though I was able to do what they did I didnt appreciate that the body wasnt quite ready for it. I was most likely straining at points so the control/form suffered and the calf went 3/4th session in. Took over a year to resolve this injury by the way as reinjured it a few times.
                                                                                        So I'm taking it very handy and building very slowly with big emphasis on form.
                                                                                        I will be building more distance and speed but for the moment building a solid platform first.


                                                                                          Originally posted by tylerdurden94 View Post
                                                                                          Hitting a bit of consistency with getting out running Monday/Wednesday/Friday been hitting 5k's but last Friday got out in a group run and we had planned on doing 5.5k but I fell behind and when I caught up they pushed me on to do 6k and ended up with 6.08k by the time I'd lopped back to the group, my mate had done 8k in the time it took me to 5k it just seems so effortless with him.

                                                                                          Myself the missus & our friend have been running in the park at 6am and at times it's a fucker trying to roll out of bed but once you get into the rhythm and by 7ish I'm well over 50% of my daily goal of 10,000 steps the sense of accomplishment does be immense.

                                                                                          Our friend posted into the group chat about increasing our weekly goals by half a kilometer a week and she reckons by Christmas we'll be able to do 10k, I'm down for giving it a blast as when starting out I'd no real idea of where I'd end up but running 6k the other day was quote the achievement.

                                                                                          Any tips/tricks/pointers on the best way to go about this increase in distance & endurance? Instead of doing 5/5/5 thinking maybe 5/fast 3k/5 thoughts?
                                                                                          Fair play TD, hope the blisters are healing up

                                                                                          You might want to look at incorporating some interval training, hill running and body conditioning like squats/planks etc into your routine with stretching/foam rolling at some point. Strengthening and conditioning the systems that are going to carry you over the longer and longer distances you will be going for eventually. Take it handy with this though and read up on it first. You dont want to pump out 8 x 150 and tear a calf muscle or hammer.
                                                                                          A bit of consolidation wouldnt hurt to get comfortable and in control of your form and breathing over your current distance.
                                                                                          It's all very subjective though but I did too much too quick and hurt myself last year.
                                                                                          Joined running club and even though I was able to do what they did I didnt appreciate that the body wasnt quite ready for it. I was most likely straining at points so the control/form suffered and the calf went 3/4th session in. Took over a year to resolve this injury by the way as reinjured it a few times.
                                                                                          So I'm taking it very handy and building very slowly with big emphasis on form.
                                                                                          I will be building more distance and speed but for the moment building a solid platform first.


                                                                                            Blisters are doing okay, vaseline seems to be working wonders.

                                                                                            Was doing some core work in the gym before lock down but obviously haven't been back since. Feeling fortunate at the moment that I've not encountered any problems/injuries and hope to continue that streak. Cheers for the info.
                                                                                            "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                                                                              Originally posted by tylerdurden94 View Post
                                                                                              Hitting a bit of consistency with getting out running Monday/Wednesday/Friday been hitting 5k's but last Friday got out in a group run and we had planned on doing 5.5k but I fell behind and when I caught up they pushed me on to do 6k and ended up with 6.08k by the time I'd lopped back to the group, my mate had done 8k in the time it took me to 5k it just seems so effortless with him.

                                                                                              Myself the missus & our friend have been running in the park at 6am and at times it's a fucker trying to roll out of bed but once you get into the rhythm and by 7ish I'm well over 50% of my daily goal of 10,000 steps the sense of accomplishment does be immense.

                                                                                              Our friend posted into the group chat about increasing our weekly goals by half a kilometer a week and she reckons by Christmas we'll be able to do 10k, I'm down for giving it a blast as when starting out I'd no real idea of where I'd end up but running 6k the other day was quote the achievement.

                                                                                              Any tips/tricks/pointers on the best way to go about this increase in distance & endurance? Instead of doing 5/5/5 thinking maybe 5/fast 3k/5 thoughts?
                                                                                              The confirmed consensus is to ignore pace over distance, slower for longer is the best way to success. I doubted it but I managed to get from 23min 5km to 19:30. Once you can learn to run at an enjoyable pace, your progress will multiply. For me that’s running at 5min Kms now, so about 25% slower than 5km pace, then all of a sudden you’re not aching after every run and let the endorphins do their work!


                                                                                                Originally posted by tylerdurden94 View Post
                                                                                                Blisters are doing okay, vaseline seems to be working wonders.

