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    Fabulous lunch in Thornton's at weekend. That truffle powder is worth the trip alone
    Low fee Euro/UK money transfer, 1st transfer free through my referral


      Up as far as Mike's review now updated on OP


        Originally posted by mocata View Post
        Fabulous lunch in Thornton's at weekend. That truffle powder is worth the trip alone
        Stuff is like crack.


          Restaurant Name: Monart

          Location: Close to Enniscorthy

          Price Range: €€€

          The wife and I went to spend saturday night at Monart for our anniversary, so we obviously ate in the restaurant. We had been there once before and although the hotel and Spa was and still is outstanding, i hadn't been overly impressed by the restaurant. I had pre booked the restaurant but hadn't booked a time so when we got to the hotel they told us 7pm or 930. We opted for 930pm as we'd brought with us a beautiful bottle of veuve cliquot rosé, 2002 vintage so were happy to eat a bit later and enjoy the champagne .

          We eventually made our way to the restaurant where we were showed our table and given our menus. We passed our order and were then brought a good selection of breads and were offered some homemade Hummus to go with it which was a nice touch and very tasty. We were then brought an amuse bouche which consisted of goats cheese, coconut shavings and apple caviar (goats cheese isn't my thing but my wife loved it and quickly ate mine also).

          For starters I had the Carpaccio of wexford beef with rocket salad, parmesan and quails eggs, all of which was incredibly tasty, and i could have easily eaten another 5 plates of tbh as the amount of meat was just on the small side for me. My wife had an open ravioli with lobster and prawns with a lobster bisque type sauce. This was absolutely delicious and decently served which meant i was generously allowed a couple of mouthfuls.

          We then had a palate cleanser of mango sorbet with coconut crunch.

          For the main course, I had the poached wexford lamb with a mini lentil and broad bean cassoulet (this also came with a small plate of green beans and carrots), served with a dash of a beautiful rich meaty sauce. I asked for the lamb rare and it was cooked to perfection. 3 thick slices of lamb, absolutely delicious. There was nothing subtle about this dish, just oodles of rich flavor and heavy goodness. In the same way i kept to the meat, my wife kept to the sea with scallops served on a lemon and samphire risotto. Once again the portion was generous, and in this case probably over generous as she had 8 scallops served on 3 risotto nests (was wondering personally if this was down to the fact we were the last table served so were happy to finish their stocks off?). Anyway, once again, a lovely dish well executed but the risotto proved too copious to finish.

          Onto desert. My wife had a strawberry trifle which she enjoyed but not really what she was hoping for (i tried to dissuade her as i knew trifle wouldn't really be her thing). I on the other hand ordered the lemon meringue pie. Visually it completely took me by surprise as it was decomposed. A dash of lemon coulis on one side, a dash of fresh cream on the other, 3 little individual meringues, 4 raspberries a scoop of lime sorbet and three little barrel shaped madeleine type pastries. i tried every possible combination with the meringues, the coulis the pastry, and last but not least the most breathtaking lime sorbet i have ever tasted (even just thinking about it now still makes my mouth water) and they were all just gorgeous!!! I loved that desert sooo much, i kept salivating long after it was finished.

          All this was washed down with a lovely bottle of menetou salon 2010. Service throughout was impeccable. Total damage was EUR150 (although the three course menu on its own costs 40 per person which i think is very good value)

          All in all, a very pleasant dining experience 8.5/10


            Last weekend, I whisked Mrs Duke off on a surprise weekend (well, one night) away, sans children. We lunched at Campagne in Kilkenny, overnighted at Aldridge Lodge in Duncannon, Co. Wexford and lunched the next day at the Hungry Monk in Greystones.

            Some reasonably turbo reviews of the three.

            We booked in for lunch in Campagne at the somewhat early hour of 12.30, keen as I was to get down to Aldridge Lodge. After a quick stroll around Kilkenny Castle, we were well primed for some grub. Mrs Duke, proud Galway woman that she is, was getting a little bit antsy about the sight of the black and amber bunting festooning the town so we hot-footed it back over the river to Campagne. First to arrive, we were shown to our seats by the charming hostess and handed suitably succinct lunch menus. I selected the ceviche of lemon sole, followed by cod while Mrs D went for the lobster bisque and the chicken with girolles.

            Thus ordered, we relaxed with some very good breads and surveyed the room. It hadn't changed a bit since our last visit in 2009 and is an inviting space, decked out with curving banquettes and stylish black and white photos. There's also some modern art if that's your bag. My bag is food and given that Campagne is the baby of Garret Byrne, ex of Chapter One, I was expecting good fare.

            The starters landed and we dug in. My ceviche was as simple and yet as subtle a dish as I've had in a while. Shreds of lemon sole marinated to perfection and surrounded by blobs of avocado puree, some apple goo and fennel shavings. A taste of summer. Ceviche is an easy thing to get wrong but this was very much on the money. I swapped plates with Mrs Duke and tucked into the remains of her lobster bisque, which was smooth and deeply flavoured with essence of crustacean. I could have drunk a bucket of it. Both starters were well judged in terms of quantity.

            The room was slowly starting to fill up with other diners as we awaited our mains, most of whom bore the heads of locals. I could tell by the clanking of All Ireland medals in their pockets. Galway Girl snorted audibly when I made that observation and a frosty silence descended. This was broken by the arrival of my cod, cooked to perfection and nestling on a bed of intensely tomato-ey sauce. Fennel again and some calamari rounded out the dish which was full of interesting flavours. Again, perfect execution of simple ingredients. Can't ask for much more. Mrs Duke's chicken was interesting. We both generally veer away from ordering chicken when out as it would appear to be the equivalent of drinking Guinness when in Bordeaux. The tantalising description on the menu of 'Mary Walshes free range chicken,potato gnocchi,girolles and bearnaise sauce' sold Mrs Duke on the dish and it turned out to be an excellent selection. A really well put-together dish and one that left me slightly jealous. A word also for the sides; the potato may have been the best mash I have ever eaten, pure creamy indulgence. We both had a glass of Sancerre with our dishes, it worked better with mine and Pinot Noir would have been a wiser choice for the chicken.

            We both went for the chocolate and caramel mousse with peanut butter ice cream for dessert. Peanut butter would appear to be very 'in' with the cheffing fraternity at the moment and I was somewhat wary of it. Thankfully my fears were unfounded and we both thoroughly enjoyed the desserts, washed down with two ordinary espressos. €29 for three courses of this calibre is an absolute bargain, particularly in Dublin terms. With wine, coffee and tip, we were out the door for €90 and I struggled to remain awake at the wheel as we cruised down the deserted M9 towards Waaaaherford and our next destination.


            Aldridge Lodge
            The short ferry ride across from Passage East to Ballyhack in Co. Wexford blew away the cobwebs and, within ten minutes, we were pulling up outside Aldridge Lodge. This place has been getting rave reviews from foodies for a while now and, to judge from the impressive collection of plaques outside, they might well have been justified. It's effectively a restaurant inside the family home of Billy and Joanne Whitty. Billy is the chef and it was he who greeted us and showed us to our room, one of four upstairs for guests. The room was simple but perfectly acceptable with a panoramic view across to Dunmore East. We could hear the sound of their baby crying which made us feel right at home in a strange kind of way. As it was a glorious day in God's County (™Finkel), we headed out to Duncannon Beach for a stroll and then to Dunbrody House (another place on our hit list) for a pre-prandial drink.

            Once back at base and appetites restored, we pottered downstairs to find the place hopping with Saturday night diners. Joanne, the front of house part of the couple, sat us down in the lounge and started to explain the specials. As soon as she got the words 'rib-eye steak with a half lobster' out of her mouth, both our menus were closed. She did mention that there would be a surcharge for this, €3 extra. Yes, three. Someone needs to give these guys a lesson in gouging their customers. As we waited for our table, some nuts and amuse bouches were served in espresso glasses. The amuse bouche was a tomato, pear and gin (as soon as this was mentioned, both our eyebrows nearly hit the ceiling) soup which was an incredibly intense concoction that both teased the tastebuds and also reassured us that we hadn't come all this way for nothing.

            We were shown to our table and looked out into the back garden to the sight of a colony of rabbits amusing themselves. The dining room is not large, I'd estimate maybe fifty seats and was packed out with a good cross-section of society, all enjoying themselves immensely. My crab starter was a tian of white crabmeat, enlivened by some chili and the addition of a deep-fried crab claw. Sumptuous. Mrs Duke had some scallops, these were so good that I wasn't allowed near them. Billy's dad is a fisherman and ensures a constant supply of excellent fruits de mer. A glass apiece of Aussie Chardonnay washed these down and I requested the wine list so I could select an appropriate companion to our mains. This was where my one quibble arose; the wine list is not great and not particularly descriptive. I selected a Californian Zinfandel which turned out to be a mistake as it was a real beast of a wine, very alcoholic at 16% or so and too powerful for my taste.

            Onto the surf and turf. The rib-eyes themselves were enormous, I'd estimate in the 14oz range, but perfectly cooked and accompanied by their own jus, some very succulent mushrooms, colcannon and, of course, the lobster. A meaty half of grilled lobster, drizzled with exquisite garlic butter. I couldn't decide which was better; the surf or the turf so I just put the head down and chomped contentedly for a long time. This was food that induces the best kind of wellbeing, even the poorly-chosen wine couldn't detract from the skill of the cooking. By the way, the prevalence of lobster on menus at the moment is not a good thing. The glut is caused by the absence of their normal predator, cod. I'm OK with that.

            We shouldn't really have attempted dessert but feck it, it was included in the price so we ordered the tasting plate to share. Good Jaysus. Raspberry sorbet, fruits of the forest ice cream, toffee brownie, custard tart, passion fruit panna cotta and chocolate cake. My dentist will be happy to see me. Coffee was excellent and sustained us long enough to ascend the stairs to bed and a long, long sleep.

            The following mornings breakfast deserves mention. Besides the usual buffet stuff, I had unbelievable scrambled eggs with hefty slices of locally-smoked trout. Mrs Duke had pancakes with crispy bacon that knocked the socks off any hotel version.

            The cost for dinner, breakfast and accomodation; €220. I don't care where you're coming from, this is serious value for the quality of both food and service.


            The Hungry Monk
            This was a mistake and I knew it as soon as I walked in the door. The owner obviously considers himself a 'character', this is simply a euphemism for irritating. The food is average at best. I can't be bothered to say any more.

            "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


              L'ecrivain well off form tonight.


                Go on then...Obviously when I say 'off form' the food was still nice, but:

                Seared foie gras course was nice but a little on the 'slimey' side.

                Lamb course was very small, last time I was there the mains came with a side of potato and spinach in a copper pot which was absent today. One of the pieces of lamb was very difficult to cut and ended up sliding around the plate, and the radish (and a shallot on gf's) plate were virtually uncuttable.

                Same for the apple dessert; while it was well presented, eating it with the implements provided was tough. Also got the placings of the deserts mixed up which doesn't bother me but just pointing it out.

                Overall the presentation of the dishes was much better the last time I was there and tonight's looked lazy in comparison.

                Lastly, I wasn't overawed with our waiter (very abrupt) though the guy who seems to be head waiter was very good as always.


                  Any thoughts that a head chef and waiter team gets their day off on a Tuesday? How do restaurants usually work staffing?


                    Sabor Brazil

                    Went to Sabor Brazil last night. I had heard wonderful things about it, so I was a bit nonplussed when I saw the restaurant from outside - it looked like a dodgy take-away.

                    As soon as you enter though you are in a little cave of opulence. There are only four tables, one four-seater and three two-seaters. Tom the waiter (and co-owner) immediately came and introduced himself to us, and we told him our names which he remembered all evening - a nice touch.

                    There are a couple of reasons I am not going to go into a blow by blow account of the food:

                    - I'm lazy
                    - I'm mildly hungover
                    - The only option to eat there is a tasting menu which doesn't change much, and I don't want to ruin the surprise of how wonderful each part is

                    Suffice to say that the restaurant was intimate, the service was a perfect mix of attentive and friendly, and the food was many kinds of yum in my humble opinion.

                    This is not a cheap place (certainly not within my usual price range), and it seems quite datey/romantic, so I would recommend going there with your loved one for a special occasion. Book in advance.