                                                                                                Was doing some core work in the gym before lock down but obviously haven't been back since. Feeling fortunate at the moment that I've not encountered any problems/injuries and hope to continue that streak. Cheers for the info.
                                                                                                Buy Ballega “hidden comfort” socks and thank me later...


                                                                                                  Yesterday was out doing intervals and some light jogging.

                                                                                                  Today went for long run in the rain.
                                                                                                  PB of 50 mins continuous running. Most I've done is 30 mins non stop (5k) since early July.
                                                                                                  Just felt perfect everything working beautifully in synch like a metronome , no stop thoughts (well.. until just before I stopped)

                                                                                                  Had planned to beat 30 mins so was delighted with 50.
                                                                                                  Golf trousers and top worked pretty good for the rain.

                                                                                                  Definitely getting hooked!


                                                                                                    Tried 5km yesterday to loosen the back at 6min pace, so enjoyable to run like that but still sore today. Amazing how quickly you lose it.


                                                                                                      Got an update for my watch the other day with new analytics vo2max and a bunch of stuff about posture/stride etc I was good/great for 3 of the 6 last week after a terrible run but was out running yesterday and felt pretty good after it (6.2k) and only good/great 2 of the 6. Lots to improve on but I'm out getting in the km's so heading in the right direction.

                                                                                                      Bought a headlight for running in the park at 6am and it definitely made a difference to being able to see where I was going but also a better focus & keeping my head up and looking ahead.
                                                                                                      "you raise, i kill you" El Tren :{)


                                                                                                        Today was a horrible day for running Really didn't enjoy the weather!

                                                                                                        I'm closing in on 600km for the year, a bit of an increase on the pathetic 254km I managed last year, not been as injured this year though have had a non-stop sore Achilles since the middle of last year. I'm just running with it for now. On current pace should hit close to 700km for 2020, let's see.

                                                                                                        Am super impressed by the miles put in by Tony right now BTW! You're eating them up.


                                                                                                          I've been doing a lot more running lately than I was since around June. I saw Joe is attempting 200k between now and the end of the new lockdown so I decided to take that on as well. Managed 12.5k today at a sedate pace which was the longest I've done in ages but fairly comfortable.

                                                                                                          SP seems to be doing legendary distance lately. How are the rest of us getting on with yearly goals etc? Might still be time to salvage a few from the wreckage of 2020


                                                                                                            Did I tell you I ran a marathon

                                                                                                            Absolutely not the plan when I went out, had a 30 k route in mind but stomach was cramping so I needed to get home. When I started out again towards ballyteague it was into a strong wind and the idea emerged that if I went out 10 and kept going I'd have the wind on the way back. And no shortcuts bar ringing for a lift! Not such a clever plan because the last ten were ridic tough going. Wasn't able to walk down the stairs when I got home, having a long hot soak with epsom salts, coffee and chocolate.

                                                                                                            from the BBV
                                                                                                            Originally posted by Mellor View Post
                                                                                                            Congrats Tony. Was it a race or just a solo run.
                                                                                                            Honeslty don't think I could bring myself to done that.
                                                                                                            Just a solo run that happened on the day rather than being planned.
                                                                                                            Originally posted by dinekes View Post

                                                                                                            Would love to hear a trip report on the run please.
                                                                                                            I know you had originally planned to do 30k and interested in how you prepare for that distance.
                                                                                                            Questions like do you carry water , food, pain levels, fatigue etc. Are there thoughts where you just go "sod it I'm stopping"

                                                                                                            Thoughts on tackling a marathon again?
                                                                                                            Since lockdown in March I gradually upped the mileage doing a 10K every other day and a half marathon every few weeks or so, I also pushed two or three of those out to 30K the main thing for me is that I'm really enjoying running and that I have been managing the few niggles, the truth is that I'm rising 60 and I know that I'm always just one injury from being out for a long time and I want to delay that for as long as possible. The only long term aim i have is to keep going on as long as I can.
                                                                                                            I remember one of the things that inspired running was something I saw out walking on a beach in Sligo about a decade ago, a very old man probably over 90 kitted out in running gear making his way up the beach at crawl when I was coming back 40 minutes later he was still moving away from where he came in jogging but at a fraction of the pace I was walking at!