                      "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                        Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide to... View Post
                        How does a cod predatorise a lobster? Can't work that out. If anything you'd be thinking the lobster would be all 'fck off or i'll pinch you'
                        cod is normally a massively big and powerful fish, and when you think about it, lobsters are all about what's in front of them. If attacked from above or behind, they're pretty vulnerable, so just the sheer power of the cod on top of it should be enough. Speaking of cod, can't recommend the book of the same name by Mark Kurlansky. brilliant read!!

                        edit to add: wtf has this got to do with restaurants???


                          "We're not f*cking Burundi" - Big Phil


                            Originally posted by Hitchhiker's Guide to... View Post
                            Raoul mentioned it in his last review!

                            Must look for that book.

                            But what do the cod get out of it - are they able to break through the shell?
                            yes, they pound it, kill it then tear the shell up and feast on the fleshy goodness


                              Lobsters grow out of their shells, and retreat somewhere safe to form a new one. They are extremely vulnerable around this time. One thing i found interesting about them, if they lose a big crusher claw, the smaller slicer one grows into a crusher. If they lose a slicer it grows back as is.
                              Low fee Euro/UK money transfer, 1st transfer free through my referral


                                Originally posted by Gimmeabreak
                                Restaurant Name: The Pigs Tale

                                Location: Gorey, Co. Wexford


                                Price Range: €€€

                                8 of us went here on pretty much on spec last Saturday night. We were down in Seafield for a few nights and decided on this place for the 30th birthday celebrations of one of the party. I took it as a good sign when we called in advance to enquire about a cake for the birthday girl and they recommended a bakery up the street and told us we could drop the cake in and have it after dinner. They pretty much did themselves out of a few quids worth of desert orders but the gesture was appreciated and we made up for it in some part with an extra tip to the very helpful wait staff.

                                The restaurant is upstairs and you walk straight into a pretty spacious room, tables down either side, a few in the middle, and the bar and kitchen at the end. The decor is pretty plain with dim lighting and pictures of random pigs and pig pieces around the walls - it was in keeping with the vibe in the place though. We were placed in the top corner next the kitchen pass, we had lots of room on comfortable chairs.

                                I personally felt the menu was extensive and was handily marked with large red (V) and (G) to help diners on their way. Not that it bothered me but there was no bread, it may upset others though. The wine list was not as extensive but I guess it was pretty much in keeping with the place which I would describe as an Irish Bistro. We opted for several bottles of a South African red, Bolands Sixty 40, named due to the blend of 60% Cab Sav and 40% Shiraz. It was well received by all and I certainly drank my fair share of it.

                                For starters I ordered Scallops & Black Pudding which came from the specials board. It was a very good course and I really enjoyed it as did the others who had it. Several of the party opted for the Prawns which I also had a nibble of and it was excellent - they were served with a cream sauce which isn't typical for a prawn starter? One of the lads had the mussels which were cooked in a tomato and bacon sauce which again is pretty off piste - he cleaned the bowl and was very complimentary of the dish.

                                For the main course the others ordered a selection of Steak served with chunky chips, Lamb Shank served with mash (got a particularly good review), and Chorizo Arrabiata which was also well received. Think some of the steak eaters felt their steaks were not cooked exactly to order but it seemed that the chefs MW equated to other peoples WD. I personally opted for the Char Grilled Pork Chops which were served with a very large portion of sautéed potatoes and it was a surprisingly excellent dish with exceptional flavours.

                                The pork chops might have been a little crispier on the edges but that's just me as they were certainly cooked perfectly by any standard. The flavour coming through the potatoes was excellent. There was a freshness about them and the over riding flavour coming through was strong hints of spring onion and fresh pesto. I know for me it was a surprisingly excellent serving of pork chops and I think I would return just to eat this dish. I had a nibble from a side order of the chunky fries and they were of a very good standard - definitely homemade and an easy 9/10 in the chunky chips stakes.

                                As they were clearing the plates I enquired about the flavours in my dish, the waitress turned to the chef and he came over to my end of the pass and explained how he did the potatoes and thanked my for my compliments. Then people started refusing desert, I was in a different planet though and forgot they were refusing as they were about to deliver the birthday cake. I think we all ordered teas/coffees or in my case an espresso. I did order a selection of Ice cream which never arrived but I didn't really need it and was only ordering something to eat as I was passing on the cake.

                                Overall the food had a lovely fresh and clean flavour to it. The staff were friendly and attentive and I personally thought the setting and atmosphere in the room was excellent. Even though it was a Saturday night it was notable that the place was full as it is a big restaurant and a difficult to fill I'd guess? I'd happily forgive them not delivering the ice cream as there were several orders going at once. They provided plates for the cake and stored the other half of it overnight for others in the party to collect the following day. As far as I remember the bill came to a very agreeable €330 between the 8 of us which included 3 bottles of wine. In terms of value for money food and ambience this place ranks just about as good as it gets. I wouldn't hesitate to return and would recommend it to anybody in the area.
                                Did you/anyone else eat in the restaurant in Seafield? Good/bad?


                                  I've eaten in Seafield before (about 2 years ago), it was very nice I thought. Nothing amazingly special at the same time, but I doubt you'll be disappointed if you eat there!

                                  Had a nice lunch in Koh in town earlier today, don't want to do a full review but they were very accommodating considering the circumstances - it was a family birthday and we had young loud kids with us - and the very tasty, filling and reasonably-priced food arrived remarkably quickly after we placed our orders. Good cocktails too I have to say. Will go again.