                                                                                                            I 've been of a mind that a half was plenty for me to be doing and on the few 30K's I did I was flagging badly over the last few K so that I wasn't in any hurry to push it any further.
                                                                                                            Now the idea had appeared in the back of my mind and there is something literally mythical about the distance so I guess it became an itch I needed to scratch. I think maybe one of the 30K runs I probably would have gone on if I'd been able to but like yesterday there was no pressure to finish the way there would have been at an event. I'd say that once I was comfortable finishing a half in c. 2:15 pushing on to 30K wasn't all that tough but the last 10 yesterday was on a different level of tough.

                                                                                                            I'd bought a little backpack with a bladder that holds some water its really unobtrusive to wear and you would need it. I probably had about 1.5L in and could have done with a bit more. I went out on a light breakfast of an orange and some yogurt and ate one and a half bananas along the way... that is something that should be better planned but I'd gone out with the dog who I don't bring further than 12 - 15 K so I was able to get an extra banana when he was being picked up. Then it turned out I had to change my route after my stomach cramped and I had to get to the jacks, that could have been a showstopper if I'd been off out in the country. It was only when I set out again that the plan really emerged to go that far, I was facing into a very strong headwind and figured out if I was able to go out to the point of no return I'd have the wind helping me get home, it didn't help though the last 10 K was very tough, legs were tired and not able to stride out at all. Stopping or walking only made it harder to get them moving again, I passed a cousin of mine on the road about 8k from home we would normally stop and chat, if I had I think I would have had him drive me home so I told him I couldn't stop, put my head down and that kind of focussed me again then once I got into the village 3.5 from home I don't think there was anything would have stopped me and it was just grim determination from there until I was able to open up a video chat with the family as I went past the line which I'd worked out very well at no more than 150M short of home!

                                                                                                            Dunno about doing it again, hopefully I'll be able to sometime, maybe I'll think about entering one of the city ones when they get going again, for now the focus will be on trying to get out again tomorrow and try to maintain the kind regular mileage and times I've been doing add a bit more cycling and swimming so I can do a couple of triathlon events. I couldn't walk down the stairs after yesterday but once I got a bit of stretching and rolling done and a long hot epsom salts bath I was grand, and other than fairly painful DOMS in the muscles at the front of my upper legs I'd be able to get out today.

                                                                                                            Turning millions into thousands


                                                                                                              That's some going!

                                                                                                              Not only to accomplish it but do it on the spur of the moment on lowish water and cals Jaysus.

                                                                                                              It must be some feeling to overcome the pain to push on through it.

                                                                                                              Fair play.

                                                                                                              Actually heading out into the rain now for my fix.
                                                                                                              Kind of enjoy running in the rain, very few people about.


                                                                                                                Incredible achievement SP, all the more given you did it solo on a (relative) whim and then on top of that you seem raring to get out again immediately.

                                                                                                                Inspiring stuff.


                                                                                                                  The outstanding Irish sporting achievement of last weekend - and perhaps all of 2019 - took place in the Netherlands when 59-year-old Irish runner Tommy Hughes...

                                                                                                                  Next challenge SP


                                                                                                                    Excellent trip report SP.
                                                                                                                    Impromptu marathon is ballsy stuff. Fair fucks


                                                                                                                      Wow fair play SP, I haven’t been logging in here much of late, but that’s some going!

                                                                                                                      im trying a 200km/6week lockdown challenge myself just to get the legs moving again. I’m 11 days at 74km into it, and it’s very enjoyable. I’m running slowly and trying to stick to 5km at 5mins with a 15min warm down. This is the most consecutive days I’ve ever run, so now the ST challenge is to do a month uninterrupted of 5km minimum and then Go for the 200km.

                                                                                                                      I set a target for 600km in 2020, i hit that in June so I said 1000km for the year then, but training fell off. When this is over I should only have 140km to go and the whole mo th of December to achieve it so I’ll probably give it a lash!


                                                                                                                        Originally posted by FeetMagic View Post
                                                                                                                        How do you explain your longevity?

                                                                                                                        It’s all about enjoying it. Eat the right foods. Get the rest. And overall be happy. It’s about being consistent and not putting too much pressure on your body. If your body hasn’t recovered, don’t run. If I’m pushing my body and if my body says no, I stop. When I got training most of the time, I got out at three quarters pace. It’s not all out. And the body gets used to that. And the next time you go out, your next three quarters will be faster in three or four weeks. And then you’re just becoming a machine


                                                                                                                          I recall some posts in the past re good socks for blister prevention, can anyone remind me of some brands you find effective? I seem to blow hot & cold with my resistance to blisters but last couple weeks I keep compounding an ever-growing surface area on the right sole without much volume so it's time to test some new gear!