                                    Tante Zoes

                                    Crowe St, Temple bar. Dublin

                                    Decided to take up a groupon type deal and test Tante Zoes out for size. Plan was to meet the brother for a few bevies in a local before hitting up Tantes at 7pm. As soon as i got out on Dame st i was caught short again and needed a good jacks. I did Howth de Huez earlier while probably dehydrated after the previous nights scoops and salt and chilli Chinese. As Kelly would say “He’s Schuffering”. Immediately in these conditions your memory kicks in full throttle and i knew to make for Dublin castle because if you know Dublin castle you know they have some quality lavs and the fact i happened to be right beside it was a major bonus. As i approached the entrance to where the holy grail of jacks is located i noticed it was manned by a guard so straight away i fear the works and my legs are buckling by now. I make believe the guard isn’t there as i hope hes just playing lord of the manor but im pulled up and its explained there is a private function going on. For some unknown reason i don’t leave it like that and waste valuable seconds asking is this a usual occurrence. Again the brain comes up big and tells me the Chester Beatty is just around the corner. As i round the corner there are 4 beautiful girls admiring a seemingly lost kitten only they were calling it a lovely pussy repeatedly. I pass them looking delirious and resist the urge to chime in to also admire the pussy. I pass the desk security and luckily nobody wanted to be a hero this time otherwise that coin box collection plinth in the entrance/exit was getting it.
                                    Met the brother in the foggy dew for pre drinks before walking literally across the way. As we walked in there was a tall blonde with a massive pair of breasts with plenty of flesh displayed playing the piano. It was kind of hard to know where to look. I took it she was a pole or Russian as she had that cross type of look they way they do. Anyway being seated listening to live piano is a change if nothing else. Felt like Nucky Thompson for a while and the brother said the piano is a good touch which i agreed with the caviat that the piano is likely to wear after a while, especially if we are out of sight of the fallen Madonna with the big......

                                    I felt the staff were dropping the deal bomb by name too often and like when the wine arrived it wasn’t just placed in front of us it was “Heres 2 wines for the groupon deal” in undersized glassed. “Heres the starters for the groupon deal”. Made me feel very special altoghther. So something had to be done and that something was asking for the wine list. A bottle of crianza cune was all it took to turn the staff and soon we were great friends and motoring with renewed respect from the staff. That said i felt i was waiting an inordinate amount of time for the wine and i felt the staff were swereving me during this time, i felt like Sonny on the causeway before he got gunned down before i stuck my hand up to gain the attention of the waitress i ordered from to gesture a wine pouring motion by way of questioning he haven’t been forgotton about?. I felt her taking a gulp and approaching us very apologetically before explaining they cant locate a cork opener and a waiter is already on it scouting closeby restaurants to do them a favour. A favour back she was quick to mention with all the favours they have returned other closeby restaurants she had me know. This is exactly the skinny i like to hear. No matter how alluring the shop front or how good the facade its all very close to gloves off stuff in live restauranting.

                                    The piano was waring by now and we discussed and agreed that every 15-20 minutes was a good time for her to take a few minutes but no she was into it so much that i doubt the bomb going off would have put her off. Once the waitress knew we were cool with the whole bottle opener admission we were elevated further in status and she came over for chit chat at many available opportunities for a few laughs.

                                    I wont bore you with the ins and outs of a groupon deal menu but it was fantastic and i would suggest a visit is mandatory if you havent already been. I tipped heartily to the raised eyebrow of the brother and so much so that she conferred with a higher up waiter and came back looking for my email address. I didn’t know what was going on but felt like i could be in Charlie Bucket territory and didn’t want the whole email taking thing was about but decided discretion was the better side of valour and it would surely be played out over time. Im still waiting though!.


                                      Rounders your reviews are class, always look forward to reading them. Very Flann O'Brien esque!


                                        Only Rounders could do a fantastic restaurant review without mentioning a single item of food eaten. Have been a fan since the early day, remember a blog post about a reg in his local bookies from 5 or 6 years ago.


                                          Pity he went for the groupon deal and didn't spend big. If he did then no doubt a trip to Tesco would be on the horizon and reading about his latest encounter there would be another enjoyable experience.
                                          'Mental Toughness is doing the right thing for the team when it's not the best thing for you' - Bill Belichick


                                            It's actually the perfect weather for tante zoes lately.
                                            Gumbo and jambalaya are perfect for these cold and blustery days.
                                            The gumbo is worth the trip alone.
                                            One word of warning though, the portions there are MASSIVE.
                                            People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                                            Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                                              Going to the Pig's Ear on Nassau St. on Friday week. Will do a report afterwards.

                                              Also booked the Greenhouse for the lads x-mas dinner for the tasting menu.
                                              His rival it seems, had broken his dreams,By stealing the girl of his fancy.Her name was Magill, and she called herself Lil,But everyone knew her as Nancy.


                                                Originally posted by elbows View Post
                                                Going to the Pig's Ear on Nassau St. on Friday week. Will do a report afterwards.

                                                Also booked the Greenhouse for the lads x-mas dinner for the tasting menu.
                                                Had a superb lunch in The Greenhouse a couple of months back. Will definitely want to return for dinner.

                                                L'Ecrivain tonight. Travelling tomorrow so probably won't have time for a full review but will let you know if it's much different from the recent reviews.


                                                  So L'Ecrivain was a great meal BUT myself and my wife thought not great value for money and that was with the low-baller groupon deal.

                                                  Total bill was €291 of which we got €130 off (though that €130 we'd already paid €65 for).

                                                  We had the three course dinner, a good bottle of wine, a desert wine each and an espresso each.

                                                  Three of the five main courses on the €65 dinner menu had supplements as did two of the starters.

                                                  We could have eaten the tasting menu with matched wines for the same price.

                                                  The 12.5 percent 'discretionary' gratuity which is already added to your bill is a bit presumptuous. We'd have tipped more than that as the service was good (but again not great - our main course with maybe a dozen elements was not explained).

                                                  All in all we had a good time (and fellow south Derry man Seamus Heaney was there eating his dinner being cool) and would go back if someone else was paying.

                                                  Otherwise would look for a little more value. We could have done it a good bit cheaper i suppose but that wasn't part of the gameplan from the get-go.

                                                  The place was full too. good luck to 'em!

                                                  Tl;dr - dude and his wife have great meal, grumbles about the cost a bit.
                                                  Last edited by BennyHiFi; 26-09-12, 22:38.


                                                    Heard another Dublin restaurant got a star, but the baby screamed at an inopportune moment and I didn't catch the name...anyone else hear it?


                                                      Locks Brasserie


                                                        IPB trip in a few weeks to check it out?


                                                          Originally posted by Denny Crane View Post
                                                          Locks Brasserie
                                                          been there a few times, really like it, but difficult to see it deserving a star.

                                                          Interesting to note that it's the same owner as Pearl, who has always refused to be judged or pander to Michelin.


                                                            Was it Pearl that you weren't a fan of or am I thinking of somewhere else?


                                                              Originally posted by Denny Crane View Post
                                                              Was it Pearl that you weren't a fan of or am I thinking of somewhere else?
                                                              was a fan of Pearl. Only went once though 2/3 years ago and was very impressed. L'ecrivain was the one i wasn't a fan of any more, only because it had gone downhill so much compared to 04/05.


                                                                I was in pearl a few years back, it was grand but nothing worth returning for in a rush. Never been to locks.

                                                                Aniar got a star too, wp


                                                                  Nobu - Michellin Star Japanese food in London



                                                                  click here: ->website


                                                                  I decided to write a review of my recent visit to Nobu as every other restaurant I've visited have had pretty good reviews here already.

                                                                  Anyway, Myself and a friend of mine decided to go for a decent meal instead of heading out for a load of pints after going to see Arsenal v Southampton. Our knowledge of japanese food was limited to what we get around Dublin, so we didn't know exactly what to expect,but boy were we impressed with Nobu - a Michellin star restaurant on Park Lane.

                                                                  On arrival - we were greated by some sort of hollar. I'm not sure what it meant but every time we passed a server/waiter/staff they hollared it. It kinda pissed me off after a while.

                                                                  The place reminded me of an upscale burger king - lots of beech and chrome and very busy. I wasn't sure what I was going to get. We were shown to our seats and greeted by a fairly casual waitess (suitably ethnic I might add).

                                                                  As we were unfamiliar with exactly how we should order - there were no starters/mains etc on the menu - we decided to bite the bullet and tell our server that were were very green in this respect. She was very understanding and helped us in how we should order and what we should expect first/last etc. We even asked for knives and forks and there was no problem.

                                                                  Then we went mad on the menu. We decided to order as much as possible and eat it all and a couple of bottles of Pinot Grigio.
                                                                  Snow crab, razor clam, raw scallops were the highlights of what arrived first. There were loads of other stuff but these stood out.
                                                                  Then there was cooked scallops. lobster tails, tempura dinner.
                                                                  The Miso soup with tofu was not that great.
                                                                  In between we decided to order the first of three sake tasting plates. This consisted of five different sake's and a little booklet telling you about each one. fantastic. Needless to say we ordered the two remaining other tasting plates.
                                                                  Sticky rice and more raw fish arrived but by this stage we were fairly gone, so we could have eaten anything.

                                                                  The bill came to about £460 for two - which was a little pricey. (The wine and sake probably accounted for lots of this) The food though was excellent - but was it Michellin Star? - I don't think so.


                                                                    Originally posted by Keane View Post
                                                                    IPB trip in a few weeks to check it out?
                                                                    Private room for IPB Christmas party imo.


                                                                      Originally posted by Gimmeabreak
                                                                      Tom Doorley gave Locks a bad review a few years ago. When it got the star last week the owner said he changed nothing over the years but was only getting recognition for their consistent efforts. Tom Doorley turned up to review it the day the star was announced and he was refused service for his previously poor review. It doesn't make me want to go there.
                                                                      They had Doorley and the chef on the radio at the w/e.

                                                                      Chef came across as a total twat.
                                                                      "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                        Originally posted by Gimmeabreak
                                                                        Tom Doorley gave Locks a bad review a few years ago. When it got the star last week the owner said he changed nothing over the years but was only getting recognition for their consistent efforts. Tom Doorley turned up to review it the day the star was announced and he was refused service for his previously poor review. It doesn't make me want to go there.
                                                                        Dunno if you're interested/caught it but my gf was telling me that he was on Radio 1 on Saturday morning talking about it and they got Sebastien Masi on the line at the same time.


                                                                          Originally posted by Gimmeabreak
                                                                          Tom Doorley gave Locks a bad review a few years ago. When it got the star last week the owner said he changed nothing over the years but was only getting recognition for their consistent efforts. Tom Doorley turned up to review it the day the star was announced and he was refused service for his previously poor review. It doesn't make me want to go there.
                                                                          the owner (Masi from pearl) only opened it up again 2 years ago??? prior to that it was the guy from le gueleton who i think started it i'd say around 2006 and closed down around 2008 until it was bought by Masi. i could be way off dates wise but still 2 years of "consistency" has never deserved a star. As much as i enjoy that restaurant, i would not consider it worthy of a michelin star (imo of course).


                                                                            Originally posted by Gimmeabreak
                                                                            thanks for that. I agree with a lot of what he says, in the sense i do think it's overpriced and has a ridiculous wine list, but both times i've been, i've had no qualms at all with the quality of the dishes. (i ain't no critic though)


                                                                              Quick footnote: Had a very nice sirloin steak in The Yacht on Clontarf Road tonight that came with mushrooms, onions, sauce, mash and a choice of chips or veg for €14.95. Very good value and really tasty.


                                                                                Anyone been to the Hanged mans in Kildare? Thoughts?


                                                                                  Originally posted by Gimmeabreak
                                                                                  If you can get over the fact that the owner could either be the nicest guy or the biggest prick in the world in any one day.... then this place is a gem. I love it, unfortunately I don't get there as often as I would like. Great value on the menu Monday to Thursday.
                                                                                  Ha I will look out for that. Going wends evening looking forward too it I must say. Have heard good things!


                                                                                    Heard a disappointing story about Shanahans last night, painted them in a fairly bad light - nothing to do with the food, but poor customer service. Haven't eaten there in about two years but this would put me off going back; haven't tried Marco Pierre White's place yet so will opt for there the next time I've a hankering for a decent steak dinner.


                                                                                      Originally posted by ionapaul View Post
                                                                                      Heard a disappointing story about Shanahans last night, painted them in a fairly bad light - nothing to do with the food, but poor customer service. Haven't eaten there in about two years but this would put me off going back; haven't tried Marco Pierre White's place yet so will opt for there the next time I've a hankering for a decent steak dinner.
                                                                                      You tease.
                                                                                      ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                                                        Originally posted by V for Vendetta View Post
                                                                                        You tease.
                                                                                        Keep an eye out for bad reviews over the next few days on MenuPages or TripAdvisor - I'll point out the one I've been told when it appears!

                                                                                        I wonder if there would be much interest in organising an IPB-foodies meal for early December? Somewhere decent but not too expensive, so more could be persuaded to come. Between 8 and 10 would be a good number. Actually, maybe we should just have a meal in Chai Yo (or similar) on whatever night the IPB Christmas drinks are organised, I'd guess that <50% of those attending the meal would come for food so it would be manageable.


                                                                                          Originally posted by gazman59 View Post
                                                                                          Anyone been to the Hanged mans in Kildare? Thoughts?
                                                                                          Originally posted by Gimmeabreak
                                                                                          If you can get over the fact that the owner could either be the nicest guy or the biggest prick in the world in any one day.... then this place is a gem. I love it, unfortunately I don't get there as often as I would like. Great value on the menu Monday to Thursday.
                                                                                          Yea I go there regularly and Pat is definitely someone you could get on the wrong side of by mistaking his manner as being gruff or abrupt but hes actually a very genuine guy.
                                                                                          The food is very consistent I'm not a big meat eater but when I go there I often have the Roquefort Steak and its always great.
                                                                                          Turning millions into thousands


                                                                                            Ate in Bann Thai on the menupages deal the other night.

                                                                                            When I booked initially I was trying to book for 4:30 on the day of the match and after refusing the booking I was making through the Menupages site I got a call from them explaining that they didn't open until 5PM on a saturday. I thought about it and said that 5 would be fine but by the time the day came around i was on the verge of cancelling as the timeframe was going to be a bit rushed for a 6:30 kick off but they rang me at about 1:30 on the day to confirm the booking and to tell me that because there was a match on they would be opening early at 4:30 which was great.

                                                                                            The menu is extensive with at least 20 options for each of duck, seafood, meat and chicken dishes. I'm not overly familiar with the intricacies of Thai food but I will usually seek out thai restaurants when I'm travelling for the relative consistency of the offering. Only once have I been to one that was truly exceptional, the one in the Four Seasons at Giza in Cairo and Bann Thai was at least up to that standard of food. The place looks and feels a bit like a throwback to the earliest oriental restaurants and feels a little bit tired and old but once you look closely all the tables and cutlery are sparkling clean and the place is very well kept.

                                                                                            I had a very standard thai order of spicy beef salad for a starter and it was deliciously tasty ample enough for a main course and spicy enough for the most hardened chilli fan. Where I really noticed the quality of the place was in something like my wife's Chicken Satay starter. It looked for all the world like what you would get in lemon grass or any thai restaurant but the meat was lightly coated and properly and freshly fried to crispy perfection and the Satay sauce was or at least tasted like a homemade sauce that was delicate and perfectly tasty. I had a prawn with ginger and cashew main that was delicious and the only other dish I got a taste of was a green curry that was excellent.

                                                                                            The overall impression I had of all the dishes was of something cliched that you expect to be standard that is executed on a higher level with just slightly better ingredients and slightly better technique.

                                                                                            When it came to the bill there were a few drinks that were not included in the €60 of food from the A la Carte menu for €30 deal and even though there had been 6 of us and I had three vouchers they worked out that by paying another €17 on top of the drinks I could hold on to one of the vouchers. I'm already looking forward to going back when I'm up for the Autumn internationals in a few weeks.
                                                                                            Turning millions into thousands


                                                                                              Originally posted by ionapaul View Post
                                                                                              Keep an eye out for bad reviews over the next few days on MenuPages or TripAdvisor - I'll point out the one I've been told when it appears!

                                                                                              I wonder if there would be much interest in organising an IPB-foodies meal for early December? Somewhere decent but not too expensive, so more could be persuaded to come. Between 8 and 10 would be a good number. Actually, maybe we should just have a meal in Chai Yo (or similar) on whatever night the IPB Christmas drinks are organised, I'd guess that <50% of those attending the meal would come for food so it would be manageable.
                                                                                              My diary is free.
                                                                                              ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                                                                Originally posted by Gimmeabreak
                                                                                                just arranged to have dinner with somebody in Baan Thai tomorrow night. I love the place, used to eat there every fortnight or so when I worked in AIB. I love it.
                                                                                                How many nights a week do you eat at home on average?

                                                                                                I don't know how you manage it, I'd be exhausted if I ate out as much as you seem to....
                                                                                                ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                                                                  GAB is on 20% commission from Baan Thai imo
                                                                                                  "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                    Originally posted by Gimmeabreak
                                                                                                    I'd say I am running at once a fortnight atm. It used to be higher. I have been trying to cut down. Baan Thai is special though. Satay chicken to start. Beef with Chilli for main. Yum yum.
                                                                                                    So let me get this right. Once a fortnight you eat at home? Wow. I'd actually hate that I think.
                                                                                                    ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                                                                      Originally posted by Gimmeabreak
                                                                                                      sorry - once a fortnight I eat out. Maybe 1.5 times.
                                                                                                      Ah thanks for the clarification!

                                                                                                      Edit: Personally I've scaled back with my new diet etc. However, I'd say I eat out at least 30 times a year (incl meals on holidays) and not counting lunches....
                                                                                                      Last edited by V for Vendetta; 08-10-12, 15:01.
                                                                                                      ‘IF YOU had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Genghis Khan


                                                                                                        I'd eat in Baan Thai in leopardstown quite regularly, usually a friday lunch.
                                                                                                        Food is always good, the only complaint I'd have is the apparent stinginess of rice with the meal, if there is a gang ordering, they seem to lump all the rice together to share but it is never enough
                                                                                                        People say I should be more humble I hope they understand, they don't listen when you mumble
                                                                                                        Get a shiny metal Revolut card! And a free tenner!


                                                                                                          Went to book table for 2 for The Greenhouse for Dec. Jesus you have to jump through some hoops just to get a table. Have to ring and book, then send in a reservation form available on their website with cc details (surely this is a bit unsafe). Then in Nov they will contact you and take a €100 deposit (non refundable) to confirm your booking.

                                                                                                          Half tempted now to say fuck it and not bother with it. I know I read about a lot of no shows but surely this is a bit ott?


                                                                                                            Originally posted by careca View Post
                                                                                                            Went to book table for 2 for The Greenhouse for Dec. Jesus you have to jump through some hoops just to get a table. Have to ring and book, then send in a reservation form available on their website with cc details (surely this is a bit unsafe). Then in Nov they will contact you and take a €100 deposit (non refundable) to confirm your booking.

                                                                                                            Half tempted now to say fuck it and not bother with it. I know I read about a lot of no shows but surely this is a bit ott?
                                                                                                            If you mean - I ate there last week, booked Wednesday night and ate there Thursday. Very nice staff.

                                                                                                            Went for the tasting menu which was incredible. Great value for money too. I don't have time to do a proper review but essentially you get to eat stuff that you most likely have never had before (duck hearts, raw scallops etc..) complemented by friendly staff and great service. I would dare to say I enjoyed it more than the the Thornton's tasting menu and it is a decent bit cheaper too. Obviously it hasn't Michelin star status although some think it's likely to get one.


                                                                                                              The Greenhouse won Best Restaurant earlier this week in the Georgina Campbell awards for what that's worth.

                                                                                                              The food is worth a star in my experience (one lengthly, slightly boozy lunch) and while the service was good and perfectly acceptable for lunch one waitress was having a bad day and it showed which, of course, it shouldn't.

                                                                                                              If it sticks around it'll get a star eventually. Probably sooner rather than later.

                                                                                                              Interestingly a friend was telling me about a recent trip to McNean's (Neven Maguire's place) and was told by them that the Michelin people didn't approve of their over friendliness/familiarity and that's primarily why they've never got a star - just too casual with punters.

                                                                                                              Now i was always under the impression that technically service, decor (toilets for example) had nothing to do with a star - it was all about the food. But in recent years had come to feel current inspectors definitely take these things into consideration.

                                                                                                              My friend's story now confirms my theory as, more or less, irrefutable fact.


                                                                                                                Restaurant Name: Alfies

                                                                                                                Location: South William Street (beside Dakota)


                                                                                                                Price Range: €€€


                                                                                                                Alfies was recommended to me as a good option for a group/party so in 10 of us headed for a birthday dinner to check it out.

                                                                                                                Booked a 7-9 slot with the emphasis on 9pm exit both when booking and again as mains were being cleared.

                                                                                                                Models itself on a casual yet chic style (Michael Caine's Alfie film is the reference to the name) it seems to attract the 25-35's party crowd with its large bar/seating area upstairs & long cocktail list.

                                                                                                                Wine list quite limited, so house white & red were ordered for the table along with a few cocktails by the women & I was sharing their special Estrellas beer (750ml bottle for €10.95- so not exactly cheap) but cocktails were deemed a success at either €5/€8 depending. White wine was disappointing apparently.

                                                                                                                Starters priced at €7-€9 were all enjoyed with your fairly standard fare of meatballs/prawns/chicken wings etc.

                                                                                                                Good selection of main courses priced in the €16-€20 bracket, /i went with the 8oz Fillet steak @ €29 which came with the usual choice of sauces & a large portion of fries. Perfectly well cooked to how I like it & enjoyable.

                                                                                                                Desserts were skipped due to a lack of enthusiasm & time, but a large table was reserved for us opposite the bar so we could move to finish our drinks after the bill was settled. This was quite well received as we moved from the table through about 50 people at the bar waiting to fill their 9pm slots we were able to unwind with a drink in comfort.

                                                                                                                €480 inc 10% service charge was good value I thought (especially the rate the Estrellas were going down )

                                                                                                                Seems to be a pretty hopping spot and would recommend for a trip.

                                                                                                                Also have a couples deal for 3 courses & carafe of wine @ €59.95.



                                                                                                                  Originally posted by Dice75 View Post
                                                                                                                  Booked a 7-9 slot with the emphasis on 9pm exit both when booking and again as mains were being cleared.

                                                                                                                  that's appalling

                                                                                                                  I'd be pretty vocal in my displeasure if that was tried on me (especially with a party of ten). Gimmeabreak would probably spontaneously combust.
                                                                                                                  "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                                    Only on page 2 having looked for ages for this thread but only found it now. Looking forward to adding a few of my own shortly.


                                                                                                                      Originally posted by ionapaul
                                                                                                                      So, I was out in The Bridge Bar & Restuarant last night and thought I'd post up a short review. It's located in the Malting Tower on Grand Canal Quay, and is very hidden away, with most of the seated area located within the arch of a DART bridge, pretty cool. Although I've eaten here a few times, it always slips my mind when thinking about places close to me or the Grand Canal Theatre, and I realise now I should've recommended this place to Strewelpeter when he was looking for suitable dining options before going to see a show recently, it is by far the best option in the locality.

                                                                                                                      Four of us went out for a meal last night, starting at about 8pm. The place was fairly empty (I was surprised as this, thought there would be a Christmas party or two in attendance) but despite that, service wasn't the fastest or most attentive unfortunately, though there weren't too many staff on duty. I didn't feel like a starter, so skipped this course while the other three all went for the crab cakes with a delicious compote, which I've had before (and grabbed a bite of last night when offered ) - really lovely! We also had plenty of very tasty wholegrain & tomato bread. For my main course, I went for Halibut, with Asparagus, a large Lobster Ravioli and herbs & ginger comsommé. There wasn't a huge amount there (compared to everyone else's dishes) but what was on the place was very nice, I love Halibut and it was done to perfection IMHO. The other main courses ordered were; Pan Roasted Duck, Aged Rib Eye of Beef and Turkey & Ham - all looked good, in particular the Duck, which was presented really well, I'd almost not eat it to avoid messing with the good work I sampled some of the Duck and the Rib Eye and both were really nice. The other three all were well pleased with their choices.

                                                                                                                      The meal was accompanied by the sole Pinot Grigio on the wine list, it was standard enough, fruitier than the majority of Pinot Grigios I have to say, but nice with the fish. For desserts, I shared a Bitter Chocolate & Raspberry Tart with the girlfriend, while my brother and his girlfriend shared a Lemon Tart with Blackberry Sorbet (as tarts go, both the taste and form of these two were as far apart from one another as possible! The Lemon Tart was almost a bit like a creme brulee) - they had the nicer dessert, the chocolate was just too bitter for me and the tart very heavy.

                                                                                                                      I ordered a glass of Dessert Wine but it was never brought to the table (or added to the bill, thankfully!) - I didn't really mind and by the time we had finished our desserts I was ready to leave. The bill came to €180 including tip, which is neither particularly expensive or especially cheap - it was fair for the meal we enjoyed I think. It is a really nice restaurant, particularly in terms of location and ambience, so I'd happily recommend it to others - hopefully they improve the service though, needs to be faster and more attentive!

                                                                                                                      Going to Alfies tonight, not quite as nice but hopefully will have some good things to say about it tomorrow - haven't eaten there in a while.

                                                                                                                      Edit: Just remembered, I went out for a meal in Mulligans of Stoneybatter last week for the first time, had heard much about it and thought it was very decent, both as a restaurant and a pub, good atmosphere. I don't know that side of town at all (some friends live there though so probably will visit again) but would definitely recommend.
                                                                                                                      I don't have much to add to ionapaul's review above, although as it wasn't posted in here previously it's worth quoting

                                                                                                                      I was here last week on a menupages voucher (€50 for starter, main and dessert for two people). With 2 (large) glasses of wine, a pre-dinner-drink, tip and coffees, I paid €90 total. This represents value as the food was well above my expectation levels. Crab starter was exquisite, steaks were excellent.

                                                                                                                      I was early and had a chat with the proprietress (see below ) at the bar, she seemed a bit despondent about numbers and said she would definitely be looking to do another offer. Worth keeping an eye out for.

                                                                                                                      "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                                        La Brasserie (at Bon Appetit)

                                                                                                                        Restaurant Name: La Brasserie (at Bon Appetit)

                                                                                                                        Location: Malahide

                                                                                                                        Website: here

                                                                                                                        Price Range: €€\€€€

                                                                                                                        Zuutroy previously reviewed the fine dining end of this operation in Malahide. They do also have a Brasserie on the premises and we went there for a family lunch on Sunday with a party of three adults and three small children.
                                                                                                                        The Sunday lunch deal is €23.95 for three courses and, here's the kicker for those of you with kids, children under 12 eat for free. This is a great deal for families in my opinion and deserves support. Too many places charge a tenner for prepacked nuggets, chips and a scoop of ice cream.

                                                                                                                        The downstairs room is pleasant enough although lacking somewhat in natural light, it was also rather warm as the kitchen is downstairs. Starters ordered were Caramelised Shallot & Goats Cheese Tart with Rocket, Duck & Foie Gras Parfait, Pear Chutney and Brioche and a Caesar Salad. All were more than acceptable, my foie gras was appropriately buttery in texture and accompanied by a rather funky pineapple chutney. Unusual but it definitely worked. You would know immediately that you were in the hands of a fine dining chef as little touches like this lit up the meal constantly.

                                                                                                                        Mains were baked cod which was rated as excellent, pork belly for me and the 'Curried Haddock Risotto Cake, Poached Egg & Spinach'. I don't know why I ordered the pork belly as it's very 2007 at this stage but it was certainly cooked perfectly with great fondant potato on the side. The real standout was the curried haddock risotto cake with a poached egg perched on top, I grabbed a forkful and it was excellent. Again, an unusual twist to a class dish (basically turning a risotto into a fish cake and adding curry, wierd but it works) that illustrates the skill in the kitchen.

                                                                                                                        Desserts were not as outstanding and, for some bizarre reason, were served in jam jars (). I had a chocolate mousse that was overly sweet. The kids had freshly-made nuggets with good quality chicken and good chips for one, decent pasta with a nice sauce for the other two. They also snagged brownies and ice cream which were all certainly assembled on the premises.

                                                                                                                        The wine list was almost certainly geared to the Michelin-star operation upstairs as there were very few moderately-priced options. They could definitely recalibrate this to the pricing structure downstairs. We had a Verdejo for €30 which was one of the cheapest bottles available. The waiter's English was not great but he was genial enough and coped well with the kids. When they spotted a nude painting on the wall and started shouting 'euuuuw, bum!' and 'uhhhh, willy!', it was time to leave. The waiter dropped the hatchet at a very reasonable €111 for the quality of food. An excellent option for a family lunch.

                                                                                                                        "We are not Europeans. Those people on the continent are freaks."


                                                                                                                          Used my '€60 worth of food for €30' at Baan Thai in Ballsbridge last night. Meal was nice enough but I think my expectations were too high after hearing so much praise for the place; I guess I was expecting something amazing! The place was absolutely jammed (and it isn't particularly big either) so it was a bit of a wait to be seated despite our reservations. The wait staff were a bit run off their feet, so service wasn't as prompt as you'd like, though they were always nice and friendly when they attended the table.

                                                                                                                          For starters, the GF and I had wrapped prawns and wanton bags respectively. Both were nice, my wanton bags were too hot to eat initially, but were very tasty when dunked into the plum sauce! For mains, the other half had roast duck with cashew nuts, while I had giant prawns in oyster sauce, both accompanied by fried rice. Probably shouldn've plumped for something a little more unusual / authentic but was more after 'comfort' food last night for some reason. Both were tasty, loads of food, though the quality of the duck wasn't the highest maybe. My prawns seemed top notch but the fact that they were thickly battered meant this was hard to judge.

                                                                                                                          Even after two starters and two mains, we had about a tenner left to spend so despite being stuffed, we decided to order some dessert - our choices were limited to the usual bulk fare you see in loads of Asian restaurants in Dublin, Tarta Fantastica (a mini knock-off Romantica!), Coconut Icecream, etc... Still pretty nice, I should add! We also ordered a bottle of Spanish white wine, some Sauvignon Blanc blend, it was surprisingly nice and very keenly priced. I think we were only asked for an extra €23 on top of the voucher, absolute bargain! Their prices without the voucher are good, so will be back at some stage for a less monstrous meal.


                                                                                                                          Going to Lemongrass in Citywest on Saturday night (out there for a wedding reception later that evening), the last time I ate there was years ago while with PPP, I believe GAB was in attendance and the great Liam Flood foot the bill. Hopefully will be just as nice this time around, though alcohol won't be flowing quite as freely.

